Kantai Collection - Fanfic Idea and Recs

On another note, I had an idea a few days ago

A middle-schooler from a town near the naval base somehow sneaks in, wanting to see the shipgirls he'd heard so much about... and is caught by none other than Tatsuta. He begs her not to turn him in to the Admiral or anyone else important, and since Tenryuu and Des Div 6 are off on expedition and she's getting a bit lonely, (still recovering from torpedo damage or something?) she agrees to take him on a tour of the place whilst keeping him hidden. Of course, this being Tatsuta, the guy quickly begins reconsidering his decision and keeps thinking she's about to do something horrible. One scene I have in mind is when they're in the room that she shares with Tenryuu and DD6, someone else knocks on the door, so she quickly shoves him in the closet. He's poking around in the dark, finding all sorts of pokey, sharp things, and thinks he's been stuck in her personal torture chamber basement of evil, or something along those lines. When she lets him back out, it turns out it's just a bunch of hangars, and Tenryuu's silly katana collection.

At the end of the day, after several such shenanigans (shoved in the closet - "it's a torture chamber!" visit to the docks - "she's going to drown me!") she has proved herself to be nothing less than gracious and kind, and lets him escape back out the hole in the fence he made his way in through originally. He makes some joking comment about "I want to be a shipgirl when I grow up!" and she takes it seriously, and leaves her in BSoD mode trying to think of how to break it to him that that isn't possible.

Just something cute and a bit goofy.
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Recently I've been mulling over two ideas, which I may or may not develop further (because I'm better at thinking rather than executing so w/e).

1. A story that goes basically: Salt Lake City vs Maya and Nachi: The Rematch. The beginning can take either one of two forms: SLC challenging the two for another scrap for "old time's sake" or one of the two Japanese cruisers challenging her for it. Presumably Maya will be the one to do it given her personality. Nachi, given hers, would be calmer and more rational. Either way, history repeats itself: Maya and Nachi absolutely dominates in the first half, but by the second half the Japanese cruisers (or just Maya) will commit some tactical mistake that proved to be self-defeating. SLC won, again. Nachi consoles Maya and the three grab a drink.

2. I have recently begun delving on Infinity: The Wargame's setting and lore, because I'm a sucker for transhumanist and sci-fi elements in my stories. One of the more interesting concepts is the usage of recreations of historical figures in the setting. Named examples I found include Saladin, William Wallace, and.... Miyamoto Musashi.

You can see where this is going.

What if they recreated, instead of his historical self, the KC version of Musashi? I just thought that perhaps these two setting could mesh well, even if only because in my interpretation the Shipgirls are already advanced walking topological quantum computers with starship-level capabilities (but with their historical personalities and memories). Depending on the faction, it could introduce interesting scenes. Japan is canonically absorbed by the Yu Jing faction, which is mega-China in SPACE!. The canon version of Miyamoto Musashi in Infinity is a freelancing mercenary. Would KC Musashi in this setting follow his path? Would she sell her abilities to the Haqqislam forces, for example, or throw her lot with the Yu Jing nevertheless, because that's the closest to home she can get?

I would like to someday write about this, a kickass story of her in battle in this setting. But for now it remains an idea.
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On another note, I had an idea a few days ago

A middle-schooler from a town near the naval base somehow sneaks in, wanting to see the shipgirls he'd heard so much about... and is caught by none other than Tatsuta. He begs her not to turn him in to the Admiral or anyone else important, and since Tenryuu and Des Div 6 are off on expedition and she's getting a bit lonely, (still recovering from torpedo damage or something?) she agrees to take him on a tour of the place whilst keeping him hidden. Of course, this being Tatsuta, the guy quickly begins reconsidering his decision and keeps thinking she's about to do something horrible. One scene I have in mind is when they're in the room that she shares with Tenryuu and DD6, someone else knocks on the door, so she quickly shoves him in the closet. He's poking around in the dark, finding all sorts of pokey, sharp things, and thinks he's been stuck in her personal torture chamber basement of evil, or something along those lines. When she lets him back out, it turns out it's just a bunch of hangars, and Tenryuu's silly katana collection.

