Kantai Collection - Fanfic Idea and Recs

Nagato. Instead of ending up a target at Crossroads she was taken as a war prize and put on display at Pearl...

This one I had originally put on the SB Belbat threat as a omake...

The Last Shipgirl

A pall of sadness and tears hung over the assembled group as they gathered around the bed. It would not be long now. A frail, weakened hand rested above the quilt, the breath labored from thin, aged lips. Despite the wrinkles her features were strong, with once luminous dark hair silvered with age. She was a living legend, honored by heads of state from across the globe, one that many a midshipman or midshipwoman looked up to. Now, surrounded by her children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren, she prepared for her last sortie. Of those present, only one remained apart, seated by the window draped in an old style officer's jacket. She too watched, but was silent as the sun itself fought the clouds. The only sound the whispers of family mixed with sorrow.

It's okay to go, we'll be alright.

A silent whisper from lidded eyes.

A struggle, a last inhale.

A sharp intake, a slow release.

And silence. A quiet sob and tears.

A nurse solemnly notes the time of death.

And then...

A bosun's pipe. All eye's turned to the seated figure as she extended her arm. A tiny honor guard appeared at the table as they assumed formation. Silence reigned as another faerie appeared, this one dressed in the uniform of a four star Admiral. With pomp and circumstance the faerie saluted.


"Permission Granted", the woman spoke as the Faeries boarded. She stood and looked at her extended family, the Admiral now standing on her shoulder, the tiny hand waved before entering the bridge.

"It is time," The woman moved to the door. Not since the passing of Admiral Richardson or Admiral Goto had such an event happened. Even after the end of the Abyssal War when most of the Kanmusu returned to sleep, a few lingered. Mutsu was last seen carrying the body of her husband to sea, as did Kongou when Goto's time came. The family did not follow, but understood. There were those that did follow and watch as the woman stepped off the pier and onto the water, her rigging manifesting. Crowds gathered and watch as she steamed out of the bay, past Ford Island, to the open sea. A blast of a horn heralded her voyage as the latest destroyer, USS Jane Richardson, as the Kanmusu passed.

"Yes," The woman spoke. "We'll see them all again."

And so on a winter morning, the last Shipgirl, USS Arizona, under command of her last Admiral and favorite child, sailed into the west, never to be seen again.
Makes me think of shipgirls as white blood cells of the ocean, lol. They can respawn (but as stock), and they'll disappear when the Abyssals are dead. Then again, the Abyssals would have to be harming the ocean instead of humans, and I'd rather not think about what it'd do to the fishing industry. xD
Makes me think of shipgirls as white blood cells of the ocean, lol. They can respawn (but as stock), and they'll disappear when the Abyssals are dead. Then again, the Abyssals would have to be harming the ocean instead of humans, and I'd rather not think about what it'd do to the fishing industry. xD
To be fair, though, at this moment fishing industries just affects surface area instead of bathypelagic and lower. I mean, sure, it was bad, but the one affected the most was surface dwellers. Bathypelagic and Abysalpelagic were mostly untouched.
Well, if they reside there, most of the ocean floor IS unknown, so I guess we have no idea what the Abyssals are even doing there, ayyy.
Here's something I made throughout the weekend, both the image and the writeup.

"Mouthlessness removes the ability but not the need to scream."


Large Cruiser Princess, No.400 Tactical Form.

The Wing-Ripper, Trident-Catcher, Shadow of the Manifold Blade.

4x3 254mm Abyssal Hypervelocity Gun

- "Howler" Impact Shells

6x2 105mm Dual-Purpose Secondary Battery

4x3 531mm Swarm Torpedo Launcher

11x3 40mm FLAK Battery

6x Anti-Submarine/Counter-Torpedo Charge Launchers


Execute [SHROUD] on maximum counter-tracking cycles. Harden for ECM intrusion - claimspace violation detected: revoke revoke revoke--

Vampires, vampires. Tracking, irregular projectile activity detected, count six--twelve--sixty. Staking vampires. Stakes out. Array firing. Vampires, eight redirected, two down. Count fifty, count forty-seven--

Hold for evasive action. Blink sequence started. Wake engines activated. Commit for translocation. Cycling, executing Blink--

Cycle ends. Sequence spin complete, translocation committed. Vampire threat ended by evasive action. Recharging sequence begin--

"...and those're the swarm torpedoes. Data transmitted. Are you getting this?"

