Kantai Collection - Fanfic Idea and Recs

"Heya, Sammy," came Prinz Eugen's greeting. "How's she cutting?"

Sammy B. groaned. "You really took that song to heart, didn't you?"

"Ja. Aber I didn't call for that. I have an… interesting… videoclip of seamanship."

"Lemme guess… yet another big-freighter-sails-into-a-football-field, right?" Gambier Bay interjected.

"No, not this time. It's fishermen entering their home harbor in bad weather, and I am so happy I never had to deal with a harbor entrance like this one."

"Meh. Can't be worse than Honda Point," Sammy said and clicked on the link.

After the clip ended, the only thing the Taffies could say after unclenching their fists was: "…"

"Meh. I've seen worse."

"I've done worse."

"That's Tuesday in October."

*Various US Coast Guard shipgirls*
Like the coasties, the fishing fleets would see the clip as a day at work. But this is not something one expects warships to see as normal.

Btw, here is a small stern trawler heading home against a wind that touches Cat.1 hurricane strength.

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Might as well actually write this thing now:

The future is dark. My life has not been a happy one, and now I find myself...torn. Must I continue to fight with those I consider enemies? Must I fight against my own countrymen--my own crew? All I have ever known has been destroyed and now I don't know what to do.


For anyone else, the water was terrifying. Human and Lemurian alike were unwilling to venture into any more than a shallow pond or riverbed, very aware that doing so was certain death. The 'flashies' saw to that. Perhaps, there were places on Earth that were safe to swim in. But the East Indies were not such a place, and the drifting ruins of the Grik assault force in Baalkpan Bay had driven the deadly silver fish to frenzy. It was crazy to get near the waves.

And yet, the impossible form of a woman sitting on the water over the ruin of the battlecruiser Amagi was quite visible. Her long kimono spreading out around her in a blue wave, seemingly untouched by the flashies. The rhythmic clunk-clank of the bony-headed fish hitting a ship hull echoed over the waters, incongruous as that sound was. Then, it wasn't much odder than the woman herself. Sitting atop the waves, not sinking and not showing any sign of noticing the fish swarming beneath her.

"Skipper," Jim Ellis' voice was dry as a desert, his eyes drifting from the woman that Donaghey approached and towards his superior. "Bet's that she's like Walker?"

"Not a bet I'm taking," Matthew Reddy snorted softly. His own eyes were focused on the tense form of the two girls standing in front of him. Young girls that barely reached his stomach in height, and had never once turned their intense gazes from the silent woman. "Now, if I'm not mistaken, those are Jap clothes. Lieutenant?"

That question was directed at the ram-rod straight form of Tamatsu Shinya, the only Japanese officer in the entire Alliance. Hell, the only Japanese officer in the world that wasn't serving with the Grik...on the ship they were floating near. A man who only twitched slightly at the question, his voice thick with unreadable emotions.

"Yes. Yes it is." Shinya blinked slowly, reaching a hand up to wipe at his eyes. To clear them or out of the raging emotions under his stoic appearance, it was impossible to tell. "It can't be her, yet--Captain, if I may?"

Matt sighed heavily, placing his own hand on the shoulder of the brown-haired girl at his waist. "Walker?"

"She's definitely like us, Captain!" The little girl, the spirit of tough old USS Walker, spoke up. Her bright blue eyes stared up at her Captain when she twisted her back to allow her face to look up at his. A serious expression, entirely out of place on such a young face, looking at Reddy. "Probably..."

"Amagi, yes." Shinya was the one to reply to that statement.

A statement that had everyone on Donaghey flinching slightly. Amagi had been the source of nightmares. First for the American destroyermen she had chased into this world. Then for the Lemurians, upon her brutal destruction of Neracca Home. Her mighty guns had torn apart Baalkpan and her fortifications. Sank Walker and crippled Mahan, before Jim Ellis' suicidal ramming attack crippled- and ultimately sank -the massive battlecruiser. She was a demon in the truest sense. Comparing that vision to--

"Doesn't look like much, does she?" Ellis whispered quietly.

--the woman sitting on the water? Difficult.

Shinya's lips twitched, ever so slightly. However, instead of sparring with the commander of Mahan, the Japanese officer stepped up to the side of Donaghey's railing. And looked down on the, as yet silent, woman sitting in the water. "Hello! Can you hear me?"

Those words were shouted in Japanese. If this was Amagi, why would she respond to English? Could she respond to English?

An explosive sigh was the only answer from the woman, at first, before she turned her head. Deep brown eyes opened in a face that wouldn't have looked out of place on a china doll, it was so finely sculpted. Equally brown hair fell around her face, cascading down her back and tangling in her blue kimono. Her gaze trailed along the sleek lines of Donaghey, from Captain Reddy to Jim Ellis, to Walker and Mahan--before settling on Shinya. Her brown locked into his darker gaze, staring the officer down.

She couldn't fail to make note of his distinctly American-patterned uniform.

"Yes, I do." Her voice was almost musical in tone. Soft and sweet. "I was not aware any of our countrymen served with the gai...Americans."

