Kantai Collection - Fanfic Idea and Recs

Because I listened Weird Al and Shirley Bassey in same playlist.


Na~ gato~
She's the one, the one with the Nelson Touch
Explosive Touch
Such a Cold Finger
Taunting you to enter her radar range
But dont go in

Taunting words she would pour to your ear
Secondaries disguise what you hear
And when Abyssals sees her finger point at her
Shining Finger of DEATH

From Lady Na~gato~
Abyssals beware of this lump of boat
Her aim is cold

Taunting words she would pour to your ear
Secondaries disguise what you hear
And when Abyssals sees her finger point at her
Shining Finger of DEATH

From Lady Na~gato~
Abyssals beware of this lump of boat
Her aim is cold

Her aims are all cold
Never bold
Never too bold
Her aims are all cold
Never bold
Never too bold
Her aims cold


I know, it maybe didn't make sense. This is the best I can do in 10 minutes.
Another story by Deco, pool 14419: The Nameless Goldfish.

When she's like that... it really looks like a goldfish swimming swiftly away into the distance.

Fubuki and co. has a pet goldfish they name Sendai the Second.

So, isn't the goldfish not nameless?

Well, read on.
Because I listened Weird Al and Shirley Bassey in same playlist.


Na~ gato~
She's the one, the one with the Nelson Touch
Explosive Touch
Such a Cold Finger
Taunting you to enter her radar range
But dont go in

Taunting words she would pour to your ear
Secondaries disguise what you hear
And when Abyssals sees her finger point at her
Shining Finger of DEATH

From Lady Na~gato~
Abyssals beware of this lump of boat
Her aim is cold

Taunting words she would pour to your ear
Secondaries disguise what you hear
And when Abyssals sees her finger point at her
Shining Finger of DEATH

From Lady Na~gato~
Abyssals beware of this lump of boat
Her aim is cold

Her aims are all cold
Never bold
Never too bold
Her aims are all cold
Never bold
Never too bold
Her aims cold


I know, it maybe didn't make sense. This is the best I can do in 10 minutes.

Made sense to me. But now my mind is trying to adapt other Bond covers for other girls and there are a lot to choose from.

Enterprise = Skyfall

West Virginia = Live and Let Die

Submarine -Possibly U-9- = The Man With The Golden Gun

USS England = Thunderball

Hibiki = From Russia With Love

Saratoga = Die Another Day

Haruna = You Only Live Twice

HMS Seraph = On Her Majesty's Secret Service
Made sense to me. But now my mind is trying to adapt other Bond covers for other girls and there are a lot to choose from.

Enterprise = Skyfall

West Virginia = Live and Let Die

Submarine -Possibly U-9- = The Man With The Golden Gun

USS England = Thunderball

Hibiki = From Russia With Love

Saratoga = Die Another Day

Haruna = You Only Live Twice

HMS Seraph = On Her Majesty's Secret Service

Flip Saratoga and Big E and I would back this completely
So I have a couple of ideas for a fic to run by you guys that are different from the standard drop character into Abyssal waters and watch them survive. Sure it's interesting but it's a little repetative, especially since almost all them instantly know they are in Kancolle and are a shipgirl. Their is no real plot to the series so personally I feel things would be much more natural if they didn't have foreknowledge. (Especially since I couldn't get through the anime so have no idea who the character are. Explaining in story would be much better then hand-waving it and assuming the audience knows who they are.)

1. Magical (Ship)Girl
The character wakes up on a deserted island after surviving a plane crash (An anomaly teleported the plane to the Kancolle-verse. Most people died from the magic radiation but luckily her body was able to absorb it instead, turning her into a shipgirl.) Not knowing what happened she starts trying to survive, gathering food and turning the wreck into a base. One day she meets a wounded monster (Abyssal) on the beach and nearly dies before killing it. Realizing that she has magic powers she begins to train and learning to fight with the help of her fairies, going from civilian to a warrior.

Her magic spells (after she learns how to do them) are focused mainly on weather manipulation and illusions. She also has general buffs that can apply her shipgirl abilities to her human form without materializing her rigging. (Stuff like being stronger and faster, sonar/radar, etc.) While being less powerful then her shipgirl form it does reduce her upkeep and drain on resources.

