Decided that if you want a problem solved then you may as well be part of the solution. So...

Thankfully Chaos Mode isn't too complicated under the hood. But boy, I forgot how tedious it is to work with RPG Maker 2000.
Oh hey people are meeting Araki at Lucca con in Italy right now.
Edit: I'll try to collect every thread about Araki

^This is a massive 20-post thread, click on it.

^This is ALSO a massive 20-post thread, click on it too.
Holy fuck we're getting truth bombs dropped on us.
The World breathes in stopped time using his oxygen tanks.
Anasui turned into a guy because of popularity.
Shigechi is still Araki's favourite(mostly because of his stand)

Oh shit.
Last edited:
Well hopefully this counts as a meaningful discussion contribution, but I had a fan stand idea I wanted to share, and this seems like the place to do it.

Name: Fortunate Son
English Dub Name: Lucky Boy
Power: D
Speed: B
Range: B
Durability: C
Precision: A
Potential: A
Ability: Fortunate Son is a sentient stand that can make itself invisible to stand users, including its own. Other stands may still affect it if they can deduce its location, and if it takes deliberate damage from another stand user, it is forced to become visible for 30 seconds. Fortunate Son is also able to whisper thoughts into its user's mind that can easily be mistaken for their own impulses. Like many Sentiant Stands Fortunate son can speak to others.
Personality: Fortunate Son is a stand that, as the name may suggest, wishes above all else to provide its user with what can be perceived as 'Good Luck' at any cost, save one: it does not want anyone to know it exists, including its user, as the knowledge of it's existence would severely complicate the user's life in a negative way. This desire compels Fortunate Son into acting in subtle ways, rather than more blatant ones. Fortunate Son is quite arrogant and believes it knows it's users wants and needs more than they do, and would defy outright orders from its user if they ever learned of its existence.

The user I had in mind would likely be a villain of the week who is a timid, good-natured, generally kind person that had a rough life prior to receiving their stand. Then they happened upon a series of good luck, a winning lottery ticket blew down the street, allowing them to pay off all thier current debts, including thier mortgage that was dangerously close to foreclosure. A nagging impulse to come home early and surprise their Significant Other revealed a long-running affair they were totally unaware of, freeing them from a toxic relationship. And most recently their abusive boss committed very obvious suicide out of the blue in the middle of a workday, note, and all! Leaving the user in line for a promotion that had secretly been denied them by the same boss for years despite being more than qualified for the role. This goes on for a while and eventually, the MCs read an article on his great luck figure out thatTHIS MUST BE THE WORK OF AN ENEMY 「STAND」and investigate, only to find that Fortunate Son's user has no clue what a stand is, though they come to realize this person definitely has one because they can see MC's Stands. The fight then becomes a question of if they can get Fortunate Son to back down without having to kill the user, who despite the benefits they have received on behalf of Fortunate Son is still very much a victim here, being horrified by some of the more extreme measures Fortunate Son took.
Oh hey people are meeting Araki at Lucca con in Italy right now.
Edit: I'll try to collect every thread about Araki

^This is a massive 20-post thread, click on it.

^This is ALSO a massive 20-post thread, click on it too.
Holy fuck we're getting truth bombs dropped on us.
The World breathes in stopped time using his oxygen tanks.
Anasui turned into a guy because of popularity.
Shigechi is still Araki's favourite(mostly because of his stand)

Oh shit.

Can you tell me what's there? the twitter thread won't load for me.
French Musician Michael Polnareff feels honored by his inspirations of Araki's Polnareff and Oda's Dolflamingo.
He also thanks fans of the series for their enthusiasm and welcoming attitude.

If you've followed his account he occasionally posted "I am Polnareff/Dolflamingo" but I think this is the first physical address from him.
Unfortunately I don't speak French, so my information is from this bfmtv article.

Michel Polnareff remercie les fans de deux mangas pour leur soutien

Le chanteur, très populaire au Japon, a inspiré les personnages de deux mangas cultes, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure et One Piece. Il remercie les fans de ces œuvres dans une vidéo.

It's always really cool to see the musicians referenced by Jojo acknowledging the series.

Sometimes, past a certain hour of the night, you just end up doodling aggressively stupid JJBA AUs.

Jonathan's headless body reanimates and pops up in season 5 to shower a very confused Giorno with affection. He can't talk, but he gives great hugs! Giorno has no context for anything.
Apparently there's a theory that Mikitaka is an amnesiac Kars? Which is amazing, and would be even funnier if he still looked like a giant Aztec muscle vampire (with an inexplicable phobia of Josuke's dad)
And finally:

King JJ is a Jojo, change my mind.
I regret nothing
Source: me!