Kantai Collection - Fanfic Idea and Recs

If Abyssals appeared today and the USN couldn't ship the RN the missiles, would EU nations sell some of their missile stocks to the British? Because I could plausibly see them refusing, and for reasons that aren't just "screw you because of brexit." This is a new, dangerous enemy who requires a lot of firepower to bring down, and the full stockpile is needed while a more sustainable solution is developed. Also, any shipping routes will probably be swarming with Aybssals, making shipping the missiles dangerous and likely to just get them destroyed.
That would require the Treasury to, you know, release funds. And considering how they normally act, such as in WWII when Britain was at war against Germany for months and the Treasury had issues with giving them funds as they did not see much reason to... Somehow I imagine the Abyssals attack the Treasury gives them issues with not wanting to give them the funding to fight.
Eh, I doubt that the problem will be money (especially since the first thing to die during total war is a market economy and there are much more financial instruments than what Britain's predecessors had in the 1940s), the actual problem will be securing the supply chain starting from the resource extraction sites all the way to the factory and the expansion of military industrial capacity and the labor force. Oh and also getting a ruling coalition that won't get dissolved and/or be seen as intentionally torpedoing defense of itself and allies for the sake of postwar politics.

On another note, I think the earliest work that had the Leveling Effect concept was Kancolle Quest (KCQ) on 4chan. In it, modern weapons were inefficient but will still kill Abyssals pretty good and modern defenses were not completely nullified. It also was the originator of PT corgis and probably other stuff too. The modern form of the concept as the fandom would probably understand it best most likely came from Belated Battleships where modern weapons and equipment were at best mediocre relative to their expected/actual performance and it was also where any unconventional advantages modern equipment had was completely nullified.
The leveling effect in KCQ worked because planefriend had decent knowledge of the different weapons he was toying with and a clear idea of the equivalencies in role and effect. It didn't exactly nerf or buff (well it did but not blatantly), but more like it forced technologies that had the same role to interact in the same playing field.

The leveling effect in BB works.... Less well.
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Right. Okay then. Oh, hey, backstory notes.

If Abyssals appeared today and the USN couldn't ship the RN the missiles, would EU nations sell some of their missile stocks to the British? Because I could plausibly see them refusing, and for reasons that aren't just "screw you because of brexit." This is a new, dangerous enemy who requires a lot of firepower to bring down, and the full stockpile is needed while a more sustainable solution is developed. Also, any shipping routes will probably be swarming with Aybssals, making shipping the missiles dangerous and likely to just get them destroyed.

It's kind of the issue of ordinance integration. If the ship doesn't know how to talk to and listen to the missile things won't really work especially since it needs to know that what's in the tube is what is in the tube and that's both a software and firmware issue. It also becomes does it fit in the launcher/cells.

Either case means that the RN ships might need to be out of action due to refit to use French missiles. Which may be politically and militarily unacceptable.

I'm not even sure if German Typhoons or Tornados are rated for Exocet or capable as aircraft integration is more difficult because well aerodynamics
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The Leveling Effect in BelaBatt is bad civilisation. The leveling effect in general is bad civilisation and I don't like it because I feel it's an uncreative copout. I'd rather set the rules where both sides have their strengths and weaknesses and then see how both sides will try to mitigate their weaknesses and exploit their strengths.

I'm still not clear on what the deal is with TGG; just vague stuff about questionable themes, and having something to do with the Enterprise/Yamato shipping that swept the scene a while back?
@De3ta 's let's read goes into issues with it, and you could always check the last page of the story thread, where i explain why i'm killing the story.

Also I kickstarted Yamaprise. But that was years ago, and my role in kickstarting this ship is now forgotten to the mists of time... :p

Right. Okay then. Oh, hey, backstory notes.

If Abyssals appeared today and the USN couldn't ship the RN the missiles, would EU nations sell some of their missile stocks to the British? Because I could plausibly see them refusing, and for reasons that aren't just "screw you because of brexit." This is a new, dangerous enemy who requires a lot of firepower to bring down, and the full stockpile is needed while a more sustainable solution is developed. Also, any shipping routes will probably be swarming with Aybssals, making shipping the missiles dangerous and likely to just get them destroyed.

