Kantai Collection - Fanfic Idea and Recs

Would the fleet carrier Amagi (not the Unryuu) also fall under such jurisdiction?

Probably not. It might allow for battlecruiser Amagi, though. Conversion of Amagi and Akagi had not yet begun when the Great Kanto Earthquake hit, it was scheduled to start the next month; she was nowhere near completion as a carrier and plans for conversion had only just been finalized when she was wrecked. (Nowhere near fitting out under Equipping Officers.) On the other hand her projected date of completion as a battlecruiser was within a year of the date work on her as such stopped. She might have been assigned an Equipping Officer as a battlecruiser.
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Correct and the equipping officers would normally be assigned about the time of launch.
Pity. I imagined Tosa and Amagi as inverse counterparts to their sisters, with Amagi also having conflicting memories—one set is of her construction and the earthquake, while the other is of her being equipped with 10-inch guns, chasing a pair of Wickes-class destroyers through a squall to another world, her captain going batshit insane, and being sunk by those two destroyers she chased.
Reading Neptune's Inferno, I wonder how marines feel about the girls. I know the initial "shit lets get out of here" reaction after Savo 1 is a sticking point for them, but what about the cruisers and destroyers that died keeping the IJN off their backs...
Happy New Years, guys! Let's do our best in this fandom for 2017!

PS: Thought about writing a New Years short at the Naval Base, but procrastinated too hard.
An Interview with one of the seiyuus has been translated. This time it's Tanibe Yumi, who voiced several of the Shiratsuyus, Yura, and Commandant Teste.
Tanibe Yumi Interview: Kancolle Style Vol. 3 - Kancolle Wiki

-- So, which of your ship girls has the highest level?

After our tentative wedding it's currently Murasame at Lv.131.
Also, Anti Air Cut-Ins are usually a job for the Akizuki-class, but at my place Shiratsuyu is responsible for that.
Whenever I sortie the Shiratsuyu-class girls and have several of them equipped with anti-air armament for some reason it's always Shiratsuyu that triggers it.
Which is why at my naval base Shiratsuyu is the anti-air boss!

-- Of course it has to be our Number #1. *laughs*

-- Could you tell us more about how you accomplished that for your roles?

Back then I had just started to look up each ship's history and was really overwhelmed by the ridiculous amount of stories related to them. I really cherished these moments when I figured out that a line refers to a certain event. Among them Shiratsuyu's lively artwork left quite the impression on me, so I've always imagined her as full of spirit all day every day. When I found out about Shigure's history I imagined her as someone who keeps a lot to herself while fighting, and Murasame was pretty similar to a certain senior character of another work I liked back then, so I get the feeling that my acting expanded from there.

-- And of course Yuudachi, who is playing a large role in the anime.

For Yuudachi I could say I was acting as myself when I was around 18 years; I don't know how to put it, she's quite lively, but not quite like Shiratsuyu.

-- So she's a different kind of lively?

I suppose. Shiratsuyu is always trying to be number #1 at full throttle, while Yūdachi's liveliness has a certain simple-mindedness to it, like her "Poi?" gives off this carefree impression.

-- Oh, you mean Commandant Teste!

Yes. When I was first told about this I saw myself in quite the pickle, so I started reading French course books and listening to the language like my life depended on it, which was really tough, but I managed somehow.
This was of course my first time dealing with the French language, so it wasn't easy at all.
However, thanks to all this my dream of launching planes has finally come true! Well, seaplanes, but still! She can even carry Zuiun!

-- By the way, If you were to voice a new ship girl, what kind of personality would you like them to have?

There are currently many girls that are all honest and nice, so trying a girl like Akebono or Maya, who just refuse to be honest with themselves or have a bit of sharp tongue, seems like fun.
I wouldn't mind saying something like "You shitty admiral" with lots of love.
Pity. I imagined Tosa and Amagi as inverse counterparts to their sisters, with Amagi also having conflicting memories—one set is of her construction and the earthquake, while the other is of her being equipped with 10-inch guns, chasing a pair of Wickes-class destroyers through a squall to another world, her captain going batshit insane, and being sunk by those two destroyers she chased.

That would be interesting but I offer an alternative: Bywater's Kaga.
An idealized image of an unattainable ideal.

Bismarck's quirk, other than the Kreigsmarine's collective connection to Oskar seems to be that she is perfect.

(Okay, and that she isn't wearing any pants.)

Ah, I see in that context it makes sense. Blonde, fair-skined, impossible aryan ideal. (Except being a woman in a combat role, that doesn't fit into Nazi ideology)

In terms of personality though, not seeing the link between Bisko and Rogers. Not much in common in that aspect. Which was why I was thrown for a loop.

(Okay, and that she isn't wearing any pants.)

Which annoys me, but its what happens when you have the same artist from Strike Witches coming up with her design.
Bismarck sans pants works in a weird sort of way. Sort of like Mir from Ar Tonelico.

Various accoutrements to keep what could get in the way stabilized, the rest tossed aside. (But you have to have a Nice Hat.)

Who argues with a super dreadnought with a top speed of 34 knots?
I can just imagine people trying to deal with successfully summoning Bismarck.. and having a hard time persuading her to wear the outfit (or anything else) they had come up with for her to wear.

:confused:: She's not wearing any pants.
o_O: Do you have any idea how long it took us to persuade her to wear the jacket? Just ROLL with it.