Lady Luck: A Roll to Dodge Adventure (IC)

While it's not quite what you wanted, the pain recedes from "please kill me now" to "Oh bother, I bumped my head" levels.

After a while, the pain goes away entirely.

Hmm? You smell humans. And metal.
The bear laid on its back, strength gone from wrestling against the once crippling pain, now fading. It raised its paw and again admired its invisibility against the sandwich raining sky.

The bear could have lain like that for twenty winters, doing nothing except what bears do best and hibernate, and the large metal blocks appearing in the sky did little to dissuade it from its choice. Then the blocks descended and from their bellies spewed humans, threatening in their movements, but even then the bear did not stir.

Let others deal with this. The company would be nice too.
Zeitgeist Blue threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Lots and lots of bears Total: 4
4 4
PHASE 11: Troubleshooting Reality

The pain, it finally stopped...

Then I happened to glance upon my reflection in the window.

Why do I look like Clark Kent?

The pain, it came back!

Yet it somehow went away afterwards...

Wait, is that a fleet of spaceships?

"Executor, a fleet of hostiles has appeared! They are moving into attack positions! What shall we do?"

After taking some time to recover, I gave my orders.

"We strike as one and destroy them."

Unlike last time you tried this, your fleet is ready, willing, and able. You fire in unison, destroying ships that... don't appear to be fighting back. No, wait, they are fighting back... just against themselves.

This will be a lot easier than you thought.

Within an embarrassingly-short period, all the spaceships across the entire planet are destroyed. Victory has come, and none of your ships have so much as sustained a scratch.

You see many strange things during your tour of the planet: a man growing tall enough to possibly grab your fleet, a golden helicarrier, a purple walker machine nearby some sort of mechanized base, a completely different fleet of spaceships (minding their own business, so you don't bother them), a stone village with glowing birds, and a cat jumping off of one of the spaceships just before you blew it up and landing safely.

You notice that the sandwiches falling from the sky are growing larger at a rapid rate. With a thought, you send forcefields flying upward to impact against every sandwich you can see, staving off the assault for a time. It wouldn't hurt you, but if the sandwiches got big enough, they might start damaging your fleet.

Sighing in relief, you turn around and wait why are there more spaceships? And why is the ground swallowing them?

If some other overlord was watching me, he'd be laughing mad. This was embarrassing. Turned into a cat. Turned into a burnt cat. Turned into a burnt technically-still-a-cat-but stretching definition of cat. Also, owowow. An up from OWOWOW, but still.

Appearance: Ruined.
Composure: Ruined.
Awesomeness: Ruined.

Still, it was salvageable. Just shapechange into a human form, minus all the injuries and not-quite disintegration. A form that evoked godliness, maybe.. Actually, that sounded quite nice. Which god, though... hmm. Why go with classical divinities, anyway? He could make his own.

The spaceships could wait. For a while. The impudent guy who turned me into cat, too. And whomever did the pain thing...

I had priorities, after all.

You begin to grow, turning more and more humanoid as you grow taller and taller. Soon, you are nearly eye level with the lowest of the spaceships. Your armor has grown with you; truly, you are the very image of a dark god ready to smite anyone in his way.

You do seem to have retained some traits from your time as an animal: the grace and economy of motion of the cat, and the speed of the rabbit.

+1 to your next roll involving speed or agility. You are no longer Wounded.

A fleet of spaceships passes through as you are growing, destroying all the other spaceships. However, more of them begin to show up afterwards, interspersed with increasingly-large sandwiches pelting you from above. They aren't hurting you, but they are annoying...

And then a blur, and the sandwiches are gone. And then the earth swallows the remaining ships.


Shivering, Kintsugi tucked her face into her golden hands and wept.

She didn't like this feeling either. It left her sore and shaky and low, not in a way like after a good fight. But it was still better than the pain from before. And now she had a lake to wash herself in.

Slithering forward, she dipped her hands into the water, turning it to a cloudy black. After her hands were cleaned of tears, she dipped her face in and closed her eyes, sliding into the water.

It wasn't as clean as she would've liked it to be, with all the sandwiches. It still felt nice.

Refreshed, Kintsugi left the water and began to make her way back to her helicarrier when she happened to look up. And noticed all the spaceships.

Her shoulder slumped and her wings clanged. "I don't want to deal with you." She whispered, voice still hoarse. "So go away, and don't come back."

Unfortunately, they don't just vanish. However, after a moment, more spaceships show up and blow them up for you.

Unfortunately, they did nothing about the sandwiches, which are getting bigger by the second. You've avoided being hit so far, but who knows how long you can keep that up...?

And then a blur and a rush of wind, and every single sandwich is just... gone. Unfortunately, more spaceships have also appeared... which are then swallowed up by the earth.

Well, you managed to survive launching yourself to the sun.
That was apparently a thing.
Well, It's a bit too toasty up here, and all the action is happening down there, so Let's just fly on back down to earth.
Fuck it, lets do the superman pose as well.

Suddenly, something changes. Instead of pain, you feel... powerful. As if the sunlight is fueling you and giving you power.

One moment, you're on the Sun. With but a thought, the next moment you're not, flying back to the planet under your own power at tremendous speeds. Flames form around you as you enter the atmosphere. It tickles.

+1 to all rolls to dodge.

Soon, you're back on the planet, and you feel invincible. So much so that when the first sandwich hits you, you destroy every single sandwich on the planet in a matter of seconds, just because you can. You don't deign to notice the spaceships: what could they possibly do to hurt you?

. . .

I don't get it.

I just... I don't understand.

I'm feeling a lot more... subdued, now. I guess death does that.

Death. That's an odd thought. I actually died.

. . .

If this is the afterlife, it isn't all that great.

Maybe this is... different, somehow? Maybe whats-her-face's wishing rules still apply...?

. . .

No reason not to try it, I guess.

"I wish... I wish to be put back. To come back to life. I want to go back."

Your first sensation is light. You see it, you feel it, and somehow you even hear, smell, and taste light. But before you can really process the sensations, you're back to life and the light is gone.

Not much seems to have changed, aside from the distinct lack of sandwiches and the large space battle going on above your head, which then ends with the remaining ships being swallowed up by the earth.

Staggering up on my feet, I glanced up and saw hundreds of new ships suddenly appear out of thin air. I didn't like them. I don't really know why, but I just have a really bad feeling about those ships. I didn't want to attack them unless they Attack me.

"Is everyone alright?" I ask the crew, who had begun to stand up.

"No major damage! We're still good to go."

Right... okay, so let's gead to my new Flagship shall we...

"Take the Frigate and Dock it to the Super Carrier, the Middle one. Also, have the fleet be on high alert. I don't like the look of those ships."

The docking goes off without a hitch, although doing so does mean you miss all the action when a different fleet annihilates the ships you were so worried about. Not that that stops more of them from coming back... only to get eaten by the planet, though, so that works out.

Also. where did the sandwiches go???


If these ships were from a particular series, she'd never heard of it. Better to stay safe for now, maybe establish communications later.

The girl turned her attention to the rest of the village. She wanted to hide it. And this planet had an afterlife.

Why not overlap and merge the village with its equivalent location there? Maybe one of the bullshit effects of that would be indetectability to regular vision. Plus, people who'd died could pass through here and come back.

She moved her hand in a circle, imagining it encompassing the entire village, and snapped her fingers.

You can feel the universe attempting to form the link, but they don't seem to be lining up quite right, and it keeps slipping out of your metaphysical grasp. So absorbed are you in trying to do so that you barely notice when the sandwiches vanish, and you only notice the antics of the spaceships above you the earth around you starts swallowing them up.