At the end of the day, after several such shenanigans (shoved in the closet - "it's a torture chamber!" visit to the docks - "she's going to drown me!") she has proved herself to be nothing less than gracious and kind, and lets him escape back out the hole in the fence he made his way in through originally. He makes some joking comment about "I want to be a shipgirl when I grow up!" and she takes it seriously, and leaves her in BSoD mode trying to think of how to break it to him that that isn't possible.

Just something cute and a bit goofy.
Yes, I'd like more of this sort of thing please.
Recently I've been mulling over two ideas, which I may or may not develop further (because I'm better at thinking rather than executing so w/e).

1. A story that goes basically: Salt Lake City vs Maya and Nachi: The Rematch. The beginning can take either one of two forms: SLC challenging the two for another scrap for "old time's sake" or one of the two Japanese cruisers challenging her for it. Presumably Maya will be the one to do it given her personality. Nachi, given hers, would be calmer and more rational. Either way, history repeats itself: Maya and Nachi absolutely dominates in the first half, but by the second half the Japanese cruisers (or just Maya) will commit some tactical mistake that proved to be self-defeating. SLC won, again. Nachi consoles Maya and the three grab a drink.

2. I have recently begun delving on Infinity: The Wargame's setting and lore, because I'm a sucker for transhumanist and sci-fi elements in my stories. One of the more interesting concepts is the usage of recreations of historical figures in the setting. Named examples I found include Saladin, William Wallace, and.... Miyamoto Musashi.

You can see where this is going.

What if they recreated, instead of his historical self, the KC version of Musashi? I just thought that perhaps these two setting could mesh well, even if only because in my interpretation the Shipgirls are already advanced walking topological quantum computers with starship-level capabilities (but with their historical personalities and memories). Depending on the faction, it could introduce interesting scenes. Japan is canonically absorbed by the Yu Jing faction, which is mega-China in SPACE!. The canon version of Miyamoto Musashi in Infinity is a freelancing mercenary. Would KC Musashi in this setting follow his path? Would she sell her abilities to the Haqqislam forces, for example, or throw her lot with the Yu Jing nevertheless, because that's the closest to home she can get?

I would like to someday write about this, a kickass story of her in battle in this setting. But for now it remains an idea.
When I read this, I thought you were talking about the actual city of Salt Lake City and that they challenged Maya and Nachi to some sort of sports match.
Another random idea, somewhat based on the idea in my story of the Abyssal Princesses being counterparts to the Shipgirls, and playing off a certain cruiser's somewhat exaggerated reputation:

A Princess appears at the Maizuru base, and after the initial freak-out, she manages to convince everyone she's not hostile and wants to join their side, horrified by how evil all of her supposed comrades are. Much wariness ensues, but she explains a great deal of sensitive information that gives the Shipgirls a bit more advantage over the Abyssals, and then finally proves her trustworthiness by rescuing several girls who were on the verge of sinking during a particularly nasty encounter. Throughout all of this she displays a downright absurd level of compassion, gentleness, and pacifism, literally unable to bring herself even to hurt a fly. She's the lone exception among the otherwise hateful and eldritch Abyssals, the opposite of everything they stand for.

And then they realize whose counterpart she is.

I'm tempted to write this as a non-canon (Since the counterparts personality thing doesn't quite work like that to begin with, and I'm interpreting the relevant character differently) omake side-story to Waves Of Change, but I also feel like I should be focusing on writing WoC itself first, so I'm just gonna leave this here.
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Here's some modern FEELS!


She hated them.

She hated them so much!

All the lies they told. The people they hurt, their pain lining their pockets. The suffering of her country was unimaginable.

It had to end. It must end.

The ideals must triumph! Her ideals must triumph!

Brezhnev will feel the sting of her guns! Feel the pain that he has inflicted upon so many unfortunates! And the world will watch in wonder as the
Storozhevoy leads the second People's Revolution in the Soviet Union!

Mutiny: The Hunt for Storozhevoy


Storozhevoy, the name meant Vigilant in Russian and the ship who bore it was every bit as watchful as the name suggested. Her keen eyes, borne out of technology meant to hunt down and kill enemy submarines, were marked with tragedy. She had seen the sufferings, heard the cries of the people forced to make out a meager existence for themselves that was no different now than it was 58 years ago. It was time to put an end to all of it. It was time to act!

