Kantai Collection - Fanfic Idea and Recs

An excerpt from the current (now finished for me) event, in the form of an AAR from a fairy perspective, now crossposted from SB!

Ooyodo sighed as she slumped back into the high backed chair the Admiral favored for his staff. In front of her was a report she was somewhat reluctant to read, given she knew the contents of it second hand from the kanmusu that were on the raid.

Iowa had shaken her head as she headed into the docks and even the Kongou siblings had seemed somber. Chiyoda and Chitose quickly headed towards their barracks, 'to do maintenance for their air wing' they had said. The escort fleet had been a bit more talkative, Prinz Eugen had said she hoped that the raid had been worth the costs. Teruzuki absently had one of her director fairies in the palm of her hand and was gently patting the thing on its head. Behind the escort fleet and surrounded by her cousins, I-14 made her way to her newly appointed room, Shioi all but carrying the slightly small sub in a bear hug.

The bespectacled secretary ship picked up a small sheaf of papers and then slid them under the desktop magnifying glass. The Admiral would want a clear picture of the costs and this was the best way to get it.


Operation: The Raid on the Abyssal Anchorage at Ulithi Atoll
Date: 15Feb2017

Fairy Officer First Class Hayate, 131st Hikotai, 4th Fighter Kokutai

Initial flight operations began at precisely daybreak. The land based squadrons had been set up and prepared by the Fairy Engineering Corps, delivered by submarine transport two nights before. Two runways had been tasked to fighter squadrons escorting the main bomber wave. Each bomber had a single fighter escort, some were the model 21 fighters, light and maneuverable, while the majority were the more robust model 52. All of the fighter pilots were veterans, aces of multiple operations against the Abyssals and very skilled at what we do.

By contrast only a few of the bomber groups could say the same. The 1st and 2nd Kokutai of the base were flying a new more robust G4M, the model 22A. They didn't have the same experience as the more veteran 3rd and 4th Kokutai, flying older model 11s. Still, they were eager and with great huzzah the whole group promptly got under way as the orders came from command. Target: Ulithi Anchorage.

Initial ascent went fairly textbook, no one was having any issues. Around 1203 we knew we were starting to approach the target area. Storms became apparent on the horizon and our Lieutenant ordered us under the clouds. The bombers quickly followed suit.

After descending to 5000, we saw the combined fleet smashing their way through a enemy fleet. There was nothing more I wanted to do than to dive on the enemy fighters seen swirling above the chaotic fighting. But we had our orders. The bombers must be escorted. So we held our breath and watched; we shouldn't have worried of course, our carrier borne counterparts were every bit our equals. As the last Abyssal was sliding under the waves (one of those Wo-class with the glowing eyes and fat round fighters) the carrier fighters climbed up and kept us company for a bit, none the worse for wear it appeared. A few minutes later they waggled their wings and banked away and down, towards their mother-ships.

We saw another clash of the roving Abyssals with the Combined Fleet and once again our team came out on top, though a Wo-class managed to slink away, limping under a heavy squall line.

We were beginning to get close to the objective. Intercepted signals had a strong enemy CAP up and we were ordered back into the clouds, hoping to maintain cohesion through close formation flying. We aren't the Americans, but we gave it our best.

Finally at 1543, we were given the order to descend from cloud and engage the enemy CAP. It was, without a doubt, the most terrifying ordeal I've faced yet. As we broke from the clouds, we were immediately engaged. There were hundreds of enemy planes in the air. All of them the more advanced and tougher models. Revenge bombers, hellcat fighters, helldiver bombers and a new and as of yet unseen floatplane fighter that gave us a run for our money. It was chaotic. It was madness. Every plane we shot down, three more seemed to take its place. I saw Mayuri from 132 go down, one of those new floatplanes had gotten on him and he couldn't shake it. The enemy was ferocious.

During a slight lull I managed to glimpse at the bomber formation and gaped. An entire Kokutai was gone. Just gone. The remaining three were badly attrited, with some having less than a few bombers from the entire kokutai. But still they pressed on, tracers from the 20mm mounts slicing out into the storm. They were headed for the deck, on torpedo runs. I stopped watching as tracers chopped past my canopy. I don't know how many made their runs successfully.