It's a possibility, but if those nations are under attack they're going to be keeping their missile stocks for their own use. The other issue is that not everyone uses Harpoon as their ship-based antiship missile; the French Exocet and Norwegian NSM are both fairly popularish missiles in Europe. It does open a certain avenue of supply - if the US is not available, buying Exocets from France and having them sent over by train via Channel Tunnel is always an option - but that assumes the French industry is getting its raw materials and merchant shipping is getting through, and assumes you can intergrate Exocets with British ships.

The thing about missiles and aircraft weapons is that given their size, actually flying them out is a viable proposition. That's pretty much how people expect to get supplied by the US in an emergency.
Anyone got any links to fanfics involving Operation Crossroads? Could have sworn I read one here but I can't find it now. May have been on SB.
For the story I'm writing, modern day weappnry is used against the abyssals and getting hit by guidee missiles or cannon fire can hurt just as much as being bombarded by Akagi or Bismarck. However as others have said, aiming can be a bit of a problem due to the size of the abyssals as well as their ability to submerge and oftentikes frightening speed.

But the kanmusu can fight dirty and have ways around this. Having submarines or destroyers laser paint larger abyssal targets through smokescreens is a popular strategy. Sometimes they'll bait abyssals into following them into specialized minefields, leaving them stunned and open for artillery barrages. Even brave/insane fairy commando groups sneaking up on abyssals to plant tracking and targeting devices are used.

Personally I like to think attack helicopters and actual-warships would be useful. They would just need to either stay out of sight or range of abyssal weaponry or come into play if the kanmusu have air superiority. They essentially play a support role.

Specialized rapidly moving kanmusu transports manned by large fairy crews is something I'd like to implement.
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With my story... I don't think I really mention human ships. It's just shipgirls who have decades of experience, skills tactic and knowledge of their foe.

Abyssal turnover's been so heavy that the vast majority of them have never even seen a human. And since it's focused on them and how the war's going I just don't see humans getting involved outside maybe Shipgirl Transports to get them closer to the front so they're not having to burn a ton of fuel when they can just hitch a ride to a dust off point and let the girls do their job.

But this is decades after the start of the war and the pressure on humanity is rather reduced... from the Abyssals at least.
I've done things like Navies coming up with ways of hurting Abyssals in their own ways. For example, Submarines that launch drones for recon.
With my story... I don't think I really mention human ships. It's just shipgirls who have decades of experience, skills tactic and knowledge of their foe.

Abyssal turnover's been so heavy that the vast majority of them have never even seen a human. And since it's focused on them and how the war's going I just don't see humans getting involved outside maybe Shipgirl Transports to get them closer to the front so they're not having to burn a ton of fuel when they can just hitch a ride to a dust off point and let the girls do their job.

But this is decades after the start of the war and the pressure on humanity is rather reduced... from the Abyssals at least.

You know, this brings up an interesting point. What do people use for transporting shipgirls? I've seen Amphibious Warfare Ships modified as Shipgirl Motherships which are pretty common. I've come up with my own things, like a ship based off a trawler design which acts as an emergency shipgirl ambulance. It basically has baths and such to stabilize badly injured shipgirls and bring them back. Another thing was, well... A modified version of the Boeing Pelican:

Can carry one thousand or so tons, which means it can bring a shipgirl and her rigging to a combat zone pretty quickly. And since it's a ground effect plane, it's right above the waves moving at high speeds, with the shipgirls jumping out the back. Other aircraft is Ospreys/Twin Otters/Buffalos which can take groups of shipgirls to islands close to where they are to patrol and drop them off there, or business jets for longer distances between countries.
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I figured that the first to fight the abyssals would be conventional human navies and that even after the shipgirls came into play, they were too valuable to merely be set aside; the possibilities of their implementation would be endless. From mobile artillery support to combat transports to command centres, sometimes they would have chances to be the heroes even if they're not always on the frontlines.

I figure most of the humans involved will probably be the personnel working the base; intelligence officers, engineers, command staff, even mental health advisors, scientists, and paranormal investigators potentially given the supernatural nature of the abyssals. Though I think it's also just as important that shipgirls might have relationships with ordinary humans (not just admirals) whether as friends, enemies, lovers, or partners. I've not often seen human-kanmusu pairings where the human is something other than an admiral and that's pretty disappointing.