Looking around a few words leave my lips "Nope, not dealing with this"

With my choice made I decided to dodge my responsibilities and started the travel towards Equestria.

With just a hop, skip, and a hyperspace jump, you find yourself hovering in the atmosphere over Equestria!

As I looked to the incoming ships, I groaned. Yet another potential crisis that needed solving, and I still hadn't even managed to deal with the sandwich rain! I told Anne "I'm going to be designing something, OK? If any of those ships look like they're going to land here, can you please shoot them down and terminate any survivors?"

Anne's avatar grinned, nodded, and said "Sure thing mom!"

I replied "Thank you. Anyway, I'll be using fabricator #3 for a bit."

I soon reached one of my, no, our home's computer terminals, opened a CAD program, and got to work. My priorities were to deal with the anomalous weather events that repeatedly threatened everyone on the planet, and having a single point of failure for something so important was simply unacceptable.

Making use of some of what I learned when I was upgrading the Reality Stabilizer, the design for what I would term the Weather Control Drone began taking shape in front of me. Powered by a mass-energy reactor, these autonomous machines could stay aloft for centuries. They would be quiet, effective, redundant so that the system as a whole could keep functioning even in the event of massive losses, and the very best part? They would be mass-produced.

My project completed, I wandered over to the fabricator just in time to see it put the finishing touches on the first drone. The machine took to the air and...

In a truly cruel irony, both the sandwiches and the spaceships are gone by the time you finish with the drones. Still, better to have them ready for the next time (because let's face it, there will probably be a next time).

Your drones fly off, also mapping out the landscape for you as they go in search of aberrant weather.

+1 to next mapping roll.



With a "pop", a single Scyther appears by your side.'s a start, at least?

You may name your Scyther and assign its gender as free actions.

Dinac, realizing how lucky he is to get to the temple, then realizes he is still being chased. So, he decides to bring in a dragon to kill the demons.

You turn around and confidently face your pursuers. "You'll regret coming after me. I'll take you doww- DRACONIC STYLE!"

...unfortunately, nothing happens, and you swear that the demons chuckle before pouncing on you. You manage to get away with only a few injuries... wait. How are you even bleeding? You're dead!

-1 to next roll.

Bitzer was livid. Well, screw you too, nature! He'd have to go a little hungry for longer.

He looked straight up and saw the ships. He thought for a moment. That lady said anything he did had an equal chance of success or failure, right?

Well, that meant, he thought, he could jump right up to one of those ships himself.

So, he wound up, squatted down, and leapt skywards, aiming for what he figured was the center of the ship formation.

You pounce, and you jump, landing right on one of the ships!

+1 to next jump roll.

Unfortunately, more spaceships appear and shoot the ship you're on! You manage to jump off and land safely... somehow. But you do feel kind of miffed that you did such a cool thing only to have it canceled out moments later.

Also, why is the ground eating what's left of the spaceships?

"What, what is this? Where am I?" The planet's first thoughts were muddled and confused due to its current predicament, "What am I? What are these little things buzzing around me, they itch terribly."

Already confused and worried about how it had suddenly become sapient the Planet's irritation was now being inflated by a number of beings landing on it and letting out even smaller beings that were now running around with laser guns. The fact they were damaging the planet and attacking the creatures that had existed prior to the Planet's awakening angered the celestial body.

Focusing on the earth beneath their feet, the Planet attempted to swallow the pests whole, pulling them into the earth where they would lie forever.

For a moment, you think you might not have to, as more ships destroy them. But then another fleet appears. These you swallow up and absorb.

+1 to all rolls for burying something.

With my noble mission to get off that planet done, I decided that I'd need somewhere to park my ship. And the best place for that would be a planet.

So I decided to make my own, by thinking about it!

If nothing else, It wouldn't be a single-biome world. I'd destroy it myself before I allowed that to come to pass.

You successfully make a planet!

Unfortunately, it appears to be single-biome. Well, if you count "barren, lifeless rock" as a biome.

Also, did I mention that it's alive and spitting asteroids at you?

Thankfully, Adam is more than up to the task of keeping you out of harm's way. +1 to next roll to dodge the living planet.

Meanwhile, in the middle of nowehere...

This, the young man thought sadly. Is the worst 20th birthday ever.

He looked around, noting the thick forest spread out before him and the large lake behind him. To his sides were long stretches of rocky beach. Beyond the lake itself, was something faint. It could have been a rock or a boat or some distance settlement or a monster. Personally, he just hoped it was cake. He liked cake. But he liked hugs more.

Sighing, he pushed his hands into the pockets of his worn jeans and strolled leisurely into the forest. It's not something bad would happen to him, right?

Before you can get to the forest, a shadow falls over your head.

You look up, and see a massive landmass about to fall on you!

You run, adrenaline giving you haste, and only just manage to get to the forest and out from under the landmass before it squishes you!

I glared at the descending ships. First the pain, and now this?! Right when my crew was at its weakest?!

There was no justice in this world.

Well. Time to fix that.

I turned my new-found power towards making a single overwhelming display of might: a gigantic set of kanji for the word "Justice."

Big enough to be seen no matter where you are on this wretched planet. Made of fires as hot as the sun, and as red as the blood of evildoers. Bringing hope and protection to the innocent and righteous, and fear and destruction to the wicked and villainous.

And right in the middle of that fleet.

Yes, that should do it.

Basically, nothing goes as planned. First, the kanji you summon is of injustice. Secondly, it's made of light blue ice.

And finally, it's about to fall on your head.

Thankfully, you manage to steer out of its way... mostly. When it hits the ground and shatters, some shards of ice cut your skin. Nothing major, though.

-1 to next roll.

"Are you sure your alright?" I ask worriedly. While I somehow gained the ability to scream my pain away, Yuki couldn't do that. Watching a loved one in pain for no reason then someone else probably screwing something up was rather hard.

Yuki just sighs contently in my arms. "Yeah, I'll be fine. Pain's gone."

I'm still holding my wife as I look at the continual amount of spaceships and sandwiches filling up the sky. I don't know how many people are using their reality warping, but it's doing things I'd thought were not possible until now.

"We should probably do something about all of this." I say, waving at the chaos in the sky. "Everyone is becoming rather... grand in what they want." I watch an egg sandwich go plop nearby. "Should we go somewhere else?"

Yuki thought about it for a moment. "Maybe later. If it gets too bad. Want me to just create a bone shield?"

My eyebrows raise a bit. "A bone shield?"

"Bones seem to be my theme. Maybe yours as well." Yuki said. "Or something like that. Anyways, yeah, let's go with a protective bone shield to keep us safe..." Yuki says as she waves her hand. "Ribcage Shield!"

Yuki waves her hand and... the magical artifact she's been using beeps. "Out of power. Please charge at your earliest convenience. Have a nice day!"

Thankfully, the situation with the sandwiches resolves itself in a whoosh of air, and the spaceships are first destroyed by other spaceships, and then the reinforcements are swallowed up by the earth. So you're probably safe... for now.

That was... anticlimatic.

Landing back on the chunk of land that was floating off the ground, the cathedral watched their children slowly regain their bearings.

They seriously doubted that the ships would pose an immediate threat, so it was safe for them to focus their attention on their children. They wanted them to be able to take care of themselves in case they wound up in danger.

How much did they know? What did they know?

Teaching them would be best way to make sure that they were intelligent enough to act of their own accord without bringing about their own self-destruction. But what to try to teach them first...

After a moment, the answer hit the Cathedral: magic.