We formed back up on the other side of the Anchorage, just as the Combined Fleet broke through a squall line. We ran a roster check. Out of our fighters we lost perhaps a dozen. The bomber losses had been almost catastrophic though. Out of the seventy two than took off, only eighteen were headed back to airfields. It was quiet on the flight back. The survivors talked little and even though they knew we had done everything we could, it wouldn't surprise me if they don't talk to us for a good long time once we get back.

So, while I hope raid is successful, we desperately need to sweep the enemy anchorage if we are to attempt another sortie here. There are simply too many enemy fighters. I recommend an entire sentai of fighters, followed by three kokutai of fighters and one kokutai of bombers if we truly want to clear the enemy's airpower out.

FO1 Hayate, 131st Hiko, 4th Ku.


Ooyodo grunted as she finished the report, craning her neck side to side as she straightened out from leaning over the magnifier.

"That bad huh," a gruff voice came from behind her.

Startled she turned around, then gave the Admiral a worried nod. "Yes, the losses were rather bad for the bomber squadrons. Our lead pilot recommends more fighters in the escort role if we need to sortie again to finish off the stragglers."

"Mmm." The admiral rubbed his chin, "Not today I think. Let the crews rest, see if we can put them on some milk runs to get their confidence back up. We keep getting reports of a Sub Princess hanging out off Maizuru. Should be good practice for 'em. Tomorrow though, tomorrow." He grinned at the light cruiser, "Tonight, though we'll throwing those rugged little bastards a party. Without them hitting that pair of Carrier Princesses we'd never have gotten through to the new Abyssal. I want to reward them for it."

Ooyodo could only shake her head, Well he has done very well keeping the base supplied and stockpiles are quite good. I suppose we could throw a party..."Very well, Admiral I'll-"

"Great, I'll go get Mamiya-san and Irako to get started! Get everyone, yeah?" He flashed another smile and was gone, leaving nothing but a sheaf of flyers in the command cruiser's hands.

"That...idiot..." Ooyodo sighed, knowing the massive budget they'd enjoyed before the operation would probably disappear once Musashi and Iowa arrived from repairs.


Yeah so I dunno why i wrote this. Got bored at work I guess. This event featured not only the new Twin Princess (150 AA) and her float plane, it also had twin CV Himes (140 AA) with their Air Radar equipment, making them utterly deadly to bombers of all kinds. Their formation further boosted the effect and it wasn't uncommon for me to have a bomber group completely wiped out (18 planes) with many more shot down.

Kokutai were the IJNAF equivalent for Air Groups, similar to Bomber Group for USN land based planes.
Hikotai were sub units of Kokutai, equivalent to squadrons.
A Sentai in IJNAF terms is a large group of Kokutai.

Basically from big to little its
Sentai - Kokutai - Hikotai
Yeah so I dunno why i wrote this. Got bored at work I guess. This event featured not only the new Twin Princess (150 AA) and her float plane, it also had twin CV Himes (140 AA) with their Air Radar equipment, making them utterly deadly to bombers of all kinds. Their formation further boosted the effect and it wasn't uncommon for me to have a bomber group completely wiped out (18 planes) with many more shot down.

that's life going up against the Yuri Hime.....

i dunno if having reppuu mules will help on E-3 hard mode but on easy, having 2 CVL(STF is the best on E-3) with both loaded with 3 reppuu each while their 4th plane is a sauin and a bomber respectively, you'll get AS+...

of course... your LBAS will still take be blunt of Yuri and carrier Himes AA...

giving it with an AA fighter with a min range of 6 can mitigate some of the losses... but they're gonna take alot of beating.... in any case.

but after daytime and you sunk alot of abyssals, i hope you set up for Yasen AND use torp CI for the killing blow.
Yeah check the game thread, I've cleared the event. Even farmed up I-13 on medium post clear.

