Kingdom of God: A Quest of Holy Revolution

[X] Integrate the Ravs of Labour as a Mass Section [Gain Ravs of Labour as mass section, sect popularity triples but fervor and discipline will fall].
[X] On Time and its Robbers by Ghadan Nasir [Drawing on the deepest layers of True Confession].
[X] The Autocephalates should be abolished [Popular and Radical Opinion].
'further to EMANCIPATE all of Vaspukaran by way of FREE SILVER and PUT DOWN THE GOLDEN CALF', which he bellows, his deep voice echoing throughout the Temple's hall. One of the disciples, a known obsessive on the topic, almost swoons.

[X] Integrate the Ravs of Labour as a Mass Section [Gain Ravs of Labour as mass section, sect popularity triples but fervor and discipline will fall].
[X] On the Hoarders of God by Esterkesy Oshana [Drawing on the extreme peak of Political Iconoclasm].
[X] The Autocephalates should be abolished [Popular and Radical Opinion].
Like what does Robbers of Time even actually argue? People are assuming its about working hours and conditions of the laboring classes but the Confessors are the technocratic centralizers of the Schisms, and the "deeper layers" suggests an ideological impenetrability at odds with a simple message denouncing the 12 hour workday.
It's arguing against the institution of wage labor i.e. giving your boss dictatorial control over hours of your life in return for the right to live.
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[X] Integrate the Ravs of Labour as a Mass Section [Gain Ravs of Labour as mass section, sect popularity triples but fervor and discipline will fall].
[X] On Time and its Robbers by Ghadan Nasir [Drawing on the deepest layers of True Confession].
[X] The Autocephalates should be reformed [Amalist Opinion].
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[X] Integrate the Ravs of Labour as a Mass Section [Gain Ravs of Labour as mass section, sect popularity triples but fervor and discipline will fall].
[X] On Witches and Non-Believers by Hadat Sutri & Hadat Bhadan [Drawing on the esoteric edge of Mystic Amalism].
[X] The Autocephalates should be reformed [Amalist Opinion].

There are so many of us now, and more coming. I speak not to those who have joined since the escape - not directly, anyway - but to those few who were in Kutan. And I say this: have you forgotten? Have you forgotten what you saw there, the results of one attempt to 'correct rites' that stood in the way of a 'unified faith'? It is violence and penury. It is starvation and disease. It is the burial of small children, the unity of the grave. Have you forgotten?

I have not. And I say this: the aristocratic power of the Autocephalates is despicable? Dust, compared to the rot in the state of our Kingdom! Remember what provokes this rage! The Sanhedron acted evilly by trying to place the burden of all on one-in-six, but worse, they acted stupidly! They whine about the power of the Elders from the Autocephalates- what power? Seven out of hundreds, to represent one-in-six! The veto is too powerful? Why? This episode shows only that it was necessary! Flawed as they are, the institutions of the Autocephalates are all that protect the one-in-six. If they fall, so will their rites.

I am sure that those who wish to abolish the Autocephalates have the best intentions flawed mankind can produce. But that way lies disaster. Friends, do not allow your high ideals to make an accomplice of you. Please, I beg you, do not support the destruction of Amalgast's order! What comes is not peace, but more reaping. Seven more Kutans, seven more Metamoas, and not a bissel of unity.
Baba Tanda performs a perfect angelform, and despite her age, a flip.
...imagine the Baba in her prime.

And Qanam falls into Baba Tanda's embrace, a woman he has known for what feels like half his life, and says goodbye to her as well. And then he is mobbed, and all the sect reach out to him, and he hugs everyone that he can reach out to, and then, at last, in the chaos of the crowd, he slips away, the better to confuse the Jury of Nachivan which has sent guards to watch, drawn by the disturbance.
Aww 🥺

They are all poor sons of bitches (and daughters, a nun of the gunpowder Eucharist shouts, and Bukuk assents with a smirk). It behooves them, then, these sons of bitches, to get help from mean bastards, and tough beasts, so that they can become more than that, to elevate themselves. He's told that HaKhofshim's all about aligning the personal and the collective, and so are the Ravs of Labour.
I love him, big legit union boss energy

The tyrant-angels, Hadi explains , are a now extinct species of strange animal, and yes that's right, he confirms to astonished onlookers, many animals have indeed appeared and disappeared through time, as he lectures on ideas around the extension of the spiral of truth to the natural world and recent ideas in 'evolution', the process by which certain creatures attempt to reach God by transmutation of the soul and body over time.
The particular way Vasp's thinkers intertwine theology and science is real interesting.

