Pain jabbed into your skull as you woke, a drowsy haze still blurring your thoughts. Your mouth tasted funny and you had to resist scrapping it against just licking something at random to get the taste out of your mouth.
Stretching your legs you started to roll over preparing to adjust for your sisters presence as you made to get more comfortable.
Except you couldn't roll over, tight straps holding your still to what was most certainly not the sand of your nest. It was only a momentary surge of energy that allowed you to peel your eyes open with great effort. You were somewhere unfamiliar, yet it seemed almost like you had been here or at least somewhere like it.
You were in a large white room, strapped a hard shiny thing with thin straps of some sort. The room was almost rectangular, with several other objects scattered about including at least two others like the one you were strapped too. two of the two legs were chattering lowly in the corner of the room saying things in there garbled grunts that you could only just barley make out from background noise.
"Checkup--- going well--- don't understa---------- yes, that might------- anesthesia should last-----day."
The sounds just as meaningless as ever as you struggled against the heavy fog in your mind, as your muscles tensed against the restraints. A strange whir echoed in your ears as one of the walls slid apart revealing a single two leg on the other side.
Dino Do What?
[ ] Break out
-[ ] Loudly
-[ ] Quietly
--[ ] Run for the doors!
--[ ] Try To Approach the Humans
[ ] Stay where you are
-[ ] Go back to sleep
-[ ] Feign Sleep
-[ ] Start Cursing Mimicking human speech
-[ ] Listen to Humans for a while
[ ] Write In