Kantai Collection - Fanfic Idea and Recs

Arcade update trailer is out. This one... hooo boy...

It's focused on aerial combat it seems, featuring Hiryuu, Souryuu, Tone, and Chikuma. We see Wanko and Isolated's in glorious 3D. More importantly: we see how AA Cut-In works: it gives manual targetting override to the player. At 0:54 that is unmistakably a Shanshikidan detonation.

Also look at the attack pattern saturation from 0:59 onwards. I seriously hope the arcade is a blueprint of what Tanaka has in mind for the future of KanColle on computers too.
The translation of the overview on reddit said MGs, HAs and T3 have different control types so yeah. The first image is HA, the second is MG and the third is T3. AACI is available with one of those three plus air radar, IIRC.

Also just fucking give up, they aren't porting KCA anytime soon and they aren't going to completely change the nature of the browser game. Don't be stupid.
Good. Now you have to keep Yangtze, Connie and Prydwen from killing each others. Good luck.

I suppose now's as good a time as ever for me to dig up that old idea...

So, fanfic idea inspired by this picture:

Aoba winds-up in the Commonwealth some how, meets up with Piper and winds-up joining her paper. The adventures of the two crossing the wasteland: mostly consists of them stumbling across trouble, Aoba blasting the shit out of it because kanmusuhaxpleasenerf, and then the two investigate the remains for a story. Sometimes Piper gets angry when Aoba gets a little too gun happy and accidentally destroys juicy clues to a story. Also, stylistic clash between Piper (who is a classic intrepid reporter, with a thirst for the truth) and Aoba (whose more of a gossip columnist who likes to play more loosely with the truth), with both of them being subsequently influenced towards a middle ground. Occasionally Nick gets dragged into their shenanigans. He likes to make cracks to Aoba about how happy he is to have another person with tons of metal on them around. Piper/Aoba romance optional. Don't ask me what happened to the Sole Survivor 'cause I haven't put that much thought into this (Institute decides to off Nick/Nora with the rest of Vault 111, maybe?).

Some highlights include:

-Aoba getting mad at Takahashi for his terrible Japanese.
-Aoba blasting the shit out of things.
-Piper or her sister getting kidnapped by vengeful raiders/gunners/BoS members/Institute Synths/supermutants/I-don't-know-think-of-somethings and Aoba (and Piper, if it's her sister) having to go rescue her.
-The giant collective headache among the BoS as they try to reconcile something like Aoba with their codex.
-The Institute repeatedly trying to get their hands on Aoba.
-A lot of shit getting blown up by Aoba, when she doesn't just decide to play Terminator that is. Piper (and Nick) is mega appreciative for having a Heavy Cruiser on her side. When it doesn't blast the evidence away.
-Cuteness between Nat and some of Aoba's fairies. Possibly cuteness between some of Aoba's fairies and Piper?
-Aoba deciding that Piper's newspaper needs to look more like a professional pre-war newspaper as a surprise birthday/christmas/new years/valentines/I-don't-know gift?
-Yangtze's spirit having a conversation with Aoba, maybe?
-Ditto Constitution. She's grown rather fond of her new crew and looking forward to sailing again.

Also, some other thoughts when posting on another forum:

I had given thought to that and yeah, appetites an issue. Then there's the fact that Fallout does have weapons that can hurt her: massed lasers and/or plasma (meaning the Brotherhood and Institute would be a legit threat) as well as rocket launchers and, stepping above all of those, mini-nukes. Deathclaws also have the strength and claw sharpness to rend her armor, but she gunks them with a punch so that's a question of who lands the first blow. Then there's the issue that it's harder for her to heal from the damage she takes. Irradiated water is not kosher for repair baths and clean water in that quantity is extremely hard to come by. Stimpacks has administration problems (the needle breaks on the skin) and relying on fairy or regular old cellular repair makes "dock bath" repair look fast, not to mention it simply can't handle certain major damage types. For similar reasons, radiation is an issue: she can take a lot more then a regular human but getting rid of them is harder.
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Also, some other thoughts when posting on another forum:
  • Appetites: Raiders always appears. Do some public service. You eat all of them, and gave the refuse to Preston or Nick or someone.
  • Laser/Plasma: Find someone who can applied mirror coating.
  • Nukes/ Radiation: Applied lead lining.
  • Deathclaws and other thingies: well, we never heard of deathclaws erasing entire platoon (except Raiders' platoon, but who cares?), so it's a toss up. Also, even AA and secondariea can hurt them easily. Now, Giant Supermutant, in the other hand....
  • Clean water: Ask her fairies to examine water purifier when she got the chance. Then make one of her own.
  • Stimpacks: Superman solution: weaken the part with laser, then administer the stimpack.
And talking about Fallout 4....
This picture. This fucking picture. Maybe I'm overreacting but it still gets to me so much. Number 2924049.

