Kantai Collection - Fanfic Idea and Recs

You know, sometimes here we talk about "What might have beens". Here's a bit of an odd one... There is a class of warship known as Monitors, basically put they are shallow drafted vessels with Battleship guns mounted on them. Now, we know that the British used them and even had two up to WWII. So what about the Japanese deciding to build some? As for turrets... apparently they built two turrets for the A-150 class for testing in Kure. Makes one wonder what those as shipgirls would be like.
short, plumb, and holding and oversized cannon that even hellboy would approve of.
You know, sometimes here we talk about "What might have beens". Here's a bit of an odd one... There is a class of warship known as Monitors, basically put they are shallow drafted vessels with Battleship guns mounted on them. Now, we know that the British used them and even had two up to WWII. So what about the Japanese deciding to build some? As for turrets... apparently they built two turrets for the A-150 class for testing in Kure. Makes one wonder what those as shipgirls would be like.

A certain Flattop and several battleships on seeing them for the first time: "... All my hate."
canon RJ doesn't hate being flat chested. I wish this meme would die.
It is somewhat annoying. Though I had fun writing her trolling people who think she should hate being flat chested by running a melon stand and asking people if they wanted some of her melons. She had some big melons you see...

Oh, and she had some great melon bread buns for sale as well.
Heh, had a bit of an idea over on SB...

Softly groaning, Fubuki's eyelids fluttered for several moments before they managed to open. Every part of her hurt like she had taken the beating of a life time... Which was when the memories hit and she winced knowing that she had, indeed, taken a massive beating.

After all, that is what happened when one was going up against two Abyssal Heavy Cruisers, and five Destroyers.

Having gotten separated from the others due to a massive storm front from the north, Fubuki had made for Hokkaido best that she could. The weather only worsened and she was trying to make for one of the harbours when she came across a small village under attack by the Abyssals. The smart thing would be to radio it in and wait for back up. But Fubuki noticed one of the Destroyers about to kill a five year old girl. Said Destroyer did not expect Fubuki's flying kick. Or for her to fire into it's mouth.

What happened next was a bit of a blur. But the last thing that Fubuki remembered was the last Heavy Cruiser dying we she fell back heavily injured. And right before she fell unconscious was the sight of a beautiful, white haired woman looking down at her and calling for help.

And now, here she was waking in an unfamiliar place. Then she blinked at a chuckle and turned to see the woman from before smiling at her. "Ah! Our Hero awakens." Bowing, she continued. "Thank you from my village and myself. You saved not just our homes but also my granddaughter."

That last bit made Fubuki blink a bit. 'Granddaughter?! B-but she doesn't look that old...' Deciding to think the impossibility over later, she gave her a smile. "Um, that's okay? Just doing what I am supposed to." Looking around, Fubuki blinked a bit at her surroundings. It was an old fashioned home, but it was also warm somehow. "Really, it should be me that is thanking you... um..."

Holding a sleeve up to be face, the woman chuckled. "My name is Miyuki and I'm the leader of our small village. May I know the name of our Savior?"

Still blushing, Fubuki went to bow. Something that she realized was a bad idea when pain ripped through her midsection. "Ow..."

Before she could do anything else, Miyuki was gently pushing her back down on the bed. "Now, none of that. You rest for now and heal, your injuries need time."

Grimacing, Fubuki took a deep breath. "Yeah... been a while since I was last in this much pain." Shaking it off, she gave Miyuki a smile. "Um, anyways, I'm the Destroyer Fubuki! Pleased to meet you, Miyuki-San."

For several moments, Miyuki was quiet. But then she slowly smiled and nodded. "Fubuki-Sama... I think... yes, I think that we know how to thank you. With a special gift."

More then a little confused, Fubuki was about to ask when she realized something else. "Um, about my rig-" The finger pointing at a corner made her look and then wince. Her busted up rigging was there and it was obviously in no shape to be used due to the damage from the fight. From what she saw, it would take weeks for her to make emergency repairs. And the storm she could hear outside let her know that roads were very much impassible.

Not to mention that since her maps told her there was no nearby towns for hundreds of miles... it would be a long wait for anyone to pick her up. Chuckling weakly, Fubuki turned to Miyuki. "Well, Miyuki-San, um, guess that I will be your guest for some time then..."

All Miyuki did was smile down at her. "All the better then, I think. Especially with the gift that we will give you once you recover enough. After all, you'll need some training in it..."
Confused, Fubuki slowly nodded.