The hesitation in her words was only slight, but notable enough to have Walker and Mahan growling lightly. The girls were normally fairly timid, Mahan more so than Walker because of what the elder sister had been through. However, this was the ship that had dogged them so long, and was responsible for both their 'deaths'. The closest thing to a natural enemy either girl had.

And she had just insulted both them and their Captains.

"Girls, relax," it was only Matt's iron grip on their shoulders that kept the angry little destroyers from shouting back at the placid battlecruiser staring up at them. "The last thing we need is to make her an enemy, again. If Lieutenant Shinya is correct, she may be more willing to help us than the Grik."

"I do believe so," the officer in question spoke in English, nodding at his Captain. "If Commander Okada is any indication, most of her crew were unwilling to work with the Grik. It was the madness of her Captain that--"


The pure venom in that single word was enough to get all eyes back on Amagi. The strange woman had finally climbed to her feet, smoothing down her kimono and completely ignoring the swarm of fish literally nipping at her heels. She flipped back her hair, deep brown eyes dark pits as they looked at Matt Reddy. Not Shinya, not Walker, not Mahan. Amagi recognized who the one in command was, and she wanted it quite clear who she was talking to.

"I have no desire to work with Americans. You are the enemies of the Emperor and of Japan. But the monsters that I was forced to serve--" Amagi clenched fists in her clothing, fat tears forming in the corner of her eyes. Out of anger or frustration, it was impossible to tell. "Those demons are the enemy of everything. They will not stop, they will not rest, and they have no honor. They will devour my crew and everything I ever held dear. I longed with all my heart to destroy them, even if it required working with Americans. To protect my crew and all who called me home."

Blinking away her tears, Amagi glared at nothing in particular. The formerly placid woman was consumed with months of repressed rage, all directed at one man. A man who, no matter what loyalty she had given him in a previous life, had thrown it all away. Consumed by revenge to the point he had thrown her away, along with the lives of her crew. Of his crew. Men who had been loyal to him and thought he had their best interests at heart, even if he was strict about it like a proper officer.

A man who was insane on every conceivable level.

"Make no mistake, American. I am not working with you out of thanks or out of loyalty to your cause. I work with you to destroy the demons you call Grik, and to rescue my crew. Nothing matters to me, more than bringing my former Captain- Kurokawa -to justice and freeing my crew from the grip of his madness and the demons. Nothing more, nothing less."

As Shinya translated those words, Matt Reddy stared down on Amagi with a raised eyebrow. An inquisitive expression on his face, as he looked at the battlecruiser. He never doubted, once the impossible situation had settled on him, that Walker and Mahan were loyal and would fight by his side. Despite the assurances of his Japanese--was it right to call Shinya a friend? Regardless, despite Shinya's words, there was the worry that if Amagi came back as Walker had, she would sail back to the Grik and they would be back at square one.

To hear that she hated her Captain and the Grik as much as anyone, perhaps even as much as Adar, was a relief. Her reasoning may not have been morally sound and was motivated by revenge more than any love for her former enemies. However, it was still a declaration of war on the Grik. A very personal war.

He could respect that.

"We have a lot to talk about, then," Matt spoke through Shinya. Stoically staring down at the battlecruiser that had haunted his nightmares for so long. "A lot indeed."

I've said for a long time I wanted to do one of these. To me, Destroyermen!Amagi is an interesting character to imagine. She's something of a tragic one-- forced, against her wishes and a lot of her crew's wishes, into an alliance with the closest thing to demons any Japanese ship or man had ever seen. All because of one insane man's vendetta against Americans. I really do think she'd be concerned with nothing more, even if it required working with her enemy, than getting what was left of her crew away from Kurokawa. No matter what it took.

Though she'd probably be cold, at best, to the Americans and friends. At first anyway.
Little different from my interpretation. But I like.

Mine is almost pathetically grateful for being "freed" from Kurokawa's madness. But your interpretation is good too.
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A little plot bunny that got to me after re-reading BB and GG...


A Girl's Name
by Fred Herriot

Based on Kantai Collection, developed by Kadokawa Games

Including characters and situations from Belated Battleships, created by theJMPer; and Greatest Generation, created by sasahara17.


United States Fleet Activities Sasebo, one spring morning...


Hearing the voice of the young "ensign" who had taken away the hearts of every shipgirl on base, the second of the Pennsylvania-class super-dreadnoughts and the first to return to duty as a shipgirl turned. "What is it Jane?" the copper-haired and heavily-scarred woman in the modified officer's greatcoat and WAVES-like uniform wondered as she knelt before her admiral's only child.

Jane Richardson waved to the smiling florist who had accompanied her to the base's operations room. "This fellow here is looking for someone. I think it's you, but the name on the card is something else."


"Sonia Owings."


More silence.

Still more silence.


"W-w-w-WHAT...?!" Arizona croaked out in disbelief.

As Jane gave her a confused look, the super-dreadnought moved to sit on a nearby couch, her scarred face turning a very interesting shade of red as she seemed to fidget. Noting her distress, the florist cleared his throat. "I would assume, Arizona-sama, that is the name the kanmusu's 'hidden fan' gave you in his letter that was published anonymously three years ago?" he gently asked.

Jane blinked. "What letter?!"

