Kantai Collection - Fanfic Idea and Recs

There was no need for a giant ice Pykrete carrier when MURICA was pumping out so many escort, light and fleet carriers.
so a new quest had me thinking about sympathetic abbysals, then this came on the radio. given these parts' emphasis on music in summoning, what do you think would happen?

EN Dub teaser is out. I'm unsure what to think of this.

I mentioned this in a different thread... I think on SB, but not only is Fubuki's voice weird, she fucks up her own name, Kongou's voice is almost valleygirl preppy (and I'm pretty sure she never says anything like "So you can just worship us." or whatever the exact line is in that video), Nagato's voice is... odd. Basically this is shaping up to be one of those examples of "Fuck the Dub. It's so terrible I'd rather read subtitles." even for people who normally hate subtitles.
A New Admiral?

Warspite sipped at her tea as she listened to Iowa and Nagato talking. A dark cloud had hung over the naval base for the past couple of days, and it was nice to escape, if only for a little while. Well, she thought that, but there was only one thing many people could think about.

"Man," Iowa said. "I can't believe that the admiral would do something like that."

She was slumped over the table, and resting her chin on her arms. Warspite could not blame her, they had all been feeling rather down since the incident.

"Indeed, disgraceful behaviour," she said. "Poor Kongou is still in tears over it."

"At least she caught him before he could do anything serious," Nagato replied.

Warspite nodded, as hard as it had been for poor Kongou, it had been fortunate overall. She would bring the girl some tea later, when she went to see how she was doing.

"I wonder how long we're gonna be without an admiral," Iowa mused.

"Oh, that's already been decided," Nagato said. "Our next admiral's apparently a foreigner. That's is … I mean..."

Warspite just waved her hand to show that she had taken no offence, and Iowa's giggling probably meant that she had not either. Still, their next admiral was not going to be Japanese? Perhaps it should not be so much of a surprise, there had been quite a bit of mix-up since the various shipgirl initiatives had become one international effort.

"You might even know him, Warspite-san," Nagato continued.

Warspite raised an eyebrow; so the new admiral was British? For some reason she felt her chest swell a little with pride, hers was a country with a proud naval tradition.

"Perhaps," she replied. "Do you have a name?"

"One second," Nagato responded. Then she produced a sheet of paper from goodness - knows – where.

"Here we are," she continued. "Apparently the admiral's name is Bond, James Bond."

Warspite almost choked on her tea.

"Ah! So you do know him!" Iowa said. "An old flame of yours, granny?"

Warspite wiped her chin with a napkin, before responding.

"Something along those lines," she said. She ignored Iowa's wolf-whistle.

"So what type of man is he?" Nagato asked.

"Well," Warspite replied. "At the very least, we can trust him to leave the destroyers alone."

Kancolle x James Bond 007

I watched You Only Live Twice recently, and it reminded me that James Bond officially holds rank in the Royal Navy, combine that with the Japanese setting and voila.
Also, the crossover tag could probably also function as the pairing tag.:V
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