Kantai Collection - Fanfic Idea and Recs

I watched You Only Live Twice recently, and it reminded me that James Bond officially holds rank in the Royal Navy, combine that with the Japanese setting and voila.
Also, the crossover tag could probably also function as the pairing tag.
First, FTFY.

Second, he's a Commander iirc, the fuck happened to the Admiralty... and the captains?
First, FTFY.

Second, he's a Commander iirc, the fuck happened to the Admiralty... and the captains?

He's James Bond. That's all the qualifications he needs. The fact that he can get some very heavy fire support on hos missions must make for a nice security blanket. In an entirely "Everything is frakked up beyond any hope of stealth, bring in the naval support" kind of way. Or a femme fatale tries to kill one of the battleships because she is the 'obvious' love interest of Bond. Except the attempt fails, because well, battleship.

[EDIT] Frakking spellcheck decides 'the attempt' actual meant 'Thailand.' The Heck?
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When it comes to putting things in writing, I'm pretty sucky. But I can imagine so much stuff, and that happened again recently.

I have a concept, no real rough storyline yet.

In an alternate timeline, WW2 was very different from how we experienced it. The alliance between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union ended up being far more fruitful than the Nazi's expected, finding a resolute ally in the Soviet's. The war began as normal, but following the Battle of Britain, the war took a dramatic turn, with the Russian's invading Japanese Manchuria. Events not yet finalised, but the here's the gist of it:

Allies: British Empire, France, USA, Imperial Japan, Chinese Nationalists
Axis: Nazi Germany, Soviet Union, Facist Italy, satellite states, Chinese communists

This Japan is not our Japan. The Rape of Nanking and other atrocities never happened, allowing Japan to remain Imperial to the present day.

Not very Kancolle yet is it, okay.

Our protagonists are the crew of the IJN Nippon, essentially a very modern, yet anachronistic, Yamato class, built much the same way as Yamato was on her last voyage, but complete with modern fire control and automated AA turrets. Nippon is, in fact, this timelines Yamato, if you get my drift. She remains in service as nothing else in the world matches her. Nippon is equipped with an AI and holographic interface (think the Doctor from Star Trek Voyager) that initially resembles a woman in IJN service uniform.

However, things change when Nippon is sent to our timeline, to Operation Ten-Go, and is forced to engage the American forces that mistake the Nippon as an attacking force. During the battle, the AI achieves sentience and her appearance changes into a slightly different Yamato.

From here, I don't have anything. I think if I went into detail, we'd be here all week.
Did Einstein try to kill Hitler? Did time-travelling aliens trying to pre-empatively screw Mankind show up? Because that's the only ways you get both by 1945.
Did Einstein try to kill Hitler? Did time-travelling aliens trying to pre-empatively screw Mankind show up? Because that's the only ways you get both by 1945.
I was gonna go cliche, and do a Final Countdown/Zipang storm.
I think its set in universe where WW2 still going on to this day...
Nope. The war is over, but things have a taken a Fallout-like turn. Modern radar exists, but missiles and nukes don't (or at least, nukes aren't common). It's like WW2 tech, mixed with a bunch of modern and future tech, but still more advanced than pure WW2 tech.

As for Nippon's shipgirl form, the explanation is that shipgirls don't exist in the alternate timeline, but they do in ours, so she manifests... somehow
Had an odd idea…

The Abyssals rise, begin to bombard cities and whatnot, only to discover that there are no humans about. None at all. So now the big question is: What Happened To The Humans?
It was an egg-on-face moment when the brass realised that the British shipgirls, when they arrived, did not have these fancy better-off-with-map-and-nokia and other digital thingies, and could only receive weather forecasts on long, medium and short waves. It should surprise no-one that a new solid-state power stage was procured ASAP for the Droitwich transmitter to replace the valved PA that was on the last two valves already. Another change was that the most English waltz of all English waltzes did again precede the "warnings of gale in Sole, Shannon, Fastnet, Lundy, …".

IRL, I would often wait for the Shipping Forecast to cross half an ocean, just to hear this tune, before going to sleep.
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Several days of battlefleet gothic and persona 5 of all things led me to come up with this idea.

