Kantai Collection - Fanfic Idea and Recs

New comic by deco (geigeki honey).

Pool number 14416: On a Night Like Any Other.

Akatsuki is the admiral's secretary of the day.

Recommended for a no-nonsense cute story.

Sorry for double post.

*Muffled MI theme playing in the distance*

Arcade version battle against the Midway Princess.

Her animations are very very good, gracefully badass and terrifying.
News collection from the past few days:

From the last update, Tanikaze gets an upgrade.

Fall and Saury-themed costumes are added.

Devs preparing an official jazz concert.

The last weekend of October... "Ship This" Chinjyufu main forces are planning and preparing for real events at the end of the year. Last year, "ship", we had a classical concert in seven cities. Next... How about Phenomemon JAZZ? "Ship This" jazz Concert for adults... We will show you next month! #艦これ
So I mentioned a sort of Arpeggio of Blue Steel fanfic that I was thinking about a page or two ago, and have decided to write a quick sample/prologue for it.

Adam Hackett: a simple man who never considered himself particularly special or extraordinary. He came to the island to escape the oppression of the Maritime Security Coalition, he simply couldn't abide to live by the will of anyone but himself. The fishing boat he stole to reach this place was still lodged in the reef exactly where it was left eight years prior, still within sight of his modest beach house. It was a humble domicile, built from materials salvaged from the base that made up most of the island.
He could never have expected his life to have turned out like this, never in a thousand lifetimes would he have guessed that he would ever come across a core pearl, let alone several. The shimmering white orbs were used to contain dormant Fog cores, with minimal functionality the core could run for centuries on its own internal power, making them useful as a sort of lifeboat or escape pod for Fog who wished to avoid capture. The pearls had washed up on his beach, and reacted to his touch.
It was like destiny, a princess awaiting the touch of her prince to awaken. Adam managed to install her on a fairly intact light cruiser hull on the south beach, and just like that she appeared before him. The most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Silver-blonde hair, fair skin that seemed almost porcelain, striking, hypnotic, ruby eyes with a slender, alluring figure, hugged by a violet gown that made her look every part a princess, he was captivated immediately. Love at first sight, even if she wasn't exactly human, though that was something that would remedy itself with time.
Their adventures began, he managed to restore a ship to combat functionality, as well as open the other pearls that had washed up with her, and with the Free Fog's help they became a formidable fighting force. The fleet grew, their assets grew, their home grew. Their island was now a considerable port, seeming more like a bustling military base than a pirate hideout. A village grew on the mountainside, bunkers dug into the cliffs, castles rose up above the foliage and soon one man sifting through inert nanomaterial became a complex operation of heavy machinery and automated drones dismantling old Fog wrecks and hauling tons of nanomaterial off the beaches every day.
Still, there were days when he longed for the simplicity of the old days. There were times he wished he could go back to the times when he could sit with his beloved flagship, holding her mental model in his arms as they watched the sunset together. Luckily with the harbormaster core able to control most of the island's operations, he could afford himself such luxuries now and then. Now they sat on the fruit of months of work, a chair swing for two hanging on the front deck of his beach house. He built it by hand from wood he found on the island, while it could easily have been fabricated, it was the effort that gave the object meaning, and it was why sitting with his beloved on it was so enjoyable.
After a private picnic on a secluded cliff overlooking a lovely waterfall, the could had retired to the old beach house to be alone. Not just from the other girls in the fleet, but from the entire world. It was at that humble abode that time seemed frozen in that peaceful, idyllic time when it was the two of them, enjoying each day together in paradise. The beach house was their own little slice of Eden, where a man and a woman could enjoy life without the world on their shoulders, with nothing to distract them from their love.
"I would like to withdraw my previous misgivings, commander," she still referred to him so formally, though he had long since learned to appreciate the emotions that lay encrypted within her words. "You were definitely right, the object carries much more meaning when it is crafted by hand."
"Of course," he replied, hugging her tighter against him, "I put my love for you into it, so we can enjoy those feelings every time we sit on it together, my dear, beloved Kongou."

