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To be fair, Nicole was raised under the pretext of being feed to the thing, and Roland seems to be early in his career as a Fixer so greened. I always wonder if the smoke that the Smiling Faces used share a link to Old L-Corp's singularity since after the wings fallen, some singularity just become available for public used. Though I don't know if is just Nicole's smoke or most smoke base ability in LoR
At first, I thought the change was faster due to Wympe's willpower being shit (which might also still be in play), but could the augmentation be causing the mutation to sped up?

I forgot to mention, despite the change notes to be fast, Sieg didn't noticed any kind of mutation. So no surface level shit

...Do you think that the augmentations are actually helping Wympe adjust to the Seaborn to be similar to the Abyss Hunter? The Abyss Hunters do not look different on a surface level, not until much later to my knowledge. It could also just be that Sieg can not notice any changes or the changes are more subtle.
...Do you think that the augmentations are actually helping Wympe adjust to the Seaborn to be similar to the Abyss Hunter? The Abyss Hunters do not look different on a surface level, not until much later to my knowledge. It could also just be that Sieg can not notice any changes or the changes are more subtle.
Iirc, the Abyss Hunters were made under like a control environment (someone correct me on that if I'm wrong), which Wympe isn't. Also they do have physical alteration, just not super visible like tentacle but skin change.

Also the Abyssal Hunter, (Skadi and co.) became stranded on land ever since the first Silence Era happened, and I believe that's like 80ish years ago? Which would give enough time for like one of them to have kid because I don't know how else Andreana would have connection to them.
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I don't think we actually know when the Abyssal Hunters got stranded, we don't even know when the "final" offensive against Ishar'Mla happened iirc.
I think there's a theory floating around that the "death" of Ishar'mla was what caused The Silence but for now it's just that, a theory, mostly based on the fact that the Endspeaker recreated the Silence or something close enough on the Stultifera that one time.

What we do know is that the Abyssal Hunters (Skadi mostly, according to Gladiia) haven't had the time (or maybe rather the opportunity) to fully acclimate to fighting on land which might imply that they haven't been there too long.
I think it was implied that Ulpianus was the one that was most accustomed to fighting on land but if I recall correctly then he was out of commission for a bit after the climatic fight.
We kinda don't really have enough information at the moment to do anything other than guess. I'm probably missing something anyways.

On the topic of Wympe's augments making her more Seaborn or more like an Abyssal Hunter.. it kinda.. doesn't matter? Its the same result anyways.
Gladiia has scales growing on her neck already and they apparently had to execute a lot of hunters that turned, so it's not like being one makes you that much more resistant than any other mentally strong person.
Keep in mind that the Hunters we've seen aren't really just any old Hunters, Gladiia and Ulpianus were squad leaders and Consuls while Skadi and Laurentina/Specter are veterans, so i'd say they're probably a fair bit more hardened than the "average"
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I think there's a theory floating around that the "death" of Ishar'mla was what caused The Silence but for now it's just that, a theory, mostly based on the fact that the Endspeaker recreated the Silence or something close enough on the Stultifera that one time.
Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't the Church of the Deep (CotD)'s plan for the Abyss Hunters to go back to Ægir to caused the 2nd Silence? I don't really know how them going back would trigger it but Ulpianus was trying to prevent them from heading back.

On the topic of Wympe's augments making her more Seaborn or more like an Abyssal Hunter.. it kinda.. doesn't matter? Its the same result anyways.
Gladiia has scales growing on her neck already and they apparently had to execute a lot of hunters that turned, so it's not like being one makes you that much more resistant than any other mentally strong person.
The result is the same but the time frame isn't, is mostly what I'm trying to get across. Is a matter of "Do we fight a fully turn Wympe now or do we get time to decided (distort her, mercy kill... idk pray) later." But fair enough I suppose. We also don't really know when they became Abyss Hunter, so they could be holding out for like a few decades or a few years.
Do you think there's a chance of Nicole/Smokestack getting the distortion stick eventually?