"Yes. That's my human name. Sonia Lily Owings."

Jane spun around to stare at Arizona. "Ari-mama...?"

A smile crossed the battleship's face. "You don't know this, Jane. I didn't learn of it until Mutsu..." Here, her eyes sparked. "I mean Chiyoko." As Jane gaped, Arizona playfully winked. "Well, after I was summoned, she showed me a letter all the shipgirls worldwide treasure greatly. It's from some fellow in Japan who was in junior high school when he became quite a passionate fan of the shipgirls after all they've done. He wrote a letter to the editor of the Yomiuri Shinbun, decrying the fact that we weren't being properly treated as 'pretty girls' should be treated." As Jane gaped at her, Arizona giggled. "When I read that, it erased whatever negative feelings I had towards people from Japan because of the war." She then gazed on the florist. "Do you have any other bouquets to deliver, sir, or am I the only one?"

He chuckled. "Quite a number, Ari-..." He caught himself. "Owings-taii." As the battleship nodded, he drew out his iPad to gaze on the list. "Quite a number of girls here. Yamamoto Chiyoko..."


"Chihaya Sarah..."

"That's Hiei."

"Hashimoto Junko..."


"And Margaret Penn?"

Arizona grinned. "Pennsylvania."

He bowed low. "Let me get the others, ma'am."

Handing the bouquet to the blushing battleship, he bowed again, then ran out to get the other bouquets. Taking a moment to gaze upon the beautiful arrangement, Arizona then perked as one her intelligence faeries quickly whispered what the meaning of the different rose colours meant to her.

Red, light pink, dark pink and yellow.

Respect, admiration, thankfulness and showing one cared.

Maybe she might learn who the shipgirls' "secret admirer" was...!



Now, I'd like to leave this open for anyone to run with. In the universe of my stories, I'd use Moroboshi Ataru of Urusei Yatsura as the "secret fan". But if you want to run with this using either someone from some other series or an OC, please go ahead.
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After such a long time... you finally smiled...

(You didn't shed a tear when you lost your own name...)


Single-handed Kick Me Game, by Takishima Asaka.

number 12377 on Danbooru.


Before we start, the story seems to run on the basis that there can be multiple copies of each shipgirl, each on different bases.

This story is about Samidare, whose Yuubari she knew for a long time was rendered deaf in combat and unable to take to the field anymore. She stayed as the base mechanic.

One day, Samidare went to PvP exercise. Her opponent fleet from a neighboring naval base includes another Yuubari, one who is fresh and healthy. Samidare was at first angry at this Yuubari, for still possessing a casual attitude during their combat exercise. Her actions in that exercise unintentionally reminds Samidare of the first Yuubari's near-death.

Later the second Yuubari apologized, and Samidare notices still many of the features and traits of her Yuubari in her. The second Yuubari hopes that she will soon meet her own Samidare, and asked our Samidare what are the things she likes.

Samidare reflected that it was impossible to bring herself to hate her.

Later that night, Samidare returned to her base and met her Yuubari. In this page, Yuubari was happy because Samidare smiled as she was telling her of the other Yuubari, saying that it was the first time she smiled after a long time.
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After such a long time... you finally smiled...

(You didn't shed a tear when you lost your own name...)


Single-handed Kick Me Game, by Takishima Asaka.

number 12377 on Danbooru.


Before we start, the story seems to run on the basis that there can be mulitiple copies of each shipgirl, each on different bases.

That would get pretty confusing.
BTW, if people are interested, here are the names I've devised (including some of my own characters) for the A Girl's Name storyline. With a nod to sasahara for the inspiration of two names. Note this list is a work in progress; I haven't even come CLOSE to touching Allied cruisers and destroyers, to say anything of carriers!

Note that if a name doesn't appear in quotes, the family name is the ship's name (for Western ships). Japanese ships without names in quotes will have the given name as the ship's name.




Ana María Moreno
Bernadette de la Trinidad Rivadavia


Joana Cunegundes Felisburto "Minas Geraes"
Darci Lima de Oliveria "São Paulo"

Julia Maria Benavente Latorre "Almirante Latorre"


Paulette Chloé Clovis "Paris"
Aubois Amé Courbet

Élisabeth Barbara de Penfell "Bretagne"
Marguerite Philippa de Penfell "Provence"
Françoise Louise de Penfell "Lorraine"

Antonia Sylvia Péreire "Strasbourg"
Noémie Dominique Péreire "Dunkerque"

Jeanne Dianne Baert "Jean Bart"
Susanne Théodora de Richelieu


Sophia Anna von Schaumburg "Schleswing-Holstein"
Luise Antonia Maria von Wettin "Schlesien"

Eva Maria von Gneisenau
Margarete Gertrude von Scharnhorst

Wilhelmine Luise von Bismarck
Maria Augusta von Tirpitz


Corinna Benso "Conte di Cavour"
Gabriella Benso "Giulio Cesare"

Angela Ornaghi "Andrea Doria"
Diana Ornaghi "Caio Duilio"

Giovanna Ansaldo "Littorio"
Roberta Ansaldo "Roma"
Vittoria Ansaldo "Vittorio Veneto"


