Kantai Collection - Fanfic Idea and Recs

If Ise wants to be a battlestar, well, she's probably started moving in a wrong direction. Might as well give up her main battery altogether and become just a carrier. :p
Nah further modernization. Go Soviet style. Yank out the guns put in antishipping missiles in instead. Also let's you extend the deck too

Just tell her she's still a battleship even though her guns are gone
I am suddenly and inexplicably struck by the following fanfic idea:


Addendum: ...something doesn't exactly sit right with me about this. Perhaps a little too grimdark?
Basically, I'm trying for an Area 88/el-cheapo Ace Combat vibe, where volunteer pilots in mass-produced propfighters go up against Abyssalized Ki-43s and the like in spimning dogfights of the yesteryear. Having both a lower operating speed, ease of learning, versatility (and more importably, expendability) to fight WW2 propcraft head-on, these COIN planes make up the bulk of the aerial "trench lines" keeping the rest of Southern Asia Abyss-free.

I do hope I managed to get the Greece Campaign vibes, inspired by Roald Dahl's memoirs about his service there, down as well as possible too. Please do let me know how I've managed that, thanks!
On one hand this was three months ago, on the other hand I've only just seen this now and there are things that jump out at me that I just can't let slide. Probably because I actually am Malaysian.

First off:
Pro: Catchy, very 80s title. Con: The last time anybody called this region Malaya was fifty five years ago. Ever since 1963 it's been called Malaysia. This is the 21st Century, not the 19th century and colonial days.

Somewhere in the Pahang region on the southern edge of the isle, shielded from Abyssal bombardment by the sheer bulk of Sumatra itself, hastily-bulldozed airstrips manned by a mix of locals, IAF forces and "volunteers" (mercernaries/fanatics in all but name) maintain a long and hectic air war against sky-blotting numbers of Abyssal IJA aircraft in a "Battle for Greece" reborn. Bombing landing sites to bomber interception to anti-shipping duties in the Strait; pilots ply, fight and die in the skies of Malayan airspace in horrifyingly regular droves.
It sounds like you think Pahang is on the southern edge of Sumatra. The red outline shows where Pahang is:

It's in the lower north east of Peninsular Malaysia. North of Sumatra and Singapore.

That's it for geography, i'm going to talk tactics now:

Following the (reversed) reenactment of the Malayan Campaign wherein the Summer Harbour Princess beelined for Singapore before the landings on the Malayan Peninsula, the entire region of Kuala Lumpur and Sumatra have become the figurative South Asian Maginot Line against overwhelming land-air invasions pouring up from the Johor Causeway. Malaysian dugouts batter off scores of ghostly light tanks and bicycle infantry by the hundreds on a daily basis, while a combined RN/RAN taskforce duel with Abyssal cruisers across the length of the Malaccan Strait in an attempt to stem the tides of landing rafts waiting bound for the Sumatran northern coast.

First off: refer back to the image above. Note where Kuala Lumpur is. Defensive lines are only drawn around the national capital when the invaders are at the door and people have run out of room and they are pressing you in. Drawing your maginot line around KL cedes the entire south to SG Hime, and allows her 3 road routes to push her ghost light tanks and bike infantry up north (and note the AH18 route bypasses the KL defenses). It's worth noting that the Malaysian Army warplanning dealing with an invasion from Singapore did not aim to set a defensive line around KL, but instead aimed to fight in Johor and use chokepoints to slow the advance of SAF armor up north (the SAF meanwhile, lacking the space to fight in SG, historically planned on a lightning assault into johor in order to fight there where there's more room).