I've had the idea recently that the war didn't really start as smoothly as a sudden attack. It would've began with initial sightings and violent encounters with strange ghost-like entities, mankind encountering the fairies and learning of both the nature of the abyssals and how to create their own counter to them, and the gradually increasing intensity of human-abyssal interactions. By the time the shipgirls are a globally recognized and organized force, much of the world has been devastated by the abyssals and there are rumours that they may be attempting to raise sea levels so they can push further inland.

Anyways, on a different subject that's no doubt going to get wacky - supernatural technology or magitech?

It's not something I see much (or ever) in Kancolle fanworks but it's something that got me thinking when I saw the zanier prototype and experimental weaponry of World War II and the fact that there are potentially robotic entities like the Rensouhous and Taitei, the presumably otherworldly fairies, and the fact that the shipsigirls are apparently spirits. It got me thinking that if in a way they are the marriage of the material and immaterial, the technological and the ethereal, then humanity's bright minds might decide to to go further than just kanmusu. We're talking almost X-COM style reverse engineered shit.

I was thinking those specialized kanmusu transports would be one example; they're a merger of human and fairy technology. There are other oddities I've thought of; a specialized type of shell or bomb that's full of hateful curses, vengefulness, and anger at the abyssals gathered from dead humans. When detonate on or around abyssals the raw materialized bitterness clings to abyssals like sap and will attempt to pull shells, torpedoes, and bombs fired their way towards it. Another I thought of would be something harvested from the more animalistic abyssals; certain organs and such that when combined with a broadcasting device gives a moving group of shipgirls the electric/ethereal/"soul" signature of a conventional abyssal force, handy for infiltrating and positioning for ambushes. There could even be drones based on the rensouhous for long duration espionage, lurking in abyssal territory and using the previously mentioned tech to disguise themselves or outright conceal themselves from abyssal detection. And that's not even getting into potential close quarters weaponry; I doubt Tenryuu, Murakumo, Murasame, Kiso, and others have their anchors, lances, glaives, and swords just for party tricks.
You know, I'd like to see a Kancolle fic or snippet take place in areas outside the Pacific or the Atlantic. Perhaps story where the Abyssals are blocking the Suez Canal, the Strait of Homruz, the Panama Canal or some other strategic area. We could see Japanese ships being taken out of their comfort zone, interacting with the local military forces, etc.

It also be neat to see shipgirls from countries that used former British or American WW2-era ships, like Israel or Taiwan.
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So, I realize it's a silly question, and it's possible this is the wrong place, but I had a thought. The 1996 film Down Periscope was on TV today, and I had to wonder if anyone had ever crossed the characters and/or ships from that over with Kantai Collection. I realize that it's perhaps a bit silly of a thought, but ff nothing else, it seems likely to me that Captain Dodge would be an Admiral around the time the Abyssals start their assault. He's got a good head for unorthodox tactics too...

Has anyone seen anything like this? Or is it completely inconceivable?
A modified version of the Boeing Pelican:

Can carry one ton,
Uh, off by a few orders of magnitude. It can carry 1,400 tons. That's most of the weight of a destroyer, IIRC. It might not be tall enough to fit said destroyer, but in terms of footprint the Pelican is bigger.
I've come up with my own things, like a ship based off a trawler design which acts as an emergency shipgirl ambulance.
Oh, cool.
Shame that idea wouldn't work for mine (because of my MSSB rules). Instead, I thought of having subs perform S&R with inflatable balloons to lift sinking ships back to the surface. (Which would mostly give them corpses, but those are great for summoning back the shipgirl again. And this way they keep their modernizations!)
(Also, headcanon here: in order to summon a ship who's currently acting as a museum ship, you need her hull as a summoning material. The summoning ritual is best done on the lower decks or from a boat right next to her hull, for reasons that can probably be guessed at.)
Uh, off by a few orders of magnitude. It can carry 1,400 tons. That's most of the weight of a destroyer, IIRC. It might not be tall enough to fit said destroyer, but in terms of footprint the Pelican is bigger.
Derp, yeah you're right. But yeah, even in most fanfics said shipgirl plus rigging would be nowhere near that straining.
Oh, cool.
Shame that idea wouldn't work for mine (because of my MSSB rules). Instead, I thought of having subs perform S&R with inflatable balloons to lift sinking ships back to the surface. (Which would mostly give them corpses, but those are great for summoning back the shipgirl again. And this way they keep their modernizations!)
(Also, headcanon here: in order to summon a ship who's currently acting as a museum ship, you need her hull as a summoning material. The summoning ritual is best done on the lower decks or from a boat right next to her hull, for reasons that can probably be guessed at.)
Well, in general it's based off a stern trawler:

