Kantai Collection - Fanfic Idea and Recs

I have the feeling that were Vikrant and Viraat to show up, they would throw either transforming fairies or cricket balls.
I recall reading this as part of a larger chunk, one part mentioning "Mittens" and another mentioning one named "Watcher". Anyone have a link to it? I can't find it anywhere and yet I just saw it a day or two ago.
Hey I just realised something, why isn't there more dossiers like this? You'd think someone would have thought to make ones for each abbysal.
(I really wish there were, I love reading this kind of stuff. Speaking of which, why is it so hard to find stories about abbysals in general? Google never gives me enough resukts, it just ends up repeating ones from threads that are really long)
Hey I just realised something, why isn't there more dossiers like this? You'd think someone would have thought to make ones for each abbysal.
(I really wish there were, I love reading this kind of stuff. Speaking of which, why is it so hard to find stories about abbysals in general? Google never gives me enough resukts, it just ends up repeating ones from threads that are really long)

If you'd like, I made several dossiers for my fic.

NEMESIS BELOW: Abyssal Basic Combat Forms

For the basic Abyssal cruisers and destroyers: I-class DD, Ho-class CL, Chi-class CL, and Ri-class CA.

NEMESIS BELOW: Channel Princess

For an OC, Abyssal Channel Princess.

NEMESIS BELOW: Wo-class Aircraft Carrier Analogue

For the Wo-class.

Certainly others are incoming in the future, depending on the story's development.
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If you'd like, I made several dossiers for my fic.

NEMESIS BELOW: Abyssal Basic Combat Forms

For the basic Abyssal cruisers and destroyers: I-class DD, Ho-class CL, Chi-class CL, and Ri-class CA.

NEMESIS BELOW: Channel Princess

For an OC, Abyssal Channel Princess.

NEMESiS BELOW: Wo-class Aircraft Carrier Analogue

For the Wo-class.

Certainly others are incoming in the future, depending on the story's development.
Oh SWEET! I don't know why but I just love reading this kind of stuff. 'Tis why I always try completing the piklopedia when I play Pikmin 2, I just love reading stuff like that ^_^
*sees image of wo-class*
*sees number of eyes*
(Did you draw that? If so, nice work!)
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No Alternative

"Let's try this again." The slightly annoyed intelligence officer said trying to sound intimidating. Even with her rigging removed, the fast battleship seated in front of him rolled her eyes and glanced at Yamato; who was standing guard over her, in frustration as the oblivious lieutenant Commander began repeating his same stupid questions once more.


"USS United States. Hull number CC-6, United States class fast battleship."


"Philadelphia Naval Shipyard. My length is 888 feet. My full load build displacement is 55,000 tons, more with refits. My main armament is 12 x 16" 16/50 Mark 2 guns in four triple turrets. Built for 30+ knots. How long are you going to keep asking the same moronic questions?"

"Until you start giving me some answers that make any damned sense!"

"You wouldn't know sense if it walked up and kicked you in the ass, junior!"

"Just keep it up! We'll find a hole deep enough for you! One of your friends will start telling us the truth and then I am going to lock you up and throw away the key!"

"Junior... If I took a notion, I could reach across this table before the nice young lady here could do a thing about it and snap you like a Twix bar. So don't ever think you're scaring me. Now get out of here."

The officer made a show of sneering in disgust before picking up his cover and leaving the room.

Watching outside, Admiral Goto shook his head and sighed. He only hoped the other interviews were going better than this. He turned to Nagato

"What do we know so far?"

"We have twenty-three kanmusu identifying themselves as 'PacCom Task Force 14'. Seven American, nine British, and seven Japanese. We have identified the destroyers as being eight Fletcher class and four Battle class destroyers. Most of their identities match our records but four of the Fletchers claim to be Imperial Navy ships built in American yards for Japan. Of the cruisers, one E class, two County class, a Fargo class, and an Atago class. Their names conform to unbuilt or uncompleted members of those classes, except for the Atago class. She looks like a 'dead ringer', I believe is the expression, for our Atago but claims her name is Matsushima."


"Of course there is an Atago among them. It is just that she is an Amagi class battlecruiser."

Goto blinked. "And the others?"