A more plausible plan would instead be for the Malaysian Army units in Johor to form the vanguard and commence Fortress Johor memes, reinforced by the Territorial Army, other Tentera units, and even the Singapore Armed Forces, because 1) Singapore views Malaysia as both threat and ally, and in case of invasion by Japanese hate ghosts Malaysia is very much ally, and 2) I find it extremely unlikely SG HIme was able to utterly rekt Singapore so hard that the Singapore Armed Forces were unable to evacuate the population and withdraw a good amount of their combat power to Malaysia. (Also, even if you kill the entire RSAF stationed in Singapore, half of the RSAF's fighter strength is actually stationed in the US in training detachments, precisely so that even if a catastrophic event takes out the RSAFs fighter power in Singapore, it still has a secure reserve that can come looking for payback.) Camping Johor makes it much easier to bottleneck Abyssal invasion forces, especially when bike infantry and WW2 Japanese light tanks are pretty vulnerable to the standard weapons of an infantry section: assault rifle, 40mm grenades, antitank rockets, Carl Gustavs... and more importantly, artillery, because nothing in your force mix for SG Hime has artillery. the Type-95 Ha-Go meanwhile has a whole whopping 12mm of armor, which is going to be utterly trivial for modern IFV autocannons to penetrate (like the 25mm on the SG Bionix and the 30mm on the MY Gempita). Against this sort of armor, even the underbarrel 40mm grenade launcher is a viable weapon.

Also we do have a navy. It's underhulled and underarmed and underfunded because our previous Prime Minister embezzled money like a motherfucker, but TLDM still has a decent number of gun corvettes that can be used to interdict Abyssal landing craft trying to sail to Sumatra - Bofors 57mm and OTO Melara 76mm might not cut it for fighting Abyssal battleships, but this is more than enough gun to fuck up landing craft (in fact this would be a dream validation scenario for the USN's ASW LCS). The other thing we and the Singapores and Indonesians would do is that we'd mine the fuck out of the invasion routes SG Hime is sending assault waves out from. Mines are actually a pretty good area denial weapon, because they're fairly cheap (well, that's a relative term), and easily spammed, and most importantly, the newest generation of impulse mines are smart motherfuckers. So smart, as in you can tell them to target specific warships of the same class smart (although this is more because every warship's acoustic signature is going to be as different as an individual's stride).

As for the air war, again, assuming that RSAF managed to evacuate a good portion of their airpower north, you're going to see Singaporean fighters basing out of Malaysian airbases striking at Singapore and doing interdiction missions (how's that for irony). That means RSAF F-15SGs and RMAF Su-30MKMs flying top cover escorting strikes by RSAF F-16s and RMAF F/A-18s and maybe even throwing in both nations' lead in fighter trainers as light attack birds.

Would singapore buddy with us? If it's an existential threat by a common foe, yes. Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia are rivals, threats and allies all at once. It just depends on whats going on and who they're fighting: the common foe of the Abyssals, or each other.
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Actually this is accurate as hell to what would likely happen. Modern fighters are all but useless against the abyssals, but the cludge fighters flown by the volunteers and mercs exact a bloody toll because they are too similar to the WWII aircraft that would have flown against the abyssals.


i would imagine so, also we have to remember that one of the main things about the KC universe is that modern radar and other tech has a very hard time targeting abyssal fighters. The way I am seeing this is more like the US defense of Guadalcanal, where you had maybe a half hour to get to your plane and get up to altitude before the Japanese came in, and you only had that when the Coastwatchers were able to spot the flight and get a radio call out. otherwise you had maybe 5 minutes of warning due to radar coverage
This all depends on how your verse and its rules operate. There is no leveling effect in canon, and the two Kmajor Kancolle fanworks that have have a leveling effect do things with subtle differences:

- Kant-o-celle Quest, by planefriend, uses the leveling effect to compare like to like and level the effective playing field between equivalent modern and WW2 tech.
- Belated Battleships, by theJMPer, uses its leveling effect differently; the BelaBatt leveling effect works on results, and specs the abyssals against the top performing modern equivalent in 2014 - so the Shinden and Me-232 perform even with the F-22, for example. This is why Burkes have a mixed showing in surface actions, because they're not the super absolute best DDGs for Anti Surface Warfare in 2014 (it's fair to say the ASuW mission had atrophied somewhat in the USN at that time), but absolutely rekt Abyssal air, because Burkes have been the gold standard for AAW since 1991.