Chihaya Anne "Kongō"
Chihaya Harumi "Haruna"
Chihaya Isabel "Kirishima"
Chihaya Sarah "Hiei"

Nishimura Fujiko "Fusō"
Nishimura Yaeko "Yamashiro"

Kawasaki Hoshiko "Hyūga"
Kawasaki Ikuko "Ise"

Yamamoto Chiyoko "Mutsu"
Yamamoto Reiko "Nagato"

Itō Mutsuko "Musashi"
Itō Yasuko "Yamato"


Galína Vladímirovna Jurkévič "Gágnut"
Maríja Vladímirovna Jurkévič "Poltáva"
Polína Vladímirovna Jurkévič "Petropávlovsk"
Svetlána Vladímirovna Jurkévič "Sevastópol'"


Jane Rhonda Jellicoe "Centurion"

Catherine Sarah Wellesley "Iron Duke"

Anne Elizabeth Boleyn "Queen Elizabeth"
Caroline Margaret Boleyn "Malaya"
Charlene Victoria Boleyn "Warspite"
Holly Brenda Boleyn "Valiant"
Jane Mary Boleyn "Barham"

Katharine Rebecca Fisher "Revenge"
Kimberly Rachel Fisher "Royal Oak"
Lacey Rose Fisher "Resolution"
Marilyn Raquel Fisher "Ramillies"
Stephanie Randy Fisher "Royal Sovereign"

Natalie Raven Fisher "Renown"
Paula Renée Fisher "Repulse"

Mary Sonia Hood

Horatia Emma Nelson
Mary Georgette Rodney

Isabella Elizabeth Anson
Sophia Charlotte Howe
Mary Jean Leach "Prince of Wales"
Gwendolyn Katharine Patterson "King George V"
Augusta Louise Teck "Duke of York"

Patricia Caroline Agnew "Vanguard"


Joan Emma Ashley "Wyoming"
Mary Jane Sevier "Arkansas"

Emily Mary Austin "Texas"
Yvette Paula Stuyvesant "New York"

Sarah Jane Blasdel "Nevada"
Dorothy Rhoda Rowland "Oklahoma"

Sonia Lily Owings "Arizona"
Margaret Hannah Penn "Pennsylvania"

Wendy Dana Ballard "Idaho"
Jane Silver Calhoun "New Mexico"
Joanna Alberta Wilkinson "Mississippi"

Alexandra Joan Cocke "Tennessee"
Jessie Anne Frémont "California"

Anne Mary Calvert "Maryland"
Roberta Wynette Gilpin "Colorado"
Julia Augusta Pierpont "West Virginia"

Anne Edwina Hyde "North Carolina"
Margaret Ida Stevens "Washington"

Francine Mary Bibb "Alabama"
Dakota Leigh Gatch "South Dakota"
Joanna Ann Jennings "Indiana"
Rose Barbara Standish "Massachusetts"

Christiana Heidi Dodge "Wisconsin"
Anne Katherine Hyde "New Jersey"
Minerva Abigail Lucas "Iowa"
Marguerite Suzanne McNair "Missouri"



Karoline Amalie von Blücher
Antonia Anna von Hipper "Admiral Hipper"
Olympia Catarina von Savoyen "Prinz Eugen"

Wilhelmine Johanna von Lützow "Deutschland"
Niobe Marianne Scheer "Admiral Scheer"
Huberta Margareta von Spee "Admiral Graf Spee"


Federica de Lerici "Fiume"
Giuseppina de Lerici "Gorizia"
Paola de Lerici "Pola"
Zita de Lerici "Zara"


Akakura Asami "Ashigara"
Akakura Hanae "Haguro"
Akakura Miyako "Myōkō"
Akakura Namiko "Nachi"

Fujimoto Ayako "Aoba"
Fujimoto Kinue "Kinugasa"

Hachimori Yūka "Yūbari"

Hashimoto Junko "Jintsū"
Hashimoto Nahoko "Naka"
Hashimoto Sei "Sendai"

Hiraga Fujiko "Furutaka"
Hiraga Kahori "Kako"

Hōjō Atsuko "Atago"
Hōjō Chiyo "Chōkai"
Hōjō Maya
Hōjō Tamaki "Takao"

Kobayashi Okiku "Ōyodo"

Kumamoto Kiko "Kitakami"
Kumamoto Kitami "Kiso"
Kumamoto Kumiko "Kuma"
Kumamoto Otsune "Ōi"
Kumamoto Tamami "Tama"

Kuwana Aiko "Abukuma"
Kuwana Izumi "Isuzu"
Kuwana Kinuye "Kinu"
Kuwana Nahoko "Nagara"
Kuwana Namie "Natori"
Kuwana Yura

Matsuo Miki "Mikuma"
Matsuo Momoko "Mogami"
Matsuo Suzuko "Suzuya"
Matsuo Kuniko "Kumano"

Minakami Chitose "Chikuma"
Minakami Tomoe "Tone"

Ōkawa Akane "Agano"
Ōkawa Norie "Noshiro"
Ōkawa Sakura "Sakawa"
Ōkawa Yaeko "Yahagi"