White Magic from the Final Fantasy series, to be precise. With such magic, they could heal wounds, revive the (willing) dead, resist attacks, shatter other magics, and, as a last resort, inflict harm with a blast of holy power. Just make it so that robots, computers, and machines don't work well when magic is cast near them, causing breakage or even self-destruction of the devices.

Make sure that no machine can hold a candle to magic. Some things were better left unexplained, after all.

Though... considering past events... a slight change to one of the spells.

Dispel. Originally simply dispelling an attack, the cathedral (now that they thought about it, they needed a name...) remembered the breadstick that had pierced its protections when it was simply an angel. Now, with its will, the spell would conjure a single breadstick, hurl it at the target, and dispel anything that it hit, before disappearing itself. 'Dispelling Breadstick', or 'Breadstick Rain' if converted to a wide area.

"My children," the cathedral stated in its halls, "I have lots to teach you. There are going to be threats out there, and I will be unable to always protect you. I give to you now, the knowledge of White Magic. Use it as a tool to make sure the danger out there is something you can handle."

With that, the cathedral started lessons on magic.

Absently, you notice a human scurrying through your forest. Hmm. Perhaps you frightened him with your descent?

Still, the lessons go well. The sandwiches, the spaceships, even the earth itself rising against the ships... all of it is irrelevant to your children. They are safe, inside your cathedral, and you will make sure they stay that way.

In the end, none of them seem to be able to get the hang of using white magic for any offensive purposes, for destroying machines, or for dispelling. However, they all have at least decent skill in healing and protection magic.

I wake up, clad in a WW2 era admiral outfit.

So, anything I want..

I smile grew on my face, and WW2 ships dropped onto the ground, some hovering.

You look up and see dozens of World War II ships about to fall on top of you!

You desperately throw yourself out of the way. Thankfully, the ships miss, but the impact sends you flying several feet. -1 to next roll.


That was literally all I could say as I looked at the chaos. Sandwiches were raining down from the sky, somehow not coming apart and splattering on the ground despite inertia. Strange black spaceships flew around doing... whatever it is that spaceships did. Man, this place is really fucked up. What the hell was everyone doing? Absent-mindedly I catch a falling sandwich and put it in my mouth. Mmm, tuna sandwich.

What to ask for first?

Well, all of these sandwiches falling and littering the ground can't possibly be sanitary. My point is proven as one of them fall on my head and splatter my head with jam. I just washed my hair this morning, dammit! I'd wish for a bathroom or something, but first, I'd have to do something about all these sandwiches making a mess.

"I wish... hmm, I wish for giant, flying space hamsters to appear and eat all the sandwiches as they appear." That should stop the sandwich rain, right? Well, it'd also make flying space hamsters appear, but the Luck Lady did ask to make things interesting...

You summon flying space hamsters! Unfortunately, they're not really giant... and the sandwiches all vanish before they can eat any... but hey, at least they're cute?

With all the spaceships being swallowed into the earth, though, you can be forgiven for being just a teensy bit distracted from your new pets.

The bear laid on its back, strength gone from wrestling against the once crippling pain, now fading. It raised its paw and again admired its invisibility against the sandwich raining sky.

The bear could have lain like that for twenty winters, doing nothing except what bears do best and hibernate, and the large metal blocks appearing in the sky did little to dissuade it from its choice. Then the blocks descended and from their bellies spewed humans, threatening in their movements, but even then the bear did not stir.

Let others deal with this. The company would be nice too.

And then, there were bears! They can't see or smell you, apparently, but they must have done something, because before long, the metal blocks and the sandwiches are gone.


You've seen enough movies to know that the spaceships landing all over the place, letting out lots of people with laser guns, is not a good thing. At the end of each phase starting with Phase 13, the GM rolls 1d4. That many randomly-selected players who posted during that phase are attacked by the Troubleshooters, although they get an automatic +1 to the rolls since the Troubleshooters don't work together well and are rather likely to start shooting each other. However, it will take a lot to put these guys down for good; the clones just keep coming!
Bitzer was getting a bit annoyed. Hey, nothing just blasts him outta the sky without telling him how!

In fact, this is the very first time anybody blasted him out of the sky. This was a day full of firsts for him.

Well, he saw some of the ships that were firing at him, and he pounced on the next one.

"Hey, cut that out!" he shouted. "Not even the ground wants you around right now!"
Hoshino Yumemi threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Jump attacking another ship Total: 3
3 3
The airlocks hissed as it released the pressurized decontamination gas in the frigate and our bay doors opened to receal the cavernous hanger within the SuperCarrier. Soooo cool!

Barely a minute pass by and another golem appeared at my side,

"Sir, the unknown human vessels have been destroyed. Reports show that they appear to have been shot down by high powered lasers or something of the sort."

Well shit... that was interesting. If there was another fleet with that kind of power, and it could wipe out those ships... Damn... this could be bad... I'd love to initiate contact with those ships just to be safe, but all I wanted was sleep... and sandwiches... actually... a loooootttt of milk.
pharaoh122 threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: The Great Milk Flood Total: 3
3 3
Unlike last time you tried this, your fleet is ready, willing, and able. You fire in unison, destroying ships that... don't appear to be fighting back. No, wait, they are fighting back... just against themselves.

This will be a lot easier than you thought.

Within an embarrassingly-short period, all the spaceships across the entire planet are destroyed. Victory has come, and none of your ships have so much as sustained a scratch.

You see many strange things during your tour of the planet: a man growing tall enough to possibly grab your fleet, a golden helicarrier, a purple walker machine nearby some sort of mechanized base, a completely different fleet of spaceships (minding their own business, so you don't bother them), a stone village with glowing birds, and a cat jumping off of one of the spaceships just before you blew it up and landing safely.

You notice that the sandwiches falling from the sky are growing larger at a rapid rate. With a thought, you send forcefields flying upward to impact against every sandwich you can see, staving off the assault for a time. It wouldn't hurt you, but if the sandwiches got big enough, they might start damaging your fleet.

Sighing in relief, you turn around and wait why are there more spaceships? And why is the ground swallowing them?
As we went about sweeping the planet clean of enemy ships, I saw many unusual and interesting sights, which were most likely the result of other reality warpers.

Wait, more enemies? And they're being swallowed by the earth? Okay...

In the meantime, my powers acted on something that I idly thought of aloud.

"What if bunnycats existed on the planet?"

Imagination is a powerful thing...
UbeOne threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Incoming Incubators Total: 4
4 4
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Well, that went better than expected. I mean, the hamsters aren't giant like I hoped for, nor did they eat all the sandwiches but really, there could have been way worse outcomes. At least the hamsters aren't fond of human flesh. I eye the little buggers warily. Well, at least I hope they don't. I turn my eyes towards the spaceships firing lasers everywhere. Oh. That doesn't look good...

I stroke my chin in thought. I've managed to summon flying space hamsters. They haven't done what they're supposed to but... now that they're here, can't I just make them bigger and repurpose them to eat the spaceships instead? Well, only one way to find out.

Edit: the roll's for giant spaceship-eating hamsters but I ran out of characters...
TenMoreMiles threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: giant spaceship-eating hamster Total: 4
4 4
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Before you can get to the forest, a shadow falls over your head.

You look up, and see a massive landmass about to fall on you!

You run, adrenaline giving you haste, and only just manage to get to the forest and out from under the landmass before it squishes you!
The young man, scared beyond all belief, pops his head out from behind a tree and looks at the mass of land.

"...Of all the things that had to happen, why did it have to be a falling island?" he said to himself.

