Kantai Collection - Fanfic Idea and Recs

On a different note, Kancolle fics that deal with romance between the kanmusu and/or the admiralty or other humans assisting them in a believable way?
With the coming of jets, I wonder if they will start including more prototype things and post war things.

The R2Y Keiun only got a prototype made that was a prop plane, which never exited its testing stage due to lack of time, money, and fuel and so never performed that well due to lack of development. With more time and money, maybe it could have been great.

In this game, the Keiun is a great multi role aircraft, and can also be a jet, which was only a proposal, no finalized blueprints were made.

Could we see this like a Taiho Expanded Project, like the World of Warships carrier that is named Hakuryu?
They could start pulling out blueprint designs that actually had some basic design work started, or even simply proposals with only intended objectives, assigning them a name, and making them.
A lot of proposal designs from every nation would have crazy stats, though once they entered the design and engineering phase a lot of unforeseen issues like real world physics might require the proposals exiting their final design phase looking less like a super weapon due to having to give up a lot of their ambitious objectives, though still impressive.

Or perhaps, going into post-war designs.
There's a few post war designs that were prototyped or just proposed when the war was going on.

Some post war light carrier designs for example were actually superior to war era fleet carrier designs. Better compartmentalization durability, damage control systems, and trained crew making them more durable.
Better plane count for their size. A lot of experimental carriers during the war misused their space. Well, the space wasn't really wasted, but simply used for trial and error testing. Experimental testbeds to see what design was optimal.
A post war carrier with things like angled side deck, open hanger vents, side elevator, and a modern flight control with better sensor and communication would also be able to put up a strike force in minutes what a early war era carrier would take hours.
Maybe that could be represented by an extra phase of air strikes or attacks? Better accuracy and volume of fire could be symbolized with extra attacks or other in game mechanisms.

The issue with going into post war designs is that there weren't really German, Italian, Japanese, and other Axis nation post war designs until past the 1950s, sometimes far past the 1950s. So there's a more limited selection to choose from and less variety.
A Japanese design tree could be filled out with proposal designs, picking back up again in the late 1900s and 2000s.
So I think they might not go into post war designs due to the trouble finding information on things like that.
Kancolle actually has had something of a stern implementation between paper and historical for a while now.

In terms of ships, they stick to vessels that are at least floating and nearly complete (hence, Graf Zeppelin and Aquila), and then let their imaginations wild with any remodels, e.g. the Fusou-class Kai Ni's or the Shoukaku-class Kai Ni's. However, the common thread is that they have never introduced ships that didn't actually exist, therefore no stuff like Montanas or the Kii class.

On the other hand, Kancolle has always gone wild with paper equipment, for example the Sextuple Torpedo Mount that was never actually built, and of course the 51cm guns meant for the so-called "Super Yamato". So them using the paper versions of jets that have never existed isn't unprecedented in Kancolle.
Kancolle actually has had something of a stern implementation between paper and historical for a while now.

In terms of ships, they stick to vessels that are at least floating and nearly complete (hence, Graf Zeppelin and Aquila), and then let their imaginations wild with any remodels, e.g. the Fusou-class Kai Ni's or the Shoukaku-class Kai Ni's. However, the common thread is that they have never introduced ships that didn't actually exist, therefore no stuff like Montanas or the Kii class.

On the other hand, Kancolle has always gone wild with paper equipment, for example the Sextuple Torpedo Mount that was never actually built, and of course the 51cm guns meant for the so-called "Super Yamato". So them using the paper versions of jets that have never existed isn't unprecedented in Kancolle.

Would under the above criteria on ships allow, for example, the introduction of Ibuki either as a CA or a CVL (as she was converted), and Sparviero? Because I am seriously considering to introduce them in TWSF.
Kancolle Style volume three has been published, and with it comes a new interview with game director Kensuke Tanaka. Mostly it was nothing new, and we already see the images of Sara's rigging details posted earlier, but here are some highlights.

Kensuke Tanaka Interview: Kancolle Style Vol. 3 - Kancolle Wiki

Editor-in-chief (E): Congratulations! KanColle: The Movie is finally out in theaters!

Producer Tanaka (T): Thank you. With the movie, we were able to conclude one of KanColle's stories for our admirals. To all the admirals who watched our movie in theaters, thank you very much!

E: How was the response?

T: I was involved in not just the overall plot and concept art but also the screenplay, setting design, and recording as well. It was thanks especially to [Shouta] Amano-san (a producer at Diomedea) and his colleagues that we were able to get KanColle across on the silver screen.

E: Hiryuu and others had a big role, even if they didn't appear on screen!

T: Yeah (sob). We put a lot of work into the Eighth Fleet's night battle at the beginning of the movie [Aoba, Choukai, etc.], but in the end we unfortunately had to cut out a lot due to production constraints... All the fleets, CarDiv 2 included of course, were fighting. You can still catch a glimpse of it in the movie, I think.

E: This year's Fall event has ended. I wouldn't have believed we would go from a search operation in "Shangri-La" to that atoll if you had told me beforehand - it was quite the shock.

