I've been thinking, since the GM has translated LoR mechanics into Arknights, I wonder if the reverse can be done too.

Most buffs and debuffs are straight forward with slows being binds, def/res up being endurance or protection, def/res down being fragile, stuns being immobilize, burn being burn and the various toxins being erosion/bleed, and silence being combat page cost up.

Translating the more specialized operators is difficult however. Fast Redeploy Specialists' entire thing is being mobile hand grenades you put in play and then retreat immediately after, so maybe they can be untargetable unless certain conditions are met (Red S2 and Phantom S3 being Mass Attacks you can clash with if you don't get hit by the stun).

Then there's also dodge mechanics, and position manipulation with push/pull skills that don't have clean equivalents.
I've been thinking, since the GM has translated LoR mechanics into Arknights, I wonder if the reverse can be done too.

Most buffs and debuffs are straight forward with slows being binds, def/res up being endurance or protection, def/res down being fragile, stuns being immobilize, burn being burn and the various toxins being erosion/bleed, and silence being combat page cost up.

Translating the more specialized operators is difficult however. Fast Redeploy Specialists' entire thing is being mobile hand grenades you put in play and then retreat immediately after, so maybe they can be untargetable unless certain conditions are met (Red S2 and Phantom S3 being Mass Attacks you can clash with if you don't get hit by the stun).

Then there's also dodge mechanics, and position manipulation with push/pull skills that don't have clean equivalents.
theres a ptilopsis mod that was front page recently, and a jessica one too. Plus a surtr one but that one is more "inspired by" arknights mechanics than actually representative of them.

Jessica apparently treats her "dodge" as evade dice, going for the literal definition; but as far as mechanical, it could probably just be represented by a chance to take 0 damage, the same way AK does it.
I've been thinking, since the GM has translated LoR mechanics into Arknights, I wonder if the reverse can be done too.

There is some Arknight workshop in LoR, hell, there's even an EGO Ptilopsis.
Edit: I would link the workshop, but I don't know if that's against the rule or not
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I've been thinking, since the GM has translated LoR mechanics into Arknights, I wonder if the reverse can be done too.

Most buffs and debuffs are straight forward with slows being binds, def/res up being endurance or protection, def/res down being fragile, stuns being immobilize, burn being burn and the various toxins being erosion/bleed, and silence being combat page cost up.

Translating the more specialized operators is difficult however. Fast Redeploy Specialists' entire thing is being mobile hand grenades you put in play and then retreat immediately after, so maybe they can be untargetable unless certain conditions are met (Red S2 and Phantom S3 being Mass Attacks you can clash with if you don't get hit by the stun).

Then there's also dodge mechanics, and position manipulation with push/pull skills that don't have clean equivalents.

In addition to the ones people said here, there's also mods for the Endspeaker and the Last Knight. Also a utility mod that adapts Contingency Contracts to LoR, which I use exclusively because I don't want to give up on my modded Pages and giving the enemy extra health and stagger means they last longer.

I also know that the one who made the Jessica mod is also making mods for a few other Operators.

Edit: As for untargetable... best way I can think of to do that would be if you dealt a certain amount of damage/attacks or if you managed to avoid being attacked for a bit.
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In addition to the ones people said here, there's also mods for the Endspeaker and the Last Knight. Also a utility mod that adapts Contingency Contracts to LoR, which I use exclusively because I don't want to give up on my modded Pages and giving the enemy extra health and stagger means they last longer.

I also know that the one who made the Jessica mod is also making mods for a few other Operators.

Edit: As for untargetable... best way I can think of to do that would be if you dealt a certain amount of damage/attacks or if you managed to avoid being attacked for a bit.
CC for LoR is actually like a really great mod so thanks for remembering that
Edit: As for untargetable... best way I can think of to do that would be if you dealt a certain amount of damage/attacks or if you managed to avoid being attacked for a bit.
Thinking more on it, Fast Redeploy Specialists occupy the following niches:

1. Assassinating high damage but low health/low def enemies (Phantom S2, Red S1)
2. Distracting high damage enemies to buy time by blocking them and taking hits intended for allies (Red S1, Phantom S1, Gravel S1 and S2)
3. Mass crowd control to stall waves or boss targets for big combos by other operators who might still be charging their skills (Phantom S3, Red S2)

With that in mind, I think the best representation for them as far as LoR mechanics go, would be to make them untargetable to represent how they're not in the field until a opportunity presents itself, or a emergency comes up.

