Kantai Collection - Fanfic Idea and Recs

Was reading a bit up on radar pickets and airships when I had the weird idea of a group of ships with agile radars (in PRF, output, …) mounting a radar broadcast towards a known listening adversary, varying PRF and other factors in a semi-random yet deterministic manner, controlled by a computer with a MIDI file renderer.

That would probably be one of the odder concerts in history of electronic music, right?
Was reading a bit up on radar pickets and airships when I had the weird idea of a group of ships with agile radars (in PRF, output, …) mounting a radar broadcast towards a known listening adversary, varying PRF and other factors in a semi-random yet deterministic manner, controlled by a computer with a MIDI file renderer.

That would probably be one of the odder concerts in history of electronic music, right?

Not any odder than microwaving dinner in front of the transmitter feed horns.
These days, the radar most likely to fry you is in your radar range aka microwave oven. And as long as the door is tight and all shields are in place, that's not gunna happen.
Reference picture.

Previously on Aircraft Carrier Sendai (also Hibiki) not really
"Why did this happen to me?"

"Change of plans, Yokosuka was just taken out by a massive Abyssal air strike. We're pulling most of our fleets back until we can get it operational but we still need someone to man the listening posts. That's gonna be you."

"I don't like this. Something feels off."

"Looks like we're Task Force 1515, nice to meet you Poi. I'm the unit commander for DesRon 399, or what's left of it I suppose."

"Hibiki, I don't think I'm ready for this. It's too sudden. We didn't even finish basic training yet."

"What are you asking me for Kuso Carrier? Go ask Hibiki! Baka, Baaaka!"

"There's something off with that girl. Hibiki I mean, Akebono is always like that."

"But Hibiki, what if it's not enough? My instincts are as a light cruiser, not a carrier."

"We were born in the same place, from the same berth. That makes you my Jeep Carrier, and my sister. We'll get through this."
"trust me"

Aircraft Carrier Sendai (also Hibiki)

It was a dark and stormy night when the small group of shipgirls that composed Task Force 1515 arrived at the remote listening outpost somewhere in the middle of the Atlantic ocean. Formerly a semi-submersible oil rig, it had been re-purposed into a shipgirl base and listening post to listen in on Abyssal movements. Nobody knew why it was never attacked, but it was estimated that the Abyssal fleets that were tracked usually passed it by for Juicier targets. For now, it was dark, and quiet, even as the group of five shipgirls, a light carrier and four destroyers stepped off the sea and onto the staircase set into the water for the base garrison to climb on.

As they reached the top of the staircase, the leader of the group signaled to the one that brought up the rear. With hand signals and nodding, they coordinated to breach the structure.

Sendai, the light carrier, now affectionately labeled Jeep Carrier by Hibiki, found herself waiting at the top of the stairs with Akebono and Natsumi while Hibiki and Yuudachi went to clear out the listening post just in case any abyssals had dropped by to do silly things to the former oil platform. So far so good apparently.

It only took a short while for Hibiki to head back to the little group and give them the all clear, and then they entered the platform.

There was unfortunately a lack of juice boxes, much to Hibiki's dismay, and the shipgirl factory that was present was only rated to repair gear and affect rudimentary fixes to clothing. Still, it wasn't too comfortable.

"Hibiki. What are you looking for?" Asked Sendai as she followed Hibiki through the darkened hallways, with Hibiki using a searchlight to light the way and read a map of the oil rig that had been laminated with plastic and brought over from the Guardian Office in Hibiki's pocket. The white haired destroyer held up the map and pointed to a single spot, a room that said "generator."

"Oh, right."

The duo continued on their way until they found the generator room and found that it was in somwhat good condition, what with the listening post having been abandoned only a short time between the all call and TF1515 arriving.

Hibiki inspected all of the switches and brought her chief engineer out to make sense of the whole thing. Eventually, the two managed to flip the switch in the right order to get the generator pumping again, and with electricity restored, the lights also came on. The white haired destroyer looked quite pleased with herself while Sendai stood behind her.