She continues hunting Abyssals for Honor and Glory (to keep them from finding her base and for salvage, supplies and materials.) She becomes an absolute terror to the Abyssals, ships that go in the fog never come out, so they begin to avoid her territory. By the time she is found she is basically similar to Sly Marbo with how effective she can be.

2. I'm not a crazed gunman, I'm a pirate.
A different take with the character being fairy sized. No real plot here buts basically Kancolle Heat Signature. The pirate has a boat that he can use to board Abyssals and then either takes them by storm or steal, killing them from the inside and looting whatever he can find.

Could make for a good omake if the shipgirl loses some of her fairies.

This is a continuation of This:
Kantai Collection Ideas and Recs II: Azur Boogaloo | Page 3
(SB Version cause forget finding it here..)
Through A Soldiers Eyes.
I'm doing a experiment with this on how to write this, a scene in the past with the main story in the future to support it. Let me know how it works.

I cursed as I fought to get my clutch out of my truck's cab. It said something that I was losing that fight. I grumbled as I decided to take a moment to calm down. Still had another forty five minutes til the meeting, I had time.

"I didn't put this in the bed why…" I mutter leaning against the door. A quick glance to the right reminded me why and did wonders for my blood pressure. For the driver side fender was gone. A casualty of Hell Week, and a twenty millimeter round. How the cab remained undamaged I will never know. At least the camper I got now fitted. I grimaced as the throbbing pain in my thigh increase slightly in warning.

"Oh yeah… Thats why," I mutter reaching in to get the clutch. Which came out smoothly. "Of fucking course…"

"Know what, don't care. M4 come," I said slinging my weapon. Patting the sling to ensure it stayed I grabbed the folders. "Paperwork check, weapon and ammo on belt double check. Truck lock… check. Now where's the Admin building. Really wish they put the building number on these orders…"

With that complaint filed I began my hubble out of the parking lot thru Bremerton Naval Station. I soon found myself on the docks to my confusion.

"Ok…" I mutter looking across the sound, "That was a wrong turn, nice view at least…"

"Hey Des! Isn't it that him?"

A yell grab my attention pulling my eyes down to the docks.

"What?" I mutter in slight disbelief on seeing several girls standing on the water. Staring at me. I stared back before waving at them with my free hand. As I did one of the shipgirls turn and ran towards the nearest dock before vaulting on it. Her gear disappearing as she landed before she fook off in a full sprint.

I barely had a moment to register that before she was on me.

"Oh my god you did live!" she said into my patrol cap as she spun me around in a bearhug. A hug that did everything to illuminate the rather large size differences as my face went into something soft and warm. Unnoticing of my plight she continued, "You were so pale and had lost so much blood I couldn't know. Then we got no word and then the Admiral got sly this morning…"

"Ribs," I manage to gasp out from her generous cleavage.

" FUCK! Sorry!" she said as she gently put me down. "I didn't hurt you anymore did I?"

I reposition my weapon before answering, "Im fine! I'm fine. Mostly healed now. Actually think my weapon did more damage…"

"Good! That's um, good," she replied before an awkward silence fell on us.

I took some pride in the fact that I was able to keep my eyes above her collar as we looked at each other and not her ample bosom, something probably help by the fact I had to tilt my head back to look at her face. I did notice that she had a really nice beret on with an anchor pin.

"Thank you," I said after a moment, "For saving me. My memory of what happened is spotty at best, from a concussion, but I do remember you helping me. Docs said that you probably saved my life… Just wish I remembered your name…"

She just gave sad grin before answering with an outstretched hand, "I'm Des Moines, CA134. Nameship of the Des Moines class, last of the heavy cruisers."

Taking her hand i grin back, "Sergeant Eric Migaron. Thirteen Romeo Artillery Radar Operator. Nice to meet you. Properly and not bleeding out this time," earning a snort, as we shook hands a memory came to mind. "You know, I think my gramps may have served on you in the fifties… Or maybe used you for a waystation to his actual ship…"

Des Moines stare off at the distance humming in thought. "Maybe, Migaron does sound familiar… Wait if he was Navy, then so why are you Army?"

"Cause the Navy didn't want me, actually pointed me to the Army recruiter in fact," I replied with a grin.

