Kantai Collection - Fanfic Idea and Recs

Also, I'll reveal one thing planned: taking my cue from a specific author's doujins, Kai Ni upgrades are basically an activate-at-will Super Mode.
Funny that, I was thinking the same thing last week.
Synchronicity is a bitch...

Speaking of Super Modes, references to Dragon Ball Z and Super are a must. It's just not a proper transformation without those.
Here's an idea for you folks.

William D. Porter gets transported to the One Piece universe. This leads to her becoming one of the biggest shakers in the setting because of two simple facts:
  1. She has what amounts to a Devil Fruit power without any of the normal drawbacks.
  2. She's in a universe where people with the initial D in their names gain automatic plot relevance.
Here's an idea for you folks.

William D. Porter gets transported to the One Piece universe. This leads to her becoming one of the biggest shakers in the setting because of two simple facts:
  1. She has what amounts to a Devil Fruit power without any of the normal drawbacks.
  2. She's in a universe where people with the initial D in their names gain automatic plot relevance.
She'd fit right in with the manga slapstick with her luck as well. You could make it two as well if she was happening to escort USS Franklin D Roosevelt.

Edit: Added 'escort'
Would she even be allowed to do that, though, considering that one time she almost killed the human Roosevelt?
It was an accidental firing, and wasn't even the start of Willie's problems. The literal day before, she almost blew herself in half when a depth charge dropped from the rack right under her keel.
Would she even be allowed to do that, though, considering that one time she almost killed the human Roosevelt?

That was a comparatively minor incident which lasted all of four minutes. President Roosevelt even watched the torpedo explode from Iowa's deck, and later intervened on behalf of the individual who had left a live primer in the torpedo when he learned the man had been sentenced to hard labor despite it having been a legitimate accident which harmed nobody.

Porter's crew were not all arrested, contrary to rumor, nor was her captain sacked. He retained his post until 1944, went on to other commands, and rose to the rank of Rear Admiral before leaving service.
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The Battleship Iowa will be streaming today at 3PM Pacific time with special guest Ryan Sweeney, retired Marine and security guard for the Iowa museum!

So i just found something amusing from the old interservice rivalry, and probably sleep deprivation....


Anyone here remember Berry the shipBARGEGIRL of the famous BLR (Barge, Large Refrigerate) AKA the US Icecream Barge that was sent to the Pacific in WW2 to provide the service members there with fresh icecream?

Everyone here seemly, including me, put her as a Navy shipbarge.

We were wrong...

She ARMY. She and her other 2 sisters were design, built and crew by Army with 23 Army Soldiers...
So i just found something amusing from the old interservice rivalry, and probably sleep deprivation....


Anyone here remember Berry the shipBARGEGIRL of the famous BLR (Barge, Large Refrigerate) AKA the US Icecream Barge that was sent to the Pacific in WW2 to provide the service members there with fresh icecream?

Everyone here seemly, including me, put her as a Navy shipbarge.

We were wrong...

She ARMY. She and her other 2 sisters were design, built and crew by Army with 23 Army Soldiers...
Maybe she can teach IJA carriers how to get along with IJN ships?
In the actual gameplay, no convoy ships are involved. Actually, in several missions you have to equip your "escort ships" with additional storage, the "drum cannisters", which strongly suggests that the shipgirls themselves are the ones carrying the cargo with no assistance of merchant or cargo ships.

Moreover, if the expeditions were "escort missions", you could lose a number of protected ships, increasing or reducing your mission rewards. Such mechanic does not exist in the game. It is an inconsistency in the game, actually. The expeditions are duration-based: once the indicated time has passed, your fleet is back, and you get the reward. Some missions cost fuel and ammo, which suggests combat, but the fact that shipgirls come back from an expedition unharmed suggests that it is actually some kind of shore bombardment with no return fire. That would mean that the "expeditions" are actually some kind of "supply raids", and you don't send civilian ships to raid missions.

I know this is a rather long time to be replying to a post, but you're working under the assumption that the Expedition descriptions are vague and undefined. They are in fact not.


This was provided to me years ago upon request, with translations of the descriptions in the Expeditions. Each of the Expeditions not only have a specific title, they also explicitly mention what they entail.

For example, Expedition 5 is "Maritime Security Missions" with the description "Escort a convoy out of our waters to ensure it's safety!". Note that Expedition 5 only has a 5 Fuel requirement with no Ammo expenditure whatsoever, thus implying that it is an escort mission and not a raid as you assume.

Expedition 6 on the other hand is "Anti-Air Exercises", with the description "Prepare against an enemy carrier-based attack in a special training session!". In accordance to the description, the expedition has a 5 Fuel and 2 Ammo expenditure, indicating the use of live fire.

Note another convoy escort mission, Expedition 9 which is "Tanker Escort Duties" with the description "Escort a Tanker Convoy carrying a great supply of fuel back from the oil fields!", which also has only a fuel requirement with no ammo expenditure.

And of course, you have stuff like Expedition 10's "Attack Force Recon Missions", described as "Utilise a Seaplane Reconnaissance Aircraft Carrier to gather Intel on the enemy fleet!".

