Kantai Collection - Fanfic Idea and Recs

You could do allied PT Boats as normal-looking PT boats but scaled to proportion and manned by fairies.

Thus we get a shipgirl who's primary armament is a 5" gun and PT Boats as a torpedo phase attacker?

She'll get different types as needed with a few "ACE" units along the way. Might be devastating as a PT Imp hunter girl. Just those crazy fairies blaring away with every gun on the boat and the fish before zipping home.
Only if they use half a slot because jesus christ DEs and AVs and AOs are bad enough.

Oh watch there will be an event that forces you to use them, because of course there is an event that forces you to use the girls who have PT boats as their primary armaments.

They seem to love dragging out shit like that because the Devs seem to have the players like that.

At least she'd have better armaments than Akitsu Maru which isn't saying much to be honestly the Patrol Boats themselves are better armed than her. Take that as you will
Oh watch there will be an event that forces you to use them, because of course there is an event that forces you to use the girls who have PT boats as their primary armaments.

They seem to love dragging out shit like that because the Devs seem to have the players like that.

At least she'd have better armaments than Akitsu Maru which isn't saying much to be honestly the Patrol Boats themselves are better armed than her. Take that as you will
Or poor Maruyu who... has none.
Oh watch there will be an event that forces you to use them, because of course there is an event that forces you to use the girls who have PT boats as their primary armaments.

They seem to love dragging out shit like that because the Devs seem to have the players like that.

At least she'd have better armaments than Akitsu Maru which isn't saying much to be honestly the Patrol Boats themselves are better armed than her. Take that as you will
But Akitsu Maru is a godsend, it doesn't even compare.

Or poor Maruyu who... has none.
Yeah but since she's just a sub you can just put in any other sub instead. The issues lie in having to field a crappy ship class.
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Uh, other Subs have weapons though, Maruyu doesn't (despite the actual Submarine in real life having some weapons in the form of an Anti-tank gun and some AA).
I think you're misunderstanding. The bitching here is in having to field a bad ship class. For example, if you're required to field a DE, then that means you're forced to bring a ship with low firepower, low armor, low health and no torpedoes. And since there's only 6 ships in a normal fleet and if any get red damaged you have to turn back or risk a sink and there's always at least one surface combat node, the loss in strength and completion potential is massive. The specific member within the class doesn't really matter. You're never forced to field "Maruyu", you'd be forced to field "a SS", in which case Imuya, Ro or Luigi do the job just fine.

Zelinko was talking about introducing PTs as playable units, which would mean having to field them in an event (because of course that'd happen, because Tanaka is evil), which would mean having to use up one of your 6 precious fleet slots on something even worse than a DE on an event map, which would be just short of hell.
I think you're misunderstanding. The bitching here is in having to field a bad ship class. For example, if you're required to field a DE, then that means you're forced to bring a ship with low firepower, low armor, low health and no torpedoes. And since there's only 6 ships in a normal fleet and if any get red damaged you have to turn back or risk a sink and there's always at least one surface combat node, the loss in strength and completion potential is massive. The specific member within the class doesn't really matter. You're never forced to field "Maruyu", you'd be forced to field "a SS", in which case Imuya, Ro or Luigi do the job just fine.

Zelinko was talking about introducing PTs as playable units, which would mean having to field them in an event (because of course that'd happen, because Tanaka is evil), which would mean having to use up one of your 6 precious fleet slots on something even worse than a DE on an event map, which would be just short of hell.

Well either as playable or as equipment slot items akin to planes or the lander units that our gray faced army ship has. No clue who would have the abilty to equip a PT boat though.

Still in our hypothetical scenario of them being equipment they'd probably get stuck with a bad class and then said class is up for the next even because evil

Murasame Kai 2:

Setsubun Asashimo:

Also, a reminder that the 2018 calendar already teased Murasame's Kai Ni before this, as well as giving Shiratsuyu's exasperation. Notice how she is winking to hide her red-brown heterochromia.

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Look let's not recreate the discussion on the wiki. There's no real proper translation for Kaiboukan so people just picked something convenient and vaguely similar.

I'm not opposed to the concept of Corgi/Dog/Animal PT Boats, per-say but my personal head canon is that their fairy equipment. From what I can tell, shipgirls have all been actual ships as understood in naval parlance: vessels capable of extended independent operations in deep ocean. What instances of "boats", as understood in naval terms, we have seen in Kancolle, such as landing craft, have all been fairy equipment

*"What about subs?" You might ask. Well, in de-facto terms submarines in the World Wars, as well as today, were ships as they are capable of independent, extended deep-sea operations. Their called "boats" as a result of the name sticking from when they were boats.
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