Kantai Collection - Fanfic Idea and Recs

Yeah but this is fishing, not escort or whatever.

And Houshou is the momboat, anyways.
Yeah but this is fishing, not escort or whatever.

And Houshou is the momboat, anyways.
Actually, historically, DE-sized ships were better for fishing. More economical in fuel usage, and, of course, ASW gear (read: Fish Bombing) (No, it wasn't really good, but if you had choice between bad eats and nothing to eat at all....) (Nothing to eat, as in: Really considering sawmill as food filler).

And submarine because that Orel song. :V :V

AL/MI is coming for the Arcade. So, animated Hoppo, animated Midway, animated CV Hime.

I wonder how the arcade will eventually render the crazier boss designs.
So there's an idea I've been playing around with that's less Kancolle and more Arpeggio of Blue Steel

Basically after humanity's Great Revolt, they were able to negotiate peace with the Fleet of Fog. Not all of the Fog honored the armistice and those that remained staunchly loyal to the Admiralty Code were hunted down, culminating in their ultimate defeat at the Great Battle of the Solomon Sea. Most of the Fog loyalists were taken into custody by the newly formed Maritime Security Coalition: a joint organization formed to maintain peace and human-Fog relations. with volunteers from the Fog, the MSC was able to reverse engineer the union cores and mental models and form their own cheap -albeit lower performance- mass production Fog ships, assigning human crew to them to compensate for their reduced processing power. With the MSC patrolling the oceans and keeping peace between the nations. Humanity is in a new era of prosperity.

But appearances can be deceiving

The MSC is not as benevolent as they'd have the world believe. They are a ruthless organization that uses their monopoly on Fog technology to control the seas, and by extension the world. Both captive Fog and volunteers were subject to invasive and torturous procedures, virtually being dissected to be reverse engineered, as well as copied to serve as templates for the mass production of union cores. Countless Fog mental models were discreetly enslaved with subconscious shackles to prevent them from harming their MSC masters. Rumors began to leak, and the Fog became wary of their new allies. It soon became obvious that the MSC didn't consider them allies and equals, but hardware and slaves. There was a revolt, this time by the Fog, led by a fast battleship who proves herself an outspoken advocate of Fog Independence and veteran of the Great Fog War. Under her leadership, many ships fractured off into a group calling themselves the Free Fog, allying themselves with the countless humans who were oppressed and trodden on by the MSC and its quest to dominate the oceans. The result: a new golden age of piracy as the Free Fog fight the authority of the MSC.
On top of everything, a mysterious virtual contagion begins to infect the nanomaterial used by the Fog, turning their ships into twisted monstrosities and tainting their mental models, making them savage and indiscriminantly hostile (not unlike the Abyssals). With the Abyss Virus wreaking havoc on maritime shipping and the Free Fog trying to overthrow the MSC, the seas are divided, large swaths plunged into lawlessness and chaos.

Meanwhile on a remote island in the Solomon Sea, one of many whose beaches turned silver with inert nanomaterial after the Great Battle decades prior, a lone scavenger sifts through the silver sand, collecting nanomaterial to recycle and sell to the Free Fog. A certain Fast Battleship is cornered by the MSC not far away and sunk, her cargo washing ashore on his island. The find will change his life forever.

I haven't done any real work on this yet, and I would like to hear some feedback. If enough people are interested I'll start putting serious effort into it and post it episodically.
So there's an idea I've been playing around with that's less Kancolle and more Arpeggio of Blue Steel

Basically after humanity's Great Revolt, they were able to negotiate peace with the Fleet of Fog. Not all of the Fog honored the armistice and those that remained staunchly loyal to the Admiralty Code were hunted down, culminating in their ultimate defeat at the Great Battle of the Solomon Sea. Most of the Fog loyalists were taken into custody by the newly formed Maritime Security Coalition: a joint organization formed to maintain peace and human-Fog relations. with volunteers from the Fog, the MSC was able to reverse engineer the union cores and mental models and form their own cheap -albeit lower performance- mass production Fog ships, assigning human crew to them to compensate for their reduced processing power. With the MSC patrolling the oceans and keeping peace between the nations. Humanity is in a new era of prosperity.

