Kantai Collection - Fanfic Idea and Recs

Actually if memory serves, Kamoi was built as a collier (in the US!); the square structure on her back is part of her original coal derricks, and spent only a short time after conversion to a tanker, before being converted again into a seaplane carrier.

Her seaplane carrier conversion had a very distinctive rear ramp structure for recovery.

I wonder if its possible to make an 'international' cast with only Japanese ships, like if international ship hadn't been added.

Hibiki Verniy is Russian. Post war given to Russia.
Kongo is British. Very loud, uses English alot.
Kamoi is American.

Not sure about any else who could represent.

Gangut apparently counts as a Fast Battleship. Maybe game balancing purposes, so Gangut can be more flexible in what roles and routing in game it does. Like can be put in Escort Fleet unlike other slow BB.
Though 24 knots was fast for WW1 Battleships.
Warspite might get a fictional refit to classify her as a fast battleship.

I wish Gangut used more Russian words. Apparently she has an accent to her Japanese, but I cannot tell because I cannot speak Japanese.
I know some English speakers disliked Iowa's Engrish attempts, but I didn't think the developers would care about that. And others liked it.

Gangut's armor also seems very good for her cost, much like how Warspite's firepower is very high for her cost. Their power can probably be justified by fictional refits or just game mechanics. And in truth, a WW1 era battleship would still be some threat in WW2. Gangut IRL, poorly maintained and got a mostly unfinished refit due to the Russian civil wars and the budget being focused on land forces due to Russia's geography and lack of a stable warm water port. Still despite this status, Gangut did function as a threat, and a floating artillery site as well as training ship. It could still move slightly, float, communicate, and had weapon systems and other systems working. It didn't have naval combat in WW2, but did engage aircraft and try to shell land forces.

A WW1 era warship would be used since building a new ship would take a lot of time and be costly. But I think IRL it would be more expensive to maintain. Older equipment was often fuel inefficient, and required more time and resources for maintenance, though the crews would often be experienced enough at maintenance task that they could shorten and cheapen the cost. That's why the Russians didn't bother IRL.
If they could afford it, they likely would try something like the refit the Kongo class got, to try to modernize it at least a little. But even without refits it could still be a threat.

The name changes in kancolle from Gangut to October Revolution (Gangut Kai) to Gangut 2.
Japanese wiki apparently says Gangut's name changed back from October Revolution in WW2, but other wiki disagree or do not note that with sources.

One of Gangut's notable traits is torpedoes.
Kancolle really overemphasizes torpedo value, especially on battleship with game mechanics.
IRL torps were worse then useless on battleships, they hindered and added extra risks, since in most situations a battleship wants to focus on main gun use outside torpedo range, and battleship torpedoes were usually hard to aim and an added explosion hazard that compromised the armor. Merchant raider ships like Tirpitz had torpedoes, because they were meant to be used to scuttle captured, unmoving, unarmed merchant ships quickly at close range, and then run away. Or scuttle friendly ships that were disabled so they couldn't be captured.
Still, in game mechanics the torpedo stat is just a benefit, and Gangut did have torpedoes.
With the stat, the Gangut is the third most firepower battleship in night action, behind Yamato and Bismarck, while also being the cheapest battleship in the game to use, much cheaper then most others.

This makes me wonder if Nagato might get a new refit Kai Ni or Kai 2.
IRL Nagato had her torpedo tubes removed because it was a waste of space and disadvantage, and would never be used in most situations and ranges Nagato wanted to fight at, but a fictional refit could add them back and represent them as purely a benefit. Many warships already in the game also have torpedo tubes that could be added, some which, though they never really got loaded in battle, still remained in the design of the ship and were left there instead of spending money and man hours to remove.
Though that might diminish Gangut's value as well as possibly break the game with how night buffs, debuff, crit and accuracy things work.

Gangut does lose the torpedo stat during the "October Revolution" Gangut Kai, but gets it back in Gangut 2, Gangut Kai Ni, or Gangut Dva.
Maybe this represents the poor maintenance during WW2, and Gangut DVA is a fictional refit? Gangut still kept her torpedo tubes during WW2, so I'm not sure why her stat is zero during October Revolution Gangut Kai, but they were never used or maintained, so maybe that's why. Or its just for game mechanic balancing.

Visually I do like Gangut's look. Not really heavy on the sexual fanservice, with massive unrealistic breasts, even with slightly torn clothes it isn't torn in as sexual emphasis areas as some other art.
Not really a Terminator type serious look, but serious with a evil mischievous smile. It looks cool.
Her posture in her first image isn't good, leaning over heavily, but I've heard some say they think it looks cool.
It does make her look shorter, and sort of makes her look younger too.
Also she's got a smoking pipe.
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Also, Gangut Dva's damaged CG is squatting. She has the slav squat! All we need is to get her an accordion and an adidas tracksuit!
Her lines have been released.