Blinking, Yuudachi looked at her friend. She could still remember the pain she had felt when Fubuki was listed as being MIA. And the resulting relief when Fubuki turned up walking out of a forest in Hokkaido three months later as the snow began to melt. Hence the party going on around them. "So they gave you a gift, Poi? That you needed training in?"

Nodding as she sipped her drink, Fubuki hummed. "That's right. I had nothing but time waiting for roads to become passible after all."

Head tilting to the side, Yuudachi frowned a bit. "So... was the gift a weapon? Like a sword or something that you needed to be trained in?"

With a giggle, Fubuki shook her head. "Nothing like that, Yuudachi-Chan. I was sort of.. adopted into their village. And they decided to teach me some of what they knew."

Once more, Yuudachi knew there was more to it then that. But Fubuki was being tight lipped about what she experienced there. Sipping her punch, she grimaced a bit. "Ugh, it's gone warm."

She placed it to the side and was about to get another cup when Fubuki tapped her on the shoulder. Holding out the cup, her fellow Destroyer smiled. "Um, Yuudachi-Chan? It feels plenty cold."

About to say something, Yuudachi took it and stopped. Looking down, she frowned as there was ice in it. "Poi? Where did that come from?"

Fubuki merely shrugged as she sipped her own drink. "Who knows?"

Meanwhile, Yuudachi missed the small amount of frost spreading out from Fubuki's fingers onto the cup.
SO do I but it was one of the jokes that needed to be done.

Also theres not hating being flat chested and regular old jealously. I don't hate being a fucking short ass twig but doesn't mean I don't occasionally feel jealous of tall people.

I used to feel jealous of tall people, then I started working on the Iowa.

Nothing like seeing tall people imitate a hunchback or smacking their head to make you grateful to be short. :tongue:
The Ship That Stepped Outside Time.
Travel & Outdoors | Ship Missed New Year's Eve, But Straddled 2 Centuries | Seattle Times Newspaper

``The consequences of this bizarre position were many. The forward part of the ship was in the Southern Hemisphere and in the middle of summer. The stern was in the Northern Hemisphere and in the middle of winter.

``The date in the after part of the ship was Dec. 30, 1899. Forward, it was Jan. 1, 1900.

``The ship was therefore not only in two different days, two different months, two different seasons and two different years, but in two different centuries - all at the same time!

``Moreover, the passengers were cheated out of a New Year's Eve celebration, and one entire day, Dec. 31, 1899, disappeared from their lives for all time.''
(learned this from Reddit)
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Nice, but the change of century happens at the end of the year that ends with 00, not 99. First century AD goes from 1 to 100, not 99. First century BC goes from -1 to -100, and there is no zero year. And if there was, would it belong to the BC century, AD century, both, or neither?

So the twentieth century started in January, 1st, 1901 and ended in December, 31st, 2000.
Tonight edition of amusing things that the residential soldier finds when the insomnia bugs bites him.

The USS Des Moines.

Now many of you may have heard of the last heavy cruiser and her nickname. The Daisy May.

What many of you may not know is how she got that name and the actual correct spelling.

It was choosen when her newspaper had an contest for it. The winner was one from a comic at the time.

It was called Li'l Abner and the character from which she was name from was called Daisy Mae.
Said character... Well lets use a picture.

I find this amusing cause heres her Warship Girls art.

I say her artist did his homework.

I really like this fact cause this is quite possibly my favorite shipgirl design and the Des Moines is my favorite ship. So finding out that the artist actually did work and not slapped something together or copy paste something is really nice.

Now excuse me while I try to get some sleep, have to be up at 0325 and its 0010...

Also remember.

Those things are Dual Purpose.

They actaully used them to shot down planes.

They're only technically Dual Purpose. The 8"/55 MK16 RF was never meant to be used against aircraft, because it trains too slowly to effectively engage aircraft. Accordingly, no AAC/ AA VT rounds were ever developed for the guns.
They're only technically Dual Purpose. The 8"/55 MK16 RF was never meant to be used against aircraft, because it trains too slowly to effectively engage aircraft. Accordingly, no AAC/ AA VT rounds were ever developed for the guns.
But they train to do so and had regular time fuses that were literally the same as the older AA ones.

There a training video of it on YouTube I'l post in 8 hours after I'm off guard.
But they train to do so and had regular time fuses that were literally the same as the older AA ones.

HC MT rounds were time-fuzed for airburst purposes, same as the HC rounds for the 16"/50 MK7. The fact is the gun can't turn fast enough for an anti-aircraft engagement.

The USN calculated main battery AA barrage tables because everyone else did, not because the main battery was ever seriously expected for use in the air-defense role. That's what the 5/38s and 3"/50 RFs are for.
HC MT rounds were time-fuzed for airburst purposes, same as the HC rounds for the 16"/50 MK7. The fact is the gun can't turn fast enough for an anti-aircraft engagement.