Just wanted to write something up showing it from a fairies point of view.
I also cleared the event... and already got Hitomi... although on easy mode.
normal mode is nuts against my subs on boss node.... considering i only got 2 SSV(Shioi and Goya), Ro-chan, and a bunch of non-kai subs....
and i dont have much saiun to spare for that blasted delivery mission on normal mode....

now i'm resting up for E-4 for fujinami...
my bauxite hurts alot due to CTF set up.... T_T
Here's an interesting story. I post only the key pages, you can read it in full in the link below.

Ship Girls Going Bang Bang - Photos | Facebook

or in pool 9512 on DB.

1. Ryuujou picked the fairy up "in the last operation", and the fairy doesn't have any prior memories.

2. Ryuujou is stricken. In the third image I posted, however, the dying girl is demonstrably not Ryuujou, given the turret arm. Therefore this is a flashback of the fairy's memories.

3. "No need for you to perish" are very provocative words. The dying destroyer girl denies herself a DAMCON fairy that could have saved her.

4. As a result of 3, she dies, but the fairy survives with no memory of the events to be found by RJ.

5. She finally saved RJ, but is consumed in the process. This is a common interpretation of how they work, consistent with game mechanics. Boushi-ya's The Beginning also uses this interpretation.

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For somereason the above made me came up with the idea that if you get bitten by a shipgirl you become one every full moon.

*sniff Coke cola with suspicion before dumping it out*
Another interview has been translated, this time it's Sarah Emi-Bridcutt: Suzuya, Kumano, Yuubari, Nowaki, Maikaze.

Kancolle Style Vol. 2/Sarah Emi Bridcutt Interview - Kancolle Wiki

-- Even at events such as the KanColle Naval Reviews the admirals responded with affection to those lines, didn't they?

They sure did! At the Second KanColle Naval Review I was mainly playing as Kumano, and whenever I shouted the line "Wooooo↑ooooah↓!" the crowd just went nuts and laughed.
I could tell just how much Kumano is recognised by them, not to mention loved.

-- Speaking of which, how did the line "Wooooo↑ooooah↓!" come into being in the first place?

I was basically told "Kumano is a well-bred girl from a rich family, but also such a try-hard that she ended up being kinda weird, so please give us a shout with all that in mind, if you will". *laughs*
It was supposed to sound dignified, but also as if not even Kumano herself knew what she was doing, so it ended up as "Wooooo↑ooooah↓!".

-- I'm sure the ship girls have thoroughly become second nature to you by now, but what was your impression of KanColle like back during your first recording sessions?

When I was told about it, I looked it up before starting to work on the voice recordings to see what kind of game it was, and I got the impression that it was a game about warship that apparently was so popular that prospective admirals had to enter a raffle first, but when I got the script my first reaction was something along the lines of "That's...... a ship?". *laughs*

-- I see you really put your heart and soul into your ship girls' voice line recordings. Which one of them did you get first in the game?

The first one was Yūbari, whom I built with All 30.

-- Now that's some luck!

Until then I didn't have any luck getting even one of my girls, so one day I decided to do the daily quests and hit construction with all 30. I still remember the goose bumps I got when I saw the golden background.

-- Well then, who is your favourite ship girl, including the ones you voiced?

I really love Makigumo! The girls I voiced also are precious to me, but I just can't help but love Makigumo and Akizuki...... I even have rubber straps of them.
I don't want them to get dirty, so I put them on a pouch I use at home.

-- You love those sleeves, don't you?

Yep, those dangling sleeves are just so cute!
As for Akizuki, I love that silhouette of hers, her straight ponytail and this certain presence her slender pose emanates are also nice, and she's strong of course. *laughs*

-- All right, we've already talked about those five unique ship girls, but is there some other type of ship girl you would like to voice?

I'd like voice a big sister character. Who also happens to be a hardcore sadist.
And maybe a calm, gentle girl.
If nobody minds, here's the rundown of a little idea I've been working on, on a little warship I've got my eye on for a while.