"Hello?!" he called out. "Anybody there who'll need help?!"
SlugSLinger threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Shoobedobap Total: 4
4 4
The girl frowned, annoyed. She'd heard things about probability being the fifth dimension, and had been hoping to test that after connecting her village to the afterlife. Mostly by trying to move herself through it.

Now that the connection seemed to have failed though, she didn't see why she shouldn't try to bring the village and everything in it with her as well.
Whisper1 threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Schrodinger's Hamlet? Total: 2
2 2
EternalLurker threw 1 6-faced dice. Total: 6
6 6
Unfortunately, they don't just vanish. However, after a moment, more spaceships show up and blow them up for you.

Unfortunately, they did nothing about the sandwiches, which are getting bigger by the second. You've avoided being hit so far, but who knows how long you can keep that up...?

And then a blur and a rush of wind, and every single sandwich is just... gone. Unfortunately, more spaceships have also appeared... which are then swallowed up by the earth.
Kintsugi stared blankly at the sky. A lot of the ships had left, but now there were more. And they just kept coming.

She nervously eyed the sandwiches. Why...were they getting bigger? Were they going to eventually out crowd her? Would they grow so big to turn her lake into a big pile of soggy sandwiches? She didn't want that.

Then they all disappeared. Kintsugi blinked owlishly at the suddenly sandwich free landscape. "Thank you." She mumbled, and turned to look at her lake. Yeah. Not a single crumb was left. The corners of Kintsugi's mouth turned up in a tiny smile.

She pressed a hand against the surface of the water, rippling and distorting the surface. She could see the ships in the sky in the water's reflection. And they hadn't left when she asked. Kintsugi moved her hand, erasing the reflection. And she got an idea. This...really wasn't in her power set. But, that lady had said that anything she did had a chance of happening, right?

Kintsugi slithered away from the water and back into her carrier. Drawing herself once again, she pierced the golden floor and commanded the carrier to move into the lake.

"I-I want it so that inside the lake, there's a reflection, a world." She called out. "That's a lot like this place, but there's no one there. There's no ships, let this lake no longer reflect those. Food never ever," She stressed, "falls from the sky. Not Ever."

Kintsugi took a deep breath. "A-and I want it so that I can go through it, with whatever I want, in between worlds, whenever I want. And if anyone wants to come inside, w-well, they have to ask me first."

That done, Kintsugi curled around herself, deeply embedded in the carrier floor, keeping a hand on her hilt. She hoped this worked.
Camellia threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Pretty Please? Total: 2
2 2
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Yuki waves her hand and... the magical artifact she's been using beeps. "Out of power. Please charge at your earliest convenience. Have a nice day!"

Thankfully, the situation with the sandwiches resolves itself in a whoosh of air, and the spaceships are first destroyed by other spaceships, and then the reinforcements are swallowed up by the earth. So you're probably safe... for now.

"This thing requires power?" Yuki says, shaking the artifact up and down in a futile attempt to get it going again. "How am I suppose to charge it?"

"I think you need to replace the batteries." I say, although I'm just guessing."

Yuki looks again at the device: A bone wand with wings. "Don't see any place to open it. Maybe it requires something else... "Wait! I can just wish it to be recharged! That way my device won't be bone-dry."

Oh great, she's starting on the puns. Way too much Undertale.

Yuki focuses on magically recharging the device...
Novus Ordo Mundi threw 1 6-faced dice. Total: 6
6 6

Before you can get to the forest, a shadow falls over your head.

You look up, and see a massive landmass about to fall on you!

You run, adrenaline giving you haste, and only just manage to get to the forest and out from under the landmass before it squishes you!

Absently, you notice a human scurrying through your forest. Hmm. Perhaps you frightened him with your descent?

Still, the lessons go well. The sandwiches, the spaceships, even the earth itself rising against the ships... all of it is irrelevant to your children. They are safe, inside your cathedral, and you will make sure they stay that way.

In the end, none of them seem to be able to get the hang of using white magic for any offensive purposes, for destroying machines, or for dispelling. However, they all have at least decent skill in healing and protection magic.

Good... good... while the angels were unable to use the offensive properties of White Magic, and the side effect of it was not present, the being believed that they were capable enough to take care of themselves long enough for someone to sort out the problem they were having.

...The being needed a name. It could not go around with being called 'the being' or 'the cathedral'. It needed a name, worthy of its status as one of the powers of this world.

'Genten'. Genten shall be the name that he shall answer to now.


Oh, a human?

"Child in the forest," Genten called out, the voice of the cathedral reaching towards the man.

The young man, scared beyond all belief, pops his head out from behind a tree and looks at the mass of land.

"...Of all the things that had to happen, why did it have to be a falling island?" he said to himself.

"Hello?!" he called out. "Anybody there who'll need help?!"

"Welcome, child, to... the Genten Cathedral," states the voice. "We are to be known as 'Genten'. We do not believe we need help. Still, please, come into my halls. I am going to attempt to bring about a great change to the world, and I am willing to take care of you with my other children until you can make your own way."

Once the person decided to follow the request or stay out, the voice stated.

"Very well," the voice stated. "Let the world rise."

Magic power was poured into the earth beneath Genten, seeking to shatter shards of it off, sending the many shards skyward.

Flying islands in the sky. That was key to Genten's final goals for this world. Many flying islands in the sky, capable of supporting animal and plant life, able to have buildings constructed on them by the inhabitants.

They'd be able to alter them to the specific needs of the inhabitants, as well as Genten's own whim, later. For now, the land just had to get into the sky and stay there.
Random Tale threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Flying Islands Total: 5
5 5
You successfully make a planet!

Unfortunately, it appears to be single-biome. Well, if you count "barren, lifeless rock" as a biome.

Also, did I mention that it's alive and spitting asteroids at you?

Thankfully, Adam is more than up to the task of keeping you out of harm's way. +1 to next roll to dodge the living planet.
Well....that didn't go according to plan.

Naturally I couldn't let a slight like this go unavenged.

So with a force of will, I attempted to stare the planet to death.
Silvan Eldar threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Staring Total: 1
1 1
Basically, nothing goes as planned. First, the kanji you summon is of injustice. Secondly, it's made of light blue ice.

And finally, it's about to fall on your head.

Thankfully, you manage to steer out of its way... mostly. When it hits the ground and shatters, some shards of ice cut your skin. Nothing major, though.

-1 to next roll.


Okay, maybe I was starting to get a little drunk on power. Good thing it didn't wipe out my crew.

IN fact, now that I thought about it, maybe it would be wise to get them out of harm's way before I set off on any angst-filled revenge quests. And while I'm at it, perhaps I should evacuate any civilians as well. It was my job to protect them, after all.

I dusted myself off, wincing slightly as the cuts bled a little, and cleared my throat. "Ahem. Attention all ships: This is your Captain speaking. This order is Priority One: fan out, and locate as many civilians as possible. Once they're all aboard, we're shoving off for the next inhabitable planet. I have a feeling we'll need the breathing space soon."

If anyone was listening in on my thoughts, they would easily have picked up on my plans. Which was fine, really. It wasn't like I was going to hunt down some scholars for learning a forgotten language or anything.

Or at least I hoped not.

(OOC: This roll is being made with my permanent +1 bonus to commanding my fleet, and with the -1 from my injuries.)
MrEgret threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Large-Scale Evacuation Total: 6
6 6
Power. It felt.. good.

It was time to swat my opponents out of the sky, starting with the one with the spaceship.

So I flew close to that ship I had identified earlier. To resolve him would be.. simple.

Closing my eyes, I imagined a dark hole sucking the ship in... as well as anyone and anything unfortunate enough to be in the viscinity. The winds it would form would be an excellent touch, too.