But appearances can be deceiving

The MSC is not as benevolent as they'd have the world believe. They are a ruthless organization that uses their monopoly on Fog technology to control the seas, and by extension the world. Both captive Fog and volunteers were subject to invasive and torturous procedures, virtually being dissected to be reverse engineered, as well as copied to serve as templates for the mass production of union cores. Countless Fog mental models were discreetly enslaved with subconscious shackles to prevent them from harming their MSC masters. Rumors began to leak, and the Fog became wary of their new allies. It soon became obvious that the MSC didn't consider them allies and equals, but hardware and slaves. There was a revolt, this time by the Fog, led by a fast battleship who proves herself an outspoken advocate of Fog Independence and veteran of the Great Fog War. Under her leadership, many ships fractured off into a group calling themselves the Free Fog, allying themselves with the countless humans who were oppressed and trodden on by the MSC and its quest to dominate the oceans. The result: a new golden age of piracy as the Free Fog fight the authority of the MSC.
On top of everything, a mysterious virtual contagion begins to infect the nanomaterial used by the Fog, turning their ships into twisted monstrosities and tainting their mental models, making them savage and indiscriminantly hostile (not unlike the Abyssals). With the Abyss Virus wreaking havoc on maritime shipping and the Free Fog trying to overthrow the MSC, the seas are divided, large swaths plunged into lawlessness and chaos.

Meanwhile on a remote island in the Solomon Sea, one of many whose beaches turned silver with inert nanomaterial after the Great Battle decades prior, a lone scavenger sifts through the silver sand, collecting nanomaterial to recycle and sell to the Free Fog. A certain Fast Battleship is cornered by the MSC not far away and sunk, her cargo washing ashore on his island. The find will change his life forever.

I haven't done any real work on this yet, and I would like to hear some feedback. If enough people are interested I'll start putting serious effort into it and post it episodically.
Go for it!
So hey everybody, DaLintyGuy has started up a Kancolle Quest where we play as The Abyss. Char gen is ending, and we have just eaten Singapore. Also, he said the quest style was inspired by Neuroi Quest, so that's gonna be fun.

Drag Them Down (KanColle) - Q

Link for those interested!
You know that feel when you have an idea for a fic or similar and then you start worldbuilding and stuff only to wonder what you were thinking a couple hours later? Got one.

So I had an idea, I'm digging playing as the Abyssals as of late and just finished watching overlord. Here is the story, quest or RP, I haven't decided yet.

So the abyssals princess get dropped into the world of Overlord but not when the story begins with Momonga, instead they are dropped in there when the game of Ygadrassil launches. They mess around for a while until the devs finally take notice of them, thinking they are a bug or something they try to fix it to no avail. They grow increasingly frustrated and scared as they are unable to delete them. Players take notice of the abyssals but since they believe them to be Players just like them, they whine in the Forums and ask for them to be banned since they are extremely good at killing players, only the devs know otherwise.

The story will follow the abyssals during the whole life of the game of Ygadrassil.
The story will follow the abyssals during the whole life of the game of Ygadrassil.

Just so we are clear, Overlord does not happen in Yggdrassil. Momonga and the Great Tomb of Nazarick were transplanted from Yggdrassil to the new world, which for now doesn't have a name (I think).

So you are proposing "transplanting" Abyssals to Yggdrassil, not to the new world. Moving "real" beings into a virtual world is different from moving virtual characters to a "real" world, and it brings its own share of problems.

First and foremost, Abyssals cannot live away from big masses of water, preferably seas and oceans. They, like the shipgirls, are beings made to move in an aquatic medium, and from the feelings I got from playing the game and watching the anime, Abysals are even more water-bound than shipgirls.

Also, you cannot drop just any type of Princess, she has to be an installation type and deploy herself in an island or secluded part of a coast in order to spawn more overlords minions. Also, will those minions be like NPCs, in which case they are considerably more limited in interactions than the NPCs at the new world, will they be sumoned as the equivalent of player characters, or will they grow into that once they level up in the game?

Here is the story, quest or RP, I haven't decided yet.
Oh. Ugh. I would not be interested in either a Quest or an RP. I'm here for fanfics, and not even CYOAs interest me.
This is what I like about these forums, people here are quick to point out mistakes you commit, comment and give their own opinion about the idea.


Just so we are clear, Overlord does not happen in Yggdrassil. Momonga and the Great Tomb of Nazarick were transplanted from Yggdrassil to the new world, which for now doesn't have a name (I think).

So you are proposing "transplanting" Abyssals to Yggdrassil, not to the new world. Moving "real" beings into a virtual world is different from moving virtual characters to a "real" world, and it brings its own share of problems.

First and foremost, Abyssals cannot live away from big masses of water, preferably seas and oceans. They, like the shipgirls, are beings made to move in an aquatic medium, and from the feelings I got from playing the game and watching the anime, Abysals are even more water-bound than shipgirls.