If you play by the anime rules, which is what The Greatest Generation did, you have the challenge in that abyssal fighters are roomba sized. Good luck trying to get a missile seeker to lock onto a target that small, when it's programmed for a fighter-sized target. You wanna do WW2 dogfighting guns style shens? Okay, sure, you can try that, now you try to fly your prop bird and aim your guns at a roomba-sized target.

Operating costs, perhaps? Seeing as the countries concerned (Malaysia, Indonesia, Philipines, etc) aren't exactly First World military powers in the first place, their regular military equipment might have to be jealously hoarded for protecting their mainland regions and/or being sent abroad to hotspots such as SommeJapan. Kuala Lumpur/Sumatra is pretty much considered "border territory" to the countries affected, and likely will have lower priority.
This is not correct, for several reasons.
- First: Kuala Lumpur is the national capital of Malaysia. It is not some "border territory" with lower priority. I grew up in that border territory, and it's called Sabah. (And even then Sabah is getting a fair bit of focus from MINDEF what with pirate incursions by Abu Sayaff and the Lahad Datu standoff.)
- Secondly: Nobody in SEA is going to send the cream of their air force far away to defend Japan, not when they will want to hoard their fighters to protect their own nations, and not when people still teach about the evil Imperial Japanese that tried to rape and pillage their way to empire in SEA.
- Third: Japan won't want their help anyway, because they have no way to support SEA's Air Forces. RMAF's toppest fighters are: Su-30MKM, F/A-18, MiG-29N. TNI-AU: F-16, Su-27, Su-30. Singapore: F-16C/D Block 50/52, F-15SG. It's an utter logistical nightmare.
- Fourth: The whole point of Japan being under the American security umbrella is so that when things like this happen, America steps in to defend Japan.

Secondly? Speed.

Even not counting MSSB that lets older model Zeros shoot down F22s, most jets of this era are simply too fast to do much to Abyssal locust-hordes befote overshooting completely. Sure, missiles (whenever they deign to work at all) and heavy vulcans make them unmatched in a direct clash, but Air-to-Air missiles are designed and intended for single targets alone; four Su-30s are a plain bad matchup against 50 takoyaki fighters on any day of the week.

Ten MiG-21s for the same price, though? How about four flights of rotorfighters, all trucking cheap heatseekers like jousters of old?

Regardless, as I've stated by the "Battle of Greece" theme this is very much an "everthing and the kitchen sink" scenario. The Coalition forces are very much on the brink of being overwhelmed already and are all too willing to send off eager fighters with a slap on the back, especially since they're (relatively) so cheap to train and deploy.

Speed is not the weakness you make it out to be. There is this device in fighter cockpits called a throttle. Fighters can adjust their speed between anything from 150 to 800 knots. Furthermore, while a Zero can outturn a Hornet in a turning fight, that Hornet can light afterburners, climb, and has the energy to boom and zoom the Zero and dictate the terms of the engagement - which was historically how Zeroes died in droves WW2: The faster guy with more thrust can break away from an unfavorable fight and reengage on his own terms. And the Hornet is, as far as modern fighters go, sluggish to accelerate - it'll be even worse if you send that Zero against a turn and burn monster like the F-15, let alone the F-22 or the Rafale.

The other issue is why the old stuff works and if it works at all and what rules are you using. Are you using the roomba-sized abyssals of the Anime and GG? Forget it then, nothing you do is going to work, and your prop fighters are going to die even faster and more uselessly than 4th gen fighters. Are the abyssals 1:1 sized manifestations that fuck with radar and sensors as a sort of natural interference because magic? That's basically fighting under jamming, and that means your modern weapons can still be viable, you just need to get closer in and give up more of the safety margin that is range.

