Kantai Collection - Fanfic Idea and Recs

The Independences are carriers, not cruisers, even though they're CL conversions. So I doubt they'd consider each other full sisters.
Thing is those hulls were to be Cleveland's and were converted mid construction. They're literally a Cleveland that had its turrets and superstructure removed for a flight deck and hangers.

The navy basically went these Cleveland's? Make them carriers.

Then you have the fact that alot of people consider Akiga and Kaga sisters and they aint even the same class.
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The Independences are carriers, not cruisers, even though they're CL conversions. So I doubt they'd consider each other full sisters.
Would Shinano not see Yamato and Musashi as sisters?

Would Eagle not see Canada/Almirante Latorre as her sister?

Would Furious not see Courageous and Glorious as sisters before they got converted?

Although I will grant this is simply my opinion, and others may have different thoughts on the girls' relations. But imo a twist of fate they had no control over doesn't automatically mean they stop seeing each other as sisters.
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Thing is those hulls were to be Cleveland's and were converted mid construction. They're literally a Cleveland that had its turrets and superstructure removed for a flight deck and hangers.

The navy basically went these Cleveland's? Make them carriers.

Then you have the fact that alot of people consider Akiga and Kaga sisters and they aint even the same class.

Mmm. You have to move the machinery around some to make a carrier out of a cruiser, so it's not quite that simple.

And yes, Akagi and Kaga are sisters, but they're also both carriers. They both fight the same way, and trained together.

Independence and, say, Vincennes, don't fight the same at all. One is part of the striking force, and the other is her escort, scouts for her, and participates in shore bombardments.

Also, in conversation one doesn't say, "Hey, half-sis!". Well, not if you're close, anyhow.
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Mmm. You have to move the machinery around some to make a carrier out of a cruiser, so it's not quite that simple.

And yes, Akagi and Kaga are sisters, but they're also both carriers. They both fight the same way, and trained together.

Independence and, say, Vincennes, don't fight the same at all. One is part of the striking force, and the other is her escort, scouts for her, and participates in shore bombardments.
In that case Shininoe isnt a sister of Yamato and Musashi.
In that case Shininoe isnt a sister of Yamato and Musashi.

No, she isn't. She was laid down as their youngest sister, but she was completed as their half-sister. Is there something wrong with that?

Do you think that Yamato and Musashi are somehow less her family just because she's a half-sister, and not a full sister? I say that's a preposterous claim.
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No, she isn't. She was laid down as their youngest sister, but she was completed as their half-sister. Is there something wrong with that?

Do you think that Yamato and Musashi are somehow less her family just because she's a half-sister, and not a full sister? I say that's a preposterous claim.
Funny thats what you are saying.
Cause its the same thing with the Cleveland and Independence class.
Funny thats what you are saying.
Cause its the same thing with the Cleveland and Independence class.

Don't fucking put words in my mouth. I never said they're less family because nine were completed as carriers, I said they're not full sisters. I've been perfectly consistent.

If you disagree, that's fine. But do it without resorting to strawmen.
No, she isn't. She was laid down as their youngest sister, but she was completed as their half-sister. Is there something wrong with that?

Do you think that Yamato and Musashi are somehow less her family just because she's a half-sister, and not a full sister? I say that's a preposterous claim.
"Half-sibling", by its very definition, suggests less of a familial connection than "full sibling".

Strictly design-wise, they're half-sisters, just like if we're strictly calling at two people half-siblings based in their parentage. Now, if we were looking at the personal relations between the girls, I'd say they see each other as sisters, since that is what they would be had fate not intervened, not simply half-sisters, just like there are half-siblings that see themselves as full siblings.
Don't fucking put words in my mouth. I never said they're less family because nine were completed as carriers, I said they're not full sisters. I've been perfectly consistent.

If you disagree, that's fine. But do it without resorting to strawmen.
You posts.
The Independences are carriers, not cruisers, even though they're CL conversions. So I doubt they'd consider each other full sisters.
Mmm. You have to move the machinery around some to make a carrier out of a cruiser, so it's not quite that simple.

And yes, Akagi and Kaga are sisters, but they're also both carriers. They both fight the same way, and trained together.

Independence and, say, Vincennes, don't fight the same at all. One is part of the striking force, and the other is her escort, scouts for her, and participates in shore bombardments.

Also, in conversation one doesn't say, "Hey, half-sis!". Well, not if you're close, anyhow.
You seem to make a pretty good claim that they would barely consider each other sisters.

Beside the fact that half sister very definition is less then sisters?
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Beside the fact that half sister very definition is less then sisters?

Are we talking about the personal relationships here or the... For lack of a better term, biological relationships?

