Kantai Collection - Fanfic Idea and Recs

Les Navirettes are not striking at the lowest point. The group intends to spectacularly surpass Mr​ Jarre in spectacularness.

I'm a little surprised its Nagato instead of Ise and Hyuga. Ise and Hyuga aren't much good outside trying to be a poor carrier as an aviation battleship, or a seaplane tender.
Nagato at least is still competitive. Though I think Nagato is more popular especially after playing such a major role in anime.

I wonder what historical links this will have. It would be cool if they found some obscure blueprints or what if things, and extrapolated from there.
Though that might be impossible to do, a lot of post war records were destroyed and many are obscure. Even some history books sometimes need to be republished because they have incomplete or flat out wrong info, especially in a war situation with all the counter intelligence and fog of war confusion, and unreliability of personal accounts.

Stats of course will be subject to game balancing, but the artists do try to hide what they believe are historical references in their visual art design.

Is the neck decoration in that concept art based on anything? Historical WW2 or perhaps before? I know many of the carriers for example reference a lot of traditional Japanese archery things, and many interesting pre WW2 things as well.
I've seen some guess it might be an in game lore reference to Abyssal design parts, but its hard to tell without color.

I've been told Kamoi apparently has a lot of cultural reference in her visual design and voice accent to the Ainu people, a native indigenous minority on a small island of Japan.
That is nice and cool that they referenced this.
Does anyone know why they picked Kamoi for this? Just wanted to pick a ship maybe, though maybe Kamoi docked in Hokkaido or Sakhalin Russia for a long time or had a lot of crew that was Ainu?
Those areas to have vital geographic control, for Russia at least, and potential natural resources.
This current 2017 event of the game is supposed to take place around this area.
I've been told Kamoi apparently has a lot of cultural reference in her visual design and voice accent to the Ainu people, a native indigenous minority on a small island of Japan.
That is nice and cool that they referenced this.
Does anyone know why they picked Kamoi for this? Just wanted to pick a ship maybe, though maybe Kamoi docked in Hokkaido or Sakhalin Russia for a long time or had a lot of crew that was Ainu?
Those areas to have vital geographic control, for Russia at least, and potential natural resources.
This current 2017 event of the game is supposed to take place around this area.

Kamoi, no. Kamui\Kamuy is the Ainu word for their gods. Also possibly related to the Japanese word Kami.

Honestly...I'm shocked the Japanese named one for the Ainu in the first place, considering the cultural genocide they inflicted on the Ainu.
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Kamoi, no. Kamui\Kamuy is the Ainu word for their gods. Also possibly related to the Japanese word Kami.

Honestly...I'm shocked the Japanese named one for the Ainu in the first place, considering the cultural genocide they inflicted on the Ainu.
To be fair, the USN had the Navajo class tugs, and the RN, RCN, and RAN had the Tribal class DDs.
Kamoi, no. Kamui\Kamuy is the Ainu word for their gods. Also possibly related to the Japanese word Kami.

Honestly...I'm shocked the Japanese named one for the Ainu in the first place, considering the cultural genocide they inflicted on the Ainu.
To be fair, even the most boneheaded of Imperial Navy Intellegence knows that if Hokkaido and other places where Ainu tribes lives fall into Allies, and Allies manages to win the Ainus on their side, then the Gallows already set. The Allied at this moment just need to put the rope, so to speak.

That's pretty good incentives on being nice, so to speak.
You folks know what?

I think Abyssal Kamuy and the Ainu are going to have the strangest, the absolutely strangest, relationship with each other.

Both sides would see the other as the representation of absolutely everything bad and wrong that had happened to them, and I won't be surprised if Kamuy and the Ainu have a private blood feud that is completely separate from the rest of the Abyssal War.

How this blood feud takes the shape of...well, it can't be Ainu war parties hunting Abyssal Kamuy down in the high seas. Most Ainu are culturally Japanese nowadays. The ones that could possibly think about that would be the Nivkhs and Tungusic people up in Russia. They still got the numbers and traditions for it.

As for Abyssal Kamuy...she'll be concentrating on Hokkaido and Sakhalin to the exclusion of everything else. Those are the Ainu people's homelands and territories in the past.
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There was that time when a US aircraft carrier actually hit on an Italian training ship:

While sailing in the Mediterranean sea, in 1962, the American aircraft carrier USS Independence flashed the Italian Amerigo Vespucci with the light signal asking «Who are you?», the full rigged ship answered «Training ship Amerigo Vespucci, Italian Navy». The US ship replied «You are the most beautiful ship in the world».
Made a thingy, original text here. Looks better there, too. Tab key, oh how I miss thee.