The USN calculated main battery AA barrage tables because everyone else did, not because the main battery was ever seriously expected for use in the air-defense role. That's what the 5/38s and 3"/50 RFs are for.
Difference is that they didn't train the main gun crews of battleships to fire at planes.

The ships of the Des Moines did.

Edit: Look pass the 9 minute mark for the AA info
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Here's a little snippet I wrote on SB that is a sort of "sequel" to three of sasahara17's snippets on this chat's sister chat there. The links are here, here and here.



Tōkyō, the Imperial Palace...


Yamato gasped on hearing that cold voice, then she slowly turned...

...before gaping in shock as the much taller woman stepped into the room, draped in a uniform that hailed to what samurai in pre-Meiji days wore when they weren't carrying out official duties, complete with a very beautiful daishō strapped to her left hip. Of course, despite her wearing a green kimono top with a dark slate grey pair of hakama trousers, she had the necessary protective wear on her body that indicated she was an aircraft carrier, complete with the white katakana on the black landing deck-shaped shield protecting her groin. Much to the surprise of the first of her class of super-battleships, this woman ALSO had the dark grey bow-shaped neck choker that Yamato and her sisters all wore, that topped with a beautiful Imperial chrysanthemum right under her chin. She was raven-haired and grey-eyed, possessing a leanness that instantly tugged at Yamato's heart; when was the last time this particular carrier — Who WAS she?! — had something to eat?

"Who is this, Yamato-hime?"

Yamato gasped as she turned...then she gaped as the newcomer dropped to one knee, clasping her hands in a ritual military salute from classical times as she bowed her head away from gazing upon the Heavenly Sovereign. "Heika, this unworthy warrior humbly begs Thy forgiveness for intruding upon Thy noble Palace when she came to speak to her beloved sister," she said in the ritual court language that had been used in the presence of the descendants of Amaterasu-ōmikami for ages.

Yamato gasped at the newcomer's claiming her as a sister; she knew she had one complete sister and two incomplete ones — Shinano and the yet-to-be-named Warship No. 111 — even if there had been a planned fifth of her class, Warship No. 797...!

"This unworthy warrior heard most strange things concerning her sister and came here quickly from Manshū-koku to see that she was well and that no offence had been unleashed upon Thee and Thy noble Family, Heika," the newcomer finished.

The Son of Heaven chuckled. "Be at ease, good warrior," he bade in modern language, which made the newcomer gasp at such a show of humanity from the ruler of Japan. "Your good sister has been engaged in marriage and serve as my second wife due to excellent services she has rendered to my family." As the newcomer's jaw dropped in shock before she recovered herself quite admirably, he added, "Yet, I profess confusion. As far as I am aware, there were only four in her class..."

"Where were you built?" Yamato asked.

The newcomer chuckled. "It doesn't surprise me you did not know of me, my sister," she said before rising to her considerable height — she stood over 223 centimetres high, well over Yamato's 183.5 centimetre height — then she ritually bowed to her overall commander-in-chief. "Fifth of the Yamato-class, first commissioned into Your Service during a terrible time for all humanity, Heika, I am Yonaga," she began, making Yamato gasp in shock. "Even more than my sisters, I was built in secret at Maizuru to give balance and harmony to the Combined Fleet. My size forced me to be affiliated with monsters who would poison the world if they got the chance, bringing shame unto Thee, Heika. Cruel Fate trapped me in ice until the Kami were so kind to transform me into what Thee sees now." As Yamato squawked in horror on hearing that, Yonaga added, "Now I am free to finally serve Thee for all humanity. I know my mind, my heart and my soul, Heika. This is the path forged for me by the blood of my crew. Know that I will never swerve from my path." She again bowed to the Heavenly Sovereign.

The Son of Heaven's eyes closed. "Unit 731, you mean..."

As Yamato shuddered in outrage, Yonaga bowed her head. "With the assistance of the Kempeitai and Tokkeitai, Heika."

He sighed. "Yonaga-dono, please tell me how bad it was."

A warning stare flashed across the large carrier's face. "It will be most unsettling, Heika," she warned.

"From what Nagato-dono and others have told me, it is too unsettling for me to accept," he coldly declared, making both shipgirls stiffen. "Given how much your sister no doubt is fretting over your clearly obvious lack of decent nourishment, Yonaga-dono, let us all be to lunch so you can be properly provisioned, then you will tell me what happened to you and your crew. And explain how on Earth that a NAVY warship was affiliated with an ARMY 'research' unit."