"Your doom.. has come." I said in a dark tone, as suitable for a god.

(Dramatic Pause)

Shard threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: *Temporary* Black Hole. Total: 1
1 1
"Well we are finally in your home" I say looking to Sharp Spear

The pony started to slowly descend into the planet, just to stop "You coming"

"Nah, I want to play more with my powers and I am sure the Princess wouldn't want a Discount Discord running around"

"Good idea, especially because Discord was recently re-sealed by the Elements of Harmony"

Oh I am in that moment of the timeline, well my plans of inviting Discord to play just went up in flames.

"Goodbye" Now what could I do, wait did my powers even worked outside the planet?

"Well there is only one way to test it" I say to myself "I want everyone that spend time in Planet Luck be wearing a maid outfit and yes that includes me" How could I see if it worked, if it didn't affected myself too.
ziizo threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: MAID POWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH Total: 3
3 3
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You turn around and confidently face your pursuers. "You'll regret coming after me. I'll take you doww- DRACONIC STYLE!"

...unfortunately, nothing happens, and you swear that the demons chuckle before pouncing on you. You manage to get away with only a few injuries... wait. How are you even bleeding? You're dead!

-1 to next roll.

I decide to fill the temple with the smell of fine demon spurning perfume. Maybe that will repel them.
Muhkat Lomorki threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Perfume Total: 6
6 6
As the first batch of weather drones flew off to perform their task, I left the terminal and made my way to the courtyard. Arriving, I found Anne's avatar inspecting one of the many sandwiches cluttering the area while her other drones worked on cleaning them up. I remarked "You know, you can eat it if you want, I made your avatar with a digestive system."

Anne replied "I know, I'm just trying to figure out if this particular example classifies as food or a biohazard. Eh, better not risk it." before tossing it to one of her other drones who promptly began hauling it away, probably to the incinerator.

At this point I noted "Anyway, there doesn't seem to be any major world-ending crisis at the moment, meaning if we wanted we could just kick back and relax."

Anne's expression soured before blurting out "But Mooooommm, that's BOOORING!"

I grinned as I remarked "Luckily for you, I agree! Instead, we're going to be doing actual science to determine exactly how the reality-warping chaos surrounding this world works!"

"YAY! I'll go set up some experiments!" was Anne's reply. Oh I haven't gotten something this interesting to study in far, FAR too long.
We Just Write threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: IC knowledge of game mechanic? Total: 1
1 1
If the planet could belch it would, the little metal objects had been easy to consume but something still niggled in the back of the giant entity's mind.

"Where did they come from?" A most serious question indeed, had another world tried to play a trick on it, was it a declaration of war or maybe it was a 'welcome to existance' party?

Either way, the Planet was pissed, whater sent these little creatures had ruined the precious firstmoments of existence for Plane- NO, it needed a name, something daunting and awe inspiring, something like.......Krogoth!

"YES, KROGOTH! TRULY A NAME WORTHY OF MY MAGNIFICENCE!" It thought itself, somehow purring despite being a giant mass of rock, magma and other assorted minerals.

"Anyway, I must find where these things came from, and destroy it before more arrive."

With that, the planet willed itself to be wherever the troubleshooters had come from, seeking retribution for their actions.
Culexus96 threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: I DEMAND REVENGE! Total: 1
1 1
Your first sensation is light. You see it, you feel it, and somehow you even hear, smell, and taste light. But before you can really process the sensations, you're back to life and the light is gone.

Not much seems to have changed, aside from the distinct lack of sandwiches and the large space battle going on above your head, which then ends with the remaining ships being swallowed up by the earth.



With a relieved chuckle I set myself back up in the front of the Pimpwalker, briefly moving back to the main body of the vehicle to give Phillippe a thumbs up (and, you know, let him know that I was alive). He was still wounded. I don't know cloud first aid.

Returning to the controls, I cock my hat at a particularly rakish angle and looked ahead.

Looked like the sandwiches were gone. An unfortunate waste of good sandwiches, but these things happened.

Guess it's time to go check out that base I saw earlier. I got closer, before, but I couldn't really see anything, what with all the sandwiches. Let's get a bit closer.

. . .

. . . . . .

. . .


Oh dear.

A fortified wall.

A weapons grid.

A frikking moat.

Whoever the hell this was, they were fairly obviously not looking to make friends.

Actually, as I approached I could see some sort of drones shooting off... somewhere. This place was giving me a serious supervillain vibe, and now there's drones, and - wait, drones?! This jerkoff must have been the one who sent that killbot after me! Hell, for all I know they're the ones who killed me!

Oh, god, I'm within range of a criminal psychotic! Lord above, this is terrifying! WHAT THE HELL DO I DO?!

I slapped myself in the face. Calm down. Calm down. I can do this.

I'm going to need all my cunning for this next move. It's an old trick I'm fond of.

It's fairly clear that I won't be able to outthink a criminal mastermind of this caliber.

But that's okay. I don't need to outthink them. I just need to do something they'd never expect.

Confuse genius into inaction.

"I wish that that base would become a DISCO PARTY!"
RadioactiveSpoon threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: FUNK IT UP Total: 5
5 5
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And then, there were bears! They can't see or smell you, apparently, but they must have done something, because before long, the metal blocks and the sandwiches are gone.
All as planned, the bear thought from still lying on its back, but its brethren were still homeless - this wasteland was not up to bearkind standards. And one forest would not suffice for the masses, these most numerous inheritors. No it would not.

The bear raised a paw and waved it in a circle.
Zeitgeist Blue threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: World Forest Total: 6
6 6
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So much power.
You feel like you're on top of the world, monarch of all you survey. You let out a cry of victory!
Now what to do? You always wanted your own personal Gate of bablyon... Heck, why not. Gilgamesh is an awesome character, villain or not.
And if it doesn't work, well you're clearly too much of a mongrel to deserve such badass power.
The3rdCorinthian threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Gate Of Babylon Total: 3
3 3
PHASE 12: Bad to the Bone

Rolls to dodge are here.

Bitzer was getting a bit annoyed. Hey, nothing just blasts him outta the sky without telling him how!

In fact, this is the very first time anybody blasted him out of the sky. This was a day full of firsts for him.

Well, he saw some of the ships that were firing at him, and he pounced on the next one.

"Hey, cut that out!" he shouted. "Not even the ground wants you around right now!"

You pounce, and you plow right through the ship's engine, causing it to explode! You then proceed to land on the ground, unsinged and on your feet and... surrounded by trees and bunnycats???

You look down briefly and realize... this can't be right... but the ground you've landed is floating above the ground below.

An old-timey ship made of white light appears, and sailors made of that same light emerge from the ship and try to carry you onboard. Evidently, they haven't figured out that you're more than just an ordinary cat.

And why does the sun have a face?!

The airlocks hissed as it released the pressurized decontamination gas in the frigate and our bay doors opened to receal the cavernous hanger within the SuperCarrier. Soooo cool!

Barely a minute pass by and another golem appeared at my side,

"Sir, the unknown human vessels have been destroyed. Reports show that they appear to have been shot down by high powered lasers or something of the sort."

Well shit... that was interesting. If there was another fleet with that kind of power, and it could wipe out those ships... Damn... this could be bad... I'd love to initiate contact with those ships just to be safe, but all I wanted was sleep... and sandwiches... actually... a loooootttt of milk.

A strange tune plays, and suddenly it begins to rain milk! But... it's only a drizzle... and it's not a very big rainstorm. Not nearly as much milk as you were looking for... Although there are a bunch of bunnycats below you that seem to be appreciating the rain of milk, and the sudden growth of trees suggest that maybe there was more to the rain than you thought.