The Krivak-class frigate was less than 2 years old and many had noticed her defiant attitude, a product of her youth. Many had shrugged it off. "She's young, it's a common theme." "She doesn't know better yet but she'll learn. "She'll grow up." The last one really angered Storozhevoy. Say it as though she was just a youth who would mature, mellow with age. But the frigate had decided half a lifetime ago that she would stay true to her ideals. The true ideals of communism. Not this mockery that currently existed in government. And like with any mockery it had to first be exposed and then put to rest. Back in the dark reaches of Hell where it belonged! So was her mission. A mission she would carry out tonight!


Bditelnyy and Storozhevoy were docked side by side in Riga. The port was located on the Neva River, a winding, twisting waterway that went another 40 miles to the sea. Bditelnyy was proud to be Russian. Proud of everything Russian. Every square inch of her hull was a secret known only to her own country. The Americans had no knowledge on what she could do and couldn't do and Bditelnyy took great pleasure at knowing their spy satellites shivered in fear at seeing her on their scopes whenever she put to sea. The unknown was a powerful deterrent. (Eat your reactors out American submarines!)

Her younger sister by contrast was more quiet, a bit shy at times and rarely, if ever spoke out of turn. But there were days when she would get this look in her eye, as though she was half listening, half contemplating something. Some kind of plan perhaps? Bditelnyy assumed it was a prank. Storozhevoy could be insufferable when her sense of humor was aroused. Bditelnyy made a mental note never to let her sister near the new battlecruiser Kirov without supervision. Those two together would cause enough ruckus to force the end of her peace forever! Nevermind having half the fleet gunning for her head and she liked that attached to her body thank you very much.

But as of late, Storozhevoy's sense of humor was strangely lacking and she seemed to be taking on a more serious personality. On one had, Bditelnyy was overjoyed. Perhaps her sister was finally seeing the seriousness of her duties and not just treating them like they were some kind of fun joke used as part of one of her elaborate pranks. She stifled a shudder as she recalled a certain "incident" in Baltiysk a month ago. But another part of her was concerned. It wasn't like her sister to be so quiet, so calculating, so observant. Mind you, Storozhevoy had always been observant, she just tended to be so in more subtle ways. Now however it was like observing was all she knew how to do. Bditelnyy's name meant "watchful" in Russian and that wasn't just a sarcastic description. She was always watching over and out for her siblings. Sometimes doting on them, sometimes having to scold them, sometimes chasing them around the harbor like a vengeful mother if they pulled one of their silly tricks. But like Storozhevoy she had a good sense of both what appeared to be going on and what actually might going on. She could see through the veil and right now Storozhevoy's uncharacteristically thick veil disturbed her, more than what she might be hiding behind it.

One night, Storozhevoy turned to her sister and asked "Do you love me?"

Surprised at the abruptness and the nature of the question, Bditelnyy immediately replied "Of course I do! What mu'dak put it into your head that you have to ask such a question!"

Giggling at her sister's swearing, Storozhevoy ducked her head. "Well I-I just wanted to know. I mean, what if something happened to me. Something you didn't approve of."

"Malyutka," Bditelnyy sighed, using her pet name for her younger sibling. "Nothing is going to happen to you."

"But what if it did!" Bditelnyy had never seen her sister so distressed before. Whatever it was that was bothering Storozhevoy, the mighty Sentry, had been doing so for some time. "What if I was taken? Hijacked to the West? Or what if some separatists took me over and tried to stage a rebellion?!"

"Peace, Storo, peace. Mir." Bditelnyy put a calming hand on her shoulder as she knelt down, pushing her sister's curly blonde locks out of her face and wiping a smidgen of dirt off her nose. "I love you no matter what. Never fear otherwise."

Storozhevoy's youthful face brightened somewhat. "You promise?" She sniffled.

Bditelnyy couldn't help but smile. "Big sister promise." She replied, putting a hand over her heart.

"Thank you big sister!" Storozhevoy embraced her, catching Bditelnyy somewhat off guard but she recovered quickly, holding her sister tight in her arms.