Shimosuwa Tadako "Tatsuta"
Shimosuwa Tamiyo "Tenryū"

Katori Kanami "Kashii"
Katori Keiko "Katori"
Katori Shinko "Kashima"



Didi Marcia Adamson "Iroquois"
Noelle Linda Spicer "Huron"
Randi Georgette Stubbs "Athabaskan"
Roberta Petra Welland "Haida"

Hortense Josephine Cartier "Gatineau"
Carla Erica Caslon "Assiniboine"
Maria Patricia Davenport "Chaudière"
Clara Hollanda Finch-Noyes "Saskatchewan"
Phillippa Alanna Harrison "Qu'Appelle"
Jane Alberta MacDonald "Ottawa"
Thérèse Jeanne Marie Mason "Saint-Laurent"
Phoebe Wendy Nelles "Saguenay"
Darlene Wilma Piers "Restigouche"
Glenda Eleanor Reid "Margaree"
Veronica Brenda Reid "Fraser"
Xanadu Francesca Russell "Skeena"
Hannah Kelli Willson "Kootenay"

Evelyn Carla Baugh "Saint Clair"
Leslie Ruth Clattenburg "Saint Francis"
Josephine Dana Hamilton
Majorie Lane Hill "Niagara"
Antonia Louise Hayes "Annapolis"
Henrietta Chlöe Kingsley "Saint Croix"
Shawna Helen O'Brien "Columbia"
Joanna Frederica Watson "Buxton"

Susan Xanadu Piers "Algonquin"
Taylor Elizabeth Groos "Sioux"


Bianka Fritzi von Arnim "Z11"
Renate Elke Beitzen "Z4"
Thora Flora Eckoldt "Z16"
Evelyn Trudl Giese "Z12"
Brigitte Marion Heinemann "Z8"
Manuela Franka Ihn "Z14"
Paula Maria Jacobi "Z5"
Emma Luitgard Koellner "Z13"
Hedwig Carla Lody "Z10"
Lieselotte Catrin Maass "Z1"
Tanja Emilia Riedel "Z6"
Helga Stefanie Schoemann "Z7"
Melanie Ute Schultz "Z3"
Ernestine Verena Steinbrink "Z15"
Gisela Monika Thiele "Z2"
Wilma Ortrun Zenker "Z9"


Gianna Alighieri "Grecale"
Lucrezia Alighieri "Libeccio"
Maddalena Alighieri "Maestrale"
Sonia Alighieri "Scirocco"

Akamatsu Himeko "Hibiki"/"Vérnyj"
Akamatsu Ikue "Ikazuchi"
Akamatsu Inoue "Inazuma"
Akamatsu Tsukiko "Akatsuki"

Akatsuka Kasumi
Akatsuka Michiko "Michishio"
Akatsuka Otsune "Ōshio"
Akatsuka Reiko "Arashio"
Akatsuka Sanako "Arare"
Akatsuka Tomomi "Asagumo"
Akatsuka Tomoko "Asashio"
Akatsuka Yoriko "Yamagumo"
Akatsuko Mineko "Minegumo"
Akatsuko Natsuki "Natsugumo"

Akiyama Motoko "Hatsuzuki"
Akiyama Nomi "Niizuki"
Akiyama Seiko "Shimotsuki"
Akiyama Suzumi "Suzutsuki"
Akiyama Teruyo "Teruzuki"
Akiyama Tokina "Akizuki"
Akiyama Wazuka "Wakatsuki"
Mitsuya Hanako "Hanazuki"

Ashikaga Akemi "Akebono"
Ashikaga Ami "Amagiri"
Ashikaga Ayako "Ayanami"
Ashikaga Namiko "Sazanami"
Ashikaga Otsune "Oboro"
Ashikaga Saki "Asagiri"
Ashikaga Sayako "Sagiri"
Ashikaga Shikuko "Shikinami"
Ashikaga Shiori "Ushio"
Ashikaga Yūko "Yūgiri"

Fukushima Fujiko "Fubuki"
Fukushima Hatsue "Hatsuyuki"
Fukushima Itsuko "Isonami"
Fukushima Mayako "Murakumo"
Fukushima Miyuki
Fukushima Shinobu "Shirakumo"
Fukushima Shirayuki
Fukushima Shiroko "Shinonome"
Fukushima Susuki "Usugumo"
Fukushima Urako "Uranami"

Fukuyama Furui "Fuyutsuki"
Fukuyama Haruna "Harutsuki"
Fukuyama Natsumi "Natsuzuki"
Fukuyama Yoiko "Yoizuki"

Hamamoto Hideko "Harusame"
Hamamoto Kawako "Kawakaze"
Hamamoto Kodachi "Yūdachi"
Hamamoto Miroko "Shiratsuyu"
Hamamoto Momoko "Murasame"
Hamamoto Sanako "Samidare"
Hamamoto Shōko "Shigure"
Hamamoto Suzuko "Suzukaze"
Hamamoto Umeko "Umikaze"
Hamamoto Yaeko "Yamakaze"