"Sir, incoming... um... floating island? I'm pretty sure that's a floating island! And a giant man! And CRAP WHAT IS THAT!"

You look out the window to see a small hole in the air, sucking everything nearby towards it... including you.

Roll to dodge at +1.

Thankfully, you manage to get out of range soon enough, and you see the ship you had been communicating with firing beams of light at the giant man, who grimaces in annoyance. But then everyone soon becomes distracted by the sun suddenly developing a face.

As we went about sweeping the planet clean of enemy ships, I saw many unusual and interesting sights, which were most likely the result of other reality warpers.

Wait, more enemies? And they're being swallowed by the earth? Okay...

In the meantime, an idle thought entered my mind, and my powers acted on it.

'What if bunnycats existed on the planet?'

Music begins to play over your ships' speakers, heralding the arrival of said bunnycats. They all look basically like Kyuubey, although some observation shows that they don't seem to have any greater intelligence than that of a normal cat.

Then again, given that a completely different cat just blew up one of your ships, perhaps that's not saying much... and then the cat landed on a floating island and got rescued by a sailing ship made out of light? And then trees everywhere? And now the sun has a face? What?

Well, that went better than expected. I mean, the hamsters aren't giant like I hoped for, nor did they eat all the sandwiches but really, there could have been way worse outcomes. At least the hamsters aren't fond of human flesh. I eye the little buggers warily. Well, at least I hope they don't. I turn my eyes towards the spaceships firing lasers everywhere. Oh. That doesn't look good...

I stroke my chin in thought. I've managed to summon flying space hamsters. They haven't done what they're supposed to but... now that they're here, can't I just make them bigger and repurpose them to eat the spaceships instead? Well, only one way to find out.

Suddenly, the hamsters begin to enlarge dramatically! However, what with the earth devouring all the spaceships in the area, you're not sure whether the "repurpose to eat spaceships" part worked out or not. You can be fairly sure they aren't eating everything indiscriminately, though, seeing as they're ignoring the bunnycats that have appeared from nowhere, as well as the floating islands in the sky above you, the trees sprouting from nowhere, the sun suddenly having a face, and the floating white sailing ship descending nearby.

"Sir, we're here to evacuate you!" calls the apparent captain of the ship, a man made of glowing white light.

The young man, scared beyond all belief, pops his head out from behind a tree and looks at the mass of land.

"...Of all the things that had to happen, why did it have to be a falling island?" he said to himself.

"Hello?!" he called out. "Anybody there who'll need help?!"

In response, you hear someone speak. Someone claiming to be the cathedral on the floating landmass...

You're really not sure whether that's weirder than the suddenly-appearing bunnycats all around you.

The cathedral begins to chant. The ground begins to shake beneath you. And soon, the forest you're in and the land beneath it begins to rise into the air... from your higher vantage, you can see more trees sprouting on the ground below.

Once the island settles in midair, you notice a ship made out of light docking at the edge of the forest.

"Do you require assistance, sir? We're here to evacuate all civilians from the planet!"

Not an unattractive offer, given that this planet seems to have a sun with a face now. That's kind of freaky.

The girl frowned, annoyed. She'd heard things about probability being the fifth dimension, and had been hoping to test that after connecting her village to the afterlife. Mostly by trying to move herself through it.

Now that the connection seemed to have failed though, she didn't see why she shouldn't try to bring the village and everything in it with her as well.

You start trying to do your thing... but then you start seeing faint images of monsters, waiting for you to finish...

For obvious reasons, you stop, letting the monsters fade away.

...where'd all these bunnycats come from? And why are there islands in the air? And why are there so many trees now? And why does the sun have a face? And... huh. That's a flying sailing ship made of light with the White Lantern symbol on it.

"Ma'am, we represent the Global Marines! We're here to rescue you!"

Okay.. Let's try getting on...

I jump towards the nearest one.. Hoping to get to the bridge.

You jump, and it seems like you won't make it very far... but then bunnycats appear in midair, and in a display of acrobatic talent you didn't know you had, you jump on the bunnycats to jump much farther than you would have guessed. Finally, you do a final jump on a floating island from nowhere to land on the bridge where you wanted to go.

From your vantage, you have a great view of the trees beginning to sprout from nowhere. Odd.

A sailing ship made of white light appears. "Sir, we're here to evacuate you!" yells the captain, a woman made of white light, backlit by the face of the sun wait what.


You wander around for a while, kicking the randomly-appearing bunnycats out of your path and gawking at the islands in the air as you go, and eventually find the base. Weirdly, Pokemon-appropriate music is playing from the base's speakers, and trees are sprouting everywhere.

Well, if she was expecting your assault, might as well oblige her. "Go, Minion 1!"

With a screeching battle cry, your Scyther leaps into the fray, only to take several evasive maneuvers as the base's defenses come into play. He's dodging the energy blasts well enough, but he's not exactly making progress, either...

A ship made of white light appears. "Sir, we're here to evacuate you!" yells a man made of white light, standing on the deck of the ship. He glances nervously up at the sun, which appears to have developed a terminal case of face.

Kintsugi stared blankly at the sky. A lot of the ships had left, but now there were more. And they just kept coming.

She nervously eyed the sandwiches. Why...were they getting bigger? Were they going to eventually out crowd her? Would they grow so big to turn her lake into a big pile of soggy sandwiches? She didn't want that.

Then they all disappeared. Kintsugi blinked owlishly at the suddenly sandwich free landscape. "Thank you." She mumbled, and turned to look at her lake. Yeah. Not a single crumb was left. The corners of Kintsugi's mouth turned up in a tiny smile.

She pressed a hand against the surface of the water, rippling and distorting the surface. She could see the ships in the sky in the water's reflection. And they hadn't left when she asked. Kintsugi moved her hand, erasing the reflection. And she got an idea. This...really wasn't in her power set. But, that lady had said that anything she did had a chance of happening, right?

Kintsugi slithered away from the water and back into her carrier. Drawing herself once again, she pierced the golden floor and commanded the carrier to move into the lake.

"I-I want it so that inside the lake, there's a reflection, a world." She called out. "That's a lot like this place, but there's no one there. There's no ships, let this lake no longer reflect those. Food never ever," She stressed, "falls from the sky. Not Ever."

Kintsugi took a deep breath. "A-and I want it so that I can go through it, with whatever I want, in between worlds, whenever I want. And if anyone wants to come inside, w-well, they have to ask me first."

That done, Kintsugi curled around herself, deeply embedded in the carrier floor, keeping a hand on her hilt. She hoped this worked.

Just before you would have done the deed and found out if it would have worked, a beam of energy lances from the sky, impacting right by your lake. When the dust clears, a young girl stands there, in a dress made from chainmail that (somehow) has been colored gold, holding a gleaming sword. Weirdly, trees seem to be growing now. Probably not the girl's fault, though, as she seems surprised by that as well.

She looks at you and blinks. "...they didn't warn me about this in the briefing! Um, sword spirit? I'm looking for an artifact of power known as the Amulet of Marquis. It manipulates and creates bone on catastrophic levels, and I'm here to confiscate it before its current user causes too much damage."

Suddenly, a bunnycat appears out of nowhere.

"Ahh!" The girl recoils, leveling her sword at the creature. "Begone, foul spawn of darkness! GOLDEN BLAST OF PURITY!" She swings her sword at the bunnycat, projecting a beam of golden energy that incinerates the creature.

She sighs in relief. "Sorry about that. Where was I? Oh yes, the artifact. Do you know where I might find it?"

