[X] Defensively Trained Responsible Adulthood


[X] Plan: Decisive Strike

Yeah, sure, I'll vote for the more detailed mail investigation plan. Mail fraud shall not go unpunished on Audrey's ever-vigilant watch!
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Darting Strike is 3 and Francisca Toss is 6 at Refined. Technically Francisca Toss would thus do it, but likely only once in the entire fight, and it and GKB are the only ones that would at Rebuke 12. And, of course, needing to make 12 per attack definitely restricts you to either 3 attacks and no Meditations, or two attacks per turn. Halving your Speed is no small thing.
But everything said here is also true If we had rebuke 10 or 8, same for 4 rebuke vs 6 if we aren't using zeal.

I'm not arguing that rebuke is useless against peers (its actually quite good especially against knights whose pools and rots are generally low cost) I'm arguing that the minor addition doesn't matter, or is at best really minor.
But everything said here is also true If we had rebuke 10 or 8, same for 4 rebuke vs 6 if we aren't using zeal.

I'm not arguing that rebuke is useless against peers (its actually quite good especially against knights whose pools and rots are generally low cost) I'm arguing that the minor addition doesn't matter, or is at best really minor.

There are several Rotes/Feats you have with a cost of exactly 5, which would thus not get through a 12 but would through a 10, was my initial point, but that's perhaps a bit specific to Audrey to be relevant upon reflection.
[X] Plan: Decisive Strike
-[X] [Focus Action] Collect evidence of your mail being interfered with. Ask Reinald for advice on this and also to help. Do not mention Gilbert. Go about this by sending mail as bait. Make it about the upcoming tournament and your training. Do this two times. The first time, follow the mail as you did this time with Crowley and bring Reinald's bird along. Follow the person retrieving the mail for Holman back this way to hopefully a rendezvous with Holman. Use this to try to find out where Holman is stashing your mail if you can, but prioritize not being detected. The second time, bring in more impartial witnesses to catch them in the act at the rendezvous for passing the mail to Holman. Optionally show where Holman has your mail stashed if that helps
-[X] [Secondary Action] Spend time with Reinald and ask him about his past. This is intended to be a bonding activity primarily.
-[X] [Secondary Action] Socialise with the other Squires and junior Thanes
-[X] [Chancellery] Pick Red-Black Lightning
-[X] Training and Zeal (30 Training, 52 Zeal)
–[X] Spend 4 Training to get Faulty Ground to 6/6 to Refined.
–[X] Spend 4 Training to get Hordebreaker to rank 3
–[X] Spend 8 Training to get Hard-Fall Style to rank 4
–[X] Spend 4 Training to get Fyrdsman yt Wol to rank 3
–[X] Spend 3 Training to learn a wrestling Rote to escape grapples.
–[X] Spend 3 Training to learn a Rote for using your body to stun your opponent by hitting them in the head (using your own head?). Ideally possible in grapples or out, but in grapples preferred.
–[X] Spend 4 Training to get Ground Shape to rank 3
–[X] Spend 32 Zeal to get Combat 6.
–[X] Spend 8 Zeal to get Horsemanship and Athleticism to 3.
–[X] Save 12 Zeal.

Hi I would like to propose this plan. Rather than a single refined Rote for escaping grapples, I would like to make use of our strengths in capitalizing on weaknesses. If we can create an opening in grapple and then use that opening to escape, we're likely to be wildly more successful than if we're just better at escaping grapples. Also while grapples are going to happen I feel that we should not neglect our other stuff, it's not going to happen the majority of the time.
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There are several Rotes/Feats you have with a cost of exactly 5, which would thus not get through a 12 but would through a 10, was my initial point, but that's perhaps a bit specific to Audrey to be relevant upon reflection.
This actually brings to mind, how do meditations effect rebuke? Like a I don't think vanguard prayers dos anything against It but what about a meditation which increases damage do is add its fervor to the total against breaking rebuke?
This actually brings to mind, how do meditations effect rebuke? Like a I don't think vanguard prayers dos anything against It but what about a meditation which increases damage do is add its fervor to the total against breaking rebuke?

Generally nothing. A Meditation that specifically helped get through Rebuke is probably possible, but it'd be a listed effect of the Prayer.
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Well, with that vote both plans are now tied 5 to 5, so I figured I would argue form my plan (Responsible adulthood) again.