'further to EMANCIPATE all of Vaspukaran by way of FREE SILVER and to PUT DOWN THE GOLDEN CALF' which he bellows, his deep voice echoing throughout the Temple's hall. One of the disciples, a known obsessive on the topic, almost swoons.

Akov himself thinks it brilliant, and the piece comes to the notice of Elder Varhan Sarbadgar, himself a komandir of the Pale Horse Standard and a noted radical among the Jurors. He simply sends a letter reading 'good piece, revealing many true things many are too afraid to say'.
Well, hello there Elder 👀

Agitation is spurred by the words of the preacher Rector Magarami Lazar, who in his 77 theses viciously attacks the 'indulgent class' of High Priests, wealthy Low Priests, and wealthy Jurors, and in particular lambasts the theological underpinnings of the Hospodari Rite as the 'compromise of fools'.
The first few are based, but I'm not sure about attacking the Rite. I am, I admit, biased for syncretism.

Known for sitting at the back of the Sanhedron in their respective section, the reapers count among their number Pontiff-Prelate Amalgani Samangan in the High Priesthood
That's our boy! The only reaper high priest!

So it is with significant compromise, scrambled together near the end of Kestvan, and intending to do the minimum fiscal reform possible, that the reaper-derided 'Bull of Surrender' is put before the Sanhedron.
At first I was like, ah, gotta hate crawling reforms. Especially of this kind.

But then:
based upon the temporary levying of a few small taxes and the increase of the Autocephalate synkrata tax, goes forward.
Oh that's going to backfire-

And as Jofar is dragged, screaming, to his judgment as the orchestra fades chillingly, the Sanhedron is dragged silent to its judgment, as the Patriarch Santsarran, evidently as shocked as all the other elders struck mute, announces that as the Bull contains certain provisions relating to the increase of the Autocephalate synkrata tax, which were necessary for the Bull to function, the Bull is defeated by collective veto.
My head still spins from the Sounds of the Tyrant Angel's footfalls!

…Or maybe my ears have still not recovered from the seeing off of Qanam.

Either way, as far as the Autocephalous, I think perhaps reform is deserved, but I say this:
Was not the point of extinguishment to no longer allow the high Jurors to force those who would enforce their edicts and ideas onto God's kingdom to choose between their life and their dignity?
Why then, should we be surprised when, lacking a cause such as honor to bind them to such a choice, that they would rebel against having to suffer in place of others?

…I may have to apologize, something about Elder Khardon's bow tie has captivated my mind for some reason, my thoughts beyond this are muddled…
[X] Integrate the Ravs of Labour as a Mass Section [Gain Ravs of Labour as mass section, sect popularity triples but fervor and discipline will fall].

We have both the discipline & fervor level to take the hit in order to gain a mass base among the urban Mouflons. But I also agree with @Deadly Snark that we shouldn't take on more mass sections after this one, in order to avoid further diluting those two out of three Prescriptions of Righteous Movements.

[X] On Time and its Robbers by Ghadan Nasir [Drawing on the deepest layers of True Confession].

My reason on voting for this is synergy. Not only does the raging against the monopolization of the working peoples' time by the employing, timekeeping priests and bankers synergize with our potential integration of the KnightsRavs of Labor, but it would also vibe very well with our first chosen doctrine of protest:
Abolition of the Threefold Tithe (Tier I): An elementary attack on the threefold tithe for its fundamental unfairness and robbery from the lower to the upper chambers, and advocacy for its total abolition.

Edit: The Hoarders of God also synergize with the Threefold Tithe, but it does not achieve the same trifecta with integrating the Ravs of Labor (IMO)...tho man I wished the "respect of Mouflon rites" won cause that would create the most effective triple synergy. Oh well.