"Some storage latency on my end but it's fine. How long will you keep doing this?"

"As long as necessary. Purging saturated facets now."

"And the shells--"

"They devour face-hardened armour and special-treatment-iridium alloy by the ton. I don't fancy being hit by even one, and I don't plan to."

"Of course you don't."

"Shut up."


Heavy cruiser Choukai is dancing in the rain, stitching a haphazard path around ear-splitting salvoes and brackets of fire. One of the world's strongest and most experienced heavy cruisers is fighting to understand, and more secondarily, for her life.

The world spins and blurs around her in a watery swirl. The stirring seas and dark, lightning-illuminated skies united by the falling precipitation weighed down the ragged tatters of her turquoise uniform and charred rigging. Her mental voice was earnest, a near-death passion, a caged high, a savage thrill tempered with clinical analysis as she teeters on the razor edge of destruction. The world defined as connections, and all that threatens to sever it.

"If this goes bad - no, worse than it already is - I just want you to know that in the end, I do not regret meeting you, and in all my life, you are the one variable I will always consider, and the outcome I'll always work toward-"

The answering voice was coy, almost dispassionate - not a sneer though - reassuringly calm yet infuriatingly casual. Somewhat cold and sweet, rather like ice cream.

"Hey, hey. What's that, hmmmm?. I'm catching up to you. Just a bit more till the spin's complete. Can't hold that long~~?"

That drawl, she thought. She stopped and threw into a short reverse dash. Her pursuer a flowing shadow in-between choppy waves and curtains of spray, a lethal shade, manifest-incarnate of a empty will devouring thought and structure. Blasts of secondary battery fire peppered the sea between them, but both are too agile for each other as Choukai's movements are a jitter. Janky reverses and counters chained together with bursts of speed and sudden decelerations, all calculated to throw off microsecond firing adjustments and predictions, both the computations of her movement and the aim of the Abyssal Princess fueled by echoes of possible pasts and futures.

Another supersonic thunderclap, and a cluster of the Abyssal howling shells screamed past, slamming into a wave, throwing up huge gouts of flash-steam and shrapnel that burned ephemerally with the temperature of the universe's birth.

The burn is a major concern, to some degree the reaction is self-sustaining-

At that she paused, noticing how empty her lungs felt and thought:

I know how Musashi felt now.

Through the din and noise, the pitter-patter of the rain, the thrum of her own engines, the swarming reports and inputs, she spoke again.

"No, no, not a problem. Besides, I still want to try something. Have you sent your girls?"

"Mmhm. They're on the way. My rocket Corsairs for you!"

"Thanks. I'm going in now."

"A danger-close pass?"



"Watch over me...?"

"... I will. Good luck."

"Thank you. I trust your timing, White."


Seven warbirds in grey and blue coating flew through the squall, bearing the mark of a stallion, rearing 'midst crimson flames.

"Flare Riders, check arms. There's a possibility that our Miss will outrun us, so just be prepared for anything."

"Got it, Chief."

"Roger that."


Log NEMESIS BELOW entity directly observed parameters.

Aberrant, asymmetrical design. Adapted for maneuver and counter-maneuver combat, sharply optimized for extreme sophistication to produce tactical effect. Tandem CASTER and ASSASSIN adaptations degrade both radar and visual as well as signal acquisition. LINEAR and LANCER accurizes medium-range gunnery. Defensive capabilities unknown, melee capabilities unobserved. LONER adaptations are implied through solitary behaviour and lack of sophisticated organization between multiple entities.