All of Sieg's friends are Distortion material it seems. Wympe has a weak will too. It wouldn't be difficult it seems if push come to shove, to distort her.
Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't the Church of the Deep (CotD)'s plan for the Abyss Hunters to go back to Ægir to caused the 2nd Silence? I don't really know how them going back would trigger it but Ulpianus was trying to prevent them from heading back.
I don't think so? At least I don't remember any plan involving Silence 2.0.
Ulpianus was trying to prevent them from going back but we don't really know why beyond there being something fishy going on in Ægir.
Or I could just be totally misremembering here, that's also an option.
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Fuck I'm too lazy to reread event... anyways, happy 3 years Doctors

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Scheduled vote count started by thenew on Jan 7, 2023 at 12:27 PM, finished with 43 posts and 18 votes.
Looking back, with the last interlude Nicole getting her lungs replaced every half a year takes on a much more disturbing context.

As someone who fought on the Smoke War, you genuinely don't understand how people can tolerate it. You fought an entire war to get rid of it, and now youngsters willingly shove it down their lungs. Kids these days.

This makes this so much worse as well. I think Sieg would cry if he found out why she keeps smoking >.<
spiderman pointing meme but its phase 2 black silence and smokebeast nicole
Imagine being traumatized enough that when the memories resurface you distort into le smoke monster.

Giving it a closer look, I always assume those black hole were that, holes (or Roland's mask), but it turn out to be faces. Zoom in you can see shading that look like screaming faces (8O). Tho the one with body and full head out are just Roland's masks in term of how they're shaded. Regardless they did a great job of making it look fucking gross.

If anything I probably assume the real thing would have actual meaty faces screaming instead.
Tho Nicole should be much worse, since Roland only saw the thing. He didn't ate it.
2.4 - Forward March
[X] Apologize for Adrien's behavior and try to explain that you're looking for your friend, the owner of the arm you're carrying. Be as friendly and nonthreatening as you can, shut Adrien up if he acts rude. Ask her for help/information and offer food in exchange.

2.4 - Forward March

The girl turns her head to the side, very clearly nervous. And scared.

You're reminded of these detective agency kids, roughly a week ago, in Lungmen. It's really the same thing: you just need to be friendly. And... well. Not say anything fucked up that will scare her. Also, she seems completely unthreatening.

...not say anything fucked up.


You turn towards Adrien, and do a "shut up" gesture with your index. Then, you slash it across your throat. If he fucks this up, you'll have his damn head, and now he knows that. Behind the black visor covering his face, you can see that he paled. Good.

"Good morning. I promise- we're not here to hurt you. Capone, Adrien, drop your weapons." you say.

As his crossbow and Adrien's sword clatter to the ground, you unsheathe your own weapon, and let it fall to the ground harmlessly.

"We're here to find someone- the owner of this arm. She's a friend of mine, and she was hurt very recently. What's your name?"

She looks at the floor, and scratches her head

"I'm Anita. You're… you're outsiders. Just like them. I think…"

She hesitates. She doesn't want to tell you who these outsiders are. You don't look very trustworthy, not now.

"I just went out looking for Bench…" she mutters to herself. "But… what are you looking for, here? There's been a lot of outsiders lately."

"I am looking for a friend. We… were separated, during a fight, and I'm trying to find her. I've been looking all around the coast- I had heard that she was hiding inside the caves. But I haven't made much progress. Could you help us? I have food, if you'd like something in exchange."

You point at your backpack. You brought quite a lot of it- you could share some.

"Some food would be nice… but are you looking for Wympe? She said she was looking for a friend, too."

Your heart almost jumps out of your throat. No, no, calm down, calm down.

"Yes, we are. I'm her boss. You can call me Sieghart."

She smiles at you. The nervous look doesn't leave her face, but it's fainter now. You breathe out in relief. It seems that everything is working out, despite your fears.

"Oh. You look strange. She looks like us, kinda. Her clothes aren't that weird. Just the thing around her neck. But you look very different from us. Do all outsiders wear these strange clothes?"

You chuckle.

"We wear all kinds of clothing, actually. If you go into the street, you typically just see the same old boring work clothes, but from time to time there's something interesting."

