Kantai Collection - Fanfic Idea and Recs

Kancolle/Stargate idea

A story where the American's use the summon Ship Girl Ritual in an emergency in Washington DC and Summon the City of Atlantic from the Pegasus Galaxy.
I have a question?

Has one been done with the metaphorical "Captain's Hat"?

I figure when a Ship is Decommissioned, the Captain may store the uniform & select items as a memento in a chest someplace?

If they pass on, others inherit said items with the clothes inside?

So a young child plays 'Dress Up' in the hat & possible visit to the 'name plate' for a salute?

Of course, there are many other ships possible?
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Thoughts on a post-Abysall War Kancolle fic about the ensuing Kanmasu arms race and cold war that happens between human nations?

Davy Crockett equipped Yuudachi assaulting the Solomon Islands and Zeon references maybe.
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Bomber Grape's doujins touch on Tenryuu and Kiso's misadventures in the Mohave Wastes.
Any good Kantai Star trek crossovers?

An idea for a scene I where Captain Picard is on shore leave in San Francisco and this teen age girl runs up to him and calls him daddy a few seconds later so does another young woman. The girls in question are the USS Stargazer and USS Enterprise NCC 1701-D.
Any good Kantai Star trek crossovers?

An idea for a scene I where Captain Picard is on shore leave in San Francisco and this teen age girl runs up to him and calls him daddy a few seconds later so does another young woman. The girls in question are the USS Stargazer and USS Enterprise NCC 1701-D.

So what would the Ship girl of the Defiant be like?
So, I kinda obsessed over the idea of an AI Fleet being made to assist the Kanmusu for a bit over on SB. Here's a plot outline for one way to start up a fic based on the idea:

Between manpower shortages and the fact that the Abyssals are miniscule targets, relative to their power, some navy, probably the US because military budget, makes a fleet that is as automated as possible, with humans only giving maintenance, repairs and orders on what to do. How to do it is entirely up to onboard AIs, set up for cloud computing to save on processing components and accidents caused by non-synchronized actions.

Naturally, half of the Fleet is sunk in the first engagement. Largely because said engagement was three to one odds due to Abyssals dogpiling on the AI Fleet. And then, as they recover the sunken ships to rebuild them, they start dealing with what sounds like a pushy teenager telling them what to do in combat and how to improve the netcode for the cloud computing, sometimes ranting in computer code that describes horrific memory leaks and incomprehensibly inefficient programs. When they find where the signal is coming from, they see a lone carrier-type Abyssal of unknown variety. They start shooting, only for the pushy teenager to start screaming about friendly fire and the Abyssal starts running immediately.

Followed by the AI ships that came with the fleet sent to deal with the Abyssal. This leads them to trying to address the Abyssal over the same channel that it was using by the production number/name of the single carrier of the AI Fleet that sank so far, getting an angry response involving a particularly horrid piece of kill code that could destroy any computer in the world in under a second of execution. Naturally, every cyber security expert listening in shudders at the hell this Abyssal could cause with an internet connection.

From there, they talk the Abyssal into coming over to them for a talk, and to get back their AI ships. Said talk involves more than one computer system being completely bricked beyond all repair by having kill code embedded into the firmware. Somehow. When the talk ends, they send the AI ship Abyssal off to Japan to work with the Kanmusu there to learn how to fight as a Kanmusu. Or Abyssal. They aren't really sure which, anymore, but they learn to do it.

And then the AI-ship-Abyssal gets dragged into all the drama of Kancolle, picking up another AI-ship-Abyssal along the way and making everyone considerably more creeped out because they act in perfect unison without a single word spoken and a signal encryption that is nearly impossible to identify as a coherent signal, let alone decrypt to know what they are saying.

Is this a decent prompt/plot outline? Anyone want to write it? I find the idea of a friendly Abyssal from an AI ship that uses horrible code lines as swear words a funny thing to have social stuff with. I mean, you'd probably be best representing it as the typical bleeped-out text stuff rather than actually figure out kill code to use, largely because people will go out and try to use said kill code, but the reactions from people who know computer programming in-story make it worth keeping.
Most fanfics feature conventional forces playing a role with greater or lesser degrees of success.
Insofar as the earlier Trek/KC thing goes...

Leaving aside the early snips in this thread, I can't think of any major things. I'm working on a snip now, but that's mostly because Sheo has taken it upon himself to tease the hell out of me because this:

is my primary starship in STO.
Most fanfics feature conventional forces playing a role with greater or lesser degrees of success.