There's another problem to your idea of using these old cold war fighters: sure, a surplus MiG-21 looks cheap on the open market at maybe 30,000 USD. That's just the aircraft, not counting fuel, spares, maintennance - all of which is going to be super hard to come by because this is a super old aircraft. The only air force that seriously uses the Fishbed, the Indian Air Force, wants to stop using it because it's a deathtrap falling apart in the skies killing the pilots who love to fly it. That's why nobody serious is trying to build an air force with old Cold War birds, because they're old and worn out and nobody makes the parts for them. The oldest Fishbed (if it hasn't crashed already) would be 60 years old; the youngest newbuild Fishbed is 33 years old. Which is a liveable age with if you're an American F-15 built to last. A lot less so if you're a MiG that was only meant to last long enough for nukes to fly.

On the other hand if you'd gone for pure old school Cold War memes with the A-4 Skyhawk, sign me up, Heinemann's hot rod was sweeeeeeeeeeeeet. Plus, well, pulling old A-4s and F-5s outta boneyards gives us those Area 88 memes.

But mostly because the Skyhawk is mu favorite 3rd gen loght attack bird.

Modern gunfighters with armour and/or low-speed maneuverability might be useful as coastal/city defence, freeing up AirSup!Fighters for naval and interational airspace theaters where they have more space to play with. The way I see it, in a theoretical port defence scenario:
  • No-fly-zone, landbased SAM opens up on all targets in the area. General alarm goes up.
  • AirSup jets engage at long range, harrassing the incoming fighter swarm with BVR missiles to scatter the formations. AirSup close in with slashing hit-and-run attacks before retreating.
  • Main gunfighter wave goes up. AirSups land and rearm under cover of their slower kin.
  • Gunfighters engage. SAMs switch to long range/priority targeting while fighter cover defends the main coastline.
  • AirSups rearm, head to high altitude and missile truck and/or dive on enemy bombers, gunfighters keep enemy fughter escort tied down and unable to engage while AirSups climb again.
  • Shipgirl response (hopefully) arrives.
The way things work is that an enemy bombing group detected coming in is going to be painted with AWACS first, then hit with long range SAMs if your country has invested in being able to datalink picture from your AWACS to your SAMs. Once your own air enters the airspace, your SAMs immediately stop firing because you don't want a SAM accidentally chasing after friendly fighters. If you have the fighters to do this, you can then either send a massed formation up, or do what RAF Fighter Command did over dover and what the Israelis did in the Bekaa Valley Turkey shoot: send a flight of fighters in at speed, shoot everything they see, RTB, next flight slots in and does the same, again and again and again - paradoxially, you make the enemy's numbers work against them because your fighters have a free sky to engage, and because you have AWACS or good Ground Control Intercept, you can have your fighters take off with combat loads, wait in a waiting area in the sky, and then vector them to attack. Do it right, and by the time the bomber formation arrives at the port, it's a shadow of its former self.

Anything that's big enough to need guns to take down is going to be big enough to go down to a blast frag or continuous rod warhead from an AAM.

The way I see it, modern jets in a WW2 scenario would be akin to heavy cavalry, fast and powerful but not very good at low speeds or altitudes. Without sufficient escort they'll either be bogged down on all sides and slaughtered by faster-turning proppers, or be forced to disengage from the main combat area and leave the port undefended while they turn around.

Something like that, yes?
...you have seen Top Gun, right, and all the low altitude flying they did there? Modern jets are quite adept at all sorts of speeds and altitudes, and more importantly have the thurst to boom and zoom and seek engagement on their own terms. It's going to be a repeat of the boom and zoom runs on bomber formations in WW2.

Now, if I'm being honest, I'll admit that part of my opposition to your idea would go away if, instead of wanting to make new gun-armed prop fighters, you went all the way old school. Able Dog, I choose you!