Also note another expedition, number 21 aka "Northern Rat Transportation Strategy", described as "Send out a Torpedo Squadron at night in an operation to transport supplies to allied ground forces in the North! Use Drum Canisters to carry rations and other supplies!". Note that this is one of the few expeditions that directly mention having your own shipgirls carrying the supplies specifically, whereas all other convoy escort expeditions do not, giving the implication that our shipgirls are not the ones carrying the supplies in the other missions.

It's clear that Expeditions cover a wide gamut of activities, including Naval Reviews, Decoy Operations, Sneak Attacks, Patrols, Defense Missions, Technology Exchange, etc. In this sense, Expeditions are pretty much just missions that you don't have direct control over unlike Sorties.
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So... I just found out something. Sakamoto Ryōma, someone considered to be the "Father of the Imperial Japanese Navy" is apparently a Servant in F/GO...

Not sure what could be done with this, but rather interesting...
All the shipgirls wanna' razz those three 'cause they're Army, but then...ice cream. So all is well. :p
Oh wow that works even better with the design I'd made.

You know how Hayasui, Kamoi and Taigei look, carrying a bag of supplies and such?
Now imagine instead of a crate or a bag or whatever, their rigging (destroyer backpack style) doubles as a soft serve maker. And instead of being served directly from the machine ('cause that'd be unwieldy), there's a hose (like those soda fountains from the 30s, I think?) so she can serve right onto destroyers' cups or cones (or mouths :V).

Two of them, for double serving action. :V

E: Oh and various belts and bits for holding stuff like napkins and cones and cups and whanot.

E2: White hair because ice cream. :V
E3: With like wavy hair because swirls are a bit too much.
E4: with some highlights, might depend on which sorta ice cream the girl prefers

E5: smol?
Zelinko said:
Def smol. Barge not that big. Gotta get tugged so always smol.
Now I'm imagining ice cream girl lounging on a ring floatie tied to another shipgirl via rope, sampling the merchandise straight from the tap with supreme smugness while the other shipgirl looks mighty pissed.
That last bit is even funnier if the ice cream barge happens to be army.
So... I just found out something. Sakamoto Ryōma, someone considered to be the "Father of the Imperial Japanese Navy" is apparently a Servant in F/GO...

Not sure what could be done with this, but rather interesting...

He was murdered for seeking to overthrow the Tokugawa as I recall. He was overwhelmed unprepared because his bodyguard was a sumo wrestler, and when the man was sneak-attacked, instead of realizing he was being attacked Sakamoto thought he was wrestling with a friend. He opened the door to shout downstairs and tell him to keep it down, and before he knew it the room was swarming with swordsmen.

Moving on...

I've seen a few proposed ideas (one of which is mine...) for people being transformed into the KanColle 'verse as themselves or as shipgirls, but has anybody yet written or read a story which has the main character become an Abyssal?
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He was murdered for seeking to overthrow the Tokugawa as I recall. He was overwhelmed unprepared because his bodyguard was a sumo wrestler, and when the man was sneak-attacked, instead of realizing he was being attacked Sakamoto thought he was wrestling with a friend. He opened the door to shout downstairs and tell him to keep it down, and before he knew it the room was swarming with swordsmen.

Moving on...

I've seen a few proposed ideas (one of which is mine...) for people being transformed into the KanColle 'verse as themselves or as shipgirls, but has anybody yet written or read a story which has the main character become an Abyssal?

I don't recall where or how long ago but I recall a story about humans who worked with Kanmusu being abducted and turned into Abyssals and one particular I think he was a logistics officer? was recovered after a battle in which the previously damaged armor cracked open. He was nearly dead from exhaustion, trauma, not being properly repaired and the nightmares in his head. IIRC
So from the latest Comptiq magazine, here's a clear silhouette of Ise Kai Ni, along with the ship design she's going to be based off:

Truly the age of the aviation battleship is upon us.
I find it interesting how a lot of fan art and some official art make the carriers smaller then the battleships, when many should be taller if ship size is based on height.

I think its because of how they're coded.

Battleships are supposed to be big tough, strong brawlers. Able to take a hit and give one.

Carriers are supposed to be, while not totally fragile and defenseless at close range, much more long range focused.

So a lot of artists make battleships taller to make them look more tough, and perhaps more manly, with lots of standard stereotypically manly and tough efficient person traits associated with them. Though how 'manly' they are and what traits they have depend on the writer and artist. Body language can tell a lot, even without text.

Carriers seem more female feminine coded, with a lot of standard graceful traits associated with them. This shows in their nicknames too, running some carriers nicknames through Google Translate, if this is accurate as all, gives the translation plane mama, which definitely seems to associate feminine traits.

I wonder if this could be tied to more media nowadays saying its okay to be whatever you want, within reason. A man with more feminine traits or a woman with more manly traits is more socially acceptable these days than it was 50 years ago.

Of course what traits are manly or feminine have changed with time too.
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So from the latest Comptiq magazine, here's a clear silhouette of Ise Kai Ni, along with the ship design she's going to be based off:

Truly the age of the aviation battleship is upon us.
If Ise wants to be a battlestar, well, she's probably started moving in a wrong direction. Might as well give up her main battery altogether and become just a carrier. :p