It was then that Sendai noticed that with the air conditioner circulating air, that she was quite cold, what with not having had the sea splashing against her the entire time. She was drenched in sea water, and so was Hibiki, and wouldn't it be nice to have a change of clothes?

"Hibiki." She tapped on the Destroyer's shoulder.

"Does the map say anywhere we can get our clothes dried out? I'm soaked."

The destroyer looked at the light carrier offhandedly before unslinging a watertight briefcase that she had brought along. She unzipped it to reveal several sets of clothes including one, vacuum sealed, as well as various other toiletries and accessories. She pulled out a single vacuum sealed pack and pushed it into the carrier's hands.

"Hibiki. You didn't have to. . ."

"Jeep Carrier. Go change." Hibiki then pulled out a hand towel and dried herself somewhat before heading over to a nearby desk to look for maintenance records.

"Ah . . ." Sendai awkwardly looked around one last time. "I guess I'll head to the living quarters. Ah. Are we going to share a room?"

The destroyer glanced over for a few seconds, and then went back to what she was doing.

"Right. I'll go pick out a room."
Just a bit of a 'what if' after thinking about a few anime I've seen.

She was Nagato of the Big Seven. Secretary Ship of the Yokosuka Kanmusu Command. Decorated veteran of the Abyssal War. But before her stood her greatest accomplishment. Namely: Her daughter Sakaki. Being a single parent (albeit with such a large extended family) and raising her into a strong but gentle young woman was the single greatest accomplishment of Nagato's life. It was amusing to watch her daughter cuddle her iriomote cat (Which she had named 'Maya' much to Nagato's amusement and the amusement of the namesake cruiser's sisters.) while thinking of the tough reputation Sakaki had received at school almost exclusively as a result of her height and physical build. With the seas at peace, Nagato was looking forward to enjoying her daughter's summer break. Sakaki had with permission invited a small group of her friends to visit the base for a few days. It would be interesting.

Sakaki and Maya​

Her thoughts wandered to her first child. Born in the fourth year of the war, the child, a baby girl she had named Konoe, had been put up for adoption twenty-five years ago. It had seemed a sensible enough thing to do at the time It had been pointed out to her that there was all too real a chance Nagato could be killed in battle and the state might choose then to take the baby. Better to spare her that, the argument had been put to her. It was a decision Nagato had come to regret. For over twenty years Nagato had been searching. It was as if someone had conspired to erase all trace of her child from existence. Persistence had finally paid off however and USS Nautilus had found her needle in a haystack! Nagato was anxious to tell Sakaki the news! One Konoe Tsurugi, Chief of Security for the new head of the Hanaukyo family was indeed the same child that Nagato had given up all those years ago.

Upon first receiving Nautilus' report, Nagato had hesitated to contact her firstborn daughter but with great encouragement from Mutsu, Kongo, and Admiral Goto (Now retired but still watching out for his girls apparently) she had finally reached out. Nagato and Sakaki had ben invited to meet Konoe at the Hanaukyo Manor. There were no roads, they would be flown by helicopter tomorrow. Nagato could only wonder what Konoe would be like.

Like Mother, Like Daughter​
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Panorama of Napoli at night; CL Condottieri-class ships to the left, CA Zara-class ships to the right. Don't know what else to say. Simply beautiful.
A rather unexpected success in the German music scene, such as it was, was Graf Spee's cover of a Heidi Brühl tune.

Are there any stories that show either America or Japan summoning an Abyssal ship girl?
I mean a ship that hates humanity that stills answers the summoning call.

And are there any good Kancolle/Mass Effect crossovers? Like the Normandy that has Joker's humor but Shepard's commanding presence?
Kancolle's ongoing collaboration with the Avail clothing line.

Individual pieces:







Others (Irako gets some love!!):
Are there any stories that show either America or Japan summoning an Abyssal ship girl?
I mean a ship that hates humanity that stills answers the summoning call.
Consider this. Carefully.

Why a malevolent Spirit that hates Humanity on principle, Answer a Summoning, that specifically puts said Spirit in servitude to Humanity?

...Wait. Tsun Silent, Tsun Deep (on SB) by @Sheo Darren basically have Abyssals as result of botched summoning attempt. Since it's botched, so....