Well start with the main action, the investigation. Its my personal opinion that Plan decisive strike is getting too smart with it, were bringing Reinald in and he has both more experience, and the connections needed to solve this, specifying a specific plan will either constrain him or force him to overrule us (or they might just carry it out too but still).

Now, to the thing that I think actually matters, the training allocations. Well start with the easy Zeal, the only difference between the plan's regarding zeal is the decisive stirk saves 8 zeal while I spend it to get horsemanship 4 admittedly this is minor but I think the extra skill point would be really helpful in trying to win prizes at the joust but -again- this is pretty minor.

What isn't minor is the training allocations, I already talked about how 1 extra rebuke isn't that meaningful (especially when most of the times well be using the hard Fall style bonus) and I don't really want to repeat myself. There are also a few other differences in training but most of them come down to personal preferences.

The big thing, the crucial thing which I think is a great mistake by the decisive strike plan is the defensive meditation, plan Responsible adulthood gets (and refines) a hard fall based defensive meditation similar to vanguard prayer, assuming they are even remotely similar not getting it right before were going to be fighting a lot is (in my opinion) a great mistake.

We have the capacity and replenish for it and currently we don't possess any defensive feats/rots/mediations that boost defense (rather then ones that let us exploit successful defenses) so it also plugs a hole in our fighting style.
[X] Plan: Decisive Strike

We have the capacity and replenish for it
I don't agree with this, our capacity is 8, we already have 6 different meditations and we need room for rotes and feats
Prayer For Perseverance (5 Fervour per turn):

Vanguard's Prayer (6 Fervour per turn):

Litany of Resolve (No Cost)

Through Their Eyes (No Cost):

Perfect Footing (No Cost):

Strandsense (No Cost):
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I don't agree with this, our capacity is 8, we already have 6 different meditations and we need room for rotes and feats
Perfect footing and strandsense are conditional meditations, not things we want (or need) active all the time.

Through their eyes is not a combat meditation, great for scouting but dos very little (if anything for combat) litany of resolve is also conditional, not every opponent has ways to supernaturally influence us.

We only really require two of our meditation to be active at every battle, we totally have the capacity for another meditation as we only really need 3 slots open for rotes and feats (1 for clever defalcation one for GKB and another one for miscellaneous use).

