Kantai Collection - Fanfic Idea and Recs

Quite a while ago, I had an idea for a tangentially related Kancolle story. Instead of being entirely about the ships, it would have been about the Public Relations people working to keep public opinion on their side. The ones who have to convince the public that these kids are actually destroyers and are perfectly okay with going out to fight, and how they have to deal with antics. Unfortunately, nothing ever came of it, and it's sat idly in my Google Docs collecting digital dust. If anyone's interested, just let me know.
I am interested if you want i have a decent knowledge base on how PR could go about gathering information regarding public opinion.
You can count me in for that.
I am interested if you want i have a decent knowledge base on how PR could go about gathering information regarding public opinion.
Now you must fight for succession!
Here's the entirety of what I have. It's nearly nothing, though.
"The war seems like an eternity ago now. We've all seen the books talking about how the signs were there, about how we could have seen the War coming. I can't really form an opinion on that, since I wasn't anywhere near the intelligence division at the time. Like a lot of these stories, it starts with just another regular person, this time, in an office. I worked for a advertising company, which made pharmaceutical commercials, you know the ones, with the mile-long list of side effects worse than what the pills or patches take care of. They need to sell. So, when the war started, a lot of us were laid off quite suddenly. Companies weren't getting cheap drugs from Germany and China anymore, and thus didn't need advertisements for them."

Not much, is it? I never even got to the meat of the story.
I called it Memories from The Marina, because it's a great place for swapping sailor stories.
Now you must fight for succession!
Here's the entirety of what I have. It's nearly nothing, though.
"The war seems like an eternity ago now. We've all seen the books talking about how the signs were there, about how we could have seen the War coming. I can't really form an opinion on that, since I wasn't anywhere near the intelligence division at the time. Like a lot of these stories, it starts with just another regular person, this time, in an office. I worked for a advertising company, which made pharmaceutical commercials, you know the ones, with the mile-long list of side effects worse than what the pills or patches take care of. They need to sell. So, when the war started, a lot of us were laid off quite suddenly. Companies weren't getting cheap drugs from Germany and China anymore, and thus didn't need advertisements for them."

Not much, is it? I never even got to the meat of the story.
I called it Memories from The Marina, because it's a great place for swapping sailor stories.
A pretty solid start. I like it.
So, I know I put Memories from the Marina up for adoption, but I had an idea wriggling in the back of my mind for about two days. And I sat and typed it out this evening.

Depending on who you asked, we'd always known there was something out there. In the deep. You'd hear whispering at night, on lonely stations, or calling you back to sea if you were lucky enough to be a museum. When first I asked Iowa about it, she nearly broke down in tears. She was understandably relieved that it wasn't just her. And it wasn't just the US. Every museum warship remembers The Voice. Belfast, Georgios Averof, Nusret, K-21, even Aurora and Mikasa. And I'm worried we still haven't found all of those who answered.

But enough about that. You came to me to hear my story, right? Well, it all started with the Landings at Empire Beach. I've heard they were nice before the war. According to Maury, it looked more like Taroa that day, though. They were pushing ashore, and only a few platoons were in position to hold the beach. And they'd been ripped pretty badly in the pre-landing bombardment. I'd been evacuated two days prior, once the bombardment of Sun Dog started. And it burned to watch the shells and bombers fly overhead unmatched. La Jolla was flat. Chulla Vista was a fight between tanks and dreadnoughts. It was about as pretty as it sounds. The emergency battery on Point Loma was still firing, but that wouldn't last much longer. And the less said about Halsey Field, the better. They never stood a chance. And there I was, with a front row seat to watch the supplies and occupation units pushing into the bay. I'd been hit hard early on, and sank into the harbor mud. I watched helpless as the flotilla for the Installation sailed around the point, near Harbor Island. A Battleship Princess sneered at me as they passed. But it was when a family tried to take shelter in my hull's shadow. They were just looking for safety. But the cruisers had another idea. They didn't even use their main batteries. They sailed up and opened fire with deck mounted weaponry. They never stood a chance. And that's where I blacked out.