Haruguchi Aria "Ariake"
Haruguchi Harumi "Hatsuharu"
Haruguchi Hatsuyo "Hatsushimo"
Haruguchi Miko "Nenohi"
Haruguchi Wakana "Wakaba"
Haruguchi Yumi "Yūgure"

Kisaragi Fumiko "Fumizuki"
Kisaragi Kikuko "Kikuzuki"
Kisaragi Kyōko "Kisaragi"
Kisaragi Minako "Minazuki"
Kisaragi Miyako "Miyazuki"
Kisaragi Mutsuko "Mutsuki"
Kisaragi Nanako "Nagatsuki"
Kisaragi Nozomi "Mochizuki"
Kisaragi Satsuko "Satsuki"
Kisaragi Utako "Uzuki"
Kisaragi Yayoi
Kisaragi Yū "Yūzuki"

Kumasaka Akina "Akishimo"
Kumasaka Asami "Asashimo"
Kumasaka Fujiko "Fujinami"
Kumasaka Hayako "Hayashimo"
Kumasaka Hayami "Hayanami"
Kumasaka Kazuko "Kazagumo"
Kumasaka Kiyoko "Kiyonami"
Kumasaka Kiyomi "Kiyoshimo"
Kumasaka Maki "Makinami"
Kumasaka Makiko "Makigumo"
Kumasaka Nagisa "Kishinami"
Kumasaka Nahoko "Naganami"
Kumasaka Nami "Naganami"
Kumasaka Namimi "Okinami"
Kumasaka Nao "Ōnami"
Kumasaka Suzumi "Suzunami"
Kumasaka Takako "Takanami"
Kumasaka Tamako "Tamanami"
Kumasaka Yūna "Yūgumo"

Taruka Haruka "Harukaze"
Taruka Keiko "Kamikaze"

Toyama Sumie "Shimakaze"

Yuhara Akiko "Akigumi"
Yuhara Amako "Amatsukaze"
Yuhara Arisa "Arashi"
Yuhara Chikako "Oyashio"
Yuhara Hama "Hamakaze"
Yuhara Hayako "Hayashio"
Yuhara Hikaru "Hatsukaze"
Yuhara Hiromi "Hagikaze"
Yuhara Izumi "Isokaze"
Yuhara Kunie "Kuroshio"
Yuhara Mai "Maikaze"
Yuhara Minami "Kagerō"
Yuhara Natsumi "Natsushio"
Yuhara Norie "Nowaki"
Yuhara Seiko "Shiranui"
Yuhara Taniko "Tanikaze"
Yuhara Tokiko "Tokitsukaze"
Yuhara Tokimi "Akigumo"
Yuhara Utako "Urakaze"
Yuhara Yukiko "Yukikaze"


Petrina Strasser "Peter Strasser"
Amélie Françoise von Zeppelin "Graf Zeppelin"


Giuseppina Fioravanzo "Aquila"


Asano Hoshie "Hōshō"

AMAGI CLASS (conversion)
Fujita Anna "Akagi"

TOSA CLASS (conversion)
Fujita Kei "Kaga"

Matsunaga Ryōko "Ryūjō"

Sumire Sei "Sōryū"

Sumire Hiyoko "Hiryū"

Ozawa Taeko "Taihō"

Kamei Reiko "Ryūhō"

Matsubara Kanako "Shōkaku"
Matsubara Suzue "Zuikaku"

Takasaki Shōko "Shōhō"
Takasaki Sumiko "Zuihō"

Kakuta Hiromi "Hiyō"
Kakuta Junko "Jun'yō"

Seigō Chitose
Seigō Chie "Chiyoda"

Komura Ami "Amagi"
Komura Katsumi "Katsuragi"
Komura Urako "Unryū"

Kasuga Taiko "Taiyō"

YAMATO CLASS (conversion)
Itō Shimizu "Shinano"
Itō Yoiko "Yonaga"


PROTEUS CLASS (conversion)
Julia Samantha Langley

LEXINGTON CLASS (conversion)
Olive Dionysia Doolittle "Saratoga"
Helen Rebecca Robinson "Lexington"

Louise Florence Henry "Ranger"

Anna Eleanor Livingston "Yorktown"
Yvonne Claudia Swanson "Enterprise"
Anna Francine Knox "Hornet"

Caroline Charlene Hawkins "Wasp"

NOTE: Made modification due to complaint of size, plus changed one name
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I'm not normally one to tie a name to a crewmember, but if you're going to use the name 'Doolittle' in relation to a carrier- and that is a loaded name if you're giving it to a ship girl -Sara isn't the one it should be. She has exactly zero to do with Jimmy Doolittle, and I should know.

That name fits better with either E or Hornet. And in those cases, I'd use Halsey for E (never liked Swanson. I get its supposed to be 'dig and you see this is E' instead of the obvious Halsey, all the same, if that isn't a factor...) and Mitscher for Hornet.

I already have my own last name for Sara anyway.


By which I mean I already came up with a last name for Sara, in the event she's natural born. Not the shippy meaning.

I bully myself I swear to god
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And for all that is good and holy, please spoiler such a large post next time.

I already have my own last name for Sara anyway.


By which I mean I already came up with a last name for Sara, in the event she's natural born. Not the shippy meaning.