We have the room to fit another one in and slot other things on a case-by-case basis.
Through their eyes is not a combat meditation, great for scouting but dos very little (if anything for combat)
Note: While Through Their Eyes does not give bonuses to dice rolls, it does provide a bird's eye view of a battlefield (essentially rts cam) which is a very useful tool for knowing when it's time to relocate to a different battle line. As an example of what it could be used for.
Scheduled vote count started by Alectai on Nov 3, 2024 at 11:47 AM, finished with 42 posts and 14 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Decisive Strike
    -[X] [Focus Action] Collect evidence of your mail being interfered with. Ask Reinald for advice on this and also to help. Do not mention Gilbert. Go about this by sending mail as bait. Make it about the upcoming tournament and your training. Do this two times. The first time, follow the mail as you did this time with Crowley and bring Reinald's bird along. Follow the person retrieving the mail for Holman back this way to hopefully a rendezvous with Holman. Use this to try to find out where Holman is stashing your mail if you can, but prioritize not being detected. The second time, bring in more impartial witnesses to catch them in the act at the rendezvous for passing the mail to Holman. Optionally show where Holman has your mail stashed if that helps
    -[X] [Secondary Action] Spend time with Reinald and ask him about his past. This is intended to be a bonding activity primarily.
    -[X] [Secondary Action] Socialise with the other Squires and junior Thanes
    -[X] [Chancellery] Pick Red-Black Lightning
    -[X] Training and Zeal (30 Training, 52 Zeal)
    –[X] Spend 4 Training to get Faulty Ground to 6/6 to Refined.
    –[X] Spend 4 Training to get Hordebreaker to rank 3
    –[X] Spend 8 Training to get Hard-Fall Style to rank 4
    –[X] Spend 4 Training to get Fyrdsman yt Wol to rank 3
    –[X] Spend 3 Training to learn a wrestling Rote to escape grapples.
    –[X] Spend 3 Training to learn a Rote for using your body to stun your opponent by hitting them in the head (using your own head?). Ideally possible in grapples or out, but in grapples preferred.
    –[X] Spend 4 Training to get Ground Shape to rank 3
    –[X] Spend 32 Zeal to get Combat 6.
    –[X] Spend 8 Zeal to get Horsemanship and Athleticism to 3.
    –[X] Save 12 Zeal.
    [X] Responsible adulthood.
    [X] Defensively Trained Responsible Adulthood
    [X] Responsible adulthood.
    -[X] [Focus Action] Bring your master into the fact that your mail is being interdicted, don't mention Gilbert but messing with your stuff is a whole different beast so be the responsible adult and go to the authority in charge, you're a squire an attack against you is an attack against your master.
    -[X] [Secondary Action] treat Crowlly to good food.
    -[X] [Secondary Action] Train with Gilbert
    -[X] [Chancellery] Pick Red-Black Lightning
    -[X] Training and Zeal (30 Training, 52 Zeal)
    –[X] Spend 30 Training on whatever you desire (15 at most may be spent on Feats and Shapes)
    --[X] hard fall style to 4. 8 training.
    --[X] a hard fall defense meditation (one seemlier to vanguard prayer) 9 training to get it and then refine it.
    --[X] Faulty ground refined. 4 training.
    --[X] a wrestling Rote to escape grapples. 3 training.
    --[X] pulling the web to refined. 6 training.
    –[X] Spend 0-52 Zeal on ???
    --[X] 32 to get combat 6.
    --[X] 4 to get athleticism 3.
    --[X] 12 to get horsemanship 4.
    --[X] 4 left over.
    [X] Defensively Trained Responsible Adulthood
    -[X] [Focus Action] Bring your master into the fact that your mail is being interdicted, don't mention Gilbert but messing with your stuff is a whole different beast so be the responsible adult and go to the authority in charge, you're a squire an attack against you is an attack against your master.
    -[X] [Secondary Action] treat Crowley to good food.
    -[X] [Secondary Action] Train with Gilbert
    -[X] [Chancellery] Pick Red-Black Lightning
    -[X] Training and Zeal (30 Training, 52 Zeal)
    –[X] Spend 30 Training on whatever you desire (15 at most may be spent on Feats and Shapes)
    --[X] Hordebreaker and Frydsman Yt Wol both to 3 - 8 training.
    --[X] a Hard-Fall defense meditation (one similar to Vanguard's Prayer) 9 training to get it and then refine it.
    --[X] Faulty ground refined. 4 training.
    --[X] A Wrestling Prayer to escape grapples. 9 training.
    –[X] Spend 0-52 Zeal on ???
    --[X] 32 to get combat 6.
    --[X] 12 to get athleticism 4.
    --[X] 4 to get horsemanship 3.
    --[X] 4 left over.
Character sheet updated with changes for Training and Zeal.

Note: While Through Their Eyes does not give bonuses to dice rolls, it does provide a bird's eye view of a battlefield (essentially rts cam) which is a very useful tool for knowing when it's time to relocate to a different battle line. As an example of what it could be used for.

Yeah, I'd peg Through Their Eyes as circumstantial in combat but not useless by any means. I can think of a lot of potential combat uses for it depending on specific circumstances.

we only really need 3 slots open for rotes and feats (1 for clever defalcation one for GKB and another one for miscellaneous use).

So, for future reference, this is a technically true statement, but one with a caveat: Doing this makes you highly predictable. That's not always a bad thing, but it's something to keep in mind.
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Recovery complete! Hoping to post tonight and then get back in the swing of things fully.

EDIT: Won't be until tomorrow, should be able to make a pass in the morning and have it ready to go for the evening though.
Alectai threw 5 4-faced dice. Reason: having a proper think Total: 14
3 3 2 2 1 1 4 4 4 4
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Honestly, I expected something like this, it seemed too significant to be so easily gained.

BTW how does one get ideas to ponder? Because we just finished our last one.
BTW how does one get ideas to ponder? Because we just finished our last one.

We'll be handing them out, generally, though Audrey's actions can certainly grant them in practice if she pursues something that would be one. In the immediate term, the next step of the Quest Chain does include you getting a new 'successor' Idea.
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