By the way, whose the lady that was attacking Wympe? She seems like an asshole.
Gladiia, an Abyssal Hunter that's dangerously close to turning into a Seaborn herself. She's Specter's direct superior and outranks Skadi.

As a consul and company captain, she's privy to everything about the Seaborn and the Abyssal Hunters. I think she was also involved in the creation of the Abyssal Hunters in the first place. Currently, she's using Bishop Quintus to cure Specter's amnesia and trying to get Skadi to join her on her trip back to the ocean. Once she has what she wants, she kills the Bishop.

All the Abyssal Hunters are terrible diplomats. Skadi prefers to avoid talking to people even when it would solve many of her problems, Specter will punch people and call it diplomacy, and Gladiia is incredibly snobbish and dismissive of anyone that isn't Kal'tsit or another Abyssal Hunter.
Thinking on it I highly doubt the Seaborn would be able to use an abnormality as evolution material considering that abnormalities are basically embodiments of individualism, they exist as what they are and only what they are, unchanging and immovable.

When I head of Bloodfiend seaborn I couldn't help but think of Nosferatu coming up to Ishlar-mla, a gaggle of Bloodfiendish Seaborn in his hands, and saying

Nosferatu: "My children now."

We have no idea where Skadi is, but Anita said she left. That's weird, Skadi should still be around since she hasn't made contact with Specter and Gladiia yet and we know she hasn't since Bishop Quintus is still alive. We need to find her ASAP and let Wympe heal before we dive into Quintus' lair. Fighting souped-up Seaborn with a injured Wympe does not sound like a fun time in Sieg's current state.

She's in the Bishop's basement

In the corner, there is a brilliant water sphere- inside which awaits a white-haired woman, deep in her slumber, deep in the throes of her madness. A brilliant vat of water, in which she rests.

Unless there are other white-haired mad women in this city that I didn't know about.

Edit: Oh, right, Specter, duh.
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By the way, whose the lady that was attacking Wympe? She seems like an asshole.
Gladiia. Abyssal Hunter Captain, should be relative in strength to a High-End Grade 1 Fixer to Low-End Color. Though if she got used to fighting on land as she does in the water, there isn't much of a debate to if she be a Color-threat or not. She attack Wympe to mercy kill her since she clearly turning into a seaborn. Though when we arrive and she saw Capone's ability she mistook us for being part of the Church of the Deep. So a misunderstanding already c:
She's in the Bishop's basement
Skadi probably on the move, more so since Gladiia is more active I guess. Considering the timeline, as in the hundredth flood is happening, she might be fighting Irene (which mean High Inquisitor is here), though fighting is being too nice on Irene, more like Skadi just not caring as Irene try to kill her. Or Irene is at the hundredth flood putting a stop to it, as I remember her saying. Also rereading the event made me realized how racist Irene was.

Regardless, the seaborn should be invading soon if event play out the same.

Also here what the hundredth thing is about:
In other news, I've been binging some of Arkngiht's side stories lately. Enough to realize a few things.

The first is that I want to see Netzach interact with the Sui siblings. Mostly on the grounds of drinking with Ling and figuring out what he thinks of Dusk's paintings since he wants to be a painter himself. Not sure how that would pan out, though.

The second is that Library of Ruina has utterly ruined any sort of benevolent Corporation for me because every time I see Rhodes Island Pharmaceuticals do something nice or hear someone praise it for how good it is, I can't help but be more suspicious of it.

There was a point where one of the characters said "Rhodes Island won't lead you astray, so you can follow their orders" or where RIP gives the Infected medicine for free, and I went immediately on guard, trying to find the catch.
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[X] Plan: First Aid and Investigation

The second is that Library of Ruina has utterly ruined any sort of benevolent Corporation for me because every time I see Rhodes Island Pharmaceuticals do something nice or hear someone praise it for how good it is, I can't help but be more suspicious of it.
This is how the members of our Office stuck at Rhodes Island feel.
The first is that I want to see Netzach interact with the Sui siblings. Mostly on the grounds of drinking with Ling and figuring out what he thinks of Dusk's paintings since he wants to be a painter himself.
We also now have a brother now, ChongYue.

I kinda knew that they wouldn't go that route, but I kinda thought the brother might look like Dusk male form they had a few century ago and during part the event

The second is that Library of Ruina has utterly ruined any sort of benevolent Corporation for me because every time I see Rhodes Island Pharmaceuticals do something nice or hear someone praise it for how good it is, I can't help but be more suspicious of it.

This legit remind me of that one moment where someone asked "How do kids pay you back for the treatment?" and the OP just point to the kids doing art and craft and saying "They're contributing to Rhodes Island by cutting up the confetti for the birthday party later on."
K Corp: "How do you make money by just giving your products away for Free?!"
R.I.: "umm, we have a lot of side jobs and other products that makes a lot more money that will easily cover any sort of treatment plan we give these children? "
K Corp: "Unbelievable! You can easily take all the organs of these children for experiment purposes and sell their cropses to District 23! "
R.I.: "... I think we should stop talking to each other."
K Corp: "Agree, you charity worker, don't come near me or my corporation! Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to make money. Like a corporation should!"
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I wonder if Arabella has a measure of control over the bloodfiend seaborn in a sort of vampire thrall situation. But either way she's gonna go on the warpath once we get her out of that fucky seaborn algae shit.
She's appeared twice now and there's been no mention of fish Mom's fishy fish thigh gap, for shame
I feel kinda iffy on the plan but I can't quite figure out why, so whatever. it's probably because Adrien is useless and should be thrown into the ocean.
[X] Plan: First Aid and Investigation
Either way we get to see the bishop dead like a pig.
Also on controlling the seaborn... I don't see it happening that likely, but it could work? I mean even the big man himself, mister N have bloodfiend bats as that he controls around, maybe they can have control on animals? IDK
I dont think its a good idea to use N man as a comparison given that he is now confirmed to be the grand daddy dilf of all bloodfiends.