"The outside… it sounds like a wonderful place. Uh- I forgot to take you to Wympe. It's… it's just a few blocks from here. It shouldn't take long."

"It's not a bad place, that's for sure." you say, as Anita starts to walk away. "The two of you, let's go." you say to Capone and Adrien. One of Capone's tendrils slithers over the ground, picking up your discarded weapons.

You smile and follow the girl.

The streets of Sal Viento are just as decayed as the rest of the city. It given an appearance of past glory. This "nomadic city" was once rich, proud, and bustling, much like both the old L-Corp Nests were. It gives the air... of abandonment, yes. Someone has abandoned this city. The nation of Iberia, after... something happened, left everything in the city to rot.

Bricks and cement and metal has been corroded by the sea. The long metal ribcage that seems to cover the entirety of Sal Viento remains just as eerie as it was before.

The people are just as beaten down. Their faces are blank, their eyes darkened by despair. This is a people that has given up entirely- abandoning all hope for the future. You step past an old, grey-haired man, who endlessly sorts through a pile of rubble.

"Thirty-one, thirty-two, thirty-three." he counts. "Twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine. No, no. Twenty-eight, thirty-four."

Adrien walks closer to you and Anita.

"What's the old man doing?"

Anita almost jumps back, startled, but then smiles.

"Oh, that's just Rubble. He's sorting the pile. That one is the pile of round rocks, and the other one is the pointy rocks pile. It's what he does."

She seems melancholic, for a second there.

"We… we don't have names, for the most part. We pick them from whatever comes to mind. From things. Sheetmetal has a sheetmetal fence running over his house, Rockslide throws rocks down the roof of his house all day. I'm Anita- it's a name I picked from one Grandma Petra's stories. A girl that could sing. But they call me Woodframe, because Grandma found me underneath a picture frame."

It… is strange, indeed.

It reminds you of the poorer parts of District 17, and of the Singularity of Q-Corp, Questioning. In that place, everyone, from the youngest of children to the oldest of elders, reads. Their Singularity immerses the targets in histories, creating illusions in the mind of the reader so they legitimately believe they're in the story.

Some people, who don't have much resources to buy the higher-quality products, use the refuse of Q-Corp, the material that they dump in their Backstreets as trash, to go through the day and escape reality. The poorest of the poor.

Turns out, the material is thrown away for a reason. It's dangerous, unprotected. The illusions overwhelm the mind of an unprepared or weak-willed target, making them sincerely think they hail from the story. So, these parts of the Backstreets are filled with lunatics, who name themselves after characters of classic literature, repeating the parts in their stories.

While literary characters can be all sorts of things, to the point where some of these very desperate people try and consume these unstable books to become someone with a better mind or better words for a while, and punch above their weight for once, one might remember that literary characters are just that. Characters. They are lines, thoughts in paper and dialogue.

And once their role in the story ends, once you finish reading the final paragraph, what's left? Empty paper. The delusion, the dream of Q-Corp, never goes on forever. Once the short-lived battery of the Singularity known as Questioning shuts down, the dream vanishes like mist- and the minds of the victims go along.

So, the parts around the District 17 landfill are filled with this sort of people. Empty husks, staring at the wall, their role in the story long since over. If you go there, and call out half of the final monologue of Torchlight, one of Q-Corp's greatest fantasy hits, to the winds, it's very, very likely that half-a-dozen poor souls will continue it, and then go back into their stupor.

Yes, it is much like this. But these people haven't been possessed by a Singularity and then left to rot with empty minds. Something else happened.

"Most people here don't do much." says Anita. "We just wait for the bishop to come down, we wait for the sea to flow and bring us food, and we do these little things like Rockslide and Rubble. But I'm probably the only one who wants to do things, now. Like sew clothes, or make tools. Wympe said she's a Fixer, and the white-haired girl said she's a wandering singer, before she left. But I don't know what these things are. Do you know?"

Arabella told her she's a wandering singer? How strange. And… Arabella left?

"A Fixer…" you say "A Fixer is someone who does everything in the world, as long as he's paid for it."