I bully myself I swear to god

Elizabeth M--

*is suddenly abducted by Hood*
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By which I mean I already came up with a last name for Sara, in the event she's natural born. Not the shippy meaning.

I bully myself I swear to god

Why do you think the community is so enthusiastic about Bullying the Sky?


Yeah, okay. I got one for Salem. Shaddup.
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You know, while it makes for a nice, consistent theme that natural born shipgirls have names that are related to their ship names, it rubs me the wrong way for the reason that their parents name them a particular way, and suddenly they turn out to be a ship whose name just happens to be something you can phonetically or vocally derive from their given names.

To me, it'd be more mysterious if a natural-born's true name has nothing to do with their ship name at all, like say a Russo-Ammerican named Natasha Ivanova suddenly becoming USS Enterprise, simply by virtue of the person having the appropriate personality and traits to embody the name. Basically, they should become the shipgirl because of who they are, and not because of a naming quirk.
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@Sheo Darren and a few others did a thought exercise regarding the naming of Natural-Borns on Discord (mostly brainstorming ideas for a future project). We figured it would be relevant to (at least sometimes) have a name that (usually) shares the first letter with their ship name (even if it doesn't sound phonetically similar, though we got a few anyway), and sharing their last name with their last or most famous CO (or sometimes a well-known crew member), and is sometimes a direct descendant of said officer.

Natural-Born!Yuudachi was "Yuuna Kikkawa", Ranger became "Louella Rowe", Ashigara got the name of "Aimi Kimura" (speaking of Hungry Wolves, I maintain that in any event where Ashigara is Natural-Born, she is to be legally considered a Werewolf :V), Victorious became "Robin Mackintosh" (Robin being Vicky's callsign given to her by the USN), SoDak's cover name, Dakota Lee Gatch, from GG was kept (the memes, Jack), Willie Dee was born as "Wilinda Walter" (not a whole lot of Western womens' names that begun with "W"), and there were a whole bunch of others we came up with, naturally.

Again, it was mostly a thought exercise, and also where Sky got his Natural-Born!Saratoga name from (while I won't give it away out of respect, she sounds like she should honestly be a Silver-Age comic book character, the love interest to some superhero. And then Sky was exposed to mutagenic substances :V).
You know, while it makes for a nice, consistent theme that natural born shipgirls have names that are related to their ship names, it rubs me the wrong way for the reason that their parents name them a particular way, and suddenly they turn out to be a ship whose name just happens to be something you can phonetically or vocally derive from their given names.

To me, it'd be more mysterious if a natural-born's true name has nothing to do with their ship name at all, like say a Russo-Ammerican named Natasha Ivanova suddenly becoming USS Enterprise, simply by virtue of the person having the appropriate personality and traits to embody the name. Basically, they should become the shipgirl because of who they are, and not because of a naming quirk.
Now, I can't speak for the other names, but the German ones? Either old-fashioned or with direct ties to nobility (and old-fashioned). A lot of German ships, especially the bigger ones, were after all named after nobles, kings and emperors.
Now, I can't speak for the other names, but the German ones? Either old-fashioned or with direct ties to nobility (and old-fashioned). A lot of German ships, especially the bigger ones, were after all named after nobles, kings and emperors.

Yes, that's true. And the man who would have composed this list would have found the origin of the names and used them without comprehending that nobility & royalty are pretty much passé in Germany these days. Most likely, the German shipgirls would just drop the "von" part of the names proposed to them, which would have made them seem more normal and common. This could be a small source of contention in Germany were this list to go public, especially with the far right wing nuts that would love to see the swastika fly again over their homeland.

You know, while it makes for a nice, consistent theme that natural born shipgirls have names that are related to their ship names, it rubs me the wrong way for the reason that their parents name them a particular way, and suddenly they turn out to be a ship whose name just happens to be something you can phonetically or vocally derive from their given names.

To me, it'd be more mysterious if a natural-born's true name has nothing to do with their ship name at all, like say a Russo-Ammerican named Natasha Ivanova suddenly becoming USS Enterprise, simply by virtue of the person having the appropriate personality and traits to embody the name. Basically, they should become the shipgirl because of who they are, and not because of a naming quirk.

Yes, that is a possibility, but I personally don't follow the "natural born shipgirl" storylines in my work. Again, my list is just there for suggestions in case people do want to pursue either that storyline concept or what I proposed in A Girl's Name: That someone who became horrified at the idea of shipgirls being used as TOOLS without any sort of public recognition that they are still effectively human beings in their hearts (regardless of origins) and decided to find some way to humanize them even further. After all, there will be an "after war" phase of things, so what happens to the shipgirls then? Given that having no family name in Japan does carry considerable stigma, it would be a problem in some circles.

I'm not normally one to tie a name to a crewmember, but if you're going to use the name 'Doolittle' in relation to a carrier- and that is a loaded name if you're giving it to a ship girl -Sara isn't the one it should be. She has exactly zero to do with Jimmy Doolittle, and I should know.

That name fits better with either E or Hornet. And in those cases, I'd use Halsey for E (never liked Swanson. I get its supposed to be 'dig and you see this is E' instead of the obvious Halsey, all the same, if that isn't a factor...) and Mitscher for Hornet.