Use a wrench and pull the injured shipgirl up the back ramp if needed, then bring her to the section of the deck with a hatch to lower her down below decks where they can start work to save her.
You know, I'd like to see a Kancolle fic or snippet take place in areas outside the Pacific or the Atlantic.
I had an idea along these lines, but I cannot write decently, and lack the needed background for pulling it out.

An Abyssal attacks a local tribe in South Africa, and the shaman/mage/witch doctor/whatever they're called asks the gods for help and protection. And the gods answer by bringing a shipgirl that destroys the Abyssal ship. The summoned girl is pure African native, but she holds the spirit of one of the RN ships stationed at South Africa to defend and protect the Cape of Good Hope. Once the threat is dealt with, she turns back and presents herself to a young man, calling him "Admiral".

We're talking obviously about a man with no military background, just a hunter or peasant, but the girl sees in him the potential for grasping advanced naval strategies and tactics, so she stays and starts teaching him what he needs to be a good CO.

Time passes, and the rest of the world reacts and organizes themselves against the Abyssal threat. And once they make stock of the global situation, they realize that the South African pass, which should be a key target for Abyssal incursions, has basically very little enemy activity. There is a joint base under South African Navy command, but populated by British-summoned shipgirls, but they only make regular patrols that barely see any Abyssals. Also, when the Brits check their records, they realize that several ships that were stationed at South Africa at one point or another back in WW2 have not been summoned. The mistery is solved when they decide to make a thorough reconnaisance of the shores and find a makeshift naval base holding several shipgirls (no more than ten, and I'd say that six should the right number) and protecting the area against Abyssals.

This raises a lot of interesting issues, as the shipgirls don't recognize the South African government as valid, but they do pledge their loyalty to the Queen. The fact that they are under the command of a civilian with no official training in naval warfare makes things even more confusing.

This scenario could happen either in the Atlantic or Indic coast of South Africa, but I don't know which area is the more likely or appropriate for locating the base, among other things I don't know about the area.
So, I realize it's a silly question, and it's possible this is the wrong place, but I had a thought. The 1996 film Down Periscope was on TV today, and I had to wonder if anyone had ever crossed the characters and/or ships from that over with Kantai Collection. I realize that it's perhaps a bit silly of a thought, but ff nothing else, it seems likely to me that Captain Dodge would be an Admiral around the time the Abyssals start their assault. He's got a good head for unorthodox tactics too...

Has anyone seen anything like this? Or is it completely inconceivable?
Its been brought up once but there is potential for it both serious amd not serious. Not sure on what end but....hmmm let me stew on this for a bit.
I had an idea along these lines, but I cannot write decently, and lack the needed background for pulling it out.

An Abyssal attacks a local tribe in South Africa, and the shaman/mage/witch doctor/whatever they're called asks the gods for help and protection. And the gods answer by bringing a shipgirl that destroys the Abyssal ship. The summoned girl is pure African native, but she holds the spirit of one of the RN ships stationed at South Africa to defend and protect the Cape of Good Hope. Once the threat is dealt with, she turns back and presents herself to a young man, calling him "Admiral".

We're talking obviously about a man with no military background, just a hunter or peasant, but the girl sees in him the potential for grasping advanced naval strategies and tactics, so she stays and starts teaching him what he needs to be a good CO.

Time passes, and the rest of the world reacts and organizes themselves against the Abyssal threat. And once they make stock of the global situation, they realize that the South African pass, which should be a key target for Abyssal incursions, has basically very little enemy activity. There is a joint base under South African Navy command, but populated by British-summoned shipgirls, but they only make regular patrols that barely see any Abyssals. Also, when the Brits check their records, they realize that several ships that were stationed at South Africa at one point or another back in WW2 have not been summoned. The mistery is solved when they decide to make a thorough reconnaisance of the shores and find a makeshift naval base holding several shipgirls (no more than ten, and I'd say that six should the right number) and protecting the area against Abyssals.