Shells, provisional name Howler. Fired from new hypervelocity gun design: 254mm, moving at 1.06 soundspeed, cycling in at eleven seconds. Fast traverse, limited elevation. Primary hazards are kinetic shearing impact and pyrophoric discharge afterblast. Degrades armour and inflicts massive internal damage.

Hypothesis: counter to advanced self-repair and damage control heuristics.

She has committed herself into a knife-fight. A way to limit the spray of outcomes. The chase is over; the play is reversed. So far, Choukai had been on the defensive, forcing a Fabian exchange; probing the enemy's capabilities, its intents and conceits. She'd seen how it acted so far. The only thing left to do now is to see how it would react when the violence is turned against it.

The flitting shadow of the predator looms in the distance.

Choukai made a sharp, keeling turn weighted on her armored right leg. Turrets whirring as the guns are brought to bear, torpedo tubes unshuttered and loaded.

"Searchlights, activate!"

Her first salvo is weightless, fireless; a guiding illumination lancing out from either side of her head. The sweeping beam caught the location of her adversary in a flash. Choukai concentrated as throughout her body, arcing and snapping off into the air, the electrical wisps of her jump-charge, carefully husbanded throughout the running battle, delivered her. In a blink and in a Blink, she crossed more than nine hundred meters, materializing within an explosion of colours and lightning a scant twenty meters before her adversary, the Large Cruiser Princess.

It was here that the heavy cruiser took a brief, silent regard of the Princess' visage. A gaunt, long-legged body poised to strike. Two gun-creatures, vapor hissing from the coolant being pumped through their barrels. Pale, fluttering hair and storm-grey eyes that met her scarlet gaze with mute hatred and lethality. Her very presence appeared to stifle the rolling seas, silencing the soundscape, creating a sphere of unreality around them.


A mouthless thing, that's what the others called her. Where a mouth and jaw should be there was a tumorous growth, caged in teeth and framed in black metal embedded to her skin, wormed by tubes and wires.

Even this brief sight came close to overwhelming her. Ghastly code-apparitions and distorted visions began creeping in from the edges of her vision. Alarms blared within her thoughtspace as they alerted: the Princess is about to fire.

Both took aim, and the Princess fired first.

Alarmed by a prediction delivered perilously close Choukai threw herself low as six sharp cracks pierced through the sound barrier, howling a shrill scream past her and detonated in a white-hot flash way behind her.

But even that near miss was ruinous in its passage, as the attack boiled off the last vestiges of her shields and the shockwaves wrought havoc on her systems. She hardened herself through this. Ignoring the growing pain and heat and suffocation from the burning air, she delivered her counterattack within the space of less than a second.

Ten 203mm rifles spat artificial thunderbolts, delivering devastating, accurate fire at point-blank range. Long Lances departed their tubes amidst cries of eels out, eels out! with just barely enough range for them to arm.

If the counterattack surprised her, the Princess let none of it show. The heavy cruiser's shells smashed into her shields and exploded in a dazzling cascade, sending burning fragments slicing and cutting into her as a flaming whirlwind. The front quarter of her shields collapsed into ethereal fragments swept away by the rain. A lucky hit pulverized the secondary battery concentration on her forearm.

Staring on with a silent fury, the Princess delivered her rebuke. Cells embedded along the necks of her gun-organisms snapped open and threw a fusillade of charges that went off in a series of staggered bone-snapping impacts and bursts of blinding light, violently raising a curtain of water between them. More than half of Choukai's torpedoes detonated without reaching their target, and the rest was destabilized off course or dodged easily.

Engulfed within an assault of shock, noise, and burning light, Choukai found herself flung through the air, hitting the churning surf with a sharp crack. She pushed herself up to her knees and touched the left side of her face, staved in by the impact and the counter-torpedo detonation, dripping clotted dark red blood and bits of machinery. Her glasses bent and shattered, leaving her half-blind. Out of breath, out of options, she whimpered as more noise entered the fray.

Yet amidst the cacophony, a single voice, stretched by blueshift, reached her, and her chest tightened in recognition.

