Kantai Collection - Fanfic Idea and Recs

Isn't Yukikaze the ship for which the RoC's attempts at scrapping her coincide with losing the mainland and losing international recognition?

Was there anything that Enterprise did that was comparable?

If not, why are we comparing them as 'luck vampires?'
Not to knock on AnonymousRabbit, but that particular bit I think it more due to Shigure being popular enough in the first place such that he's doing a Let's Play, and of course it can't be used to explain the popularity of Shigure with the Japanese.
There were two reasons I mentioned that. First, I'm pretty sure that was my introduction to her as a character, and I didn't think I'm unique on that. Second, a lot of her popularity in the image thread is really just him posting pictures of her. I didn't know where @ColdGoldLazarus was getting their impression of her popularity, and I felt it important to acknowledge that some of it here is really @AnonymousRabbit just being loud. For instance, I doubt that site would have a shigure best girl tag without him.
And the same can be said of the two destroyers I mention.

Nope. You didn't mention two destroyers. Prinz Eugen and Renown. Prinz Eugen was fine during the Channel Dash along with her other ships in company. The only luck vampiring she can be argued to have done is with Bismarck. Renown's big show was Cape Spartivento, where pretty much nobody got sunk, and she did well against Scharnhorst/Gneisenau. I can't even find an indirect example for her.
Nope. You didn't mention two destroyers. Prinz Eugen and Renown. Prinz Eugen was fine during the Channel Dash along with her other ships in company. The only luck vampiring she can be argued to have done is with Bismarck. Renown's big show was Cape Spartivento, where pretty much nobody got sunk, and she did well against Scharnhorst/Gneisenau. I can't even find an indirect example for her.
... How do Eugen and Renown count as "Destroyers"?
Nope. You didn't mention two destroyers. Prinz Eugen and Renown. Prinz Eugen was fine during the Channel Dash along with her other ships in company. The only luck vampiring she can be argued to have done is with Bismarck. Renown's big show was Cape Spartivento, where pretty much nobody got sunk, and she did well against Scharnhorst/Gneisenau. I can't even find an indirect example for her.
Vampiric luck is never a ship trait for any nation.

What happen to the Enterprise is the same thing that happened to Shigure or Yukikaze or any other ship. Which a combo of their crews being that good and being lucky.
As for Renown?

She was basically the last of her kind. Literally all other Battlecruisers, almost thirty between everyone, got scrapped or sunk. Besides the Goeben.

For Prinz think about this. How many German surface ships survived the war? Without being salvage? A couple destroyers.
There were two reasons I mentioned that. First, I'm pretty sure that was my introduction to her as a character, and I didn't think I'm unique on that. Second, a lot of her popularity in the image thread is really just him posting pictures of her. I didn't know where @ColdGoldLazarus was getting their impression of her popularity, and I felt it important to acknowledge that some of it here is really @AnonymousRabbit just being loud. For instance, I doubt that site would have a shigure best girl tag without him.

Fair points, though it should be remembered that Shigure was already hugely popular as a shipgirl before Rabbit, hell I knew of how popular she was even before the LP. The sheer amount of fanart about her (~6,100 on danbooru as of latest count), not to mention that she actually became a starter ship on Kancolle Kai kinda speaks for itself.
The newest leaks confirm the following as future ships in WOWs: Ashitaka, Mutsu, Yamashiro, Musashi.
Aside from the obvious my beloved Musashi, one ship is interesting in particular: Ashitaka.

Ashitaka was supposed to be an Amagi, alongside Akagi, Atago, and Amagi herself. Ashitaka as a name is synonymous with the Takao. They are laid down, but only Akagi survives as a carrier. Ashitaka/Takao and Atago are cancelled per the WNT, and Amagi is wrecked during the Great Kanto Earthquake.

All ships in KanColle that bore these names are not Amagis, including Amagi herself. Akagi is the only one, never having a true sister.
Honestly, the question you guys should be asking for Kantai fics is why are the WW2 carriers not dominating? Now in this fic, the reason is simple, very few carriers have returned and its about BB as stated by the very title . But generally, for Kantai fics, leveling or not. Planes and Carriers should be ruling the roost just like they did in WW2.
Carriers murderise Abyssals quite well in GG.

It's just that well, America built more carriers than every other nation combined, and none of those American carriers have come back...

Anyway the other thing to consider is that until this year, the general assumption in KC had been that the Abyssals were the USN. Now it's all fine and well to say that carriers should be ruling the roost, but when you have fewer carriers than the enemy, and the enemy has qualitative and quantitative superiority, and when yiu're fighting the freaking USN that's an unstoppable horde... Well there's only so much they can do.

Part of how the US carriers could rule the roost was because at any one time, the fast carrier task force ciuld bring 1000 planes to any party.
It's funny, looking at how Abyssals wreck you in early maps in KC too: World 2 has some abrupt, very aggressive Air Superiority checks. Until you start running into blatant event bosses that are hybrids of multiple IJN ships it tries to make you think the USN are where most of the Abyssals are coming from.