This raises a lot of interesting issues, as the shipgirls don't recognize the South African government as valid, but they do pledge their loyalty to the Queen. The fact that they are under the command of a civilian with no official training in naval warfare makes things even more confusing.

This scenario could happen either in the Atlantic or Indic coast of South Africa, but I don't know which area is the more likely or appropriate for locating the base, among other things I don't know about the area.

Maybe one of the Crown Colony class cruisers, like Gambia, Nigeria or Kenya would fit.
I had an idea along these lines, but I cannot write decently, and lack the needed background for pulling it out.

An Abyssal attacks a local tribe in South Africa, and the shaman/mage/witch doctor/whatever they're called asks the gods for help and protection. And the gods answer by bringing a shipgirl that destroys the Abyssal ship. The summoned girl is pure African native, but she holds the spirit of one of the RN ships stationed at South Africa to defend and protect the Cape of Good Hope. Once the threat is dealt with, she turns back and presents herself to a young man, calling him "Admiral".

We're talking obviously about a man with no military background, just a hunter or peasant, but the girl sees in him the potential for grasping advanced naval strategies and tactics, so she stays and starts teaching him what he needs to be a good CO.

Time passes, and the rest of the world reacts and organizes themselves against the Abyssal threat. And once they make stock of the global situation, they realize that the South African pass, which should be a key target for Abyssal incursions, has basically very little enemy activity. There is a joint base under South African Navy command, but populated by British-summoned shipgirls, but they only make regular patrols that barely see any Abyssals. Also, when the Brits check their records, they realize that several ships that were stationed at South Africa at one point or another back in WW2 have not been summoned. The mistery is solved when they decide to make a thorough reconnaisance of the shores and find a makeshift naval base holding several shipgirls (no more than ten, and I'd say that six should the right number) and protecting the area against Abyssals.

This raises a lot of interesting issues, as the shipgirls don't recognize the South African government as valid, but they do pledge their loyalty to the Queen. The fact that they are under the command of a civilian with no official training in naval warfare makes things even more confusing.

This scenario could happen either in the Atlantic or Indic coast of South Africa, but I don't know which area is the more likely or appropriate for locating the base, among other things I don't know about the area.
I really like this idea; I'd read it if you ever give it a go.
So I was looking at the Suez canal and

In 1869 during the opening ceremony and first passage of ships through the Suez Canal, although the French Imperial yacht L'Aigle was officially the first vessel to pass through the canal, HMS Newport, commanded by Nares, actually passed through it first. On the night before the canal was due to open, Nares navigated his vessel, in total darkness and without lights, through the mass of waiting ships until it was in front of L'Aigle. When dawn broke the French were horrified to find that the Royal Navy was now first in line and that it would be impossible to pass them. Captain Nares received both an official reprimand and an unofficial vote of thanks from the Admiralty for his actions in promoting British interests and for demonstrating such superb seamanship.[4][5]
So I have YOU to blame for that!
easy there we all make mistakes sometimes those mistakes lead to good things other times not so much. I consider yamaprise both........even if it did get a little forced at times. but enough about the sins of the past. lets see what the future brings.

here have a little comedic crossover snip

you know it occurred to me that there are things that anyone can come to fear. for some it is complicated others it is simple and some have fears that just downright confuse people.
So when Nagato broke down in fear in the corner of his office when they had a guest one of his old friends from his time in Rainbow Admiral Masaru Enatsu had to ask what caused it. her response would surprise him. "That mask of his Mice should not be choking on gas canisters."

he really should have seen that coming. "God damn it Smoke."
so yeah Echo from rainbow 6 seige is an admiral now and he ran into an old friend of his from the SAS and that friend terrified a battleship.

for the image of what scared her here
I was making an exaggerated reply for dramatic effect.
I thought about replying in kind, just to post a link to the FFN copy of KCGG for Whiskey Golf additional shame, but in the end thought against it.

Even then, this is the ideas and recommendations thread. So I still could. But I won't. :p