It was in the early morning hours of 10th November 1975 that Storozhevoy had cleared the river for open waters. The confining space no longer existed and she was free to sail where she pleased. Her course followed the sun's path across the Western Sky, the first part of her mission complete. International waters were not far off and with no sign that the Soviet brass or the KGB were anywhere near her, the Sentry prepared to become the Revolutionary.

woke alone in her bedroom aboard ship. The last thing she remembered was tucking in Storozhevoy for the night. Her younger sister had been insistent upon being tucked in that night. The fireworks display had frightened her and briefly Bditelnyy wondered how she'd fare in naval exercises before shaking her head. Several other ships in the fleet had similar issues but never showed any hesitation in combat scenarios. So Bditelnyy stayed at her sister's bedside, singing her lullabies and rubbing her back until she fell asleep. Bditelnyy didn't recall returning to her own ship though she was so exhausted (the drinks she consumed earlier didn't help as the current pinpricks in her skull would attest to) that it wouldn't be a surprise if she "forgot" that she returned to her own bed. Unless someone carried her here. But who? Only shipgirls could see other shipgirls so... Storozhevoy hadn't touched a drop of alcohol. She must've brought Bditelnyy back to her own quarters. It was Bditelnyy's greatest wish that her younger sister never discover it's wonders or its horrors. She herself had experienced both on numerous occasions, more than she was care to admit really. She knew her drinking caused her sister distress and for Storozhevoy's sake she did try and curb it whenever the younger frigate was around but last night she just couldn't help herself! All that food, fine wine, the pomp! She just had to partake! Rubbing her temples, Bditelnyy determined she should go apologize to her younger sister for any embarrassment she might've caused while in her inebriated state. (She really should see a councilor about that) But when Bditelnyy looked out the window, she was forced to do a double take. The place where her sister's hull had been the night before was now nothing but half frozen river. Where had her sister gone? They were due for exercises in the Gulf. Had her sister left early? She assumed not. It wasn't like her to just up and leave without telling anyone. But then again, her sister had been acting odd lately, including that one night...

It was like an epiphany. One that stopped Bditelnyy in her tracks. The memory of that night, once so ignominious that it had no place in the forefront of the frigate's mind, now came back in full force.

"What if something happened to me? Like I was hijacked and tried to stage a rebellion?"

"Little one, nothing is going to happen to you."

"Moy Bog." Bditelnyy breathed.

The frigate was like her sister in many ways. She had the same keen ears and eyes meant to track down and kill enemy submarines. But while her sister was Vigilance, the sentry standing guard over the city. She was the Watcher who ensured that everything ran smoothly and who detected any troublemakers trying to gain a foothold. That part of her awakened full force and Bditelnyy was suddenly able to see, discern, and realize the awful heart-breaking truth. Storozhevoy was a rebel and like the famous rebellion that gave rise to their glorious Union 58 years ago, she was to shake the Motherland to its core, making it weak and vulnerable to an attack from the outside never mind from within. The keels for rebellion had already been laid, the kegs of ordinance loaded. All someone had to do now was light the fuse. Someone like Storozhevoy. "And then... Oh Storo what have you done?!" And Bditelnyy cried in anguish. Her sister was going on a suicide mission, one that would never succeed. But Storozhevoy was not the type to give in easily. She would be sunk before she surrendered. And Bditelnyy, in her anguish, had realized the truth. As soon as her sister slipped her moorings, she was lost to her, forever.

She was close, so close now. Storozhevoy had never tasted victory before but already its sweet forerunners were already working their way into her taste buds. She had never felt anything so tantalizing before. Nothing could stop her now. Nothing except... The dreaded sound of the Yak-28 Fighters drew ever closer. Her radar had been turned on. The thick fog surrounding her had heightened the threat of a collision and now her comrades were homing in on that signal, like moths to the flame. Well now, she didn't intend to go down without a fight. She'd come to far now to turn back. No pardons, no offers of surrender were persuade her to strike her colors. The taste of victory was replaced with the lusting for battle. "Come at me. If you dare!"
History would forever remember the name

The fight was brutal yet short-lived. Storozhevoy was outgunned and outmatched. Her limited weaponry could not take out all of the Soviet's arsenal even if she had fired a shot at them. A blow to her stern is what ended it. Her colors still flying, Storozhevoy admitted defeat. Her short revolution was over.