As such, they'll go out of untargetable for 1 scene if any of these conditions are fulfilled:
1. Only Fast Redeploy Specialists are left on their side of the field.
2. An ally has been staggered, leading to them attempting to intercept attacks using defensive combat pages.
3. An enemy has been staggered, leading to them attempting a assassination.
4. An ally is using a mass attack page or some special combat page, so they'll attempt to destroy the the dice the enemy will clash with it using their own mass attack page focused on applying debuffs.
Thinking more on it, Fast Redeploy Specialists occupy the following niches:

1. Assassinating high damage but low health/low def enemies (Phantom S2, Red S1)
2. Distracting high damage enemies to buy time by blocking them and taking hits intended for allies (Red S1, Phantom S1, Gravel S1 and S2)
3. Mass crowd control to stall waves or boss targets for big combos by other operators who might still be charging their skills (Phantom S3, Red S2)

With that in mind, I think the best representation for them as far as LoR mechanics go, would be to make them untargetable to represent how they're not in the field until a opportunity presents itself, or a emergency comes up.

As such, they'll go out of untargetable for 1 scene if any of these conditions are fulfilled:
1. Only Fast Redeploy Specialists are left on their side of the field.
2. An ally has been staggered, leading to them attempting to intercept attacks using defensive combat pages.
3. An enemy has been staggered, leading to them attempting a assassination.
4. An ally is using a mass attack page or some special combat page, so they'll attempt to destroy the the dice the enemy will clash with it using their own mass attack page focused on applying debuffs.

1 is basically Spring Genesis, except free, automatic, and teamwide if you only have Redeploy Specialists. I'd either limit it to once per few Scenes, just give them Haste, ir do that tbing Shi Section 1 did and make them forcibly turn clashes into One Sided Attacks.

Most of the time, when doing assassination in LoR, you want to use Ranged Weapons and one sided attacks, since Ranged always goes first.

2 is probably better as a Lamp-like effect. Like "can forcibly redirect attacks targetting staggered allies/allies below 20% HP" that or just Haste again.

3 is fine.

4 does not work due to how Mass Attacks are queued up: It's not based on Speed and is rather based on the Librarian.

I'd make Fast Redeployment either give 2 Haste at the start of each scene or let characters redirect attacks with some more flexibility when a man is down. I'd then give an Assassination Passive that lets characters forcibly One Side with their Ranged Attacks.
1 is basically Spring Genesis, except free, automatic, and teamwide if you only have Redeploy Specialists. I'd either limit it to once per few Scenes, just give them Haste, ir do that tbing Shi Section 1 did and make them forcibly turn clashes into One Sided Attacks.

Most of the time, when doing assassination in LoR, you want to use Ranged Weapons and one sided attacks, since Ranged always goes first.

2 is probably better as a Lamp-like effect. Like "can forcibly redirect attacks targetting staggered allies/allies below 20% HP" that or just Haste again.

3 is fine.

4 does not work due to how Mass Attacks are queued up: It's not based on Speed and is rather based on the Librarian.

I'd make Fast Redeployment either give 2 Haste at the start of each scene or let characters redirect attacks with some more flexibility when a man is down. I'd then give an Assassination Passive that lets characters forcibly One Side with their Ranged Attacks.
That makes a lot more sense than what I had in mind, thanks!

Maybe I'll write an omake for a key page with this if I ever get the time.
1 is basically Spring Genesis, except free, automatic, and teamwide if you only have Redeploy Specialists. I'd either limit it to once per few Scenes, just give them Haste, ir do that tbing Shi Section 1 did and make them forcibly turn clashes into One Sided Attacks.

Most of the time, when doing assassination in LoR, you want to use Ranged Weapons and one sided attacks, since Ranged always goes first.