T: It left a big impression on me seeing that cola bottle* as a student... We had decided far ahead of time to make Saratoga the final map of this event, so the rest of the event was actually designed working backwards from there.

*probably referring to Saratoga's wreck, the wiki notes. Does this imply Tanaka himself has been there?

E: Yamakaze is another new ship that leaves quite the impression!

T: The actual Yamakaze was kept back near the mainland, which makes her rather unusual. She had the shortest career of any of the Shiratsuyu-class. She sank alone into the dark sea, so close to the mainland and at the beginning of the war, so that tragic demise is a part of her...

...and again, a note of amazement that the game was alive until now.

T: Next month happens to be 3 years and 8 months since KanColle launched. It feels like just yesterday that I told Okamiya-san (DMM) prior to launch that I thought we could last at least half a year.

E: 3 years and 8 months... it really feels it all happened in the blink of an eye.

T: It's thanks to the admirals who received a niche game like KanColle so readily that we've been able to get this far. I am truly grateful. Please continue enjoying KanColle with your shipgirls this December and New Year.
Dear SV, I haven't been around in a while, but I come with Kancolle related questions.

There might be a western port - or more likely pirated version and scam - of Kancolle with GoGames.

I say this because there are certain things that are off about it. For one, there are pictures of girls who aren't part of the standard Kancolle lineup on the registry and main internet pages and the logo is altered. Tenryuu - the only one I can identify, is in a different pose and outfit. In the youtube video that's been put on the Kancolle Wiki, http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/File:KanColle-Cool_free_battle_game_(gogames.me), they reveal other things, like the car for Ding Yuan - which is apparently a Chinese ironclad even if the card claims it's a BB. The background on the cards look different, the scouting plane as part of the battle sequence looks like a MiG instead of a float plane, additional units include Zhi Yuan - another Chinese Cruiser, Varyag who has a flight deck - which probably makes her the Soviet CV Riga which was renamed Varyag and eventually sold to the Chinese PLAN, and Ding Yuan's sister ship Zhen Yuan. Oh, and apparently Northern Princess is obtainable if the list they show in the video is correct along with a number of other Chinese warships and Dreadnought, Sacramento, and others. The list identifies the CV on the sign up page as Ark Royal and confirms that the reasonably dressed, glasses wearing possible battleship with a 61 on her vest beneath her suit coat-esque top is Iowa. This version of Iowa is also central to the logo.

The forum is full of moon runes and broken English if that. The few articles I've found related to this have been nonsensical. I have not been able to find any information on GoGames.me other than .me being the current domain code for Yugoslavia.

SV, my googlefu is not the strongest, can you tell me how hard they're trying to scam us?
Dear SV, I haven't been around in a while, but I come with Kancolle related questions.

There might be a western port - or more likely pirated version and scam - of Kancolle with GoGames.

I say this because there are certain things that are off about it. For one, there are pictures of girls who aren't part of the standard Kancolle lineup on the registry and main internet pages and the logo is altered. Tenryuu - the only one I can identify, is in a different pose and outfit. In the youtube video that's been put on the Kancolle Wiki, http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/File:KanColle-Cool_free_battle_game_(gogames.me), they reveal other things, like the car for Ding Yuan - which is apparently a Chinese ironclad even if the card claims it's a BB. The background on the cards look different, the scouting plane as part of the battle sequence looks like a MiG instead of a float plane, additional units include Zhi Yuan - another Chinese Cruiser, Varyag who has a flight deck - which probably makes her the Soviet CV Riga which was renamed Varyag and eventually sold to the Chinese PLAN, and Ding Yuan's sister ship Zhen Yuan. Oh, and apparently Northern Princess is obtainable if the list they show in the video is correct along with a number of other Chinese warships and Dreadnought, Sacramento, and others. The list identifies the CV on the sign up page as Ark Royal and confirms that the reasonably dressed, glasses wearing possible battleship with a 61 on her vest beneath her suit coat-esque top is Iowa. This version of Iowa is also central to the logo.

The forum is full of moon runes and broken English if that. The few articles I've found related to this have been nonsensical. I have not been able to find any information on GoGames.me other than .me being the current domain code for Yugoslavia.

SV, my googlefu is not the strongest, can you tell me how hard they're trying to scam us?

Per my answer on SB:

VERY HARD. I'm surprised that version is still alive. That is 100 percent fake. Do not play it, do not support it in any way. KanColle is only hosted on dmm.com.

The last time this happened, a bootleg chinese server hosted an entire ripoff version of KC, like 100% copy paste. When discovered, the Chinese part of the fandom then took matter to their own hands and ddos'd that pirate server repeatedly.

Supplemental Information;
Chinese fans fight against pirate takeover of community
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Would under the above criteria on ships allow, for example, the introduction of Ibuki either as a CA or a CVL (as she was converted), and Sparviero? Because I am seriously considering to introduce them in TWSF.

Only speaking for myself, I believe that as a CVL, Ibuki could be summoned as she was sufficiently advanced in construction to have equipping officers assigned and therefore in fact a crew.
Only speaking for myself, I believe that as a CVL, Ibuki could be summoned as she was sufficiently advanced in construction to have equipping officers assigned and therefore in fact a crew.