I've been putting some more work into this in my spare time, but a very aggressive work schedule has much of my time and energy tied up.
And tbh I've been sinking most of my free time into World of Warships because of the Halloween event, and I'm grinding for enough coal to buy Musashi.
I would definitely like to get some feedback and if there's enough interest I may start sinking more of my time into this.
So yea with recent spoilers about Scarlet fleet we might not need SUPER EVIL SHADY ORGANIZATION just a certain person surviving even though she was thought to be MIA / KIA.

And she wants revenge once more against SPOILERS and main fleet of Fog along with humanity now.
Admittedly I'm a bit behind on the Arpeggio manga, but I have seen up until a certain battle where a certain flagship was sunk and the backstories of I-401's crew was being explored.

Strictly speaking, my story takes place several decades after Humanity's Great Revolt against the Fog, the surrendered and captured cores were turned against the Scarlet Fleet and defeated them in the Mediterranean. The alliance then formed the Maritime Security Coalition, which sold itself as a peacekeeping organization, but often kept the peace through control. By reverse engineering the Fog technology, the MSC could mass produce cheap union cores based on templates derived from the captured/surrendered cores. Some Fog, now free of the Admiralty code, couldn't stand to be enslaved by the MSC and broke off to form the Free Fog, which became a sort of collection of both humans and Fog who wanted their independence from the MSC, fighting back with privateer groups like Adam Hackett's.
That's sort of the story as I have it now, again I'm still working on refining the ideas into a narrative.
There was already some hilarious snippets on that theme in Harry and the Shipgirls. Complete with Musashi dropkicking him away from Shinano, who is a precious cinnamon roll that has never seen Madoka.

DesDiv6 of course, respond with a flamethrower when approached.
Granted, there is was less Kyubey himself and more an magically animated army of plushies.

Also, commented on Enterprise being flat.
"Things Shipgirls Are No Longer Allowed to Do" already had Bunnycat show up. Kiyoshimo, the shipgirl most likely to contract ("I wish to be a battleship!"), shot him to pieces, IIRC.
A idea i thought of when you considered certain ships in Azur Lane...

Features and extras...

So have a short snip from my phone.


Zuikaku hummed happily to herself as she walk down to the commander's office with the Sitrep of bases carriers since it was her turn for the week. As she went past one of the many rec/briefing rooms she heard a certain sound.

It was a soft snickering.

A very familiar snickering that she often heard in training.

Carefully peeking in one of Zuikaku eyebrows raised in surprise as she saw Enterprise by the window waving a metal wand. As Zuikaku watch the Eagles Union carrier said carrier began to talk.

"Dance my pretties dance..." Enterprise said mirthfully.

Curiosity peak Zuikaku stealthily walked up behind the Yorktown to look over her shoulder. What she saw caused her to grin.

"WHATS YOU DOING GHOST?" Zuikaku said loudly in the other carriers ear.

That earn her yelp from the normally stoic Enterprise as she spunned around and hid the wand up her selves with a flick of the wrist.

"Nothing..." Enterprise said hurriedly in a way not to dissimilarity to a kid trying to hid something they shouldn'tbe doing, or a sailor doing the same. Which was the same thing really.

"Really?" Zuikaku queried grinning, "Then what that up you sleave?"

Enterprise glance around before pulling out the wand.

"Its a laser pointer and watch," she said before turning back to the window.

Outside was Task Force Foxy as their commander often jokingly called them. Said task force was Atago, Akagi, Kaga, Ise, Hyguure, and Takao were in the parade ground looking for something. If by they way their foxs ears and tails which earned their nickname was fluffed up and twitching they were aggravated.

"Do you see it?" They heard Kaga say.

"No, but careful. Its tricky prey..." came Akagi replied.

"We almost had it-THERE!" Atago shouted as Enterprise shimed the laser pointer in the middle of them.

"Get it!" Was Takao replied as they pounced on it. Resulting in a tangle of limbs and tails.

"Get off my tails you mutts!"

"Then let go of my ears you bitc-Damnit there it is!"

And so the chase was on. Enterprise snicker as she kept the laser dot right in front of them as Zuikaku giggled before smirking.

"And you didn't invite me? Im hurt..." Zuikaku said as she pulled out her own laser pointer. "I did this all the time... let's see how they do with two!"

"Great now the a green one back!"