The next thing I remember was, to my surprise, being hugged by Missouri. And not just because she was happy to see me. She wanted to stop me. Not only had I taken out the entire flotilla, I'd just pummeled the Installation to literal pulp. I'd somehow ended up in the ruins of the post office of North Island. Missouri told me she'd followed my screaming. But the way she looked at me was in awe. And I could hardly blame her. I looked myself over, and was struck by the fact that, suddenly, I wasn't so burdened. I didn't feel such a heavy weight on my back. My flight deck was straight, slim. I had Bofors, Oerlikons, and even my old Mark 16s again. My Helldivers had free reign over Empire Beach. And my Corsairs and Hellcats were busy making mincemeat of the bombers that had assumed they'd be unopposed. And all of the ships and survivors that gathered around me could only gawk at the sight of me, almost untouched, after literally gunning down over a dozen ships with just my five inchers. And that's when I looked back across the harbor. The whole family was okay. Both kids were cheering and waving. Things may be okay now. A sentiment I'm sure the city shared.

Turning back to Missouri, who identified herself as the flagship of the San Diego Relief Force, I snapped a salute.

"USS Midway, CV-41, reporting for duty, ma'am. Let's make some magic."
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Another arcade update trailer. Bismarck, Prinz Eugen, Taihou (the Fumikane family), and Amatsukaze is in. And Isolated's being blown up.

Just had a silly stupid thought that I lack the time for, and so will drop here for anyone else interested: The Zuikakus from Kancolle, Warship Girls, Azur Lane, and Apeggio Of Blue Steel all meet up somehow, and shenanigans ensue.
Just had a silly stupid thought that I lack the time for, and so will drop here for anyone else interested: The Zuikakus from Kancolle, Warship Girls, Azur Lane, and Apeggio Of Blue Steel all meet up somehow, and shenanigans ensue.

Pretty sure the Arpeggio one is the most well adjusted, and she has a cat! Which may or may not be made of nanomaterial

Still she'd get company on her hull. And not be stuck standing by for orders.

Also they're going fishing!
So, a bit of a followup to the Surigao discoveries.

Contingency said:
While we're not at liberty to publicly discuss our upcoming projects, I can certainly say there are several in this region being considered, including more here in the Philippines in the coming months & years ahead.

We have found all 5 of the former IJN ships sunk in the Surigao Strait; Yamashiro, Fuso, Yamagumo, Michishio & Asagumo. Additional survey images, photos and videos of our exploration and discovery work is forthcoming.

Regarding identification of the wrecks here in Surigao Strait. We have discovered all 5 of the IJN shipwrecks sunk in the Surigao Strait. In time, we will release an illustration providing an overview of the wrecks discovered. The wrecks have been classified and identified based on their physical features and characteristics. However, positive identification of the wrecks Yamagumo and Michishio is unanswered and will need further study by historians. Yamashiro, Fuso and Asagumo are identifiable based on class of ship and their geography.

These wrecks as previously mentioned are in poor physical condition. They were damaged severely during the battle, their sinking and 73 years in relatively shallow water has contributed significantly to their degradation. The environment they rest in is consuming them and has provided a flourishing artificial reef abundant with marine life.

We will continue to work with National Museum of the Philippines and local government officials to ensure these monuments remain anonymous, preserved and protected as cultural heritage of the Philippines.

Peace to all the fallen, blessings to all involved.
For those who might be experts in Katekyô Hitman Reborn who are also fans of KanColle, I have a question: What sort of Dying Will Flames (if any) would a shipgirl - specifically Pola and Zara - possess? Much less the other Italian shipgirls?

Reason I ask this is that in The Seventh Shipgirl, I make note of the fact that Pola and Zara are both affiliated with the Chiavarone Family; some of their crew when they were sunk at Cape Matapan were relatives of Flame-active members of the Chiavarone. Once they were summoned as shipgirls, both would develop Dying Will Flames. What would fit them?
That's an odd question. Shipgirls are manifestations of their hulls, most of which are already gone, on the other hand, there are examples in KHR of beings without bodies having flames, a dying will which can outlive the body. But if shipgirls have normal(ish) flames, I'd think they'd probably be as varied as with humans in KHR (that is to say, mostly tied to their personality).