Yes, I am aware of that and it's intentional, I am putting them in Ygadrassil and not the new world, if this goes for a long time they might find a way into the new world when the servers finally die.

What I was planning was for them to shed their demons (equipment) in order to move in land at the cost of severely crippling them. They would need to find a way to bypass this problem as the story advances.

Also, you cannot drop just any type of Princess, she has to be an installation type and deploy herself in an island or secluded part of a coast in order to spawn more overlords minions.

What princess gets dropped in, heavily depends in whether this turns into a player driven story or if I make it into a fic.

Also, will those minions be like NPCs, in which case they are considerably more limited in interactions than the NPCs at the new world, will they be sumoned as the equivalent of player characters, or will they grow into that once they level up in the game?

I was planning on giving players the choice to pick their own princess and summon the rest of the lesser abyssals as minions. As their minions gain experience, they advance to the next tier of abyssal. Once high enough in the abyssal totem pole, they can choose to become a princess or gain enough sentience to become a player character.

Oh. Ugh. I would not be interested in either a Quest or an RP. I'm here for fanfics, and not even CYOAs interest me.

Personal opinion is all nice and great. Gives me a push to take this idea into a certain direction.

Now, why would I drop them in Ygadrassil and not in the new world right off the bat? Simple... I want them to learn the spells and game mechanics of Ygadrassil in order for them to become a force to be reckoned with.

If I don't, it all falls apart the moment Momonga and Co bust into the scene. They all get raped and vivisected by Demiurge.

Thanks for replying.
Personal opinion is all nice and great. Gives me a push to take this idea into a certain direction.

Now, why would I drop them in Ygadrassil and not in the new world right off the bat? Simple... I want them to learn the spells and game mechanics of Ygadrassil in order for them to become a force to be reckoned with.

If I don't, it all falls apart the moment Momonga and Co bust into the scene. They all get raped and vivisected by Demiurge.

Thanks for replying.
You're welcome. :)

I'm glad you took my opinion for what it is: just another data point. It's tinted by my likes, dislikes, and prejudices, and it is not intended to force you to write one way or another. For all I know, my opinion might be in the minority, and you'd get a more popular (and populated) thread with some of the other options.

The rest of my post, though, were objections and potential issues you may want to take into account before even typing the start of your story.

For example, if Abyssals are transplanted to Yggdrassil, they will most likely lose their own kind of MSSB, let's call it Magical Dark Abyssal Bullshit., as it is not programmed in the world. If that makes them lose their rigging or not is up to you. I think, though, that having creatures with 14 and 16 inch naval rifles, or carriers with dive bombers will seriously unbalance the game, and attract the devs' attention quite fast.

As for the guild Ains Ooal Gown, I suspect that if they find in Yggdrassil what it looks like another guild of inhuman-looking players, they will rather look for an alliance than trying to kill them. Even if the story started in the new world, and not on Yggdrassil, it's my impression that Momonga would either try to subjugate them like they did with the Lizard men, or look for an alliance too, specially f the Abyssals do a show of power, but also show the possibility of being reasoned with. Remember that Ains went personally and tried to reason with the "Giant of the West" and the "Serpent of the East", until he discovered what they really were.

In the new world, how things would progress would depend highly on who made first contact and how. If it was Sebas, for example, he would possibly make cautious advances until he got more information, and likely Demiurgus would conduct himself in a similar way. Shalltear or the Pleyades, on the other hand, and specially if there was no one to reign them in, would charge head on and damn the consequences.
So I read a fic the other day and now I want to write something similar;

At first it was just admiration for the other shipgirls but it slowly changed into something vile and terrible.

Always fearful of the possibility of being caught until she began to gain confidence about it as time went on. How long will this go on for? How long before the lie that is her life falls apart like a house of cards and she is exposed for what she truly is;

A monster.

Now I just need to choose my antagonist and her victims.
So I read a fic the other day and now I want to write something similar;

At first it was just admiration for the other shipgirls but it slowly changed into something vile and terrible.

Always fearful of the possibility of being caught until she began to gain confidence about it as time went on. How long will this go on for? How long before the lie that is her life falls apart like a house of cards and she is exposed for what she truly is;

A monster.

Now I just need to choose my antagonist and her victims.
Speculation below, nothing more.
Protag is an Abyssal? The last line would imply that. Or maybe a shipgirl with memories of being an Abyssal? Or a shipgirl with a split personality, one normal, the other very Abyssal-like?