[X] The Autocephalates should be reformed [Amalist Opinion].

Fellow disciples, I will call for all of you to take heed of Brother Zeb's words! Replacing the autocephalates with more representative forms is good and just, but calling for its abolition would be interpreted by the commons of those autonomies as an attack of their way of life, a threat against the rites they practice. Therefore, I advocate for radical reform! An autocephalate from, by, & for its toilers!

(Also would help to split the autocephalates' laboring peoples against the aristocrats, if we could).
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I have edited a clarification for On Time and its Robbers.

And Ghadan Nasir's article, On Time and its Robbers, challenges the domination of time by the issuance of authorities on high, that the time available to the people, which should be determined by the people is instead monopolized by a small class of 'timekeeping priests and uniformed bankers'. The propensity of time spent on labour as opposed to leisure, and the necessity of the emancipation of popular time from its control by elite forces, is the liberation of humanity. Nasir's work forces responses even from those who might be labeled reformers in the Sanhedron such as the Komandirs Akabar Morsi, who dismisses it as 'the ravings of confessors past through their latest possessed vessel'.

I also know that I have somewhat memed on Confession as 'Gnostic Marxism' but it should be made clear it is not exactly this. None of the ideologies perfectly map 1:1
...tbh I'd be happy if any of the vote for the three other tracts HaKofshim chose to align with wins. They may not be as great as Dvorah's (yes, I'm proudly biased for a sect member ;)), but they're all Pretty Good(tm)

However, I call for my fellow disciples to reconsider standing for the abolition of autocephalates. At least for now when its oppressed peoples would see it as an attack on their branch of belief towards God.
Honestly yeah, kind of reconsidering the autocephalities vote. Keeping in mind the Sect doesn't actually control what will happen, so it's just describing a general attitude. But having an attitude solicitous towards the rights of minorities and of other peoples incorporated into Vaspukaran but who are not Vasp or other essentially long-assimilated peoples is probably the better idea in the long.

And the experience of the Sect in Kutan probably does militate in favor of that.
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I'd also like to say I agree after we accept the Rav as a Mass that we hold off on taking any more both so we don't dilute our sect to much with rapidly added members and too raise our discipline and fervor again.
We will need to put some effort into integrating the Ravs into our broader movement, probably at first by introducing the practice of the Angelforms to them. First as self-defense (sometimes pre-emptive self-defense against scabs and picket-breakers) and as they advance in their practice bringing in more of the philosophical elements into it. The combination reading club and dojo I proposed earlier could probably help that work out pretty well, and we might soon be able to pull the funds from dues to try opening one.
[X] Integrate the Ravs of Labour as a Mass Section [Gain Ravs of Labour as mass section, sect popularity triples but fervor and discipline will fall].
[X] On Time and its Robbers by Ghadan Nasir [Drawing on the deepest layers of True Confession].
[X] The Autocephalates should be abolished [Popular and Radical Opinion].
[X] Integrate the Ravs of Labour as a Mass Section [Gain Ravs of Labour as mass section, sect popularity triples but fervor and discipline will fall].
[X] On Time and its Robbers by Ghadan Nasir [Drawing on the deepest layers of True Confession].
[X] The Autocephalates should be abolished [Popular and Radical Opinion].
[X] Integrate the Ravs of Labour as a Mass Section [Gain Ravs of Labour as mass section, sect popularity triples but fervor and discipline will fall].
[X] On Witches and Non-Believers by Hadat Sutri & Hadat Bhadan [Drawing on the esoteric edge of Mystic Amalism].
[X] The Autocephalates should be reformed [Amalist Opinion].
[X] Integrate the Ravs of Labour as a Mass Section [Gain Ravs of Labour as mass section, sect popularity triples but fervor and discipline will fall].
[X] On Witches and Non-Believers by Hadat Sutri & Hadat Bhadan [Drawing on the esoteric edge of Mystic Amalism].
[X] The Autocephalates should be reformed [Amalist Opinion].
[x] They are better off as allies [Gain Ravs of Labour as ally].
[x] On Time and its Robbers by Ghadan Nasir [Drawing on the deepest layers of True Confession].
[x] The Autocephalates should be reformed [Amalist Opinion].