As for Zara and Pola; I think Pola might be either a Lightning or a Storm (headstrong, never going to change her drinking habit ways, depending on how you take her motto). As for Zara, I'm hesitant to say it for sure, but I think she'd probably be a Sky.
That's an odd question. Shipgirls are manifestations of their hulls, most of which are already gone, on the other hand, there are examples in KHR of beings without bodies having flames, a dying will which can outlive the body. But if shipgirls have normal(ish) flames, I'd think they'd probably be as varied as with humans in KHR (that is to say, mostly tied to their personality).

As for Zara and Pola; I think Pola might be either a Lightning or a Storm (headstrong, never going to change her drinking habit ways, depending on how you take her motto). As for Zara, I'm hesitant to say it for sure, but I think she'd probably be a Sky.

Thanks for the reply. Having read about flames (both in the KHR wiki and in several fanfics), I would believe Sky flames would be either a primary or secondary type with all shipgirls (crews working in harmony and shipgirls also being the synergic expression of all people who had been affiliated with their construction and service). Are multiple flame types possible or is that some fanon convention?
Thanks for the reply. Having read about flames (both in the KHR wiki and in several fanfics), I would believe Sky flames would be either a primary or secondary type with all shipgirls (crews working in harmony and shipgirls also being the synergic expression of all people who had been affiliated with their construction and service). Are multiple flame types possible or is that some fanon convention?
I think the only example in KHR is Lal Mirch and she only accessed her other Flames after her failed Acrobaleno transformation blocked her normal Rain flames.

As for shipgirls always having Sky flames... No, while it takes a crew working in harmony to make a ship work, I don't think that really should translate over to their new forms like that. Some shipgirls just aren't harmonious. On the other hand, there might be some other effects, like maybe shipgirl flames are better about clicking with each other and working together even without a Sky present?
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I think the only example in KHR is Lal Mirch and she only accessed her other Flames after her failed Acrobaleno transformation blocked her normal Rain flames.

As for shipgirls always having Sky flames... No, while it takes a crew working in harmony to make a ship work, I don't think that really should translate over to their new forms like that. Some shipgirls just aren't harmonious. On the other hand, there might be some other effects, like maybe shipgirl flames are better about clicking with each other and working together even without a Sky present?

How would you rate Roma then?
Would anyone be interested in a KanColle /Sunless Sea/Lovecraft mix? Already started it and I am 750 words in. Still mostly world building at this point and there are a few details I am working out slowly. Both main worlds are built. Got the backstory, species, beginning plot, supporting characters (a few at least for the start, The US command structure and kanmatsu are complete.), fleshed out the mechanics mostly. I am unsure of some things in the Sunless Sea part. Mostly materials, tech and magic. Though I can assure you they will be somewhat insane and make sense... somehow. Well I will have to build up the cultures more for that and it is unimportant for the beginning.

Let me know your thoughts.
Would anyone be interested in a KanColle /Sunless Sea/Lovecraft mix? Already started it and I am 750 words in. Still mostly world building at this point and there are a few details I am working out slowly. Both main worlds are built. Got the backstory, species, beginning plot, supporting characters (a few at least for the start, The US command structure and kanmatsu are complete.), fleshed out the mechanics mostly. I am unsure of some things in the Sunless Sea part. Mostly materials, tech and magic. Though I can assure you they will be somewhat insane and make sense... somehow. Well I will have to build up the cultures more for that and it is unimportant for the beginning.

Let me know your thoughts.

You can count me in.
First complete blurb I have:
The Sunless Battleship

San Diego, California
June 6, 2023

The whine of the summoning equipment wound down squealing over the last echoes of the music that was sung to bring back America's shipgirls. For the last two years America had reeled under the assault of the Abyssals. Attacking all ships, they slowly destroyed the world's fleets. In response to prayers of protection shipgirls started appearing in Japan and soon after in Britain. Yet America has had few shipgirls arrive: a few light cruisers and a handful of destroyers. Out of the countless attempts of getting a shipgirl to come forth this would only be the seventh successful one. If it was successful.