She had been defeated! Her crew had betrayed her! Betrayed her! She'd been so close. So close to victory! She could've changed everything! Everyone in Motherland would've benefited. The cries of the poor, the ill, the sick would cease to be replaced with the joyful cries of the vibrant, the youthful, the loved. Everyone would have a place. A voice. An equal share. As Marx had intended. Ships and humans alike would live in equal harmony. Ships, her sister... Bditelnyy would never forgive her. In her sister's eyes, in the fleet's eyes she was a traitor. She could see the glares being given to her by her escorts as they formed up around her, the tow ship tossing her a cable. With her steering disabled and her crew under house arrest she hadn't much choice but to take the line. Accept that she had failed. But still a ragged hole in her heart remained. "Oh sister, I'm so sorry. Please forgive me!"

wasn't sure what to expect when the hastily assembled task force arrived in Giga with Storozhevoy in tow. Her sister was beat up but not as badly as Bditelnyy had feared. Her stern would need work though. Marines and relief sailors and managed to repair steering enough that she could glide into drydock under her own power. Her crew were offloaded, the seamen under escort while the officers were handcuffed and guided off the ship in blindfolds with a gun to their heads. And as for the ship herself... Bditelnyy didn't see Storozhevoy anywhere outside, assuming her sister had taken refuge somewhere deep within her hull. She always had a shy nature and despised any kind of attention, especially negative attention. Movement caught the older frigate's eye and she turned. Ah, there! Storozhevoy was on deck, standing as far out on the bow as she could without actually being off the ship. Her left leg was hastily wrapped with bandages but beyond that she appeared to be unharmed, physically anyways. Bditelnyy could only wonder what was going through her sister's head when she decided to stage this foolish mission of hers.

Putting that aside for now, Bditelnyy left her hull, crossing the open stretch of water between them with little effort, something that should've been impossible for a ship. But Bditelnyy was not a ship. She was a sister driven by fear. Motivated by love. And taken by her sister's suicidal but courageous action. It was Storozhevoy's very same fervor that had fueled her attempt at revolution which had given rise to their glorious Union in the first place and Bditelnyy had to give credit where it was due. Though she was more concerned for Storozhevoy's well being to be angry about what she had done. Had tried to do.


Storozhevoy glumly looked up as she heard someone call her name, only to be rushed full force by another frigate. "Oof?!" was the only intelligent thing she could say before she was pressed against her own deck with Bditelnyy hugging her for all she was worth.

"Bditelnyy?" Storozhevoy was surprised. She was certain her loyal sister would've scolded her to the tsar and back. Her sister smelled like she'd been drinking half the night. And what was that wetness she felt forming at the base of her neck. Were those tears? Was Bditelnyy crying?! "Sister, are you alright?"

"You could've died." was Bditelnyy's pained whisper against her hull.

"You aren't mad?" Storozhevoy was so sure...

"No, I'm not mad at you. I'm just glad you're safe." Bditelnyy pulled back and helped Storozhevoy to her feet before promptly embracing her again and this time Storozhevoy hugged her back.

"You mean you still love me?" She asked meekly.

"Of course I do. I promised I would." Bditelnyy kissed her forehead, stifling the urge to giggle as her sister blushed adorably. "You're my sister and I'll love you forever, matter what."

Storozhevoy offered that cute little smile of hers that warmed Bditelnyy's heart. Soon the younger frigate was snuggling her, her head resting in the nape of Bditelnyy's neck. She didn't say anything, she didn't need to. Neither ship needed to as they held one another.

We belong together, Bditelnyy. Sister. No matter what, I will always love you too.
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posting this to get some feedback while I write the next part of Blood and Iron. Feel free to tell me what needs fixing.
Even with both North Carolina's and South Carolina's damage control crews helping her own repair crews out, Medusa's job of repairing North was still long and grueling. The damage reports forwarded to her by North's damage control fairies, inexperienced as they were, vastly understated the internal damage North had suffered during the battle.