I think we're better off with the Ravs of Labor specialized to do their own thing well, us to do ours and joining efforts where helpful to both rather than combining, muddling our drives and being ineffective in both roles as big internal factions pull in separate directions. I don't want to get drawn to laser focus on labor issues to the exclusion of the rest by this mass.

I don't think the Autocephalates should be abolished as some form of local autonomy should be granted to the very divergent people of this massive empire rather than same size fits all. Plus, all these little places can be a test ground for different ideas… some may fail locally and serve as a warning to not go down that path, some may be pretty good and then you have a beacon to shine out an example to the rest. No need for direct rule from the center to inflame things on peripheral territories in some huge overreach, the land suffers enough as it is.

More free time = more time for martial arts. I'm not seeing as clear of a benefit for us directly with the other stuff.
[X] Integrate the Ravs of Labour as a Mass Section [Gain Ravs of Labour as mass section, sect popularity triples but fervor and discipline will fall].
[X] On Time and its Robbers by Ghadan Nasir [Drawing on the deepest layers of True Confession].
[X] The Autocephalates should be reformed [Amalist Opinion].

Smash the clocks!
[] On the Hoarders of God by Esterkesy Oshana [Drawing on the extreme peak of Political Iconoclasm].
Admittedly, I probably shouldn't be making decisions, but this is the option I'd support.
Mostly because I dislike those High Confessors, thinking they can order everything without succumbing to tyranny sooner or later, and while witch rites being a way to craft slaves, there IS a reason why they're set aside...Right?

...A coin would be more decisive about the Rav of Labor then I would be though! Go consult one of those if you want an intelligent opinion, because I don't have one.

[X] The Autocephalates should be reformed [Amalist Opinion].
The problem, as I see it, is not that they are aristocrats in their own right. The problem, at least as far as striking down the Bull goes, is that they were placed in a position where they would have had to bear the sins of the entire Kingdom on their shoulders, as if they should choose to immolate. BAH!
It's when the responsibility, and the power that flows with it are diverted by unseen hands that problems result!
[X] Integrate the Ravs of Labour as a Mass Section [Gain Ravs of Labour as mass section, sect popularity triples but fervor and discipline will fall].
[X] On the Hoarders of God by Esterkesy Oshana [Drawing on the extreme peak of Political Iconoclasm].
[X] The Autocephalates should be abolished [Popular and Radical Opinion].
Holy fighters of Pugilism. Why should we add our voices calling for the abolition of The Autocephalates?

What have they done exactly to arouse our ire or the ire of the people?

That they united as one to defeat the spiteful Bull of Surrender that would have strangled true holy reform in its crib? The Elders of The Autocephalates have done a great thing, they stopped this when all our allies and friends within the holy Chamber could not, and demonstrated to the Sandhreon that people will not stop for patch work fixes.

They represent the other parts of the Manifold God, and in this case they represented the true will of the people and of God. We should, must support them. Just as we supported the villagers of Xococo.

Like Xococo, they were ignored and put down upon. The Chambers planned to pile all the labor necessary to keep the state afloat upon their backs. To be exploited like they exploited the Mouflons. They fought back against this injustice and demonstrated unity.

What is there to despise? What they have done is the ideal of Pugilism.

[X] Integrate the Ravs of Labour as a Mass Section [Gain Ravs of Labour as mass section, sect popularity triples but fervor and discipline will fall].
[X] On Time and its Robbers by Ghadan Nasir [Drawing on the deepest layers of True Confession].
[X] The Autocephalates should be reformed [Amalist Opinion].
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[X] Integrate the Ravs of Labour as a Mass Section [Gain Ravs of Labour as mass section, sect popularity triples but fervor and discipline will fall].
[X] On the Hoarders of God by Esterkesy Oshana [Drawing on the extreme peak of Political Iconoclasm].
[X] The Autocephalates should be abolished [Popular and Radical Opinion].