"Constellation, apparently a third Lexington class carrier. She claims to have served with Akagi and Kaga in a strike on the battleships of the Soviet Far East Fleet." Nagato checked her notes. "St George and St Andrew, a pair of G-3 class battlecruisers, Sagami, a No 13 class Fast Battleship who claims Japan helped the allies win WW2 and the Empress of Japan dedicated the UN Charter in San Francisco." Nagato regarded the observation window. "And of course we have USS United States. Her name and hull number match a planned Lexington class Battlecruiser, but her build is like a hybrid of a Lexington and the 1920 South Dakota class."

"So? How did they get here?"

"I believe the term Constellation used was 'Sparkly Abyssal Bullshit'."
So WWII was Nazis and the USSR against the world?

And if they were all war buddies, I can see Abyss bullshit happening. After all, they worked together in the past chances were the abyssals could take down a couple of them... And then the rest of the fleet would make their eyes water.

Solution from outside the box, remove them somewhere else, the abyssals of the world that got them be damned. :D
Oh SWEET! I don't know why but I just love reading this kind of stuff. 'Tis why I always try completing the piklopedia when I play Pikmin 2, I just love reading stuff like that ^_^
*sees image of wo-class*
*sees number of eyes*
(Did you draw that? If so, nice work!)

Errrr no, for the record I credited the source in smalltext under the image.
USS United States. Hull number CC-6, United States class fast battleship."

CC is a battlecruiser, BB is a fast battleship, as fast battleship is an informal category, and there is no official distinctions in the design documents. The blueprints for the NorCars, SoDaks, and Iowas all list the ships as battleships.
So WWII was Nazis and the USSR against the world?

And if they were all war buddies, I can see Abyss bullshit happening. After all, they worked together in the past chances were the abyssals could take down a couple of them... And then the rest of the fleet would make their eyes water.

Solution from outside the box, remove them somewhere else, the abyssals of the world that got them be damned. :D

Quite correct. In their world, WWI took a different course and ended with an unbowed Germany that still had a very large and powerful Navy but like Italy in our time, groups of agitators in Germany were convinced that Germany deserved more. The Washington Naval Treaty was negotiated with the knowledge that Britain could not ignore the HSF and needed some new construction. So they built the G-3s and the Nelrods but dropped the N-3 class. The US saw their Lexingtons completely out classed so converted the three most advanced to carriers and went back to the original design schemes proposed for Lexington. (The design chosen was a modification of scheme B) and pulled up Scheme 'D' and updated it. Though part of the Lexington project, the original documents are labeled 'Fast Battleship'. Scheme D was as described, SoDak (1920) firepower with the length and most of Lexington's speed. Japan dropped the Kii class and the last two No. 13 class and started carrier conversions on Amagi and Akagi, with the results as in our history.
CC is a battlecruiser, BB is a fast battleship, as fast battleship is an informal category, and there is no official distinctions in the design documents. The blueprints for the NorCars, SoDaks, and Iowas all list the ships as battleships.

Obviously, the design underwent the same evolution the selected scheme 'B' did, which improved the boiler arrangement and funnel disposition among other things.
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That's a design study, not a blueprint. See where it says "proposal"?

I am aware of that. And in official terms, United States ought to call herself a 'Battlecruiser' despite being more powerful than any battleship of the day, she was bred from these 'Battlecruiser' proposals and authorized as such. However, like the Kongos being referred to as 'Fast Battleships' and indeed a general movement by the Japanese to merge the battleship and battlecruiser types in the 8+8 program, still has some influence.

United States choose to identify herself as a 'Fast Battleship' as opposed to a battlecruiser is a reflection of her pride.

Please note my use of the word 'scheme', not blueprint or design. Scheme B was historically selected for refinement as the design that would be laid down.
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There has been another translated interview with a seiyuu:

Akasaki Chinatsu, who voiced Zara, Pola, and Aquila.
Kancolle Style Vol. 3/Akasaki Chinatsu Interview - Kancolle Wiki

-- Well then, how long have you been playing KanColle anyway?

I supposed around two and a half years. I was pretty hooked by the game in the beginning, so I don't really remember what the events and maps back then were like.

-- What got you into KanColle in the first place?

When I was about to give it a try KanColle had become really popular, and I heard that in order to get into the game you had to win a lottery first.
But a lot people I knew were playing it, so I thought I might as well give it a shot. On the very same day they set up a new server no less. Luckily I got in, so I'd say that in a way it was fate.