EDIT: I really am starting to like The Beginning's idea. That the Abyss are the war dead who cannot rest, who are all blended together with ship hardware and with each other, unable to move on, unable to become a god/kami/whatever, only able to carry on their dying curse over and over.
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Assuming equal pilot competency on both sides, there is a chance that the air wings will materially deplete themselves through enemy action and operational losses. When that happens then it will be up to the surface ships to ward off attacks and sink enemy shipping.

Other wrinkles include alert land based airplanes and poor conditions for plane takeoff such as heavy rain and nighttime.
Assuming equal pilot competency on both sides, there is a chance that the air wings will materially deplete themselves through enemy action and operational losses. When that happens then it will be up to the surface ships to ward off attacks and sink enemy shipping.

Other wrinkles include alert land based airplanes and poor conditions for plane takeoff such as heavy rain and nighttime.
And that not even adding in any Abyssal Magic Bullshit to the mix.

Hell depending on how you do it you can easily set up where every carrier task force (shipgirl including) is at risk to what happens to HMS Glorious when she met the Terrible Twins...

And yes I know what happened with that fuck up and how it's a pitch perfect case of what not to do. But author fait combine with AMB for story usage.

Then you have the numbers game.

The US have 30 fleet carriers?

Guess what the Abyssal have!

90 of the things cause fuck you that's why.

And don't try to count the escort and lights carriers... The Intel weenies are crying....
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The thing is, Guadalcanal actually proved that carriers were vulnerable to battleships, because it proved that it was possible to hide outside of carrier aircraft range, dash in after dark, and cover the distance to target; some kind of long-range recon like submarines or land-based air can track the carrier for you. (See also the fact Hornet was sunk by Japanese surface ship torpedoes after being disabled.) It isn't until late 1943-ish that carrier planes have the range and the scouting doctrine to really keep their mothership safe from battleships sneaking up on them assuming nobody screws up.
The thing is, Guadalcanal actually proved that carriers were vulnerable to battleships, because it proved that it was possible to hide outside of carrier aircraft range, dash in after dark, and cover the distance to target; some kind of long-range recon like submarines or land-based air can track the carrier for you. (See also the fact Hornet was sunk by Japanese surface ship torpedoes after being disabled.) It isn't until late 1943-ish that carrier planes have the range and the scouting doctrine to really keep their mothership safe from battleships sneaking up on them assuming nobody screws up.
And even now it's still a grade A pain to find a ship that wants to be hidden.

Emissions Control and good positioning can still screw over people with the best toys at the worst of times.

And if the crew feels like it's a good day to die?
Carriers murderise Abyssals quite well in GG.

It's just that well, America built more carriers than every other nation combined, and none of those American carriers have come back...

Anyway the other thing to consider is that until this year, the general assumption in KC had been that the Abyssals were the USN. Now it's all fine and well to say that carriers should be ruling the roost, but when you have fewer carriers than the enemy, and the enemy has qualitative and quantitative superiority, and when yiu're fighting the freaking USN that's an unstoppable horde... Well there's only so much they can do.
One would think that Abyssals would have free reign to crush all then.. Hilarious how if bad guys have this much plot armor, people hate on it and call it wank.

Part of how the US carriers could rule the roost was because at any one time, the fast carrier task force ciuld bring 1000 planes to any party.

The thing is, Guadalcanal actually proved that carriers were vulnerable to battleships, because it proved that it was possible to hide outside of carrier aircraft range, dash in after dark, and cover the distance to target; some kind of long-range recon like submarines or land-based air can track the carrier for you. (See also the fact Hornet was sunk by Japanese surface ship torpedoes after being disabled.) It isn't until late 1943-ish that carrier planes have the range and the scouting doctrine to really keep their mothership safe from battleships sneaking up on them assuming nobody screws up.
This sounds situation really.

If this:

Counts as whining about realism to you instead of, y'know, pointing out the ridiculousness of trying to play up the realism card in a fic with this premise - as you are when you say that the girls who aren't carriers should be rendered irrelevant by realistic real-life tactics - then you must see a lot of normal discussion as whining an whinging.
*sigh* Read my posts and comprehend what I am saying. Then get back to me.

I'm talking specifically about the BB vs carrier thing

Well we can see it in the fact that gun ships are still relevant, for a start...
You haven't answered anything like at all. This sentence is just for the sake of it. I'm saying they shouldn't at all.

Belated Battleships deliberately guts the carriers by having them nearly not be there at all and then the focus of the fic being on BB. It even explains why the big gun ships are relevant. The question I was asking and saying people should ask is why are the big guns ships relevant in the first place. Shipgirl magic has the ships spirits come back and still have all their capabilities as ships making them superhuman. Some fics have levelling affects to explain them and Abyssals beating up human/modern navies. But nowhere has it been made of BB being due to magic superior to carriers.

And I say all this as someone who likes BB ships or fleet battles of ships fighting each other rather then "Lol. planes in the air bombing all chumps to dust! GG"

edit: Hell for a rationalization, you could have it that the shipgirls being in command of all their guns and having the rangefinders and radar so as part of their senses can combine them so as to have more accurate targeting for the anti-aircraft guns plus them being quote small compared to their former bodies. And they can fire them at command rather then have fallible humans doing the firing. Hell the girls are far more agile in their new form compared to the old forms. Allows for more dodging.
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