God I love the Skyraider. It's like Ed Heinemann never made a bad plane ever.
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If I may toss this in as an amusing what-if...

Depending on how one sets up the MSSB* for their story, said engagement could go totally different...
If I may toss this in as an amusing what-if...

Depending on how one sets up the MSSB* for their story, said engagement could go totally different...

I always preferred the roomba sized thing. Yeah, modern planes can outrun them, but they can't hit them, so the abyssals just hit their targets anyway. That's why you need the shipgirl carriers to do it. It's sort of like the Antman/Wasp thing. Same power as a full sized thing pached into the tiny package actually makes it much more effective. Same with the kanmusu themselves.
Speed is not the weakness you make it out to be. There is this device in fighter cockpits called a throttle. Fighters can adjust their speed between anything from 150 to 800 knots. Furthermore, while a Zero can outturn a Hornet in a turning fight, that Hornet can light afterburners, climb, and has the energy to boom and zoom the Zero and dictate the terms of the engagement - which was historically how Zeroes died in droves WW2: The faster guy with more thrust can break away from an unfavorable fight and reengage on his own terms. And the Hornet is, as far as modern fighters go, sluggish to accelerate - it'll be even worse if you send that Zero against a turn and burn monster like the F-15, let alone the F-22 or the Rafale.

The other issue is why the old stuff works and if it works at all and what rules are you using. Are you using the roomba-sized abyssals of the Anime and GG? Forget it then, nothing you do is going to work, and your prop fighters are going to die even faster and more uselessly than 4th gen fighters. Are the abyssals 1:1 sized manifestations that fuck with radar and sensors as a sort of natural interference because magic? That's basically fighting under jamming, and that means your modern weapons can still be viable, you just need to get closer in and give up more of the safety margin that is range.

There's another problem to your idea of using these old cold war fighters: sure, a surplus MiG-21 looks cheap on the open market at maybe 30,000 USD. That's just the aircraft, not counting fuel, spares, maintennance - all of which is going to be super hard to come by because this is a super old aircraft. The only air force that seriously uses the Fishbed, the Indian Air Force, wants to stop using it because it's a deathtrap falling apart in the skies killing the pilots who love to fly it. That's why nobody serious is trying to build an air force with old Cold War birds, because they're old and worn out and nobody makes the parts for them. The oldest Fishbed (if it hasn't crashed already) would be 60 years old; the youngest newbuild Fishbed is 33 years old. Which is a liveable age with if you're an American F-15 built to last. A lot less so if you're a MiG that was only meant to last long enough for nukes to fly.

On the other hand if you'd gone for pure old school Cold War memes with the A-4 Skyhawk, sign me up, Heinemann's hot rod was sweeeeeeeeeeeeet. Plus, well, pulling old A-4s and F-5s outta boneyards gives us those Area 88 memes.

But mostly because the Skyhawk is mu favorite 3rd gen loght attack bird.
I don't know why, but I keep imagining that the F-4s get a new lease on life, even if for nations that cannot afford new planes.
I don't know why, but I keep imagining that the F-4s get a new lease on life, even if for nations that cannot afford new planes.
Well tbf, they would soldiering on in Japan and Korea - both nations still have a sizeable number of F-4s in service as secondline fighters on strike/recon duties.

If we assume 1:1 Abyssals that can be targeted by radar and such, then going to Cold War fighters makes a certain amount of sense because they'll still be pretty viable in terms of kinematics; even a Skyhawk can boom and zoom WW2 piston-engined fighters, what more a Phantom. It'd be a measure of oulling out and refurbishing old airframes from the US boneyard and getting them into service.

The hard part will be training - it's a lot easier to pick up a teen fighter than an F-4.

Then answer is therefor Skyhawks, but then we all know how biased I am towards those cute little birds. :p
Well tbf, they would soldiering on in Japan and Korea - both nations still have a sizeable number of F-4s in service as secondline fighters on strike/recon duties.