Asashio: You're really...going? I hear that there is a totally different world than ours. If you go, how you look, even how you feel - I'm sure that you won't be able to stay how you are... Your very nature will change...

Unknown/Indistinct, panel 2: But even so... We want to meet the Admiral once more. Even if our souls were to shatter and flutter away, to go back to that person again is.... you know?

Asashio: The Commander disappeared from the naval base, but even if everyone crosses over to the other world, I think that I'll keep on waiting here for the Commander.
After all... I'm the secretary-ship.


Artist's comment says:
Because Asashio is the secretary-ship.
"With Azur Lane, don't you sometimes put a mental cube into different ship?" Kind of shipgirls are around.

This picture is posted simply because I am a sucker for metaplots, especially tragic ones,

Which is why I'm conceptualizing a Kantai Kantai Literature Club idea, but that's not important right now

When this picture was posted on DB last night, the artist's comment was not yet translated but the comic already was. I was left in the cold wondering why exactly Asashio said the things she did. When I found the artist's comment translated this morning I found peace in it; initially I had only thought that the Admiral has left the game, but not directly connecting it with AL. I was not observant enough to notice that the three girls in the middle panel (Akagi, Kaga, and Prinz Eugen), had direct AL counterparts.
You know something i really miss snake terrorists. Anyone remember those with their stupid over the top plans. Hammy members that despite being evil with silly accents had some great personality and their minion screaming the organizations name during a mass charge...you might be thinking. Why are you telling us this? This is kantai collection what possible idea could this line of thought have.

The answer is simple we know that shipgirls all have a purpose to defend the people. But how about a ship that had no such concept where all it was to do was conquer and supress. I am of course speaking of a submarine base belonging to COBRA.

If by sheer accident the COBRA submarine base from sigma 6 were to be summoned how would the other shipgirls react and how if at all possible could you convince her to help against the abyssals. Personally i think summoning sea titan and appealing to sub bases ego would be the way to go.
You know something i really miss snake terrorists. Anyone remember those with their stupid over the top plans. Hammy members that despite being evil with silly accents had some great personality and their minion screaming the organizations name during a mass charge...you might be thinking. Why are you telling us this? This is kantai collection what possible idea could this line of thought have.

The answer is simple we know that shipgirls all have a purpose to defend the people. But how about a ship that had no such concept where all it was to do was conquer and supress. I am of course speaking of a submarine base belonging to COBRA.

If by sheer accident the COBRA submarine base from sigma 6 were to be summoned how would the other shipgirls react and how if at all possible could you convince her to help against the abyssals. Personally i think summoning sea titan and appealing to sub bases ego would be the way to go.

Hopefully the sub base would be as rational as Destro in lieu of batshit insane like Cobra Commander. Hard to conquer something when the oceans of the world are now pretty much no man's land.

What would be the group's status in this, BTW?
Hopefully the sub base would be as rational as Destro in lieu of batshit insane like Cobra Commander. Hard to conquer something when the oceans of the world are now pretty much no man's land.

What would be the group's status in this, BTW?
ok so kancolle GI Joe sigma 6 idea mentions

1. the joes were recalled to their newly rebuilt arizona base while the sea titan was called in for repairs and retrofits... abyssals hit and it got sunk. the Joes are now stuck dealing with abyssal cultists and boy do they miss COBRA

2. for cobra commander well lets just say that the sigma 6 commander went down with the ship no words on if there is a new one. Destro is trying to consolidate all of COBRA's resources under the radar to avoid screwing over the world (he still wants to rule but abyssals put a thorn in that) Baroness is sitting in the french countryside sipping wine. firefly is doing stuff. Zartan and the dreadnoks are often seen in the australian outback challenging the australian shipgirls to motorcycle races.