Above you, a flying island appears, backlit by the face of the sun, further startling the girl. And then, to top it all off, a ship made out of light appears.

"Ma'am!" The captain throws a sharp salute to the girl, completely ignoring you. How rude. "We're here to evacuate all the citizens of the planet! Would you like a ride?"

The girl seems to be thinking his offer over.

"This thing requires power?" Yuki says, shaking the artifact up and down in a futile attempt to get it going again. "How am I suppose to charge it?"

"I think you need to replace the batteries." I say, although I'm just guessing."

Yuki looks again at the device: A bone wand with wings. "Don't see any place to open it. Maybe it requires something else... "Wait! I can just wish it to be recharged! That way my device won't be bone-dry."

Oh great, she's starting on the puns. Way too much Undertale.

Yuki focuses on magically recharging the device...

As is typical for a Magical Girl, the recharging involves dramatic music and lots of unnecessary flourishes. Unlike the typical Magical Girl, however, these flourishes involve much creation of bone, which then crush themselves into a powder and float inside the amulet. It doesn't exactly make sense to recharge that way, but whatever. Anime physics.

This also seems to have an effect on you as well, as some of the power being released seems to seep into you...

+1 to all rolls relating to bones.

It occurs to you that if you've absorbed some of the power, perhaps it's visible to others...

...possibly including all the bunnycats that have appeared out of nowhere and/or the flying island above your headand/or the trees growing all over the place and/or the sun (which now has a face) and/or the ship made of white light.

"Hello the ground! We're here to evacuate you!" calls the captain of the ship, a woman made of glowing white light.

Good... good... while the angels were unable to use the offensive properties of White Magic, and the side effect of it was not present, the being believed that they were capable enough to take care of themselves long enough for someone to sort out the problem they were having.

...The being needed a name. It could not go around with being called 'the being' or 'the cathedral'. It needed a name, worthy of its status as one of the powers of this world.

'Genten'. Genten shall be the name that he shall answer to now.


Oh, a human?

"Child in the forest," Genten called out, the voice of the cathedral reaching towards the man.

"Welcome, child, to... the Genten Cathedral," states the voice. "We are to be known as 'Genten'. We do not believe we need help. Still, please, come into my halls. I am going to attempt to bring about a great change to the world, and I am willing to take care of you with my other children until you can make your own way."

Once the person decided to follow the request or stay out, the voice stated.

"Very well," the voice stated. "Let the world rise."

Magic power was poured into the earth beneath Genten, seeking to shatter shards of it off, sending the many shards skyward.

Flying islands in the sky. That was key to Genten's final goals for this world. Many flying islands in the sky, capable of supporting animal and plant life, able to have buildings constructed on them by the inhabitants.

They'd be able to alter them to the specific needs of the inhabitants, as well as Genten's own whim, later. For now, the land just had to get into the sky and stay there.

You begin to chant, feeling the words begin to shape the land around you. And slowly, it begins to rise. The largest floating island includes your fruit tree forest, and stays near your cathedral self. But other islands begin to spread out across the planet (populated with randomly-appearing bunnycats and swiftly-growing trees for now).

Seems like a job well done. +1 to next roll concerning your floating islands.

Suddenly, a ship made of white light docks at your cathedral. "Hello the cathedral! Is anyone inside? We're here to evacuate the planet!"

...hmm. The sun appears to have a face now. When did that happen?

Well....that didn't go according to plan.

Naturally I couldn't let a slight like this go unavenged.

So with a force of will, I attempted to stare the planet to death.

You try, but all you seem to do is strain your eyes.

The planet's eyes begin to glow. "Pathetic," it rumbles, its eyes beginning to glow. "Allow me to show you how it's done." Energy beams lance from its eyes, scoring a direct hit on the ship.

Silvan Eldar is Wounded.

Then the planet that you had abandoned suddenly vanishes, leaving only a few large rocks behind. Nowhere to run now...


Okay, maybe I was starting to get a little drunk on power. Good thing it didn't wipe out my crew.

IN fact, now that I thought about it, maybe it would be wise to get them out of harm's way before I set off on any angst-filled revenge quests. And while I'm at it, perhaps I should evacuate any civilians as well. It was my job to protect them, after all.

I dusted myself off, wincing slightly as the cuts bled a little, and cleared my throat. "Ahem. Attention all ships: This is your Captain speaking. This order is Priority One: fan out, and locate as many civilians as possible. Once they're all aboard, we're shoving off for the next inhabitable planet. I have a feeling we'll need the breathing space soon."

If anyone was listening in on my thoughts, they would easily have picked up on my plans. Which was fine, really. It wasn't like I was going to hunt down some scholars for learning a forgotten language or anything.

Or at least I hoped not.

(OOC: This roll is being made with my permanent +1 bonus to commanding my fleet, and with the -1 from my injuries.)

"Sir yes sir!" The fleet scrambles to do your will, spreading out as trees start growing beneath you. You remain connected to each ship and see them approach the following people:

A cat that somehow wound up stranded on a floating island.

A man surrounded by gigantic flying hamsters.

A man standing on a floating forest nearby a floating cathedral.

Inside said cathedral, twenty angels.

A girl with a cloud on her shoulders, surrounded by ravens dressed the way you are.

A man in uniform, somehow stranded on a huge heap of scrap metal.

A young girl in golden chainmail, speaking to... is that a sword mermaid? What even is that?

A young couple in bone-themed clothing.

Some kind of high-tech base, with a purple machine facing it from one direction and a constantly-yelling man facing it from another direction.

A rather large group of bears.

A man with some sort of... portal... thing?

And finally, as many bunnycats as they could fit on board while still having enough room for everyone else.

+1 to all rescue rolls.

A giant man gestures, and a hole in the air opens, trying to drag you in!

"Evasive maneuvers! Fire at the giant man when ready!"

"Yes sir!" Soon, your crew's expert sailing has brought you out of harm's way. Your shooting is... somewhat less effective, but at least your assailant looks frustrated... as does the face of the sun.

...wait a second. What?

Power. It felt.. good.

It was time to swat my opponents out of the sky, starting with the one with the spaceship.

So I flew close to that ship I had identified earlier. To resolve him would be.. simple.

Closing my eyes, I imagined a dark hole sucking the ship in... as well as anyone and anything unfortunate enough to be in the viscinity. The winds it would form would be an excellent touch, too.

"Your doom.. has come." I said in a dark tone, as suitable for a god.

(Dramatic Pause)


The rift opens, but... it's smaller than you expected, and both ships in the area manage to fly out of its way. One of them even begins shooting blasts of light at you, causing minor injuries.

-1 to next roll.

You grimace against the light of the sun... and are immensely startled to see the sun grimace back at you. Such is your confusion that you only barely notice the trees carpeting the ground.

"Well we are finally in your home" I say looking to Sharp Spear

The pony started to slowly descend into the planet, just to stop "You coming"

"Nah, I want to play more with my powers and I am sure the Princess wouldn't want a Discount Discord running around"

"Good idea, especially because Discord was recently re-sealed by the Elements of Harmony"

Oh I am in that moment of the timeline, well my plans of inviting Discord to play just went up in flames.

"Goodbye" Now what could I do, wait did my powers even worked outside the planet?

"Well there is only one way to test it" I say to myself "I want everyone that spend time in Planet Luck be wearing a maid outfit and yes that includes me" How could I see if it worked, if it didn't affected myself too.

And now you are wearing a maid outfit! It's white, with the White Lantern symbol on it.

Wait a second. "Ring, did you change my outfit?"


...guess you're the only one in the outfit, then. That's disappointing.