I already have my own last name for Sara anyway.

The woman Saratoga is named after in this list here is the ship's sponsor when she was launched, Mrs. Olive Doolittle Wilbur, who was the wife of then-SECNAV Curtis D. Wilbur (whom Yamamoto Isoroku once met). I was following sasahara's naming approach to Enterprise in GG when I came up with this name for Sara. If there's a relation to Jimmy Doolittle, I can't find it.

By which I mean I already came up with a last name for Sara, in the event she's natural born. Not the shippy meaning.

I bully myself I swear to god

LOL! :lol:rofl:
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Yes, that's true. And the man who would have composed this list would have found the origin of the names and used them without comprehending that nobility & royalty are pretty much passé in Germany these days. Most likely, the German shipgirls would just drop the "von" part of the names proposed to them, which would have made them seem more normal and common. This could be a small source of contention in Germany were this list to go public, especially with the far right wing nuts that would love to see the swastika fly again over their homeland.
Well, the von part is not exactly contentious, the bigger question there is would a) the girls accept being part of the family they carry in their name and b) do the families accept?

We do have a lot of nobility, landed and landless, a leftover from the middle ages in many cases. Also, if a German is offered a "von" they almost always will accept and defend that "von" to the death.

The most contentious part is that names like Fritzi, Margarete, Auguste, Wilhelmine, Niobe and quite a few others are old. Painfully so, if you're under 50 you'd consider yourself punished with such a name. They can somewhat work as second names that are a jealously guarded secret no one is told.
The most contentious part is that names like Fritzi, Margarete, Auguste, Wilhelmine, Niobe and quite a few others are old. Painfully so, if you're under 50 you'd consider yourself punished with such a name. They can somewhat work as second names that are a jealously guarded secret no one is told.

True, but remember the time period the girls come from? ;)

And for all that is good and holy, please spoiler such a large post next time.

It's fixed.

Elizabeth M--

*is suddenly abducted by Hood*

Bismarck: Hoy! Eliza! What are you doing?!
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True, but remember the time period the girls come from? ;)
Sure, but seeing that they'd live in the now, people would quickly point out that the names are considered painfully dated at best, outright hated/forgotten at worst. A throwback to bad old times, if you so will, especially for names like Wilhelmine. And, well, most of the others are names for great-grandmothers. Definitely not names with which you could expect to be taken serious or escape mocking for having such an old-fashioned name.
You know, while it makes for a nice, consistent theme that natural born shipgirls have names that are related to their ship names, it rubs me the wrong way for the reason that their parents name them a particular way, and suddenly they turn out to be a ship whose name just happens to be something you can phonetically or vocally derive from their given names.

To me, it'd be more mysterious if a natural-born's true name has nothing to do with their ship name at all, like say a Russo-Ammerican named Natasha Ivanova suddenly becoming USS Enterprise, simply by virtue of the person having the appropriate personality and traits to embody the name. Basically, they should become the shipgirl because of who they are, and not because of a naming quirk.

I generally agree. For the first name, at least, though there are exceptions to the rule. Enterprise could be something as completely unrelated to Halsey as...I dunno...Gertrude. Which would be fine. But for ships with commanders they are so closely tied together with as E and Halsey, it feels right if they share the last name at least. Since there is such a visceral tie between the ship girl and her commander, that when she's born again it's as part of their family.

E, thus, would be a Halsey.

Now, in some cases, the first name can still be tied to the ship. Like ALEXandra for Lex. Mostly just for fun...and because if they've already got a perfectly normal human name when they were a ship, it only makes sense that name would carry over. I mean, we've already got outright fate and magic going on here, what's a little bit more? :p

(Plus, Sara(h) and Lex would probably feel odd if they were called anything else. Not like E or Hornet or most any other ship, where they don't have such a human name to begin with.)

Which leads into Sara(h) Steele being something of a klutz.

Let's see if anyone (not on Discord) gets that reference :V
Meh. I'd probably use a fictional character's name for Yamato. Specifically, Yuki Mori (I am a shippy weeb with no life of any kind (yet), what do you expect?).
Meh. I'd probably use a fictional character's name for Yamato. Specifically, Yuki Mori (I am a shippy weeb with no life of any kind (yet), what do you expect?).

Well, with a human name like that, her parents would have to be Space Battleship Yamato fans...

No, wait. Better idea! She and her parents had never heard of the show until one of the otaku at her school told her about the 2199 reboot. It's only then that she watched the show and became a fan. When she awakened as the kanmusu Yamato, she brought her Blue-Rays of the 2199 series and shares them with her sister.

In her free time, one of her personal projects is creating an "SBY" version of her combat outfit, complete with fake rigging done up to more closely resemble her fictional counterpart. Her fairies are a big help during this, helping run all the miniaturized electronics and stuff that gives the rigging realistic movement.
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From the moment the preview art was made available, I'm sure many of us wondered how a shipform Nagato Kai 2 would look.

By Akasaai, number 2732869.

2x3 Prototype 41cm, 2x2 41cm, large torpedo bulge, and 10cm secondaries per her in-game equipment.