Nio - 5* Merchant Specialist

Tags: Fast-Redeploy, DPS, Survival
hm... Talents are cool. Preparing is kind of niche but its fine as a bonus talent, stained with ink seems good as well.

Cautious Program seems fun, its like mr nothing except it doesnt suck; instead of healing and going block 0, it blocks incoming damage and stuns enemies... tbh, I would like to see more auto-activated skills with HP thresholds. or just more skills with hp thresholds period.

and then Complete Program is like a lee s2 that doesn't require allies also shooting the target, plus trades aoe for a stun, so its better against strong enemies.

Fills a niche that doesnt exist in merchants, talent 1 and the programs make them capable of punching a decent bit above the normal weight class that merchants sit at, with one defensive and one offensive depending on what you need. talent 2 also helps enforce that by making them even better at fighting solo strong enemies bc otherwise they wont get the defense down.

All in all, I could easily see this ingame. Great work.

As for fighting Gladiia, I don't really fancy our chances against her. We know the minimum amount of firepower you need to wound a Abyssal Hunter with a Terran weapon, and it's a Inquisitor's Handcannon. The same handcannon that melts entire streets when fired. That, or you're a named Seaborn adapted to fighting Abyssal Hunters. Lesser weapons such as those seen in Sea Terrors (the creatures Sieg's been dispatching with ease) can't even pierce her skin. Then there's the rapid regeneration to take into account with how the First to Talk tore a hole in her chest and Gladiia got back up fine after playing dead so the Bishop would gloat all about his plans.

I think its worth noting that gladiia's module applies the following to every abyssal hunter deployed, including herself: 30% reduced damage taken from all sources and 3.5% max hp regen per second.
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With grade ones, the game doesn't do them justice because the library is constantly getting stronger and stronger. And because the playing field is even or heavily tilted to the library side, they don't have chance to shine their true destructive powers until Leviathan showed us how much destruction they can possibly cause.
So, I do believe they can destroy a city Within hours, at least the fighting Central ones, With purple tear and the red gaze slashing buildings like nothing but butter, grade one could probably do the same just on a smaller scale with a lot more efforts.
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dont forget it comes with unchained giving abyssal hunter +33% max HP and +50% SP/s, also skadi is here giving 24% attack and 20% more hp, and andreana for 22 aspd
Oh I know, but it gets even worse after Il Siracusano becase then you can deploy both alters and base form operators together.
Specter the Unhinged Unchained is already pretty much immortal but hey why not add Nun Specter skill 2 just for shits and giggles, a Centurion Guard with in built regeneration already and an immortality skill really needs those buffs after all!
Oh but that's not enough, did you know that Skalter gets +15% (18 at pot 6) attack if there's an Abyssal Hunter in her or her Seaborn's range? Because she does.

I'm going to crawl into a hole and cry I swear.
Bruh. That sounds broken asf. Not just the 3.5% heal, but the 30% damage reduction.

That's the most broken support ability I've heard from any game...That's like an S-tier support aura.
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Bruh. That sounds broken asf. Not just the 3.5% heal, but the 30% damage reduction.

That's the most broken thing I've heard from any game...That's like an S-tier support aura.

funny thing is you can achieve that really easily with our Seighardt over here, since he's got Hana for All but insane, giving him any protection gain basically makes your entire team immortal.
Shame he's stuck with his cannon deck in this story which honestly kinda nerfs him hard with him only ever gaining a fuck ton of endurance and his only proper strength gain being light's voice which would probably kill him to use right now.
funny thing is you can achieve that really easily with our Seighardt over here, since he's got Hana for All but insane, giving him any protection gain basically makes your entire team immortal.
Shame he's stuck with his cannon deck in this story which honestly kinda nerfs him hard with him only ever gaining a fuck ton of endurance and his only proper strength gain being light's voice which would probably kill him to use right now.
Yeah but Sieghart is a modded character so I can't exactly count the guy.

I guess a similar comparison would be Gebura and her +20 Power builds. But there are stronger folks in terms of damage in the normal Ruina already (Cough Cough 40+ damage per dice for 8 Dices making it a whole ass 320+ damage card Yesod) so Power Boosters aren't everything.

A 30% damage reduction combined with 3.5% HP heal every second is already an insane ability if it's just solo. But combining that with it being something that can support all the same types of units makes it a god-like ability for a complete build.

At least, it's from the P.O.V of a Ruina player. It's probably less OP if it's in Arknight. Though from other people's comments, it seems like it's as broken as I expect it to be.
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Yeah but Sieghart is a modded character so I can't exactly count the guy.

I guess a similar comparison would be Gebura and her +20 Power builds. But there are stronger folks in terms of damage in the normal Ruina already (Cough Cough 40+ damage per dice for 8 Dices making it a whole ass 320+ damage card) so Power Boosters aren't everything.

A 30% damage reduction combined with 3.5% HP heal every second is already an insane ability if it's just solo. But combining that with it being something that can support all the same types of units makes it a god-like ability for a complete build.