"...Fucking recruiters," the shipgirl muttered under her breath as she facepalmed. "So why are you here? Don't often get soldiers over here."

"New job," I said checking my watch, still a good twenty minutes till panic time. Waving the folder with the orders I continued, "I'm here as a Coastal Defense Artillery Liaison, according to these. Apparently me having an in was enough to for someone. The fact that a communication breakdown keeps the guns shooting at you girls is something that I have to stop…"

"Eyeah that's been annoying…" Des Moines grumbled, "Thru it can be amusing. Like what happen to Washington a few nights back. Going on about how she so sneaky at night. Then star shells lite her up. Perfect timing. Through I do have several complaints I'll like to file on those guns accuracy…"

I chuckle at that, friendly fire is funny in a way when no one gets hurt. "Give me a few days and I'll set up a complaint box. But first I need to find the Admin Building…"

"That I can help with," Des Moines said grinning. "Follow me soldier boy."

"Lead the way! So long as you don't get us lost, cause I will then blame you," I said spinning on my good heel, I really couldn't wait to be rid of the clutch.

"Do I look like Air Force to you?" the shipgirl replied grinning as she walk by me.

I turn and give her a good once over. Allowing myself a moment to admire her blue with red highlights skirt and blouse before resting on her large chest. Tearing my eyes from her cleavage I watched her long braided blonde hair swing before I replied, "Hmm… Nope, better looking."

That earnt me a laugh from the heavy cruiser and a pat on the back.

"You not half bad for Army," she said grinning.

"Your not bad either for Navy," came my replied as I let Des Moines lead the way.

"Well I think that a start of a beautiful friendship," I barely heard from one of the others who had taken their take getting to us.

============sometime later=========

"Indeed it was Houston, indeed it was…" I mutter as I stare out across the sound once again for the first time in a good long while. I let my eyes drop down to the empty piers before sighing. It was late and the sun was setting on the dreary overcast winter day.

I shivered, despite spending time in Alaska the cold wet wind blowing off the sound slice through my clothes like they were nothing. Huffing, I turned and walked towards the defac, at this time everyone will be there and I was a few hours early. May as well have some food I figured. I walked on autopilot as I inspect the areas around me. Eyes lingered on new patches of concrete and new buildings from abyssal attacks. Memories of both good and bad swirl around my head, as I lost myself in thought. I notice that I had taken the long way to get to the Bremerton Defac. If I had went the other way…

Yeah still didn't want to see that even after all this time.

Soon I came to the Dining Facility and was in line for food. I was pleasantly surprised when day's meal wasn't chicken but fish. Soon I had my tray full and was looking for a spot.

As I did I couldn't help but snort as I eyed the many different clothing styles of the present shipgirls. One particular blue coat caught my eye as I spied an empty set by her.

"Ello TacoTakao," I said grinning as I let my speech impediment come out to make the two words sound the same.

"WHY YOU-ERIC!" the Japanese heavy cruiser said in joy. Or anger as she reach over to slap me on the back of the head, "I thought I told you not to call me that!"

"But you're reactions are amusing," I whined halfheartedly before nodding to the other shipgirls. "Who's your friends?"

"That's Mogami and that's Tone," the red eye heavy cruiser said indicating the two girls on the tables other side who watched amused.

"Hi!" the short hair girl said grinning. "I'm Mogami!"

"Hello," the girl with pigtails said tersely eyeing my uniform with some suspicions. "I'm Tone."

"Staff Sergeant Eric Migaron, a pleasure." I replied grinning as I went to pull out the chair. Only to find it lock in place by Takao rudder heels.

"You'll be thanking me in five, four," said Takao as she began to counting down to my confusion.

"What are you-UFF!" was my only reaction as I was glomp.

A pale face frame by white hair look up from my chest with a shark like grin, "Sarge!"
Morinaga Miki's new manga, "Tonight, Another Salute!", can now be read on Mangadex.

Starring Commandant Teste, Gambier Bay, and Tashkent, it starts off with a usual Gamby is lost gag, but then develops with to a more interesting plot as the three discover an abandoned bar in the naval base and resolves to refurbish and reopen it.