"Girls, you know what to do. Ride the flare down."

Both White Plains and her strike wing had arrived.


Samar had changed her. Changed them both.

I'm almost late.

A singular thought consumed the escort carrier's mind as she finally made the jump. She punched through to realspace finding herself materializing on the far edge of the battle. She saw Choukai, a bleeding, convulsing wreck, barely holding herself up, and the Princess interposed between them.

"Light'er up ladies."

Piercing through the rain-squall the rockets fell as a spill of incandescent fireflies, an inferno pouring down at the target of their mistress' contempt. The Princess, her upperworks already aflame and lacerated from Choukai's earlier attack, fought them off with scattered bursts of FLAK fire. She turned around, searching for the source of this newest mockery, and found her transfixing the Princess' own gaze with murderous eyes, cape fluttering in the wind, holding a single five-inch mount, turret face painted red.

White Plains charged into battle unhesitatingly and shouted, as if to defy both storm and conflagration around her:

"Hey!! Right here, fucker!!!"


To be continued (?)

Damn do I feel better writing this after a long time just ruminating on my lore notes. I hate making a clliffhanger ending but it's better than dragging it on because I frankly have no idea how to end it.

This is quasi-canon for The World Set Free. CB Princess will definitely appear there but probably under different circumstances. White Plains and Choukai's relationship is more or less the same.
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The Battleship Iowa will be streaming today at 2PM Pacific with special guest Dave Canfield, Iowa veteran and CIO of the museum! This is one interview you definitely want to catch if you can. Join us!

Continuing from my old post:

JDS Kaga was opened to the public at Port Kanazawa.

Selected notable pictures in case the embed fucks up:

It appears there's another open day and we got another piece of artwork:


There's also a new KanColle manga translation on MangaDex:

Kantai Collection -KanColle- Suiheisen no, Fumizuki, the main character of which is Fumizuki. The story follows her training group as they compete in order to join the next large-scale operation.

Heh, hadn't realized the IJN Kaga and JS Kaga have very nearly the same dimensions and engine power, with 'junior' being ~10k tons lighter and slightly more slender. That's one big 'destroyer'. :rofl:

Also means historical reenacters could likely fly Zeroes off JS Kaga without any difficulty (besides the political shitstorm it might cause).
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you know here is something rather silly. so what if the first shipgirls and abyssals were caused by the aftermath of a magical girl vs dark kingdom story. lets say for a moment that dark kingdom # 55476 in order to create their monster of the week relied on old shipwrecks, and in order to combat them the magical girl team then supercharges a museum ship with their own magic to defeat said monster. monster is defeated and everyone moves on, at least until a few months after the dark kingdoms defeat wherein weird things start happening. all sorts of naval attacks and naval counter attacks. the magical girl team picks up their transformations again and goes to investigate as the feel of those attacks is similar to the dark kingdoms magic.

they show up and are surprised when a small fleet of shipgirls claim them all as admirals of that fleet or hi mom. it was just a thought but it would make for an interesting origin story for the abyssal war.
Dammit, man, I'm already writing one Kancolle magical girl story! I don't need the idea for another stuck in my head!
Ah... are we talking Shipgirls as Magical Girls (or vice-versa as the case may be) or Magical Girls alongside Shipgirls?
Ah... are we talking Shipgirls as Magical Girls (or vice-versa as the case may be) or Magical Girls alongside Shipgirls?
It's actually being written as we speak, and it's Shipgirls as Magical Girls. Got a first "season" planned out, and vague plans for future "seasons".

Also, I'll reveal one thing planned: taking my cue from a specific author's doujins, Kai Ni upgrades are basically an activate-at-will Super Mode.
I remember reading a KanColle/Magical Girl fanfiction a while back. It had anime-Fubuki, crush on Akagi and all, getting a gem containing Enterprise's soul. Her transformation was basically the Grey Ghost, which drove Akagi and Kaga up the wall and down another whenever she appeared. I think it was taken down, but it was pretty damn fun to read.