See in the gothic war lore of warhammer 40k there was a set of two items that the big bad had stolen in cannon. Yet in the campaign yo yourself can steal them from him. So what if by capturing these relics they would lead to the summoning of shipgirls for the imperium.

Furthermore another set of mcguffins (blackstone fortresses) could be the.holding spots for older shipgirls such a kongo or yuubari.

At the very least seeing both sides of humanities shipgirls interact would be interesting to say the least.
Current Admiral: "ARCHIE! ALBIE!"

Archerfish + Albacore: "It's not us this time! Those artifacts aren't pants or sub essentials!"

Current Admiral: "Then who?!"

Bloody Raven Magpies Battlebarge: *whistles innocently*
No one introduce the subthieves to RPGs where they can pick up pretty much anything. We all know how this would end. "Take everything not nailed down. If it can be pried loose with a crowbar, it's not nailed down."

As for the Magpie ships, I can see the subthieves declaring them honorary subthieves and taking it upon them to show them how "acquisition" is best done.
Remember when I talked about what a shipgirl based on the first USS Iowa, rather than the ww2 one, would probably look like? Of course you don't, it was over on SB and wasn't even in the general ideas thread. But the idea of pre-dreadnaught vessels as doddering grannies is one that simply won't leave me be. And so, because the inner processes of my brain are as bizarre as they are horrifying, I have come up with a classification system for grandma-boats. It's a 2 axis system, but instead of good vs evil and lawful vs chaotic, you have Oblivious vs Aware and Active vs Calm.

The Oblivious/Aware axis refers to both general self-awareness as well as how up-to-date they are on modern events and technologies. Ships on the Oblivious end will embarrass their decedents without really meaning to, but being on the Aware end is no guarantee that embarrassment won't occur, just that any which DOES occur will be entirely on purpose. On one end you have ships like the Armored Cruiser HMS Minotaur (Electric lighting! Marvelous!), while on the other you have vessels like Japanese battleship Mikasa (Oh, baby pictures of Kongou? I have an entire album! :drevil: ).

Meanwhile, the Active/Calm axis refers to how they express their concern and protectiveness for the younger generation. Because they may be old biddies, but they're still WARSHIPS damn it! And If there's one thing a warship can be counted on to do, it's protect those they care for! Even if the person in question is twice their size and has nearly triple the firepower. A warship heavily on the active side will combine the worst aspects of a Drill Sargent and a tiger mom, demanding 110% all day, ever day, as seen with the previously mentioned BB-4 (Do you have any idea how much I worry when you go out on those sorties?! Your training will continue until you can out-run, out-maneuver, out-gun, and out-THINK any other TWO ships in the pacific!). Meanwhile, a boat more on the calm side will not intrude upon the lives of younger vessels to nearly such an extent, but don't think for one moment they're not looking out for them, as seen with SMS Deutschland (Ah, so you're the fellow Prinz Eugen has been over the moon for. Oh? No, don't mind me, I'm just putting a fresh coat of oil on my Zweihänder so that it doesn't get rusty...).
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I'm just amused at the idea of Connie and Victory getting into a spat over something related to their ages...

Only for Vasa to slide by with a wide smile on her face since she predates both of them by over a century (closer to two centuries for Connie) :V

(Yes, I am aware Vasa spent most of those centuries as an honorary submarine. She's still fully intact for the most part)
Help me come up with something better then.

"Electric lighting! Marvelous!"

It was actually not common in England, even in major cities, until after she was built. (And Minotaur herself couldn't keep her own lights on unless running her engines or receiving shore power, as she lacked an auxiliary generator.)
Yeah, number 17 山东 is finally launched. She's essentially a Type-001/Kuznetsov built from the get go to be a dedicated carrier and more modern. I think they're be one more in her class, the next one will be a Type-002 which will be more like a modern Kitty Hawk with steam catapults, and the one after will likely have an EMALS.

It'll take a while for it to be fully ready though, the PLAN is pretty casual about their CV program in terms of how quickly they're rushing.
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