True true, team wide damage reduction is really strong and basically only found in abno pages basegame, no single like keypage gives that kind of buff. Though I think a better comparison would be Mirinae and her ability to buff anyone by existing, as apposed to Will of the Prescript which at some point can be pointless in a build, where as Mirinae can be appreciated no matter what your running.
as apposed to Will of the Prescript which at some point can be pointless in a build, where as Mirinae can be appreciated no matter what your running.
Yeah, that's why I removed the Will of the Prescript comment. It's not fitting for the comparison. Plus in the end game, you have more than enough options for both light gain and card draw anyway.
[X] Plan: First Aid and Investigation

Ah yes I should probably vote, getting into needless fights right now probably won't help what with us dying every time we take a step, so we should only really throw down if we need too, sticking to investigation and tending to wounds is probably for the best right now.
[X] Plan: First Aid and Investigation

Ah yes I should probably vote, getting into needless fights right now probably won't help what with us dying every time we take a step, so we should only really throw down if we need too, sticking to investigation and tending to wounds is probably for the best right now.
Might want to combine your message into one to avoid double posting.
At least, it's from the P.O.V of a Ruina player. It's probably less OP if it's in Arknight. Though from other people's comments, it seems like it's as broken as I expect it to be.
It's very loreful that the Abyssal Hunters when they fight together become extremely nutty. They pretty much became one of the main picks for unga-bunga strats and brute forcing stages.

However, up against bosses like the Emperor's Blades, all the stats and immortality effects in the world won't save them if he just uses his "everything in this area dies now lmao" because the player didn't manage his targeting priority properly. There are a bunch of bosses where big DPS numbers become a liability rather than a boon.

Lorewise, the Abyssal Hunters are pretty much at the top when it comes to physical stats in Arknights outside of edge cases like Patriot and a few others, but even Gladiia admits that Arts are the one thing that Terrans can use to threaten them which is reflected pretty well in the gameplay.
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However, up against bosses like the Emperor's Blades, all the stats and immortality effects in the world won't save them if he just uses his "everything in this area dies now lmao" because the player didn't manage his targeting priority properly.
Sounds about right.

Gimmick/Puzzle Box type power is the worst. You can have all the resistance in the world, but Big Bird can still On Hit: If the target has entranced, kill the target.
At least, it's from the P.O.V of a Ruina player. It's probably less OP if it's in Arknight. Though from other people's comments, it seems like it's as broken as I expect it to be.
If anything its even more unhinged than it sounds, its pretty much the best module upgrade in the game.
the only real downside is that it forces you to use an Abyssal Hunter team setup but they range from alright to really good by themselves anyways.

Actually, just had a thought Gladiia and Siggy are more alike than I realised, kinda.
They're both leaders of a group of overpowered weirdoes and buff them just by existing, they're both a mother/father/big brother/good boss figure (for the most part) to their respective group of weirdoes.
And they're both stupid strong.
Actually, just had a thought Gladiia and Siggy are more alike than I realised, kinda.
They're both leaders of a group of overpowered weirdoes and buff them just by existing, they're both a mother/father/big brother/good boss figure (for the most part) to their respective group of weirdoes.
And they're both stupid strong.
Hm...thanks for the ship material.
.... oh god what have I done?
For what it's worth unless the Abyss Gang has to go somewhere similar to Sieghart's destination, it's pretty much impossible for that ship to set sail.

For. Now. Does the Abyss Gang want to head toward RI after this? Since that could be a potential destination for Sieg since he urgently needs to get rid of the Fairy.

Though Arabella can probably help lessen the damage of it, I would rather not put her in such a hard spot to control her urge to drink blud.
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Well at least there's a common destination if we ever decide to go to RI...provided one of Sieg's friends doesn't get stuck in a dangerous situation again...

I wonder what are the chances we get another Distortion in this arc. Probably not Arabella, but who knows?
However, up against bosses like the Emperor's Blades, all the stats and immortality effects in the world won't save them if he just uses his "everything in this area dies now lmao" because the player didn't manage his targeting priority properly. There are a bunch of bosses where big DPS numbers become a liability rather than a boon.

I've seen that happen in one of the Modded Receptions I've played. One I mentioned in the thread before, in fact.

White Garden (from the City of Drama Mod, which is canon to this Quest since Pickman and the Savior were referenced) has a move that flips the percentage of your Stagger Resist, so if any of your units managed to not get hit up until they used that move, it staggers those units instantly. And White Garden also happened to have a Passive that instantly kills anything that gets staggered (in lore, it's basically the targets falling asleep forever. WG's deal is that their Distortion lets their music give people peaceful sleep, but since life in the City is so utterly shit no one they put to sleep ever wants to wake up, so all of them end up sleeping forever).

The first time I fought them, I thought I could kill it before it used that particular ability. I was wrong and everyone died instantly.

The second time, I let the White Garden's minions hit a few of my minions so that doesn't happen... but E.G.O. Tiphereth (one of my units) didn't get targeted at all and Tiph's rolls were so high she couldn't take any hits unless the minions decided to target her and I let the attack pass. So she still died. I finished WG's reception with the other four, though.
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