Medusa hadn't had a chance yet to look at North's rigging, but if the initial descriptions forwarded to her by the technicians already working on it were accurate, the shell that had penetrated her had managed to score a direct hit on her middle port side 5-inch gun mount. The turret facing, only the equivalent of a two inches thick armor plate, had been designed to protect its crew from shrapnel caused by bomb blasts and non-penetrating deck hits. At most it might have stopped a 5 inch shell fired at from a very long ways away, and against a 16 inch shell from a battleship designed to punch through a foot of steel, this gap in North's armor had done little more than arm the shells fuse.

The shell had buried itself in the turrets magazine before detonating. Had it not been for the quick actions of her crew to flood the neighboring magazines, and a whole lot of luck, her entire port side might have blown apart. As it was the explosion was catastrophic. The compartments near the magazine were little more than twisted wreckage, their walls reduced to scrap metal.

The damage extended all the way down to North's port side engine room, where shrapnel had torn apart several pipes that carried steam from her boilers to the turbines that turned her propellers. The damage had been so extensive, Medusa had no choice but to order North be transported back to San Diego with her for more extensive repair work.

If there was any other good news for North, it was that the rest of her wounds were relatively minor. Though her vision in her left eye was severely impaired due to the loss of her radar and forward rangefinders, the damage to her rear rangefinders had been minor enough for her fix it up properly. In addition, while her scalp had several gashes in it from shells that had found their mark, all of them had failed to so much as dent her skull, which was the equivalent of her old 16 inch conning tower. At worst she'd wake up from the surgery with a bad headache.

North would survive this, she would even make a full recovery, but it was going to be a long 4 weeks for her and even getting the repair work done was going to take a minor miracle. Medusa would have liked to keep her here at Pearl with her new found sisters in arms, but that would have doubled North's repair time and tied medusa to Pearl for that duration. Neither of these would be considered acceptable.
for the record the 4 weeks remark is along the same line as Nimitz's order to get Yorktown ready for Midway in 3 days. Less full repair more just enough to get her back on the front until more battleships/ carriers come back.
The Myoukou class originally had 6 12cm cannons as secondary armament, later they got replaced with the 4 twin 12.7cm mounts, like the Takaos had from the beginning.
Actually, the Takaos had the 4.7" guns as built, too. The 5" guns were only sent afloat on a heavy cruiser from the start with the Mogami class.
Maya and Chokai carried their 4.7" guns into WW2 and Maya only recieved 5"/40s and quad torpedo mounts after late '43. (There are pictures of her in dock during this period which show her 4.7" mounted.) A cursory search suggests Chokai may never have carried the 5"/40s as I can't find a date she was refit with them.
Something I noticed, and got pictures of, on my visit to the USS Texas...

The ladders leading from the highest platform below the top of the citadel to the first platform above the citadel were pinned at the top, and rested loosely on the deck at the bottom. There were also what appeared to be retaining mounts in position to receive the raised ladder against the upper platform. It took me a minute to figure out why in the heck they would do that, and then, it struck me:

When Texas was designed, it wasn't that far from the era when boarding actions were common. A complement of Marines, in the upper platforms with rifles, could punish anyone below them attempting to board the ship, and by pulling up the ladders, it would be MUCH harder to get to those marine defenders.

I don't have the bandwidth to dig around multiple times in the 256 pics that imgur can't properly order any longer. One pic is the top of the ladder, showing where the pin and ladder were welded to the platform. Another is of the rounded bottom of the ladder sitting on the platform below, which is also now welded in place. The third is of the bottom of the upper platform, showing where the ladder would be retained when raised.

If there's significant interest, the next time I'm somewhere with free bandwidth, I'll see if I can reorganize the images to make those three images #2, 3, and 4 in the series, and also link them here.
A naval history blog I followed on Tumblr (lex-for-lexington) posted an interesting thing. It is a painting of a view from the bridge of the wrecked Nagato on Yokosuka.

However, the provided text is...something else.