-- Moving on, we would like to ask you about when you were recording voice lines.
You got the job to voice those ship girls after you started playing KanColle, right?

I had been playing the game for quite a while when I got the job. As more and more girls were receiving additional voice lines I couldn't help but think "I wonder if I could do that too... but if I were to voice any what should they be like...".

-- Speaking of which, what kind of ship girl would you have liked to voice?

A happy-go-lucky girl, and maybe someone like Kitakami.

-- And then you actually did voice the level-headed and energetic Zara, and Pola who does everything her own way.

A few days before the recordings I was told by the office that I'd get to work for KanColle this time.
I didn't get what they were talking about at first, so I asked again.
And when I found out at that I'd get to voice Italian ship girls of all people I couldn't contain my astonishment!

-- What was your impression of that ship girl trio like when you were looking through the script?

I thought that Zara is really level-headed and loves her sister very much.
Also, I couldn't help but think that she might love the admiral a lot as well.
Pola is... special...... or perhaps I should say eccentric.
The script had a buttload of lines with wave dashes to indicate long or drawn-out vowels, so I figured I might as well voice her however I wanted.

-- And as a result she became quite the sensation.

She certainly is in a league of her own. If I had to name ship girls that might like alcohol then Jun'yō or Nachi come to mind, but none of them overdo it as much.
Where others drink responsibly, Pola really does as she pleases.

-- Speaking of which, what's your attitude towards alcohol?

I enjoy it sometimes. Lately I drink just about anything, but since I'm from Kagoshima I'm particularly fond of potato schnapps. Like Kuro Kirishima.
So many different Kirishima flavours have come out recently, like black, white, red, gold or madder.

-- And now to the third one, Aquila.

At first I thought that Aquila was a level-headed, mature woman, but I was so wrong. *laughs*
In her hourly lines she has moments where she just wants to leave early when told she's on kitchen duty, or how it's perfectly normal to have someone make food for her, which shows that she simply does whatever she wants.
She wants to be level-headed, but is anything but, which is kind of cute.

-- When I was listening to the pronunciation of the trio's Italian I really got the impression that they were native speakers.
Did you practise a lot before the recordings?

When I was still in university I actually took Italian classes; it was my second foreign language. I'm not at exactly at a level where I can conduct research, but it's good enough to get a feeling for the pronunciation, so I had an easy time voicing some parts. Italian pronunciation is pretty close to how it's actually spelt after all.
The 7th of April is less than two hours away where I live.

Yukikaze and the flags of her past and future.


Trying to get something written for this day.
I wrote a thing, for a change! Borrows a bit from @Skywalker_T-65 's character-building with respect to Lexteen and Big E over in his snip thread, but Independence is all mine. Inspired by this picture:


Enterprise leaned back in her old armchair, and sighed, looking out the window at the familiar Brooklyn skyline. If she looked just right, she could see the pier where she was laid up. For disposal. Some part of her mind railed at the unfairness of it all. She'd fought hard, damn it! Harder than anyone else, and earned twenty battle stars for it! And the Navy, rather than turning her into a museum like sweet, grandmotherly Texas, or her good friend North Carolina, had been unwilling to spare the money. They would teach coming generations about the sacrifices and bravery of their crews. But not the Big E. Not the carrier that had taken on the might of the Imperial Japanese Navy on her own. Not the warrior who had made herself keep going even as she lost her sisters, and new girls (that, even now, she could hardly bear to speak to) had taken up their names. Perhaps she should try, before the end. Tell them some things about the girls whose names they bore so that when she died, their memories would live on.

But the rest of her mind was on other things. It was far too beautiful of a June day for such sad thoughts. Instead, she basked in the warmth of the summer sun that the single open window admitted and let her mind wander to happier times. Back when it had been her, Mama Langley, and Aunties Lex and Sara. Back when she'd been the Little E, and all that had mattered in the world was living up to her big sister. Before the War.

So occupied, she didn't notice the soft, three-beat knock on her door. Or the second one. But the third one was louder, and managed to break through her trance.

"Who is it?" She frowned, uncertain. None of the younger girls visited her much. Especially not since the new girl to bear Aunt Sara's name, and who looked oh so painfully like her, had commissioned, and Lexie (With far less difficulty than Sara had had with her) had taken her under her wing. Not that she blamed Lexie, of course. The girl was still active duty, and mothering the little supercarrier combined with the demands of duty hardly left Lexie any time to herself.