I decide to fill the temple with the smell of fine demon spurning perfume. Maybe that will repel them.

You wave your hand, and thick, cloying perfume fills the air! The perfume spreads quickly, and each demon exposed to it is instantly paralyzed. Thank goodness.

+1 to next perfume roll.

As the first batch of weather drones flew off to perform their task, I left the terminal and made my way to the courtyard. Arriving, I found Anne's avatar inspecting one of the many sandwiches cluttering the area while her other drones worked on cleaning them up. I remarked "You know, you can eat it if you want, I made your avatar with a digestive system."

Anne replied "I know, I'm just trying to figure out if this particular example classifies as food or a biohazard. Eh, better not risk it." before tossing it to one of her other drones who promptly began hauling it away, probably to the incinerator.

At this point I noted "Anyway, there doesn't seem to be any major world-ending crisis at the moment, meaning if we wanted we could just kick back and relax."

Anne's expression soured before blurting out "But Mooooommm, that's BOOORING!"

I grinned as I remarked "Luckily for you, I agree! Instead, we're going to be doing actual science to determine exactly how the reality-warping chaos surrounding this world works!"

"YAY! I'll go set up some experiments!" was Anne's reply. Oh I haven't gotten something this interesting to study in far, FAR too long.

Before long, the experiments are ready, scanning machines are prepped, and-


Startled, you trip and accidentally press the self-destruct button on one of your scanners (and why did you even install that thing?!)



I just write is Wounded.

You pull yourself up painfully off the floor. "Anne... what's going on out there?"

"Um, um... some weird bug is attacking. Defenses are holding for now. Umm... a bunch of trees are growing. There's an island in the air about half a mile south, and there seem to be a lot of animals running around that aren't in my database. And... some kind of purple walker machine is sending some sort of message... agh! It's overriding the systems! I can't stop it!"

The lights in your base begin to go crazy and multicolored, some weird music is blasting over the speakers, and your less-intelligent drones are dancing wildly in the halls.

...who the heck would go to all the trouble of hacking your base just to turn it into a dance party?

"Major dimensional shift registered! The entire planet just moved!" Anne takes a moment to look over the data, and her avatar pales. "Th-the sun has a face now. Why does it have a face?"

If the planet could belch it would, the little metal objects had been easy to consume but something still niggled in the back of the giant entity's mind.

"Where did they come from?" A most serious question indeed, had another world tried to play a trick on it, was it a declaration of war or maybe it was a 'welcome to existance' party?

Either way, the Planet was pissed, whater sent these little creatures had ruined the precious firstmoments of existence for Plane- NO, it needed a name, something daunting and awe inspiring, something like.......Krogoth!

"YES, KROGOTH! TRULY A NAME WORTHY OF MY MAGNIFICENCE!" It thought itself, somehow purring despite being a giant mass of rock, magma and other assorted minerals.

"Anyway, I must find where these things came from, and destroy it before more arrive."

With that, the planet willed itself to be wherever the troubleshooters had come from, seeking retribution for their actions.

Barely noticing the strange events going on on your surface (although you do appreciate the sensation of having foliage now), you concentrate on going to wherever the intruders came from... a word comes to mind for some reason: Paranoia.

But then something goes wrong. The warp is reversed, and you find yourself somewhere else.

You seem to have left some pieces behind in hyperspace. Nothing too terrible, but it will take a bit to regrow what you've lost.

-1 to next roll.

The solar system you're in seems fairly normal. You appear to have another inhabited planet as a neighbor and you think you actually have a bit more sunlight now- HOLY CRAP WHY DOES THE SUN HAVE A FACE!



With a relieved chuckle I set myself back up in the front of the Pimpwalker, briefly moving back to the main body of the vehicle to give Phillippe a thumbs up (and, you know, let him know that I was alive). He was still wounded. I don't know cloud first aid.

Returning to the controls, I cock my hat at a particularly rakish angle and looked ahead.

Looked like the sandwiches were gone. An unfortunate waste of good sandwiches, but these things happened.

Guess it's time to go check out that base I saw earlier. I got closer, before, but I couldn't really see anything, what with all the sandwiches. Let's get a bit closer.

. . .

. . . . . .

. . .


Oh dear.

A fortified wall.

A weapons grid.

A frikking moat.

Whoever the hell this was, they were fairly obviously not looking to make friends.

Actually, as I approached I could see some sort of drones shooting off... somewhere. This place was giving me a serious supervillain vibe, and now there's drones, and - wait, drones?! This jerkoff must have been the one who sent that killbot after me! Hell, for all I know they're the ones who killed me!

Oh, god, I'm within range of a criminal psychotic! Lord above, this is terrifying! WHAT THE HELL DO I DO?!

I slapped myself in the face. Calm down. Calm down. I can do this.

I'm going to need all my cunning for this next move. It's an old trick I'm fond of.

It's fairly clear that I won't be able to outthink a criminal mastermind of this caliber.

But that's okay. I don't need to outthink them. I just need to do something they'd never expect.

Confuse genius into inaction.

"I wish that that base would become a DISCO PARTY!"

Right as you make that wish, you see a man with a Scyther approaching the base. Based on the music that starts playing from the base, that sight must have subconsciously influenced the choice of music.

+1 to next music roll.

Then things get weird. Bunnycats everywhere. Trees growing from nowhere. Floating islands in the sky. The sun has a face, for goodness' sake! What is going on?

All as planned, the bear thought from still lying on its back, but its brethren were still homeless - this wasteland was not up to bearkind standards. And one forest would not suffice for the masses, these most numerous inheritors. No it would not.

The bear raised a paw and waved it in a circle.

You wave your paw, and green spreads from where you are, reaching all across the planet!

+1 to all forest rolls.

Best part is, it even seems to come with food! The creatures don't smell like anything you've seen before, but they taste fairly good.

However, something bright shows up. Like people, but with no smell? And they seem to be trying to get you to go towards something even brighter...

So much power.
You feel like you're on top of the world, monarch of all you survey. You let out a cry of victory!
Now what to do? You always wanted your own personal Gate of bablyon... Heck, why not. Gilgamesh is an awesome character, villain or not.
And if it doesn't work, well you're clearly too much of a mongrel to deserve such badass power.

You successfully create a Gate of Babylon

...unfortunately, you appear to have forgotten to create a key to open it with.

"Sir! We're here to evacuate you!" You glance up to see a ship made of light hailing you.

You blink. How long have you been summoning that gate? The place looks totally different now! Bunnycats dance among the many trees around you, and the sun is literally smiling down at the sight, while islands float in the sky.

What the actual heck?!


You've seen enough movies to know that the spaceships landing all over the place, letting out lots of people with laser guns, is not a good thing. At the end of each phase starting with Phase 13, the GM rolls 1d4. That many randomly-selected players who posted during that phase are attacked by the Troubleshooters, although they get an automatic +1 to the rolls since the Troubleshooters don't work together well and are rather likely to start shooting each other. However, it will take a lot to put these guys down for good; the clones just keep coming!


Looks like Yuki, in recharging her artifact, has let off a pulse of power that is attracting all sorts of attention from the local Magical Girl community! A new magical girl will appear every round with the intent of taking Yuki down and retrieving the artifact.


The planet Krogath has found itself in a most terrible place. A land that, merely by existing, drains away the souls of those who get too close, reducing them to gibbering idiots.

I speak, of course, of the world of Tellietubbies.[/URL]
No... no... just no.... This is getting out of hand...

"All units begin slipspace entry. We are getting out of this planet. Initiate blind jump!"
pharaoh122 threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Lol Nope out of here Total: 5
5 5