The rec room was soon full with giggles and laughter as the two carriers had fun. So engaged in messing around the didn't notice the commander poke his head.

At seeing the carriers fun he grinned before stealthily closing the door. The paperwork can wait.

"They now on Akagi!"

"What no HUFF!"
A newly-translated interview with game director Tanaka back from 2013 can be read in the wiki:

Kensuke Tanaka Interview: Famitsu.com 9/7/2013 - Kancolle Wiki

Primarily it's how the game came to be and its early days. Before DMM picked it up, Kancolle had been planned as a book.

Tanaka states his position on fanworks:

I: It's true that KanColle has a lot of derivative works, you can truly feel the heat of Admirals' affection.

In both commercial and derivative works, we have a strong desire for as much freedom as realistically possible. The background and setting of KanColle are only loosely touched upon in the game. Although some things were added following the feedback given to us by the management or players, we want everybody to create their own KanColle. If you could take their real histories and breathe life into various characters and their relations, and create wonderful stories with all that. If KanColle becomes something like that, I believe it'll make all the Shipgirls really, really happy.

Tanaka wrote most of the Shipgirls' lines:

I: I see. How big of a project was it?

The core team was rather small with no more than 10 people. Members who were part of the creative team, as the main force, we were literally working to exhaustion to implement and manage things. I was personally involved as well, obviously as producer and director. Additionally, I was also responsible for the specification and data, and wrote lines and reference books for each and every Shipgirl. As the team is small everybody had to take care of everything, so it's become quite a strenuous work.

I: For starters, Akagi's become a heavy eater. Afterwards different characters gradually had various personality traits attached to them. Are you also responsible for all the character drafts?

That's right, I wrote all of them as if something possessed me! Truth is that while I wrote the lines, each shipgirl's personality is something on what we all worked together, as a team. For example, the idea of personalities which members of the DesDiv6 have was submitted by one of our female planners. "なのです!" is her contribution too!

There's also Tanaka's position on microtransactions.

I: Wahahaha *laughs*. Well then, if one can put enough effort into the game they don't need to use any micro-transactions. I think this is yet another charm of KanColle. What made you choose this kind of payment format?

I've actually played quite a few browser games in the past, and each time I thought to myself, "Well, I can somehow pull it off without paying.". Of course, there are micro-transactions in these, but if I have an opportunity to not pay, I don't want to do that. If somebody likes the game, even a little bit, then if I can give them a sense of helping the KanColle world by buying even a single item… that'd be great. I don't want it to be a game where you can't achieve anything without money. It may take time, endurance and luck, it may be hard, but in the end, you can make it. That's the kind of game I want KanColle to be.

I: You sure can think like the player. However, just like any business, KanColle requires some degree of monetization.

About this, as I said, if you like KanColle and can spend as much money on it as on a single pay-to-play game, I'd appreciate it. There are no other criterions. In terms of money, it's around 7000 yen, right? People who actually play probably know this, but unlocking all Repair Docks costs 2000 yen, add some Port Slot Extensions or maybe stuff like Furniture Fairies, and 7000 yen doesn't seem so far-fetched.
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Today in amusing thoughts (and a potential idea!):

Context: South Korea competes with China for largest shipbuilder (like longest road and largest army, but for freight ships)
Idols huh...

Really odd idea brought forth by Zombie Land Saga...

Naka decides that there is only one way to end the war, by awakening the Abyssals to their humanity. And there is only one to do so... by Idols! So she gathers together a group of Abyssals to form an Idol group with her as their manager! And with her skills at makeup, she manages to make them look like normal humans. Oddly? It actually works...
Idols huh...

Really odd idea brought forth by Zombie Land Saga...

Naka decides that there is only one way to end the war, by awakening the Abyssals to their humanity. And there is only one to do so... by Idols! So she gathers together a group of Abyssals to form an Idol group with her as their manager! And with her skills at makeup, she manages to make them look like normal humans. Oddly? It actually works...
For how long?
New CGs from today's update. Nagato got a special attack mechanism similar to Nelson's, and Makigumo got a Kai Ni.

Nagato Special Attack.

Makigumo Kai Ni.

Autumn Shiratsuyu.

Autumn Tsushima.

Choux Richelieu.