Well, with that vote both plans are now tied 5 to 5, so I figured I would argue form my plan (Responsible adulthood) again.
Well start with the main action, the investigation. Its my personal opinion that Plan decisive strike is getting too smart with it, were bringing Reinald in and he has both more experience, and the connections needed to solve this, specifying a specific plan will either constrain him or force him to overrule us (or they might just carry it out too but still).
Now, to the thing that I think actually matters, the training allocations. Well start with the easy Zeal, the only difference between the plan's regarding zeal is the decisive stirk saves 8 zeal while I spend it to get horsemanship 4 admittedly this is minor but I think the extra skill point would be really helpful in trying to win prizes at the joust but -again- this is pretty minor.
What isn't minor is the training allocations, I already talked about how 1 extra rebuke isn't that meaningful (especially when most of the times well be using the hard Fall style bonus) and I don't really want to repeat myself. There are also a few other differences in training but most of them come down to personal preferences.
The big thing, the crucial thing which I think is a great mistake by the decisive strike plan is the defensive meditation, plan Responsible adulthood gets (and refines) a hard fall based defensive meditation similar to vanguard prayer, assuming they are even remotely similar not getting it right before were going to be fighting a lot is (in my opinion) a great mistake.
We have the capacity and replenish for it and currently we don't possess any defensive feats/rots/mediations that boost defense (rather then ones that let us exploit successful defenses) so it also plugs a hole in our fighting style.