Thanks for the insight! As for Sparviero, I have decided that since Aquila is in, there's no reason she can't . So she'll be in my story as well.

Listening to this makes me almost regret not including Submarine Princess in my story. Perhaps I could write an unrelated oneshot at some point...
Well, didn't take too long for me to start getting interested in KC after picking Arpeggio and World of Warships up...

Now here I am gnawing on the idea of a reborn Arizona (using the plot idea of many Ship Girls being reincarnated) as America's first Ship Girl.

Perhaps in the defense of Pearl Harbor (and the as-yet still a ship ship Missouri).

'The Reaper had made the miscalculation of coming while she was awake. This time there was going to be a fight.'

Tom106's latest animated music video is up. You may remember him from the Ooi/Kitakami and Akagi videos.

It features Satsuki and the Mutsuki-class in general. Yes it is a bit generic-looking at the beginning but by the second half it became something more. It references Satsuki's Captain's sword, which can be seen in her Kai-2 rigging. It also features an interesting idea on how tanks may be used by shipgirls (I am so stealing that) and animated appearances of Ancient Destroyer hime and Lycoris Hime.
It features Satsuki and the Mutsuki-class in general. Yes it is a bit generic-looking at the beginning but by the second half it became something more. It references Satsuki's Captain's sword, which can be seen in her Kai-2 rigging. It also features an interesting idea on how tanks may be used by shipgirls (I am so stealing that) and animated appearances of Ancient Destroyer hime and Lycoris Hime.
His videos continue having a lot of Gundam references.
So uh, now that I've read Belated Battleships and most of Skywalker's stuff, (and I don't want to dig through 260 pages) what are y'alls recommended reading?
So one thing I've been wondering about
What's the deal with Shigure? It seems she's really really popular, but I can't quite tell why, or get a read on her personality from the fanworks I've seen with her in them, and all the wiki offered was something about PTSD over Night Battles. Could someone here explain her better?

Tom106's latest animated music video is up. You may remember him from the Ooi/Kitakami and Akagi videos.
There are others like this? Sweet.
So one thing I've been wondering about
What's the deal with Shigure? It seems she's really really popular, but I can't quite tell why, or get a read on her personality from the fanworks I've seen with her in them, and all the wiki offered was something about PTSD over Night Battles. Could someone here explain her better?

There are others like this? Sweet.

Shigure is the last survivor of the disastrous Battle of Surigao Strait, in which all other Japanese ships were wiped out, including her own unit, the Nishimura Fleet: Fusou, Yamashiro, Mogami, Michisio, Asagumo, and Yamagumo. For this reason they are often depicted in a quasi-familial relationship, one of the most famous examples in KanColle where ships that served together either for long periods or on a significant event gets depicted as a family.

The same artist above has a video on them:

Danbooru pool 9549 is focused on them.

Other videos by the artist:

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So uh, now that I've read Belated Battleships and most of Skywalker's stuff, (and I don't want to dig through 260 pages) what are y'alls recommended reading?
Kantai Collection: The Greatest Generation
It's basically the codifier or originator of a lot of the common themes you see in English speaking KC works. You kmow all those tired Kancolle fanfic cliches? They're only cliches because GG did thm so well at the start.

There's also @ColdGoldLazarus 's new story, which you could ask them about. They're n the thread right now, I guess. @CV12Hornet has their fic Red in Tooth and Claw (Kantai Collection), and the Things no longer allowed involving ship girls.(kancolle/kantai collection) has a lot of snips in the threadmarks by the same.

Blizzard of the Red Castle [KanColle]
Really well written group project.

There are a few posters on this page with KC wiritng projects, like @ARBITRACOM . Check their signatures!

Also, go to the equivalent thread on spacebattles. They have the snips threadmarked.
Kantai Collection, Fanfic Idea and Recs
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Shigure also had quite an interesting life during the Guadalcanal campaign under Hara's command. She lost no crew miraculously during the campaign and was responsible for quite a bit of damage too.

That said, Hara was transferred to a shore facility after the campaign and only during Ten-Go would he command a ship again, Yahagi.
So... I noticed that Anime America had a KanColle review and looked at it. It was literally all of two minutes long, if that, and Robyn stated that it was full of moe and was Strike Witches with boats. The rest was her stating other series she wanted to review at the start of the video and getting shot down as they were "Called" or just wasting time with things like making "Spoofs".


Why they even bothered to make it is beyond me...

Tom106's latest animated music video is up. You may remember him from the Ooi/Kitakami and Akagi videos.

It features Satsuki and the Mutsuki-class in general. Yes it is a bit generic-looking at the beginning but by the second half it became something more. It references Satsuki's Captain's sword, which can be seen in her Kai-2 rigging. It also features an interesting idea on how tanks may be used by shipgirls (I am so stealing that) and animated appearances of Ancient Destroyer hime and Lycoris Hime.

Gundam Barbatos cameo and Satsuki doing Exia's Daybreak's Bell sword slash is awesome :D