It's not really wrong. Saying you're a mercenary is true, but it's incomplete.

"You know, a Fixer is a hired hand. If you need someone to help you in a task, there's probably a Fixer who'll accept the job. If you're scared of someone and you want protection, you hire a Fixer. If there's some threat to you and you need to get rid of it, you get a Fixer. If there's a fight between two people, they can each hire a Fixer, instead of getting it done themselves."

"So… you help people with anything they need? That… that sounds nice. It must be a nice place, from where you come from."

If only you knew, kid. If only you knew.

"And what's a singer?"

"Well, I've never heard of one. Sounds like someone who makes a living out of music, but I've never really seen anyone do that."

Perhaps Arabella was just messing with her. It does sound somewhat out of character... Arabella is the sort to loudly proclaim her bloody intentions. She'd describe herself as a slayer, or a killer. Perhaps Wympe made her calm down a little bit.

…you wonder what they're doing right now. Arabella left, didn't she? To vanish in the middle of the night. It sounds like her, but it's also too reckless. She is experienced. She would not leave a critically wounded Wympe alone…

It is sounding more suspect the more you think about it.

"How… peculiar." says Bishop Quintus.

He lays in the depths below his church. The herald of the sea is not here. In the corner, there is a brilliant water sphere- inside which awaits a white-haired woman, deep in her slumber, deep in the throes of her madness. A brilliant vat of water, in which she rests.

Strapped to the wall is another white-haired woman entirely, almost completely enveloped in a dark, gooey, toxic material that is one of the Seaborn's most devious creations.

Her eyes are closed, and her mouth has been covered entirely by this toxic algae.

Arabella, the Bloodsoaked Swordswoman, defeated by the Abyssal Hunter, who exploited her desire to protect a friend- and captured by the forces of the Seaborn- who exploited a moment of weakness. Even though her eyes are closed, a very faint sound comes out of her mouth.

"It was most unfortunate for you that the Abyssal Hunter struck a lucky blow. I have seen your battle. It was a most fierce combat, must I tell you. Even while staying your blade and conserving your strength to keep your friend alive, you resisted the advance of Ægir's cursed child admirably."

He walks closer to her, and lightly taps her forehead with a finger. As he does so, the vampire twitches in her sleep.

"It was very strange. You were left there to die. As her spear pierced your body, you fell. You were prepared to lay down your life, if it meant your unconscious friend could remain hidden. You hid her in the house of that little girl, and walked out to meet your end. How admirable of you, "Arabella." Most admirable indeed."

"You have been feeding on your friend, haven't you? Yes, I saw it. Through the eyes of my kin, I saw it. In a saddening attempt to purge the sea's blessing from your friend, you drained it from her body, day after day, even knowing that it would weaken you in the end. Why, had you not done so, you could have challenged the Ægir's spear much more comfortably. Well-" he says, smiling. "even while laying down half-dead in the beach, you still managed to kill many of my kin. It was very impressive."

He shakes his head.

"As you faced off with her, and she left your body to sink into the sea, I saw fit to bring you here. Do you know why?"

She does not answer. The bishop paces around the cave for a while, and kneels down to pick something up. Arabella's blade- submerged in a mass of Nethersea Brand. He slides his finger over the flat of the blade, admiring the metalwork. He does not know- but the truth is, Arabella forged it herself, from the iron of the blood of her many slain enemies.

Except no, not really. An average human being, even an augmented one, has around 3 grams of blood in their body, and it's a massive pain to extract it from the cells. Arabella's blade is made of a special Workshop alloy, weighs roughly half a kilogram, and does not use any iron in it. She just quenched the blade on a pool of blood after forging it.

Bishop Quintus does not know any of this. He just thinks it's a nice weapon.

"The Seaborn who consumed your blood, Vampire Sarkaz, seem to grow fiercer, faster, stronger. It is not an effect that I- or any other- predicted. Not even our herald saw this coming. What a fortuitous happening it is. Perhaps you will come to strengthen the ocean, just as I will."

There is no answer but a faint whisper, coming from Arabella's hidden lips.