If we assume 1:1 Abyssals that can be targeted by radar and such, then going to Cold War fighters makes a certain amount of sense because they'll still be pretty viable in terms of kinematics; even a Skyhawk can boom and zoom WW2 piston-engined fighters, what more a Phantom. It'd be a measure of oulling out and refurbishing old airframes from the US boneyard and getting them into service.

The hard part will be training - it's a lot easier to pick up a teen fighter than an F-4.

Then answer is therefor Skyhawks, but then we all know how biased I am towards those cute little birds. :p
Oh, please, in such a case place a F-5 style radar into the Textron Scorpion... but I'm biased to that cute little bird myself, so...
So... just stumbled on this little gem earlier.

Something tells me some unfortunate uboat girls would be... resentful. Not to mention all the ribbing they'd get from the others about being 'full of it'. :lol

(To make matters worse, u-boats usually only had just one or two toilets onboard. Cue problems when everyone gets ill at roughly the same time in the middle of the Atlantic.)

'das toot' made me realize I am far too easily amused :rofl:
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(To make matters worse, u-boats usually only had just one or two toilets onboard. Cue problems when everyone gets ill at roughly the same time in the middle of the Atlantic.)
Thanks for the mental image of a whole u-boot crew mooning on the deck towards the British coast.
Staff Notice: Don't advertise streams in unrelated threads.
The battleship Iowa will be streaming today at 2PM Pacific time. Join us!

I wonder if the Abyssal are just the lingering resentment of the seas given form? Driven by pollution and humanities abuse of it, eventually the sea spawned dark spirits of resentment from its depths, and these took form from the long term belief that ships are women, myths of sea monsters, and of course the forms of ships from the final great war.

Also the more modern ships would probably be just a little too advanced for their supernatural origins to reproduce, and maybe past myths of sea monsters had a basis in fact in their world. In fact having happened in the age of myths that lingered until the dark resentment waned, this being a time where it has surged to levels not seen since that time...

Would explain a lot, like old heroes being in fact the equivalent of ship girls back in the day... Spawned to deal with this lingering resentment when it surges up, and eventually fading from history as the resentment does...
Brief thoughts on a story concept. How do you all feel about shipgirls being able to transform humans into fairies and transport said fairy'd humans aboard themselves? It might make it less difficult for some senior officers to keep a handle on their girls.
The Battleship Iowa will be streaming today at 2PM Pacific to look at the new US cruisers and operation! Join us! Twitch
I've finally been able to work on the second chapter of The Widow's Wall. For those unfamiliar, the fanfiction follows Nachi (kai ni) and Takao recalling their past actions and experiences whether romantic or warlike during the earlier years of the Human-Abyssal War. I'm currently writing the action sequence that begins chpater two which is something new for me. I've admittedly been paying more attention to Azur Lane than Kancolle lately and I've never had to write boat-on-boat violence so a lot of this is new. The following is an except.

Content warning for graphic violence and gore.

Whizzing bolts of light, the whipping tides, creeping smoke, incessant roars bestial and mechanical. Wind screaming past their ears, hair fluttering like flags against the grey sky, the subtle tug and shudder of shells loading within iron frames.


Black metal and wraith flesh, too far for the human eye to see. Gnashing maws open and roared, belching spires of fire and smoke. The smell of salty water replaced with sulphur and tangy iron, piercing their nostrils far before cannon fire would.


The swarming blackness, that vile horde, had already known what they were thinking. Cannons raised and swivelled on iron rigging attached to their forms. Cavern-maws of rending of teeth and lengthy black cylinders shifted to face the approaching threat.

The roar of a single volley was deafening, a shockwave that shook the waves and made their bones shudder beneath their flesh. A flurry of red and yellow streaks shot towards them, singing in tones that whipped and screeched.