Leaning out over the rail, Jackson sighed. Micronesia, gone. Polynesia, gone. The Philippines, in constant peril. Taiwan, less an island and more a bunker riddled with angry Chinese. Japan, once an island paradise, now riddled with defenses and confusion. All that was warm and good in the Pacific was slowly hardening to stone, and it angered him. Three years bumming around this beautiful ocean on Navy ships had taught him the good in the peace here, and now that it was being sapped away there was nothing he could do.

Fighting was loosing it's appeal. One could only see the same island so many times before the sight of a lagoon filled with blood and oil before it started to make them sick.


Turning, Jackson looked at the girl behind him. Girl was the wrong word, he supposed after a moment of examination though. She might have looked young, but there was something about her that warned the wolf in Jackson that she could stand alone. Long, waved brown hair fluttered on her back, and her skin was a fine, dusky color. Gray eyes stared out at him, flickers of color on the rims daring Jackson to gaze further. He knew, without doubt, this woman wasn't a member of this ship or it's crew. Her movements were a heartbeat out of synch with the roll, her feet spread wrong for this deck.

"Afternoon." Jackson replied, courteous. An armed society was a polite society, and after the Abyssals had tried to bored this ship the rule of the day for Marines was always ready.

Walking up to the rail, the girl leaned on it herself and sighed. "Just one of those days, hmm?"

"Just enough." Jackson said, sighing. "Just enough."

"Know where we're headed next?"

"Supposed to be some rock in the Bismarck Archipelago. Probably just going to be another trip to sweep up the ashes of the bombardment and play a merry game of whack-a-mole."

The young woman blinked. "Sorry, forgot this was a Marine ship for a minute."

Jackson's eyebrows rose for a moment, and he pointed to the EGA on his sleeve, then at the Lightning II-B sitting in deck parking on the flight deck.

"Shush!" the girl said, sticking a finger at Jackson's face. "You try keeping a dozen Fletchers from loosing their shit during a shore bombardment, *then* you can talk!"

Chuckling, Jackson slowly smiled and pushed her finger off to the side. "Maybe when you get to keep a rifle squad using rifles for more than ten minutes we can negotiate, hmm?"

"Ha!" the woman laughed, smile brimming over now. "You got a name then?"

"Jackson Tilias."

"Well then, Jackson, just call me Swayback." the young woman said, grinning. "See you when we're done with this island!"


Groaning, Jackson looked at the Quonset hut that was his squad's new home away from home. The AESAN forces that were supposed to be keeping the Bismarcks locked up like an abbesses' communion wine had failed miserably, and the whole joint was swarming with leakers. Again. For the fourth fucking time in two years. Jesus.

It made a certain perverse sense that the MEU had been re-based to this godforsaken atol as a semi-permanent "Handle It" force until the Army figured out how to garrison a small island that frequently lacked the comforts of home. As a point of order, an infantry batallion was getting rebased to here "soon" with added flak and anti-ship shit. Jackson couldn't give a fuck, though- he swore this island got bigger every time he fought on it.

"Hey!" someone called. "Hey, Jackson! Over here!"

Turning, Jackson was surprised to get body-slammed to the ground in a giant hug by... someone. He'd be the first to admit it was hard to send three hundred pounds of Marine and equipment to the ground, but somehow this person could do it as effortlessly as a ten-thousand ton truck.

"...Swayback?" Jackson said, brushing aside some of her brown, gunsmoke-scented hair. "The heck? Navy-types aren't supposed to be on the island yet- not until the concrete sets on the new tunnel plugs."

"We've got dispensions." Swayback said, boinking her head off his helmet. "Hell, we pounded the joint hard enough."

Behind Swayback, Jackson distantly saw a running Petty Officer in an ill-fitting plate carrier and old old M4 trying to desperatly do damage control on the situation. "Miss Salt Lake City, please, wait! That's not the way to the... docks..."

"Aw, hell." Swayback muttered, rolling over in Jackson's arms. "PO Richards, I told you once, I told you a thousand times- I can handle myself!"

"But- but- but- Miss Salt Lake City, we need you to complete the After Action Reports!" the Petty Officer stammered, before Jackson managed to pry himself and Swayback off the ground. Moments later, the Marine was looking down into the Petty Officer's eyes, and quickly remembered that Marines have a habitual dislike of the Navy.