The summonings of famous WW2 warships are always a big deal regardless of nationality, each one sending waves throughout the world be it strategic, cultural or the poorly-understood places from whence the eponymous shipgirls came from. The summoning of the Yamato was no different, the shockwaves from her entry into the physical realm roiling out from the Home Islands and reaching out across the oceans for thousands of miles. Denizens of the deep, their slumber interrupted, would swarm the oceans for days to come.

For the residents of the Riau Islands, however, nobody could care less.

The island of Natuna Besar had been rather fortunate, all things considered. Abandoned by the retreating Indonesian Navy in the early stages of the Abyssal War, the island had been completely bypassed by the seagoing monsters in favour of the juicier Malaysian coasts. Safe from attack for the moment, the island's sole airport had been running evacuations for as many of its citizens for as long as possible as the war progressed, eventually stopping after every drop of aviation fuel had been spent. With no way off the island and supplies growing thin, things were looking bleak.

Until a strange subgirl washes up ashore, with absolutely no idea what in the world is going on.

"Gas? I have gas! One hundred thousand gallons of it!"


For those curious, it's the I-351, nameship (and only ship) of the Senho-type tanker submarines. Her sinking site places her pretty close to the Riau Islands when I looked it up, hence the idea. (plus the fact that she was carrying an undetermined amount of aviation spirit on that particular journey)
  • Not many of the islanders are left, mainly those who couldn't get on the earler flights before the fuel ran out.
  • Most of the neighbouring islands/coastlines are probably empty or gone.
  • I-351's no-name enough that she probably wouldn't ever have been summoned intentionally. Yamato's "ping" was enough to kick her awake, but the lack of a proper summoning ceremony means that she pops out right above her wreck.
  • I'm pretty sure Japanese isn't a very common language in Indonesia, neither do I think Indonesian was in the IJN. Fun times.
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For those curious, it's the I-351, nameship (and only ship) of the Senho-type tanker submarines. Her sinking site places her pretty close to the Riau Islands when I looked it up, hence the idea. (plus the fact that she was carrying an undetermined amount of aviation spirit on that particular journey)
  • Not many of the islanders are left, mainly those who couldn't get on the earler flights before the fuel ran out.
  • Most of the neighbouring islands/coastlines are probably empty or gone.
  • I-351's no-name enough that she probably wouldn't ever have been summoned intentionally. Yamato's "ping" was enough to kick her awake, but the lack of a proper summoning ceremony means that she pops out right above her wreck.
  • I'm pretty sure Japanese isn't a very common language in Indonesia, neither do I think Indonesian was in the IJN. Fun times.
More on your thoughts: While Imperial Japanese Military relationship with subjugated countries was never can be said as 'nice', their relationship with Indonesian (or at least, Javanese) were, relatively speaking, a bit better than their relationship with, say, Philliphines. Sure, we have our share of problems (forced labour, jugun ianfu, officers disrespecting local customs) but there are some silver linings: Japanese helps established militia training system (PETA, Heiho) that becomes invaluable in building out army during Republic early days, some of... stranded soldiers basically helping local militias during conflict with Allied Forces and NICA, and this high-ranking IJN officer basically let his house used as birthing place of Indonesian Declaration of Independence.
How about you include the American who served with the IJN as I-351's companion? I am referring to the U.S.S. Stewart DD-224 who was captured in dry dock served as a patrol boat for Japan and the returned to American control after the war ended.
How about you include the American who served with the IJN as I-351's companion? I am referring to the U.S.S. Stewart DD-224 who was captured in dry dock served as a patrol boat for Japan and the returned to American control after the war ended.
I don't think they ever crossed paths. Being a submarine (albeit a noncombat sub), I-351 only ever came in contact with other vessels in port at Sasebo or Singapore, operating alone for the entire journey between the two. Besides, RAMP-224 with her historical prominence mught already be present by the time the story starts, already back in service with the USN.

Though that gives me a couple of ideas. Let me go look up that sinkings chart I remember finding once.
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Bridge over the river Kwaii

In which every shipgirls find their fairies missing. After hours of countless searches. They find them. But not in the base. Apparently the fairies has decided to spontaneously form a band. Their goal is too compete with each other and to bring joy to kids in hospitals.
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