Nachi saw one glint that stood out amidst the others, reflected in the midday sun. Less than a second later later, it had clipped by her face, sending her long ponytail whipping about wildly like a snake thrashing underwater. It detonated along with countless more, around and behind her. Many of the blasts had been preceded with dull iron thuds; some of the shells had found their mark on the fleet.

"Critical damage to hull, I repeat, critical damage to starboard and hull. We are-"

"GET BEHIND THE ISLAND, CEASE FIRE." Nachi shouted, ignoring the monotone voice of the ship's crewman. She spared a quick glance over her shoulder; her pupils tensed and focused allowing her sight to focus as a telescope might. Three gaping wounds along her side pouring smoke, two beneath them sucking in water.

She turned back to face the abyssal fleet, only to find it had become two. The hime-class had split her force into two; one dashing towards the right side of the island and the other eager to crush the shipgirls. Nachi cursed loudly, turning to Kitakami.

"Already ahead of you." The ponytailed cruiser had already shifted her body, slowing down to steady her aim. The dull *thwunk* of a torpedo barrage answered as the white streaks raced beneath the water's surface. "It's not going to take all of them, give me the other half of the fleet and we'll hunt them down."

Nachi fired a barrage of shells in a wide spread pattern, matching the staccato rhythm of her cannons with Ashigara. Each individual gun fired as opposed to a unified barrage, joining Maya, Isuzu, Yuubari, and Yamashiro in laying down a steady barrage. It was akin to multiple layers of massive war drums, all being pounded with differing levels of force one by one.

Above the din of their colossal weapons suppressing the abyssal fleet, a series of explosions and twisted howls sounded off to to their left. Kitakami's torpedo barrage had made good on its lethal promise; numerous destroyers weren't merely sunken but torn apart, black viscera mixing into the massive gouts of seawater.

It wasn't enough; the destroyers were vicious and fast but also numerous. For the torpedo and light cruisers leading them, they were a perfect shield. The hunter vessels, masked and malformed, were silent and dispassionate, with no need of uttering a command or even turning their head for an escorting destroyer to toss itself in the path of a torpedo. Many were all to eager, sometimes trying to clamp onto them teeth first in some display of animal instinct and suicidal fanaticism before their gruesome decimation

These weren't uncommon tactics but a familiar sense of disgust welled in the Kanmusu's stomachs. Kitakami sighed and gathered the rest of the destroyers and light cruisers, pursuing the force before it could get into torpedo range of the wounded battleship.

The remaining ships were up for a harsher fight. The raw size of their leader's hulking warbeast made it an easy target and it was forced to shield its humanoid controller. Through the raw blast force of the shells, they could see skin evaporating and metal torn off as if by gigantic, invisible mouths. Its own maw was clenched tight, one cannon twisted like steel wire from the impact of the blasts. And patches of blue-purple veins and muscle could be seen, the armour-skin that covered them scourged raw and exposed by blast impact.

If only they were defeated as easily as their inner workings exposed. The rest of the fleet hastily scattered and spread, returning a salvo of their own. Heavy cruiser shells, one Ru-Class battleship identifiable amidst the ruthless barrage and geyser-blasts from missed shots detonating in the water. A few shells smashed into it's shield-like arms, a few deflecting and others exploding violently, bending and spalling armour.

The Ri and and Ne class heavy cruisers danced across the water, firing from behind wrist-mounted shielding or from crouching positions. A cape billows as the ghostly woman bearing it fired her cannons, cold eyes burning with misanthropic contempt, directing the others to try and focus on the middle of the approaching targets. A line of shells smashed into the raging waters before her and she raised her cape, vision momentarily hidden with the spray of crashing waters. She jerked back instinctively yet little would change.

A Ri-Class had moved to pull her to safety, laying down covering fires with its slug like tendril, only for it to jerk backwards. The Ta-Class turned its head, lowering its cape to see there was sa gory stump where one of its comrade's weapons once was.