4. the Sub base is a strange mix she does have the competency of Destro but has an ego similar to that of Baroness/Cobra Commander.
ok so kancolle GI Joe sigma 6 idea mentions

1. the joes were recalled to their newly rebuilt arizona base while the sea titan was called in for repairs and retrofits... abyssals hit and it got sunk. the Joes are now stuck dealing with abyssal cultists and boy do they miss COBRA

2. for cobra commander well lets just say that the sigma 6 commander went down with the ship no words on if there is a new one. Destro is trying to consolidate all of COBRA's resources under the radar to avoid screwing over the world (he still wants to rule but abyssals put a thorn in that) Baroness is sitting in the french countryside sipping wine. firefly is doing stuff. Zartan and the dreadnoks are often seen in the australian outback challenging the australian shipgirls to motorcycle races.


4. the Sub base is a strange mix she does have the competency of Destro but has an ego similar to that of Baroness/Cobra Commander.

Funny thing. The Shipgirls are getting a new member out of this
The USS Montana was made in the Real American Hero cartoon continuity and looked to have served in WW2 (Episode Info). Sure she was sunk after his captain tried to hand her over to Cobra and the US Navy was forced to sink her which may leave enough imprint for her maybe to go Abyssal (but probably be one of those Princesses when you beat you get what they're supposed to be as a ship drop)

But she'd be around to be a shipgirl and try again to clear her name so they'll remember Montana's good deeds and not her rather dishonorable death.
Funny thing. The Shipgirls are getting a new member out of this
The USS Montana was made in the Real American Hero cartoon continuity and looked to have served in WW2 (Episode Info). Sure she was sunk after his captain tried to hand her over to Cobra and the US Navy was forced to sink her which may leave enough imprint for her maybe to go Abyssal (but probably be one of those Princesses when you beat you get what they're supposed to be as a ship drop)

But she'd be around to be a shipgirl and try again to clear her name so they'll remember Montana's good deeds and not her rather dishonorable death.
Hmmm that could make for an interesting scene.
I did a thing again. Well kinda, more like I ended up finding an old thing and slightly cleaned it up.

U-21 was incredibly bored. This was a major concern among the command of the Deutsche Marine because last time he was bored there was an attempt to repeat his "visit" to the Mediterranean. Luckily for the British, French & Italian ships several of the Tribal-class who were on vacation in Austria caught him on his way and sent him back to Rostock, but the problem remained, a bored U-Boat was a dangerous U-Boat. This problem weighed on the mind of Admiral Fischer as she debated what to do with one of her most troublesome U-Boats, she stood to grab one of the books from the bookshelf and across the room her phone rang and looking at the caller ID gave her an idea.
"Hello Takeda, what do you need?" She could hear the hesitation from her Japanese colleague before he answered.
"Ah Fischer, we've been having some… problems with the submarines on base and I was hoping to ask you for advice given how professional your submarines seemed." It was then an idea occurred to her, one that would get U-21 out of her hair and stop some of the other U-boats from worrying about 511.
"How would sending one of my most experienced U-boats over to give a couple talks on how to behave when in port sound to you Takeda?"
"That sounds like a fantastic idea." She could hear the suppressed sigh of relief from her japanese counterpart as he responded. "Will you be sending them by sea or overland?" Letting her mind get lost in planning the details of the trip Fischer scribbled out a note reading 'get me U-21' and slipped it in the mailbox for Hauptgefreiter Hans.