"Carol! Ackman!" Jackson yelled at the Quonset hut. "We got us some Navy clerk who got lost! Do me a favor, and find him his rowboat!"

As two burly Marines lumbered out of the impromptu barracks to 'escort' the PO back to Navyland, the idiot had to yell. "I'm a Petty Officer! You can't do this to me!" which earned a round of chuckles. Walking over, Jackson just glared at him.

"You E-4. Me E-5. Shoo."

Turning back to Swayback, Jackson shrugged. "Sorry about that. Now, as you were saying, something about a dispensation?"

Swayback just huffed, and started walking away. "Never mind."

"Hey, Swayback, ease up there!" Jackson said, catching up to her. "Something the matter?"

"Yeah." she said, grumbling. "My back is killing me from all the shore bombardment, I have to do fucking paperwork before I get to the docks, and those god damn ass-munching soddomizing clerks won't leave me alone!"

Taking a moment to filter this, Jackson patted the girl on the back. "Well then, mind if I let you in on a little secret?"

"What?" Swayback asked, close to crying.

"They never gave you a berth, did they?"


"Well, we've got a few spare bunks. You can stay with us."

"And the escorts?"

"Sure. And the escorts. Just... one question."

"Let me guess. 'Oh, you're really a ship? Gosh, it must suck and/or be awesome to be saved from Davy Jones' radioactive locker!', right?"

Jackson laughed for a long minute. "No! Jesus, why would I ask that? It's just that most of us snore, and I wondered if you'd mind."

Blushing, Swayback gulped. "Uh... wow. Didn't expect that. No, I don't mind. So do the destroyers, come to think of it."

"Good. Now, let's get you to the docks."

That night, the ad-hoc base commander was informed his Marines section was making enough noise to disturb the sleep of sailors on the LCS out in the harbor. After ritualistically throwing it in the burn bin, he proceeded to look over the reports that once again scheming clerks were threatening to overrun all that was good and holy in the world. Rubberstamping it and the attached memo that technically put the Shipgirl quarters smack in the middle of Marine Country, he forward it all out, put in his own earplugs, and went to sleep himself.
"They just kept coming and coming, talking about the weather and their grandkids birthday party and how music these days is too loud and oh my God they wouldn't shut up!"

The only disadvantage to normally being a good speller is the minute I have an ad homonym spelling error, somebody haaaaas to make a joke out of it.
As two burly Marines lumbered out of the impromptu barracks to 'escort' the PO back to Navyland, the idiot had to yell. "I'm a Petty Officer! You can't do this to me!" which earned a round of chuckles. Walking over, Jackson just glared at him.

"You E-4. Me E-5. Shoo."
I was about to say they're marines. That rank just means they'll carry you out rather than throwing you out ass over tea kettle....
Alternate version of Yamato's rigging I like so much. By yuzuruka(bougainvillea).

弓弦花 [pixiv]

I don't know whose rigging is this but it's cool nonetheless. Not Fusou, since it doesn't match the art of Fusou done by the artist.

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Reposted and repaired a little from An Ocean's Sword [FSN/KanColle]


Rider felt a dilemma. And a headache coming.

He answers the summon, as he was expected. That's certain, he understand all the rules, he knows he really needed, and he knows he was his Master best hope.

It's just that, well....

He kinda not reading the fine print.

For starter, the one who summoned him was a Japanese.

Everyone who do their Japan History knows how much he... dislikes... Japanese (Not that they didn't make themselves deserves that hate, mind you).

That's aside, even counting his dislike on Japanese....

He felt that he compelled, no, required to follow through this summoning.

...Well, it isn't like that Alaya (or whatever responsible to allow his summoning) will screw him over....

"I am Servant Rider. By your summon. I have come forth. Are you my Master?"

"...Uh, um, yes?"

...This is gonna be a constant migraine in the future, he knows it.


Kongou, slawjacked in awe, looking at Rider like he was an Adonis clad in oil (and nothing else) winking at her, and said a seduction line in the manliest, hunkiest voice possible.

(For the record, he isn't. He just being his usual Grumpy Old Man himself. Is just that Kongou's... eccentricies ...detect him.)

Rider certainly didn't expect this, and certainly felt some dread. Just a bit though. Really.

Then things go more uncomfortable and awkward when Kongou unceremonously fell on floor, with rather impressive nosebleed.