I've been thinking of a setting wherein conventional naval craft are used but more as a support role where they suppress hard targets or bombard larger formations but have to be kept safe by kanmusu who act like a mixture of special forces and MBTs or AFV's. Meanwhile conventional aircraft rely on kanmusu launched aircraft to clear the skies of abyssal fighters in order for them to unleash their payloads while submarines generally provide reconnaissance and supplies or specialized demolitions, backed up by kanmusu-submarines. I imagine that UAV's actually see renewed importance as reconnaissance vehicles being harder for abyssals to track and being able to give live video feed to Kanmusu with specially modified visors.
I've toyed with the idea that human submarines are actually the most effective tool against Abyssals; you get one radar return off them, no more, and they're the same temperature as the ocean around them, but they make noise like ships meaning they can be tracked on sonar and attacked with torpedoes, and their ASW weapons are WW2-era and totally unsuited to attack submarines that can maneuver at better than 20 knots while submerged. Abyssal submarines are abnormally tough comparatively (you have to tear their guts out to sink them rather than merely hole the pressure hull), and they're still submarines so they're marginally stealthy, but they're easily detected by ASW aircraft. Kanmusu consider safety to be the sound of rotor blades; they even go so far as to keep plushie SH-60s around as good luck charms on base.

Surface-based Abyssals can be attacked with conventional weapons if you're clever, but it's difficult. The best success is usually with electro-optical guided weapons like early models of Maverick, but Abyssals know they can hide in smoke to protect them from that.
I've toyed with the idea that human submarines are actually the most effective tool against Abyssals; you get one radar return off them, no more, and they're the same temperature as the ocean around them, but they make noise like ships meaning they can be tracked on sonar and attacked with torpedoes, and their ASW weapons are WW2-era and totally unsuited to attack submarines that can maneuver at better than 20 knots while submerged. Abyssal submarines are abnormally tough comparatively (you have to tear their guts out to sink them rather than merely hole the pressure hull), and they're still submarines so they're marginally stealthy, but they're easily detected by ASW aircraft. Kanmusu consider safety to be the sound of rotor blades; they even go so far as to keep plushie SH-60s around as good luck charms on base.

Surface-based Abyssals can be attacked with conventional weapons if you're clever, but it's difficult. The best success is usually with electro-optical guided weapons like early models of Maverick, but Abyssals know they can hide in smoke to protect them from that.

I like this idea although I imagine as the abyssals probably can get around their advanced technology by hiding on the sea floor or using long distance patrols that are specialized in tracking submarine sonar or partaking in reconnaissance operations. Or due to their ethereal nature they're harder to catch on conventional radar; they sometimes just "phase" right through waves.
Good morning, thread. Time for an episode of "Random Quotes Turned Into Kancolle Ficlets Theater!"

USS ENTERPRISE (CV-6): There's still a billion billion Abyssals out there attacking!

USS ENTERPRISE (CVN-80): Oh, there is, there is.

USS ENTERPRISE (CVN-65): But, there's something those billion billion Abyssals don't know!

USS ENTERPRISE (CVN-80): Because if they did they'd probably send for reinforcements!

KATSURAGI: What? What don't they know?

USS ENTERPRISE (CVN-80): *smug grin* This time there's three of us.

~*~(some time later...)~*~​

OPEN ON: INT. YOKOSUKA COMMAND CENTER, which has clearly seen better days.

OYOODO (o/s): Another one!

NAGATO: Are we sure the message is from her?

OOYODO: Oh yes.

NAGATO: ... What's the mad fool up to now?

*fancy sci-fi comm windows start popping up*

USS ENTERPRISE (CVN-80): Hello? Hello? Yokosuka, this is the Enterprise speaking.

USS ENTERPRISE (CVN-65): Hello! Also the Enterprise, can you hear me?

USS ENTERPRISE (CV-6): Also the Enterprise, standing ready.

NAGATO: Dear god, three of them. All my worst nightmares at once.

~*~(a little bit of snappy dialogue which doesn't quite fit perfectly & is thus omitted later)~*~​

NAGATO: I didn't know when I was well off! All twelve of her!

OOYODO: No, ma'am!


OOYODO: All thirteen!

(SMASH CUT TO: an eyes-only closeup of a very intense USS ENTERPRISE (NCC-1701) glaring into the camera as she charges into the fray)

Za Fun Tyranto
So, anyone here thought of kancolle AUs where the shipgirls being possible alters the course of human history by having rare shipgirl manifestations before the Abyssals show up?

Because I can think of some characters for said rare pre-Abyssal shipgirls. Like an Ancient Greek one who put the Ship of Theseus idea to the test and wound up with a nagging mini-her Abyssal when the ship constructed from discarded wood sank. About a hundred years after said Abyssal would have been even slightly threatening. Meanwhile, the Greek shipgirl'd been upgrading continuously, staying relevant as both a skirmishing military ship and a trading ship for thousands of years, downsizing during particularly hard times and ending up the first metal clad ship by paying money built up over longer than a human lifetime to get the bronze plates to apply to her hull. Which leads to similar things being done by major militaries who can pay for it, switching to Iron for the sake of prices, resulting in naval history being warped from the Ancient Greek times.
Idea for an ultra-long-range smart torpedo…

In the gloaming, a sailor spots what looks like a slow-moving torpedo. It can't be a torpedo, of course, since it's matching speeds and not attacking anything, just swimming around. The last thing (s)he sees is this object jumping out of the sea and diving away like a porpoise. But it sure looked like a torpedo…

Later, as the sun rises, everyone can see that every ship in the taffy has been tagged with TOTO WAS HERE!