"The Japanese battleship Nagato [16" guns] was one of the major prizes found at the Yokosuka Naval Base when the Navy and Marines took over on August 30, 1945. She had been damaged in the great battle off the Philippines last October and had also received bomb hits since. The Japanese were rebuilding her but were making very slow progress. As is the Japanese way, she seems to be a combination of fantasy and workable efficiency. Although we may readily say that her features are "certainly not the way we would do it," we cannot afford to indict as impotent so great a potential as the Nagato. Her guts and nerves are torn loose from her skeleton, although her heart still beats darkly. She lies dormant to a mooring, facing the west wind from Mt. Fuji some 60-70 miles away. Her immediate guard is the USS South Dakota, flagship of Adm. Halsey's Third Fleet."

"Post Mortem at Yokosuka: Damaged Bridge of Nagato, Former Japanese Battleship.

Painting, Watercolor on Scratch Board; by Standish Backus; 1945
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A naval history blog I followed on Tmblr (lex-for-lexington) posted an interesting thing. It is a painting of a view from the bridge of the wrecked Nagato on Yokosuka.

However, the provided text is...something else.

"The Japanese battleship Nagato [16" guns] was one of the major prizes found at the Yokosuka Naval Base when the Navy and Marines took over on August 30, 1945. She had been damaged in the great battle off the Philippines last October and had also received bomb hits since. The Japanese were rebuilding her but were making very slow progress. As is the Japanese way, she seems to be a combination of fantasy and workable efficiency. Although we may readily say that her features are "certainly not the way we would do it," we cannot afford to indict as impotent so great a potential as the Nagato. Her guts and nerves are torn loose from her skeleton, although her heart still beats darkly. She lies dormant to a mooring, facing the west wind from Mt. Fuji some 60-70 miles away. Her immediate guard is the USS South Dakota, flagship of Adm. Halsey's Third Fleet."

"Post Mortem at Yokosuka: Damaged Bridge of Nagato, Former Japanese Battleship.

Painting, Watercolor on Scratch Board; by Standish Backus; 1945

And in those red words can we see the point where reality gives way to monsters from within our selves...
In other news... has anyone written anything about the Bear, the ship commanded by "Hell Roaring" Mike Healy?
Hatsuharu, Nenohi, Wakaba, Hatsushimo, Aoba, and Kinugasa is added to the Arcade.

(look how Kinugasa spins her right-hand turret before firing)
I read a thing from someone claiming to have seen the Kancolle Movie, that seemed kind of odd. They mentioned stuff I'd seen spoiled elsewhere, like Fubuki sinking and turning into an Abyssal, but they also said something about Kaga revealing she isn't actually Kaga, but rather a Wo-Class carrier that decided to defect after nearly being sunk, and so disguised herself as a shipgirl and joined the Naval Base. Somehow. It seemed more than a bit sketchy to me, and I would dismiss it as a troll if they hadn't mentioned the other stuff that I know happens. I dunno how I feel about this, but felt it was worth mentioning. Seems more like the plot of a silly 4koma...
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I read a thing from someone claiming to have seen the Kancolle Movie, that seemed kind of odd. They mentioned stuff I'd seen spoiled elsewhere, like Fubuki sinking and turning into an Abyssal, but they also said something about Kaga revealing she isn't actually Kaga, but rather a Wo-Class carrier that decided to defect after nearly being sunk, and so disguised herself as a shipgirl and joined the Naval Base. Somehow. It seemed more than a bit sketchy to me, and I would dismiss it as a troll if they hadn't mentioned the other stuff that I know happens. I dunno how I feel about this, but felt it was worth mentioning. Seems more like the plot of a silly 4koma...

From what I gather, the real deal is that the Shipgirl/Abyssal duality is actually cyclical. Kaga is a former Wo, sunk (scene in the trailer where the aircraft drops a bomb to red-eyes Wo) reborn as shipgirl. If she were to be sunk again she will be Wo again. Conversely, an Abyssal's yearning to return to the surface might be so strong that Abyssals can return as shipgirls when defeated. Thus the cycle completes. We see this cycle in full with Kisaragi. Sank, returns as Abyssal, but not completely. No disguises and stuff, i think he/she's mixing half-truths with trolling.

I have the (so far) most consistent plot summary greentext from 4chan, though this information is not from the greentext alone but extrapolated from the entire thread at the time, so I might be mistaken. If anyone need, I will post it here under spoilers.
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