A quiet, young voice slipped under the door. "Independence. I… I'm moored across from you."
She frowned. The Independence she knew had sunk long ago, at the same time as Aunt Sara. Pushing the familiar pain away, she rose from the comfortable armchair, walked over to her door and opened it.

The little girl hesitantly fluttering outside her door didn't look a thing like the light carrier she'd known. She had long raven hair, and sharp, eerily beautiful features, softened to adorable cuteness by baby fat. But what caught Enterprise's attention wasn't any of that. It was her eyes. They were steel-grey, and it was clear a keen intellect hid behind them. Enterprise took in the girl's outfit, as Independence's little round cheeks slowly flushed cherry-red. A sleeveless sailor-top, tucked neatly into a set of sandy-brown cargo khakis, topped off by a navy blue vest about six sizes too big covered in pockets. Just in case her pants didn't have enough, she supposed.

Eventually, after a few minutes of enduring the elderly carrier's silent scrutiny, the little supercarrier squeaked, and bolted.


Enterprise grabbed the little carrier by her vest. Of course. The newest Forrestal-class, CVA-62. Even if she seemed a great deal shier than her big sisters.

"I don't think you came all the way up here just to look. Did you want something?"

Independence struggled briefly, then turned back around, cheeks still bright red, and started worrying her hands.

"I… was hoping you would talk. It's really lonely out there, and I'm still being fitted out, so I can't domuchandbigsistoldmeyoutoldheraboutoldSara."

Enterprise blinked, searching her memory. Yes. She had met the new girl to bear Saratoga's name, and given her a plush Wildcat with Aunt Sara's markings, in hopes that Lexie would open up to the little girl a little faster than Aunt Sara had to her. The little girl needed a mama, and Lexie needed to stop spending all her free time alone in that room.

"I did, yes. Did you want to know about Independence?" She didn't remember much of the little light carrier. She'd only met her briefly at Rabaul. But Indy (She had to call her something, damnit!) shook her little head explosively.

"No. I don't want to hear about her." Face screwed up with pint-sized determination that reminded Enterprise so much of herself at that age, the tiny carrier's steel-grey eyes fixed themselves on Enterprise's red ones.

"I want to hear about you. I want to learn from the best. I want to be a good sister to Big Sis Forrestal, Sara, and Ranger. Please?"

Enterprise reeled for a moment. She hadn't really fought since Leyte Gulf. What could she teach the girl that one of the others, like Midway, or Intrepid, couldn't? Their designs didn't have a thing in common, and she'd never flown jets off her deck, while Independence would never fly anything she had experience with. She opened her mouth to refuse, but the words stuck in her throat. As she looked down at Independence, who had returned to worrying her hands, she couldn't help but think way back. To when she'd all but demanded Aunt Lex teach her how to work her planes. To how earnestly she'd gobbled down lessons from Aunt Sara, needing to be a good little sister to Yorktown.

Maybe Lexie wasn't the only one who needed to get out more.

Maybe this was how her sisters would live on.

She inhaled deeply, then nodded. Smiling down at the little carrier, she picked her up, settled back in her armchair with a lap full of baby supercarrier, and said, softly,
"I'm not so sure what this old warhorse can teach you. But if you insist, I can try."

She thought back, hard, and long. Yes. This was her chance to keep her sisters' memories alive.

"Tell you what. I'll tell you my story. Teach you all the mistakes I made. I'm afraid I can't help you with all the new mistakes there are to make, or anything with the jets, but I'm sure Lexie, or," she choked for a moment, "Hornet can help you figure out how it applies. How does that sound?"

Independence nodded eagerly, missing how Hornet's name still hurt so bad.

"Yes, please!" She burrowed herself into Enterprise's lap, and rested her head on her breast. Just as Enterprise had, with Mama Langley oh so long ago. Enterprise smiled, and began telling her story. About the War.

Maybe the epilogue of her life hadn't been written just yet.


-Part 1, Fin.
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Was listening to "Twilight" just now, and suddenly had the image of Naka driving a fully-working copy of the ELO 'flying saucer' with living quarters, recording studio and… well, the works.