" you not speak? Hm. You are muttering something, but I cannot understand it. Perhaps removing the Brand covering your face will give me some answers."

The dark material seems to melt off her face, revealing her sharp fangs and her still-bloody tongue. The words coming out of her mouth are clear, now.

"Kin. Kith. Kin. Kith. Kin. Kith." she repeats, endlessly.

"Ah. You have grown delirious from the blood loss. Fitting." he shrugs. "Well, I suppose you'll have some use as a bloodbag, even before your time comes to be redeemed of your faults. I forgive you, Sarkaz. For the crimes you have committed, against me and my brethen, I forgive you."

After saying these words, the Bishop of the Church of the Deep turns away from the Bloodfiend, trapped in her prison of Seaborn moss. The matter that would, in the future, grow to be known and feared as "Nethersea Brand." It burns through her flesh, and small needles of calcified bone pierce through her skin to collect her precious blood.

Yes, this is the blessing of the Nosferatu. Sixty-three years ago, a young woman received this power- a blessing, yet a curse- from her father, who had received it from his own father, who had received it from the Lord of Blood himself in the depths of that dark castle, during a luxurious ball. Yes, this is the life essence of a Bloodfiend, now drained and transferred to a few of the Seaborn of Sal Viento. It is a substance they cannot make heads or tails of, but they still attempt to exploit.

As Bishop Quintus turns away, he misses something important.

As Bishop Quintus turns away, he misses Arabella's singular opened eye, shining with undisguised hatred.

"We're almost there!" says Anita. "The house is almost-"

You stop moving.

You heard something.

"What happened?" says the girl.

These sounds… metal against metal, the impact on the pavement. It's faint, but it's there. It seems that the situation is not going to be as simple as you thought it would.

"Capone, Adrien, stay here." you say. "Capone, my sword."

Someone needs to keep the kid safe. You don't trust Adrien to do it, and neither do you trust him to fight alongside you. What an useless "guide" he has been.

You turn the street, just as Capone tosses your sword to you. You grab it mid-air and continue running. The scene before you is the scene of a duel.

Wympe is fighting someone.

Her eyes are slick with tears, her forehead is slick with sweat. There is a huge stab wound in her torso; Her hair is disheveled, and the bleeding stump in her side has been haphazardly bandaged with pieces of her own shirt.

She holds onto her white halberd with all the strength she can muster, standing in a haphazard guard stance with her remaining arm. It's a fragile and unstable stance- using a halberd with one arm is not something she's used to doing.

The attacker is standing on the other side of the street, spear pointed at the ground.

Red eyes, pale-white skin… overdesigned clothing. A double breasted, long tailed coat with ribbon-like lapels. For some reason, its appearance and the wearer's spear evoke in your mind the image of a swordfish, an image that is only reinforced by her extremely pointy hat. There's a belt that seems to pop out from the back of the outfit. One, two, three belts coming from the back like hidden weaponry. It's even not worn right- her arms aren't even the sleeves. She has a white cravat.

Is Wympe dueling a Bloodfiend noble? This looks exactly like what the Elder Bloodfiend of District 10 wore, when he asked you to fulfill a task for him, eight months ago. Even the boots. No, it's different. She's wearing a white collar over a ribbon tangled cravat. The Tenth Elder just wore the cravat.

You turn back towards Wympe, and time slows down to a standstill. You need to figure out what to do right now.


There's something strange about her. Something you can't quite put your finger on. You narrow your eyes, and try to pin down what exactly you are looking for. There's something different here. Oh- wait. It's just the hat. She's not wearing her hat. It's being held in her left hand. She just took it off. Well, and there's gills in her cheeks, too.

Wait- gills?

There's… there's a pair of gills in the lower part of her face, in her cheeks. They're not cosmetic, they look real, just like Capone or Texas' dog ears. They're tense, but the minute twitch tells you they're actually real.

No matter. You can't let yourself get distracted. Time returns to its normal speed, and you dash towards the Bloodfiend-wannabe, readying yourself for a stab at her neck.