Yamashiro's cannons roared a second time and the lesser enemy vessel erupted into a blossom of fire, limbs and armour turned into deadly fragmentation. The Ta-class dashed away, partially propelled by the shockwave blast as rounds hammering dangerously close. A few lesser rounds finding its mark and blackening its flesh but in the frenzy of motion and violence, it hadn't seen the white streaks closing in. Streaks the earlier shelling had hidden it amidst the spray.

A great blast of water, white spouts peppered with black chunks and purple-black viscera, rained onto the watery battlefield. Yamahshiro watched as the husk, legless and near unrecognizable from the stomach up, sunk back to the depths.

"Close-in! Snap-shots and prepare for blinder fire! Maya, eyes sharp! Yuubari on me!" Nachi shouted, wincing as a heavy cruiser shell smashed into her shoulder, another into her gut. The explosion rocked her but her armour held; the purple fabric soft in appearance yet hard as iron. She could hear the fairies, their spiritual presences embedded within, accelerating cellular regeneration and gradually mending repairs.

The engagement distance had closed and the enemy had a number of advantages; more heavy hitters and an undamaged Ru-Class, but Nachi's fleet had the initiative. Shock and awe needed to be acted on immediately and that was their specialty.

Anti-Aircraf guns lowered their sights, Maya shouting orders as her fairies locked on in rehearsed motions onto faces and collarbones. A spray of shells normally meant to take out aircraft connected her to her targets in lines of shimmering yellow lines, hammering away at the targets. They were far beyond the range they could do much damage; pinging off or exploding against the enemy armour however, the shockwaves of force and flashes of light were disorienting, blinding the abyssals as they moved away.

Cannons running hot, the others took the initiative, firing at those who broke away or were staggered from the beams of flak. One Ri-Class nearly toppled over, having dashed forwards only for its body to be racked with piercing wounds, one detonating munitions and sending a burning husk to the waves. A Ne-Class fired blindly, shots going wild and cannons running hot, anything to escape. It wasn't without merit; Yuubari screamed in pain as a shell smashed into her side, jerking her side's rigging loose from the force and drawing a bloody wound into her side. Yet with her remaining good portion, she sent a pair of shell's ramming under it's shield arm, blowing a crater into its stomach.

The shock didn't kill it, but stunned and half-gutted, multiple shells blew separated the ship;head and legs sunk separately. It was one instance of raw savagery amidst many. The number only grew as the distance shrunk; only two badly damaged abyssal cruisers remaining as the Ru and Battleship Hime fired upon the advancing assault.

Yet those two were enough to keep things from being fully settled. Advancing under the withering barrage, Nachi and Isuzu forced a cruiser back, gaining ground as they tanked the shells at close range. Isuzu suppressed a growl as the blast waves tossed her off balance before her eyes grew wide; a glint of two green sparks through the smoke and flames, followed by a vertical row of flame.

Time slowed and stretched, every little wisp of fire that cleared smoke in striking detail and the tubular black shapes attached to the sideways clam-like mouths. The imagery however was nowhere as acute as pain. No amount of adrenaline could have prepared her.

All sight became an inferno, all sensation a gouging agony, and the world turned as her body flew. Her vision blurred from as velocity as her feet left the water's surface, flying across the water. The hydrophobic powers that kept her body from sinking made her hit the water like her concrete. Something cracked, multiple somethings, and she felt water lapping against open wounds. She wasn't fully floating, she knew it even if her eyes were slammed shut and screaming hoarse. The sinking sensation pulled at her thoughts, scrambling and jostling for attention amidst directing fairies to damage control and frantic thoughts of familiar faces and a dreadful, unknown fate waiting just below her.
I've seen a few posts on various Kancolle fanfiction threads here that mention a discord server, that I would assume is for discussing the kancolle stuff here on SV. Though despite numerous mentions I've never managed to find a link to it. If any of you guys are on that discord could you post a invite to it on here?