Xорошо, makes a return and she says Uraa in several of the lines.
Does she say anything else in Russian?
Lesse... the following are her Russian lines aside from khorosho & uraa.
  • Hello(secretary)
  • thank you(wedding, supply)
  • Goodbye(equipment line?)
  • porridge(0800 hourly)
  • borscht(1900 hourly)
  • pirozhki(2000 hourly)
  • Good night(2300 hourly)
Nowhere near the level of Iowa's engrish, apparently her Japanese has a heavy Russian accent though.
What, no "Ty chto mumu yebyosh!"?

(NOTE: Last I saw the romanization of this phrase was almost a year ago. It may be way off)
She doesn't even call you "Comrade Admiral"? Goddammit, Tanaka. You had one job. She isn't a Commie slavboat unless she calls you "comrade".
Okay, so Pola is now a Woobie. Damnit headcanon, stop interfering with my job thoughts.

I think I might finally get back to writing in the next week or so now that I'm getting established at my new job. Any of my old snippets that people want continuation on?
Okay, so Pola is now a Woobie. Damnit headcanon, stop interfering with my job thoughts.

I think I might finally get back to writing in the next week or so now that I'm getting established at my new job. Any of my old snippets that people want continuation on?

Aren't there plans for Jazz cruisers?


I found interesting designs for French ships. The creator is akiba-june on Tumblr.
秋葉殉 [pixiv]


Strasbourg. My favorite design, she looks a bit like a Siege operator with that gear. I'll probably go with this design in TWSF.



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Aren't there plans for Jazz cruisers?


I found interesting designs for French ships. The creator is akiba-june on Tumblr.
秋葉殉 [pixiv]


Strasbourg. My favorite design, she looks a bit like a Siege operator with that gear. I'll probably go with this design in TWSF.



Yes, yes there are Jazz Cruisers. I'm going to go over my notes for that.

Also, cool Frenchbotes.
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No Dunkirque or Jean Bart, though. But that's fine.

Also I imagine Jean Bart kinda like these:

Wo-Class Group: Another slow battleship! Easy pickings~

Jean Bart: *Aircraft Battery Ready* Guess what, imbeciles.

*aircraft pieces rain ensues*
No Dunkirque or Jean Bart, though. But that's fine.

Also I imagine Jean Bart kinda like these:

Wo-Class Group: Another slow battleship! Easy pickings~

Jean Bart: *Aircraft Battery Ready* Guess what, imbeciles.

*aircraft pieces rain ensues*
..That's like thinking a post-Pearl Harbor West Virginia would be easy pickings... Now, granted, a ship on its lonesome truthfully does not stand much of a chance against a coordinated airstrike if it lacks any defensive aircover of its own. Repulse and Prince of Wales proved that point decisively when they were sunk by Japanese bombers.
Ok, this is weird... someone is stealing the bodies!
The Thieves Who Steal Sunken Warships, Right Down to the Bolts

Last November, a team of international divers departed the Indonesian island of Java on a mission to survey sunken World War II warships. The Danish government had tasked them to assess the condition of two particular Dutch vessels, the Hr. Ms. Java and Hr. Ms. De Ruyter, both sunk in 1942 during the Battle of the Java Sea, not far from the remote island of Bawean.

What these divers should have found was a 6,440-ton cruiser, complete with tower, turrets, and catapult—a ship long and large enough to launch a seaplane. Instead, they found only the impression of a hull on an empty seafloor. The vessel that had once lain there had first been discovered in 2001. It was surveyed a year later. Since then, recreational divers had visited. And sure, ocean currents can drag debris from a downed plane or even cause a renaissance galleon to resurface. But this was a massive steel ship. The only way it was going to go anywhere was if someone—or lots of someones—had moved it.

The team's search for other battle casualties in the area was no less haunting. HMAS Perch, a 300-foot-long Australian submarine, was gone. So were two British ships—the 329-foot HMS Encounter and the 574-foot Exeter. Another, the 329-foot HMS Electra, had been gutted. A huge section of the Kortenaer, another 322-foot Dutch warship, was also missing. Seven ships in all—either lost without a trace or grossly scavenged. An eighth, the USS Houston, was mostly intact, but it was clear pirates had begun gutting it as well.
Nearly all the ships sunk at the Battle of the Java Sea are just... gone. The entire wrecks stolen and sold as scrap.
I mentioned over on SB about that actually. Basically, in the aftermath of the appearance of the Abyssals, people are going to be looking for reasons. Why did they show up? Why now? Then, after them being spirits comes out someone takes the fact that they're mostly WWII spirits and starts pointing fingers. After all, it's very well known that disturbing graves/grave robbery leads to bad spirits and ghosts being dragged up.

Cue those salvagers and their nations suddenly finding a whole bunch of pissed off people blaming them for the Abyssals.
Ok, this is weird... someone is stealing the bodies!
Nearly all the ships sunk at the Battle of the Java Sea are just... gone. The entire wrecks stolen and sold as scrap.
...I'd say this surprises me, but I don't. Sadly, I don't.

(Also, Battle of Java Sea is rarely mentioned in our history, so there's that)