Like the liquor served in the bar it uses an interesting mix of personalities. It's the first (as far as I know) official manga that uses foreign ships as main characters. Commandant Teste is kind, enthusiastic, and hardworking with a great fashion sense. Gambier Bay is fearful and clumsy but genuinely tries to be friends and connect with all ships. It'd be very interesting to see how Morinaga Miki develops her character. Tashkent seems to be the straight man to their antics, and have the most practical knowledge regarding liquors.

Pola appears as their first customer, with predictable actions.

It is hinted that Ashigara, Richelieu, and Chitose are the former proprietors of the bar.

Of course, if nothing else, check it out for Morinaga Miki's excellent art. But the plot and characters are very interesting and intriguing.
(SB Version cause forget finding it here..)
Through A Soldiers Eyes.
I'm doing a experiment with this on how to write this, a scene in the past with the main story in the future to support it. Let me know how it works.

I cursed as I fought to get my clutch out of my truck's cab. It said something that I was losing that fight. I grumbled as I decided to take a moment to calm down. Still had another forty five minutes til the meeting, I had time.

"I didn't put this in the bed why…" I mutter leaning against the door. A quick glance to the right reminded me why and did wonders for my blood pressure. For the driver side fender was gone. A casualty of Hell Week, and a twenty millimeter round. How the cab remained undamaged I will never know. At least the camper I got now fitted. I grimaced as the throbbing pain in my thigh increase slightly in warning.

"Oh yeah… Thats why," I mutter reaching in to get the clutch. Which came out smoothly. "Of fucking course…"

"Know what, don't care. M4 come," I said slinging my weapon. Patting the sling to ensure it stayed I grabbed the folders. "Paperwork check, weapon and ammo on belt double check. Truck lock… check. Now where's the Admin building. Really wish they put the building number on these orders…"

Small typo, but you have clutch instead of crutch. I was confused trying to figure out what type of metting you need to take a trucks clutch to.
Does anyone know:

1) How far out a combat air patrol is usually maintained?

2) what shipboard radars the USN had in between the WW2-era CXAM and the Cold War-era AN/SPG-59?
Does anyone know:

1) How far out a combat air patrol is usually maintained?

2) what shipboard radars the USN had in between the WW2-era CXAM and the Cold War-era AN/SPG-59?
Umm... The 59 was a failed radar design from the sixties that was to be the Aegis system but was too advance and power hungry from the time.

But the CXAM basically serve up to the mid-50s almost til 1960 cause of budget reasons. The Navy really couldn't get anymore ships and its a pain to replace the electronics on the best of times.

The radar that replace was the AN/SPS-43 and the 40 series with the Long Beach SCANFAR system being another failed cause of being too early system. that system was actually based on the 59 work.

Here a list of most of the radars used by the US since WW2, you really just need to go through it and look at the received dates to find one that fits you time period.
Category:Military radars of the United States - Wikipedia

Remember the Cold War started basically in 1950 to 55 depending on who you ask, a bare ten years after World War 2. During this time there was major budget cuts so no one could afford new gear til after Korea. But by then all the "new" stuff made post WW2 was now old and was easier to start again fresh, which is why you such a gap in gear.
Umm... The 59 was a failed radar design from the sixties that was to be the Aegis system but was too advance and power hungry from the time.

But the CXAM basically serve up to the mid-50s almost til 1960 cause of budget reasons. The Navy really couldn't get anymore ships and its a pain to replace the electronics on the best of times.

The radar that replace was the AN/SPS-43 and the 40 series with the Long Beach SCANFAR system being another failed cause of being too early system. that system was actually based on the 59 work.

Here a list of most of the radars used by the US since WW2, you really just need to go through it and look at the received dates to find one that fits you time period.
Category:Military radars of the United States - Wikipedia

Remember the Cold War started basically in 1950 to 55 depending on who you ask, a bare ten years after World War 2. During this time there was major budget cuts so no one could afford new gear til after Korea. But by then all the "new" stuff made post WW2 was now old and was easier to start again fresh, which is why you such a gap in gear.
Yeah, I knew the 59 never worked out. I read that part when I first learned of it while trying to find this stuff out. Anyway, the folks on SB pointed me to the SK-1/-2, which apparently lolWiki thought too insignificant to have a full article on in that category, and even NavWeaps won't give detailed stats on all the late-WW2/early Cold War models.