Because I was asking about the "biology".

And I've met half-siblings that are far closer, in terms of their relationship, than a number of full siblings I know.
Are we talking about the personal relationships here or the... For lack of a better term, biological relationships?

Because I was asking about the "biology".

And I've met half-siblings that are far closer, in terms of their relationship, than a number of full siblings I know.
Oh, well then. I must've misunderstood. Biologically/design-wise, yes they would be half-sisters, personal relationship-speaking (which is what I was basing my argument on), I believe they would see each other as sisters.
Because I was asking about the "biology".

By this standard Hiryu is not a relative of Soryu. She was plated up a deck higher forward, her island was on the other side, she was longer and slightly wider, and several thousand tons heavier. There are serious physical differences, after all.

If you're asking about the biology, rather than how they fight, which is behavioral. I mean, doing it well is dictated by the biology, but actually doing it is still behavior.
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Animated Fubuki hourly lines:

Related is pool 9807 on Danbooru, one of my long-time favorites which also depicts Fubuki's daily routine and hourly notifications. It is also a source for top-tier Fubuki smiles.


Type-4b "Iceberg Princess"

Discovered by accident by CSG-8, the Iceberg Princess is an almost complete unknown, compared to the Northern Ocean Princess. Orbital and high-altitude reconnaissance has tentatively located her base of operations in the area of Nuuk, Greenland. All communications with the city have ceased, and the city itself is under a 1600 feet thick layer of ice and cannot be seen.

Unlike "Mittens", all that is known to us about the Iceberg Princess comes from long-range photography, mostly by high-endurance drones. It is not much.

We know that her personal (permanent) fleet is composed of two Heavy Cruisers, an indeterminate number of Light Cruisers and Submarines, three Escort Fortresses and two subordinate Airfields.

The Princess herself, however, does not appear to have any guns or planes under her direct control. Instead, she relies entirely on her control over the icebergs that break off the glacier she has created.

These "Abyssal 'Bergs", as they have been called, are visually identical to normal icebergs, but can travel enormous distances, all while remaining under her control. They have been spotted as far south as the Equator.

It's the capabilities of these icebergs that makes them, along with the submarines, the reason for the extinction of the Atlantic Trade. They can move on their own, even against the current, can submerge completely and will employ several complex tactics to hunt ships. At night, these icebergs can only be spotted by radar. Submerged, they are transparent to sonar. Rumors of versions that employ Abyssal ECM/ECCM cannot be confirmed.

And, although they are usually seen working in groups, even a lone iceberg can snare as big a ship as an aircraft carrier, as CSG-8 discovered, to their cost. All task forces operating in Atlantic waters must mantain constant aerial and radar surveillance, especially at night, and all unknown contacts must be engaged with extreme prejudice.

Should collision occur, no attempt at saving the vessel must be made. In the case of steel vessels, survivors on lifeboats must navigate to a safe distance from the ship before a rescue can be attempted.

Once an iceberg has made contact with a ship, it will begin to "spread". Eventually, it will cover the bottom of the vessel, at which point the ice will lift the ship out of the water and carry it north, towards the Iceberg Princess. The ice will then continue to spread, focusing on potential egress points of the victim vessel. It will even attempt to protect the vessel from scuttling fire.

Transmissions from CSG-8 showed that these attacks are accompanied by visual and audio anomalies. In these, a small, albino girl in a white dress with black accents, with hair arranged in pigtails will plead an beg the crew not to resist. She will offer protection, safety, and promise that she "will not let anyone sink, ever again". As the ice spreads, more anomalies will manifest, taking the vague shape of children. Crewmembers reported hearing the voices of lost relatives or loved ones, begging them to stop fighting. In one case, the deceased had died without the sailor's knowing.

How these icebergs can move cannot be determined at this moment. Their method of detecting ships is also unknown; examples have been observed changing course to intercept from as far as 300 nautical miles away.

Samples taken have not shown to be anything other than sea ice.

The Iceberg Princess's base contains a sizable fleet of captured vessels. These include several cargo and passenger vessels, two submarines, and the entirety of CSG-8. The ships are almost completely sealed with ice, and are regularly visited by Abyssals and the Princess herself. The status of the crews and passengers remains unknown.

(In which the Abyss start to become the horrors from the deep they're supposed to be.)

I recall reading this as part of a larger chunk, one part mentioning "Mittens" and another mentioning one named "Watcher". Anyone have a link to it? I can't find it anywhere and yet I just saw it a day or two ago.

Now how long until we see Transforming Fairies? Imagining a group of them jumping into the sky and transforming into HAL Ajeets for CAP…

Sooooo now we have to watch out for undercover fighter jets stealing our hats?