The lights cut out, drenching the pool in darkness. Captain Damien Gorden felt the temperature drop, sweat growing chillingly cold in the frigid air. This was not normal. None of the summonings had ever had something like this. Whimpering started from the crowd that had gathered here to sing and welcome a new shipgirl into the Navy. The air moved like a sea breeze, yet wrongly. Lethargically it moved, bringing a sense of dread that pooled in the mind and dripped down the spine.

This should not be happening. It could not. Quickly before the fear gripped him any further Captain Gordon snapped for light. Yet he should not have asked for that. For in the air floating as if strapped to a table was a shipgirl. They were successful. But the light was wrong. The beams of light from the sailors glowed a baleful yellow, striking the wisps of greenish air that lifted off the now flat black oily water of the pool. The shipgirl moaned a sound like bending steel and snapped taught in invisible bindings.

The sailors moved quickly to help her not understanding what was happening yet were driven off by the noxious smell of the water which could closely be seen to be seen the sickening color of shipgirl bloodoil. Yet before any could recover from that the shipgirl spoke. Looking straight at the assembled sailors who would later swear her eyes glowed an eerie brilliant blue, but to all video evidence showed bottomless pits of darkness.

The sea does not forget.
The sea does not forgive.

And her invisible chains dragged her blindingly fast down into the bloodoil pool. Leaving no ripple on the surface of her passing.
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First complete blurb I have:
The Sunless Battleship

San Diego, California
June 6, 2023

The whine of the summoning equipment wound down squealing over the last echoes of the music that was sung to bring back America's shipgirls. For the last two years America had reeled under the assault of the Abyssals. Attacking all ships, they slowly destroyed the world's fleets. In response to prayers of protection shipgirls started appearing in Japan and soon after in Britain. Yet America has had few shipgirls arrive: a few light cruisers and a handful of destroyers. Out of the countless attempts of getting a shipgirl to come forth this would only be the seventh successful one. If it was successful.

The lights cut out, drenching the pool in darkness. Captain Damien Gorden felt the temperature drop, sweat growing chillingly cold in the frigid air. This was not normal. None of the summonings had ever had something like this. Whimpering started from the crowd that had gathered here to sing and welcome a new shipgirl into the Navy. The air moved like a sea breeze, yet wrongly. Lethargically it moved, bringing a sense of dread that pooled in the mind and dripped down the spine.

This should not be happening. It could not. Quickly before the fear gripped him any further Captain Gordon snapped for light. Yet he should not have asked for that. For in the air floating as if strapped to a table was a shipgirl. They were successful. But the light was wrong. The beams of light from the sailors glowed a baleful yellow, striking the wisps of greenish air that lifted off the now flat black oily water of the pool. The shipgirl moaned a sound like bending steel and snapped taught in invisible bindings.

The sailors moved quickly to help her not understanding what was happening yet were driven off by the noxious smell of the water which could closely be seen to be seen the sickening color of shipgirl bloodoil. Yet before any could recover from that the shipgirl spoke. Looking straight at the assembled sailors who would later swear her eyes glowed an eerie brilliant blue, but to all video evidence showed bottomless pits of darkness.

The sea does not forget.
The sea does not forgive.

And her invisible chains dragged her blindingly fast down into the bloodoil pool. Leaving no ripple on the surface of her passing.

That was well done and spooky. Definitely intrigued to see more.
I just got an strange and insane star wars idea.

That's making be believe I need a break from this fandom...

Snoke is the avatar of the Star Forge.

Cause it will explain where the fuck the First Order is getting all this high end gear. SOLAR POWER FOR THE WIN.