Ugh. What a mess.

Does no one know the ranges on CAPs?
I did a thing.
Senior Lieutenant Sergei Bondarenko was dressed for the Arctic conditions normal to the Northern Fleet submarine base at Polyarny. But despite five layers of wool and oilskin, he still felt a marked chill caused by the brisk wind blowing in from the bay. He trudged forward through the snow. Silently cursing both the frigid weather and the reason for leaving his heated room at this ungodly hour.

Said reason was currently standing at the end of a pier. Her long hair was carried by the breeze, whipping behind her like a live thing. She appeared lost in thought, staring out at the black water of the Polyarny inlet. The woman who had been both his friend and the source of most of his headaches for the last four months. The world had become a rather strange place over the last ten years. So much so that the fact that this woman was also a submarine didn't even phase Bondarenko.

He let out a loud cough as he walked behind her. "You're up early."

Her head snapped around, a look of surprise crossing her face for only an instant before being replaced by a stony expression. "I could say the same thing about you, comrade Lieutenant."

"Your roommate was worried when you left in the middle of the night. She woke me up in order to relay her concern. I am the barracks officer after all," Bondarenko replied by way of explanation.

"I needed to clear my head," she replied. "I've been stuck in this base for so long that I'm beginning to forget what the ocean looks like." She let out a long, dejected sigh.

Bondarenko quickly brushed a layer of snow from a bollard, then lowered himself to a seat. He had become something of an expert dealing with the emotional state of the submarine girls lately, but it didn't take an expert to decipher this girl. Her situation was unique amongst the other girls on the base, and it was caused by a situation that she was powerless to change.

Finally, Bondarenko broke the tense silence, "Do you miss it?"

"Of course I do." She wrung her hands together, letting a look of desperation cloud her face. "I was born from the sea, Lieutenant. I can hear it calling to me, even now."
Her hands dropped back to her sides and her shoulders slumped, and her voice grew quiet. "Do you sometimes wonder if you shouldn't just take matters into your own hands?"

Bondarenko spine went stiff, and his eyes snapped up to meet hers. The uncertainty of before was gone. Replaced instead by steely determination. "What are you talking about?" he asked with a carefully measured tone.

"If you were ever given an order that you knew to be morally reprehensible to carry out, would you still do it?"

"I would question it," Bondarenko replied with a hesitant voice.

"But if there was no other option, you would carry it out?" she pressed.

"Yes, it is my duty, after all."

She nodded silently, then sank to the pier. Oblivious to the layer of snow still coating the concrete. "That is my curse." Her voice was flat and emotionless. "I yearn to return to sea. But doing so would mean potentially performing the one thing I could never do, the duty I was built for." She slumped backwards leaning her entire weight against the bollard as sudden tears filled her eyes.

Bondarenko let the silence hang over the pier. There were times when he cursed this duty, cursed the fact that he was here and not at sea with the fleet. But that hatred did not extend to the girls. They were as nuanced and complicated as anyone. It was sad to see people lose sight of that. Perhaps it was because the Abyssals were long gone. It was easy to forget that a ship girl was a human being when she was also a tool of national security. A line of reasoning that ultimately resulted in a scared, emotional girl bawling her eyes out on a pier in northern Russia.

"You mentioned taking matters into your own hands," Bondarenko said once her sobbing had ceased. "Are you planning something?"

"Nothing I could share with you, comrade Lieutenant." She raised a hand to dab at her eyes. "The consequences of my actions are mine alone." The determination from before was back in her eyes, and now there was steel in her voice as well.

It was at that moment that Lieutenant Sergei Bondarenko came to a decision. While his superiors might have fallen into the trap of forgetting just what these girls were, he never would. With a deep sigh he said, "Whatever you decide to do, I wish you good luck, missile submarine Red October."

So I decided to run with the Red October idea I had played with before, try to wring out enough material for a full story. To add a bit of background, the Abyssal war took place instead of the events of Debt of Honor, in the mid 1990's. It ended roughly ten years before the events of this fic, leaving the world to deal with the aftermath and the existence of ship girls.