A series of knocks sounded on the door leading to the U-Boat wing of the barracks, after a moment U-9 paused the game on the room's TV and headed towards the door U-53 following her out of curiosity. When they opened the door both took a step back as Hans, the Admiral's favourite messenger, stepped through and started walking down the hall, U-35 in charge of all the other subs by virtue of being the first back and hands down the scariest followed. Blue Max around her neck with the Iron Cross and Order of Hohenzollern hanging off the breast of her officer's uniform she cut an intimidating figure with a strong resemblance to her most famous captain Lothar von Arnauld de la Periere. In personality however the resemblance to Prussian nobility ceased and when the two stopped in front of U-21's door she took a step forward and kicked it open violently before screaming at the figure lying on the bed of the darkened room.
"Officer on fucking deck shithead! You pissed the hell out of the Admiral if Hans is coming for you this early in the morning!" A groan came from the lump before it rolled over to reveal the sleepy face of U-21, everything beneath his broken nose hidden by the blanket, he glared at U-35 through red eyes.
"What the fuck do you want?" Came the grumpy rumble from the recently awakened U-Boat. U-35 snorted at his demeanor before Hans answered his question.
"Admiral wants you in her office ASAP Staber." Nodding his head as the twitching of his moustache subsided U-21 crawled over to his dresser and started out of the rumpled clothes he was in and into a proper uniform as Hans and U-35 walked out of the changing room, Hans stopping to nod at the U-Boats as he left while U-35 took a seat to watch as U-53 proceeded to repeatedly beat U-9 at the game they were playing.

As the sun started shining through her window Admiral Fischer heard a knock on the door and closed her dogeared book before looking up and calling for whoever was at the door to come in.
"You wanted to see me ma'am?" U-21 asked and she took in the U-Boat standing in front of her, uniform clean despite the effects of a hangover being obvious on his face.
"Yes, I did. Do you know who called me earlier this morning?"
"No idea ma'am."
"Admiral Takeda in Japan, he wants someone to teach his submarines how to not annoy every living thing on base and I want someone to check on U-511." He blinked once, then again before nodding.
"Of course Admiral, U-21 will prepare for cast off immediately, will I be alone?"​
"No, take U-9 with you." Responding as he dropped the salute U-21 nodded again.
"Aye ma'am, she'll be happy to see 511 again." With that he walked out of the Admiral's office and started ambling back to the U-Boat barracks, sipping from the flask he had hidden in his pocket, the water flask this time, no need to drink when he'd just met with the Admiral mostly hungover.

Some of the U-boats are male for precisely 1 reason, it amused me. The thought of the Japanese subs interacting with a 40 year old Navy NCO is something I find deeply amusing, and so this entire premise is basically an excuse to make it happen. Making him a U-boat is just a way to have him be relevant to them.
For those who might be experts in Katekyô Hitman Reborn who are also fans of KanColle, I have a question: What sort of Dying Will Flames (if any) would a shipgirl - specifically Pola and Zara - possess? Much less the other Italian shipgirls?

Reason I ask this is that in The Seventh Shipgirl, I make note of the fact that Pola and Zara are both affiliated with the Chiavarone Family; some of their crew when they were sunk at Cape Matapan were relatives of Flame-active members of the Chiavarone. Once they were summoned as shipgirls, both would develop Dying Will Flames. What would fit them?
Relevant with the ongoing event: Yamashiro's wreck has been found.

From the dive on the Yamashiro. Patrick Travis piloting the ROV. The Multibeam image from the ROV navigation computer shows the Yamashiro upside down with the bow folded over on top of the ship (showing in red). You can see the overlays of the Petrel and the ROV onto the image. The pilot uses this overlay to navigate around the ship.

Dumb/funny idea: People like shipping ships. Ships use flag signals. So does the gay community. What flag signals announce that you're on the prowl for a new girlfriend and your kinks to the rest of the fleet? :D
For a while, I've been wanting to write something about Bismarck coming to terms with the present day, her Third Reich heritage, and the role she played in the war. But as a non-German writing, I'm afraid it would wind up being horribly insensitive, innaccurate, stereotypical, etc. I'm not sure what to do about it; if I should just drop the idea altogether, or find someone more qualified to look it over, or what.
Quite a while ago, I had an idea for a tangentially related Kancolle story. Instead of being entirely about the ships, it would have been about the Public Relations people working to keep public opinion on their side. The ones who have to convince the public that these kids are actually destroyers and are perfectly okay with going out to fight, and how they have to deal with antics. Unfortunately, nothing ever came of it, and it's sat idly in my Google Docs collecting digital dust. If anyone's interested, just let me know.