Wympe's eyebrows rise up in dumbfounded surprise as you appear out of nowhere to strike at her enemy.

"Serasa!?" she screams. But she does not let it impede her, and moves to attack alongside you.

The woman's body blurs, and she blocks your twinned strikes with ease. But it is of no consequence- you were not expecting it to hit. An enemy that allowed themselves to be taken down by a surprise assault so easily would not have faced down Wympe and survived.

Wympe goes to slash at her torso with a heavy blow. Meanwhile you try to catch her with a stab to the thigh.

The woman dodges expertly- her body blurs, and she leaps right above you, evading both hits.

That enormous spear descends into your back, and you move to block it with a spinning motion. Wympe also makes her move- tossing a sharp piece of paper into the back of the woman's coat. It sticks into the fabric.

The woman lands upright with the grace of a cat, and points her spear at you.

"Hey, asshole!" you hear Capone say.

The woman turns towards the source of the voice, just a second before a blob of acid is launched towards her. She deflects it with her spear, but the situation isn't good for her.

In one corner of the streets, far away from the three of you, are Capone, Anita, and Adrien. Capone's tentacles have been adapted into makeshift acid cannons.

In your corner, is Wympe, halberd in hand, readying herself for a deadly lunge. The slip of paper stuck in the cape of her attacker- you know what it is. It's one of her best tricks- an explosive contract.

The woman seems to recognize that she's cornered.

"An agent of the Church of the Deep… to think that I have been fooled by that bishop." she mutters to herself. "So be it. You are no innocent victim, like I believed, but you will live for today."

She dashes towards you at incredible speeds, the enormous spear in her back now a silver blur. You deflect the blow, and Wympe moves for an ankle cutter. She dodges yet again, but Capone goes for another volley. One of his acid projectiles catches her in the shoulder, just as she deflects one of Wympe's thrusts.

She does not make a sound- not even a grunt of pain. She simply dashes to the left, and leaps through a decayed building before any of you and follow. It's late in the afternoon. In an hour or so, the sun will set. If you do nothing, this assailant will flee into the beyond.

So be it, then. Wympe's wellbeing is your number one priority.

Capone makes the move to shoot again, but you lift your hand for him to stop.

Let her flee. There's more important things to be done right now. As the woman flees, you gesture for him to come closer, and point towards your own arm. His eyebrows rise in understanding.

Wympe coughs blood and falls to the floor. You dash towards her at the highest speed you can manage, sending a blast of wind soaring through the street. The Fairy laps at your insides, slightly reopening the wound in your chest. Blood drips from the cut, and you grab Wympe just as she was about to hit the ground.

"Hey, boss." she says, weakly. "How are you?"

"I'm great." you say. Capone approaches on the side, holding her severed arm. "Need a hand?"

"Oh, you brought it… I thought I'd have to buy a new one. Where were you guys?"

You know she doesn't mean it, but the words cut deeper than the Fairy's wound could ever manage. You are supposed to keep everyone safe, and, in your reckless attempt to make sense of the Voice in your head… you failed. You failed to fulfill your promise.

"I'm… sorry." you say. "We shouldn't have gone to the Library. Now… now everything's gone to shit, hasn't it?"

Capone hands you the severed arm, and you start to remove the bandage to assess the wound. It's pretty nasty. There's a broken nub of bone sticking out, and it's still bloody. Very recent. The small black wires seem to move. They're detecting their pairs in the torn off appendage. As you finish removing the fabric and place the arm next to the stump, the black strings from both the arm and the stump lunge for each other, reconnecting with the sound of duct tape.

The arm slips back into place, and the strings wrap around the torn area, beginning the work of fixing the tissue. When they do it, you inspect the rest of her body.

The stab wound isn't as nasty as you thought it was. It's bleeding, but it didn't hit any vital organs or major arteries. She's augmented enough to survive either of these, but to know that it was just a flesh wound makes you feel safer. She's pale, though. Blood loss. She's lost a lot of blood. And she now has a pair of damned gills. She's also in a pretty bad state. Bruises, scratches, and a broken finger in the hand that wasn't ripped off.