"...Is that normal with her?"

"Uh, um, I'm not sure, I mean, she just grab me 3 days ago and declare me as her sister...."




"...Is that really necessary?"



A young girl in stylized armor and turtleshell on her back makes a long suffering sigh after she thwacks Kongou to the sky. Again. 3rd time of the day.

"Well, I'm kinda against hitting women-"

Rider sips his tea.

"-But I kinda need my tea."

"Well, there's tea house on-"

"They don't provide my preference. Pretentious fools, all of them."

Sakura can only sigh. Is not like he hasn't a point....


"We all have role, we have Masters to answers to, and we have people to take care of."

Rider looks at Gilgamesh, battered down, looking at him with angry, defiant eyes. His Key, burned into near uselessness by Reinforced WP, was on;y a hand away from him.

His hand, however, mangled beyond repair by sneak attack from those mongrels.

Rider, who ordered the strike when Gilgamesh busy monologuing and do so while attacking him, was seen in not much better condition.

But he stand proudly.

"I do my role to the best of my ability. I answer to my... previous Lord-"

He said it with a tinge of bitterness.

"-And my current Master to the best of my ability. I protect my people to the best of my ability."

He raises his sword.

"And unfortunately, you threaten them all."


The skies turned dark and foreboding and stormy.

On the place that was Fuyuki Dock, The Battleship Princess had taken root, powered by whatever left of Great Grail.

Rider sighed. This is what happened when you don't clean all loose end. Damned Clocktower and Einzbern.

Behind him, all Japanese shipgirls, his own personal cadre of turtleshipgirls, a bunch of US, Britain and Germany shipgirls, and some of... allied Abyssals was looking at their current enemies. There's also some... well, they're not necessarily Clocktower Enforcers anymore, but the designation sticks until Lord El-Melloi, or whoever survive this battle, can make new designation.

All of them was tense, all of them knows that (almost) certain death will claim them.

He felt something tugs on him. It's his Master. She was afraid. Understandable.

"Can we win?"

After all, it was almost certain End of Days, and all they have just a bunch of misfits to hold the line.

But that's okay.

"Mas-Sakura-san, I specialized in hopeless-looking battle. We will win, I'm sure."

"...Are we are going to die?"

The young Einzbern girl tug on his sleeve, looking afraid but resolute. He smiles. This he can gave honest, reassuring answer.

"Illya-chan, I never lost a ship before. Not intend to lost them now."

"It's okay Illya-chan, we will win! Martial Lord of Loyalty cannot lose!"

"Thankyou, Hoppou-chan. Are you ready?"

"Uh-Huh! Everyone else also ready!"


Rider begin to stands, assess and simulates his battle plan in his mind. Eyes of The Mind, True, calculating everything from enemies habit to allies weakness. Advice of The Strategist, wisdom of hardened Admiral, ready to dispensed while necessary.

"Let's end this."

An influx of updates is now available for the 4koma, around 9 chapters in total: introducing Aquila, Uranami, Commandant Teste (her hat is exceptionally fluffy, as Myoukou will attest), Valentine's celebrations, and many other topics.

and Hatsuyuki's Manifesto regarding fluffiness:

An influx of updates is now available for the 4koma, around 9 chapters in total: introducing Aquila, Uranami, Commandant Teste (her hat is exceptionally fluffy, as Myoukou will attest), Valentine's celebrations, and many other topics.

and Hatsuyuki's Manifesto regarding fluffiness:

...Of course! You can't exactly compared things like fluffyness and cuddleness!
After USS Texas ran across an obscure version of Buck Owens' "It Takes People Like You" on a playlist in some cranny of the net, she didn't give up until she had it down pat and recorded for her restaurant.

Many said they'd been caught by surprise when Miss Iowa published a single. Few would admit to surprise at the tune she sang.

"Heya, Sammy," came Prinz Eugen's greeting. "How's she cutting?"

Sammy B. groaned. "You really took that song to heart, didn't you?"

"Ja. Aber I didn't call for that. I have an… interesting… videoclip of seamanship."

"Lemme guess… yet another big-freighter-sails-into-a-football-field, right?" Gambier Bay interjected.

"No, not this time. It's fishermen entering their home harbor in bad weather, and I am so happy I never had to deal with a harbor entrance like this one."

"Meh. Can't be worse than Honda Point," Sammy said and clicked on the link.

After the clip ended, the only thing the Taffies could say after unclenching their fists was: "…"