And how his condition improves over time, that tech was known to be about to heal itself given enough time.Â

Plus it was cover in the darkside and was able to corrupt people...
Next blurb, I wanted to get this out tonight and seemed like a good place to stop:

The shipgirl awoke gasping, straining against her bonds as they creaked and groaned. Her eyes flickered around the massive room trying to see for the first time. Strange carvings of unease climbed up the walls that glowed with a chlorinous ethereal light coming from everywhere and nowhere at once. The etchings on the carved basalt stone whispered of unimaginable stories of things long gone yet still are and to be. The shipgirl gasped in the frigid suffocating air gagging and coughing on its contents as she resumed her thrashing till one of the links of the black metal chains broke freeing her enough to move more and look around.

She was met with the sight of a massive chamber filled with girls lain on altars of obsidian that thrummed silently. Each pulsing to an unknown rhythm, in unknown patterns that were not wholly singular to each. She let out a strangled cry as the sight assaulted her mind as patterns not of any known dimension impressed upon her psyche. Her eyes rolling back as she arched hard enough to shatter two more binds before breaking the last while throwing herself off the high altar.

Her thrashing brought someone to her. As she lay panting, vacant blue glowing eyes looking up at the mist obscured ceiling, a set of footfalls echoed in her mind. A shadow leaned over her, red eyes glowing under a shroud of black hair. Silently the figure unlocked the remains of the restraints. Their releases clanged loudly through the chamber momentarily drowning out the silent pulses of power. The shipgirl flinched at the noise flicking her eyes to the figure as it helped her to her feet. Running her hand through her blonde hair she rubbed her head as the power in the mist filled room pressed once again on her mind, pulsing inside it.

Visions of indescribable color flitted through the whispers of the chamber. The silent girl beckoned her forward with a hand and she followed the silent girl past the rows upon rows of alters. Careful not to look at the ever present alters the shipgirl looked around at the far off walls. They seemed to move in ways that felt more alive with carvings and engravings covering them. The scenes that appeared embedded themselves into the shipgirl's mind. The engravings whispering strange secrets she shivered at fearing to understand. Their footfalls seemed to echo to the beat of power as an eternity past by the time the shaking shipgirl and her guide passed through the monolithic doors. The room that felt of death yet hints of terribly wrong life that hung in the air and the silent oppressing power disappeared behind her as the doors closed swiftly. The air was undisturbed at the doors' silent closing which cause the shipgirl to freeze at the unnaturalness of it. Her guide glanced back at her causing her to flash an uneasy smile that caused those red eyes to narrow ever so slightly.

Swallowing silently the shipgirl glanced around at the much clearer triangular hall. Towering over her small guide the unease retreated. Only to flare when she started to look at the engravings showing pictures of unknown creatures which failed to stick in her mind. Looking at the shifting script that surrounded the murals produced a much sharper pain causing her to gasp and cease trying to remember what she read. Every flinch and sound she made seem to irritate her guide as she sped up. Their heavy footfalls pounded through the hall as the ship girl raced on unsteady legs to keep from getting lost. A few times the air itself seemed to thicken and hinder her as her guild glided through the eerie halls. Turn after turn, up, down they raced. The shipgirl gasping as hunger spasmed through her making her headaches more pronounced, blurring her vision at times bringing back the tasty colors.

A set of massive ebony doors opened noisily, flooding a hall with noise and rich glowing light. It soothed and overwhelmed the tired and starving shipgirl. Closing her eyes as she entered breathing in the smells that finally banished the smell of sea that permeated the air. This hall was much smaller than the previous one yet still quite large. Ebony furniture was everywhere, centered on sets of long dining tables. The source of the light was a tall roaring fire that filled the air with heat. She winced in longing when she saw the food that littered the long black tables.

The most wondrous thing to the shipgirl though was there were people. People like her guide. All robed in black, as well as she was she finally noticed. Shorter than her, but she didn't mind that. All with various colored glowing eyes and pale skin. She smiled and looked around as her entrance called attention.

"Here is the Princess, Priestess," the guide spat, "Something is wrong with her." One of the taller ladies flanked by attendants held up a hand to forestall a tirade. Casually waving the smaller girl aside she spoke.

"It matters not. There have been difficulties recently, though it is strange that it would affect the Princess," her deep cyan eyes looked the shipgirl up and down, "The Great One will look her over regardless."