She's still holding onto her halberd, as hard as she can, though.

You tap the gills that grew on the side of her cheeks. They're real. You think that she might actually be able to breath through these. What the hell. You think that eating these seamonsters might be more damaging to her body then you thought it would be. What even are these things?

No, it does not matter.

"It… it's okay, boss. I'm… I can lift myself up." she says. "The arm is back, after all, and I've been feeling better lately."

She smiles at you, and tries to stand up, and fails miserably. She coughs again, mouth filled with blood. Anita looks at her, looking utterly terrified.

"Oh… hey, Anita. I'm okay, don't worry." she says. The smile on her face is hard to take seriously as a way to reassure the girl- not when there's blood dripping from her chin.

"But Arabella… Arabella's missing." she says. "She left me here when we were… running away from the fish bitch. I was useless as always… and she had to bail me out. We… we need to find her. I need to find her."

"Wympe." you say.

"What, boss?"

"Go… go to sleep, okay? You're tired. It's been a long day."

"I… okay. Good night, boss."

"Good night, Wympe."

She falls asleep, a soft smile in her face.

She's safe- for now. But not for long. She's under assault, and Arabella is missing. You need to figure out what you're supposed to do next. Then, you hear an unlocking sound. The door to the house- the house where Wympe was staying in opens, and two men walk out of the house.

"The noise. There was a noise." says the first one.

"There is no time." says the second. "One-hundred. It is time for the one-hundredth. We must hurry." he looks at Anita. "Woodframe. There is no time to sit there. One-hundred. Come, Woodframe. Tomorrow, we will have food. Come with us to see. You may not partake in the choosing now, but soon you will."

He smiles, and walks away with his companion, completely ignoring the bloodied scene and your friend in the ground. They soon pick up their pace, and are now running at full speed towards... something. The "one-hundred," apparently.

"It's the one-hundreth already...?" mutters Anita. "I forgot completely... but they said they had food."

Well, now you're just confused.

[ ] Write-in.

Character Sheet Unlocked: Wympe

Status of Self and Allies:
Sieghart: Slightly bleeding cut in torso from Fairy effects.
Capone: Unharmed.
Adrien: Wounded shin.
Anita: Unharmed.
Wympe: Wound in torso, exhausted, and unconscious from blood loss. Likely intoxicated from the "food" she's been eating recently.
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We need to murder that fucking asshole. Doesn't matter how strong he is. He's becoming compost for the trees.

You don't do Edgelord Vampire like that.
OK. Now I want to hypermurder a priest or whatever the fuck he is, who's with me?
Even if we have to use our teeth. I'm going to torn the fuckers throat out and spit it on his face.
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So, these parts of the Backstreets are filled with lunatics, who name themselves after characters of classic literature, repeating the parts in their stories.

Don Quixote?



Gladia. Girl. Woman. Swordfish. You kinda sorta. Like. Really fucked up. We did not need Bloodfiend Seaborn. We, really did not need to worry about that.
One lucky thing. It seems like they can't actually adapt to Abnormality bullshit...For now.

I will support any plans that make sure they will not have the time to do that shit.
the bloodfiend seaborn Who can manipulate flesh and organs.
So, Who's ready for that because the stupidity of one man who will be getting a blender Shoved up his ass and turned on to max.
We need to murder that fucking asshole. Doesn't matter how strong he is. He's becoming compost for the trees.

You don't do Edgelord Vampire like that.

OK. Now I want to hypermurder a priest or whatever the fuck he is, who's with me?
Even if we have to use our teeth. I'm going to torn the fuckers throat out and spit it on his face.

Oh he is this.


Bishop Quintus is an NPC in Arknights. He appears in For a Better Self, part of Beyond Here, before becoming the main antagonist of Under Tides. At first look, Quintus the Iberian bishop of the Lateran Church seems to be a gentle and benevolent Aegir who speaks in a humble manner and shows a...

And he'll die eventually, and very painfully.

Edit: Getting rekt'd by, not one, but three Abyssal Hunters at the same time can really change you, really. Into full on course sushi buffet.
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