Plus, from what we see of how Vermillion Cross is controlled. It would probably require a lot more blood than what little of Arabella is put inside these sea beasts.
Man. For a couple seconds I got the dialogue messed up, and thought it was Capone handing Wympe her arm back and going "need a hand?" before I realized it was still Sieghart speaking. Our new member's still acclimating well, I suppose, it'll just take longer for the insanity to set in.

Either way...At least Wympe's doing alright. The fact that she's definitely dealing with weird fucked up body changes is a problem, but seeing as we're probably gonna be joining up with RI after this wraps up, Nicole could probably give her a bit of advice on that front. Arabella, though...

I am very worried about Arabella distorting. She's a natural city-dweller who's been more than adequately exposed to the Light, bordering on delirium, and incredibly emotional at the moment. I have faith in Sieg to work his funny magic words if we get the opportunity (especially on a member of his own office), but if she distorts in front of three fucking abyssal hunters, we might not even have a moment.

Anyways, that's just worry for later. For now,

[X] Plan: First Aid and Investigation

Adrien may be useless, but Capone definitely isn't. Man's cracked, and is figuring out more and more shit he can do. I think it's safe to leave this in his hands; He's active enough to take initiative and use his EGO if Wympe's condition starts degrading, too. If we get lucky, Adrien's gonna just bolt when there's no authority figure, do his own thing, and summarily die, and we can move on from there.
I am very worried about Arabella distorting. She's a natural city-dweller who's been more than adequately exposed to the Light, bordering on delirium, and incredibly emotional at the moment. I have faith in Sieg to work his funny magic words if we get the opportunity (especially on a member of his own office), but if she distorts in front of three fucking abyssal hunters, we might not even have a moment.
She technically is already a distortion. I don't think she can distort any further without a fuck ton of Light.
[X] Plan: First Aid and Investigation
This plan seems fine. I can't really think of anything we're possibly missing

On other news, I've done Turbulence Office and I beat it using the power of angry man, his best friend, and his still very much dead wife.

[X] Plan: First Aid and Investigation

I would be annoyed over the fact that some people don't seem to care about Adrien getting killed when he's overall been less hostile to us than Capone was when he met us, but then I remember, HEY, we're from the City. Amorality is expected.

Also damn Gladiia is dead. Sieg's going to damn dismember her for hurting Wympe and getting Arabella in that situation no matter what she says.
[X] Plan: First Aid and Investigation

There was a point where one of the characters said "Rhodes Island won't lead you astray, so you can follow their orders" or where RIP gives the Infected medicine for free, and I went immediately on guard, trying to find the catch.

Rhine Labs has the catch, not Rhodes Island.
[X] Plan: First Aid and Investigation
Also damn Gladiia is dead. Sieg's going to damn dismember her for hurting Wympe and getting Arabella in that situation no matter what she says.
I don't think he'd even get the chance to, with how cluttered Sal Viento is going to be stepping out of line in any way isn't going to end well, especially not for foreigners like Sieg and co.
She'd probably survive the attempt anyways, girl took a fist through the chest from The First to Speak like a champ... I think.. probably.. I don't quite remember that portion of Under Tides as well as I'd like
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In Rhode Island, the catch is being nice or else.
Also, We might need to go there just for better equipment's alone, they do have a blacksmith who is extremely good at her job.
Just another reason on our big list of reasons to go to that place. Yeah?
Also what are the chances of other city people coming over?
for me, High, I'm half expecting that mystery faction be the city and half expecting it being our office.
I don't think he'd even get the chance to, with how cluttered Sal Viento is going to be stepping out of line in any way isn't going to end well, especially not for foreigners like Sieg and co.
She'd probably survive the attempt anyways, girl took a fist through the chest from The First to Speak like a champ.
If this is the case then maybe we ought to get the hell out of dodge once we've retrieved Arabella. The only issue that really concerns Sieghart after that is the seaborn-ification of Wympe and whether it's reversible or not
Her nano machine is already dealing with it, and after some Flesh control from our dear little bloodfiend, she might be able to just completely remove the root of the cause, which being the cells or the remains of those things.
or we go to the opposite direction and try to control the cells to make a hunter out of her.
But I don't want to try, that feels like experimenting on our friends and it makes my guilt goblin try to kill me.
Or let's see if abnormality power has can overpower the seaborn and make her a bloodfiend....
Nope, the guilt is still eating away at me, I'm not trying that.
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If this is the case then maybe we ought to get the hell out of dodge once we've retrieved Arabella. The only issue that really concerns Sieghart after that is the seaborn-ification of Wympe and whether it's reversible or not
it's pretty much already too late, Under Tides has already started, Skadi's already here, Irene and Dario are either already there or really close and Kal'tsit is pretty much right on their tail, and every single person of interest here (except Kal'tsit) is heading towards Quintus, and he has Arabella, and Specter, there's no getting out of this at this point, doubly so because there's no way in hell the Inquisition is ever letting Wympe get out of the country when she's basically already a seaborn now.