Yonaga smirked. "It is an odd tale indeed, Heika. I pray you also will grant me leave so I may ensure my sister is properly prepared to become your consort. It will..." Here, she tried not to visibly wince, though her clear discomfort was as clear as neon to the Heavenly Sovereign. "Give me the chance to properly accept you as my future brother-in-law..."

Yamato giggled as the Son of Heaven laughed...

Fin...for Now


BTW, I determined Yonaga's height from a fan-made chart that can be found here. I just ratioed her size to take in the canon measurements of THG Yonaga as given in The Seventh Carrier, 320 metres long and 84,000 tonnes displacement.
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Had an idea for a crossover quest. From the depths is a game where you build vehicles (primarily ships) and attempt to conquer a planet. thought it would go good with Kancolle, so I wrote this to see what people think.

Will do another snippet if there's enough interest

From the Depths/Kantai Collection

"Oh joy, More of them."

I cant help but vocalize my displeasure at what I'm seeing on the drones camera feed. More of those twisted, abominable ships.

The first time I saw them was about a day after I had woken up here; Wherever "here" was.

The stars in the sky don't match Neter's. Waking up to stars in the sky was one of the last things I expected when that huge metal obelisk from the Scarlet dawn exploded, rather than collapsing like I had expected.

Most of my ships were outright destroyed, only some remained seaworthy. Those that were sinking more than swimming were scrapped and used for repairs. That left me with One battleship, two cruisers, three destroyers, one submarine and of course my base.

When I saw them approaching, I had hoped that the cover didn't represent the book. But unfortunately looks proved to not be deceiving when their pathetic destroyer flotilla started firing at me.

Not even the White Flayers were that stupid. But there was something about them, it was more than the disgusting appearance and bad feeling they gave off. Their behavior, they fought more like pissed off wild animals than anything.

But there was nothing they could have done. Six destroyers where no match for my fleet, no matter how bruised it was.

After the battle I resumed my peaceful search for resources and oil. A few days in, I have found nothing. And I'm starting run worryingly low, even with the scrap generously provided by my defeated enemy.

And now I have to deal with a fleet that could destroy my fleet if I slip up, and cripple it if i'm not careful.

One battle ship, one heavy cruiser, 2 light cruisers, and 5 destroyers. With a possibility of submarines.

No chance of running, the base wasn't built with speed in mind.


my mood starts to match the salty Ocean.


An overwhelming boom breaks apart the air as my flagship lobs six 51cm shells across ten kilometers of open ocean. Heard loud and clear, even in the bridge closed an armored from the outside.

My flagship, the Kodiak, based on a design I found digging around through my parents documents. It was titled 'A-150', she was my fleets first capital ship and remained its flagship for my entire campaign across Neter. She's recieved many upgrades since then, and along with her sisters became a feared sight across Neter.

And right now, shes the reason I'm winning. Her multi-ton shells clobbering the enemy fleet as they continue to approach, only speeding up their doom as the projectiles get more and more accurate.

With confidence in my victory, and the promise of some scrap, I can't keep a smirk off of my face.

It disappears the moment I look at the radar screen. Planes, lots of them and heading my way.

Now I'm back to worried.
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Official Anthology Maizuru Chinjufu-hen has been updated.

The Old Lady Returns Home.

Warspite is a bit homesick, in time for the European operation.

From the ninth page, one of the best quotes I've ever read in KanColle media:

"The sound Abyssals make... is at once like a beast roaring; a cannon blasting; a foghorn bellowing, and sometimes, if you listen closely, someone crying out."

"Even more rarely, there are times when you can sense something like human speech reverberating within your own head..."
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So I've *very* recently published the first chapter of my Kantai Collection fanfic, The Widow's Wall, on fanfiction.net and I'm looking to begin writing chapter two next week. The story will follow an insomniac Takao meeting Nachi early in the morning and the two reminiscing on the experiences that forged them into the people they are now. The titular location is where we'll see them delve into the past in various flashbacks, following the turbulent opening years of the Human-Abyssal War to humanity's resurgence whether on the battlefields of the open ocean to the lust, passion, longing, and rivalries of naval bases. It will get fairly graphic later on in terms of violence and sexual content. Yes, there will be a number of pairings, some of which might be be perceived as rather unusual or unexpected.

Future characters to expect beyond the Takao and Myoukou class will include Nagato, Tatsuta, Mutsu, Yahagi, Shiranui, Hayashimo, Unryuu, Tenryuu, Bismarck, and Murakumo. The first two will be especially important.