2 is probably better as a Lamp-like effect. Like "can forcibly redirect attacks targetting staggered allies/allies below 20% HP" that or just Haste again.

3 is fine.

4 does not work due to how Mass Attacks are queued up: It's not based on Speed and is rather based on the Librarian.

I'd make Fast Redeployment either give 2 Haste at the start of each scene or let characters redirect attacks with some more flexibility when a man is down. I'd then give an Assassination Passive that lets characters forcibly One Side with their Ranged Attacks.
rapid melee is a thing that exists - iirc its only basegame used by a few pages (like Red Eyes), but ive seen it show up a few times in mods like angels of ruina office; i believe the gist is that its a melee page that clashes against ranged like other ranged, but I don't know if it actually has priority like ranged does? it might.

I actually didnt know that mass was based on librarian - I knew that yours always went first, but not that the order of librarians was also fixed. this means some librarian slots are more optimal for specific decks....... wild.

I'd do more ak->lor stuff myself but ive only really done a full craft of a single impuritas reception
Do note that most of the pages are more reasonable than these, theyre just the standouts I like to share because I think they're funny

Dismember - a 25-28 that counts as a 40-43 for mass attacks and staggers you for trying to toss a page at it, requiring a reserved block/counter-block to reduce the damage of

Unbeatable Cutting Power, which used to also gain power based on enemy strength on top of power on clashing dice, just to really make sure you weren't beating it with anything

EXPLOSION! - a 50-60 mass, except it reduces the damage it deals by the opposing roll so trying to clash is actually worthwhile, which I do genuinely like (its a dual-boss reception, by the way, and EXPLOSION is played on every 4th turn by one, with no other pages, and the turn after they only play 4-7 counter-blocks)

Though I have done some minor things beyond it, as far as key pages and receptions go this is all i've done. compared to around 13 operators, a single dual-boss reception that I'm still trying to balance is a lot less experience.
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rapid melee is a thing that exists - iirc its only basegame used by a few pages (like Red Eyes), but ive seen it show up a few times in mods like angels of ruina office; i believe the gist is that its a melee page that clashes against ranged like other ranged, but I don't know if it actually has priority like ranged does? it might.

I'l have to check if it applies to Base Game, but yes, Rapid Melee/Special Range Pages go first provided its slotted in a Speed Dice faster than any Melee Pages you play.

Which brings up an interesting alternative to a Fast Redeployment Passive: A Fast Redeployment Combat Page. Presumably its only used by Operators with the Fast Redeployment trait as a filler/eco card if the Operators have their own special Pages.

Something like

Fast Redeployement - Special Range - 1-Cost
This page cannot be clashed against
3-7 Slash, On Hit: Restore 1 Light
3-7 Pierce, On Hit: Gain1 Haste next scene

Not sure how well that's balanced off the top of my head.
Since we're talking about Arknight to LoR and since I've never seen Lappland (weird) in the workshop, so I've made a blueprint (that I'll never use).
Lappland - Rarity: Objet d'art
HP: 93 - Stagger: 50 - Speed Dice: 2~6
Slash Resist: Normal/Endurance
Pierce Resist: Normal/Endurance
Blunt Resist: Normal/Normal

Speed III: Speed Dice Slot +1. Gain an additional Speed die at Emotion Level 3. (Cannot Overlap)
Breaking Pressure: In a clash, the opponent's Defensive dice lose 1 Power.

Taste of Blood: After losing 5 Clashes, restore 50% of Max. Stagger Resist unless the character is staggered (Activates once per Scene).
Lone Wolf/TEXAS~!!!: At the start of each Scene, gain 2 Haste if no other allies are present. If the "Texas" Keypage is present however, then gain 2 Haste at the start of each Scene instead.
(It would have been Strength, but I don't want a situation where 6 Strength per Scene can happened passively.)
Sundial: For every 3 attacks Clashes, gain 1 Strength (max. 3) next Scene. For every 6 Offensive Clashes Win, gain 1 "Sundial" (Max. 12) stacks next Scene, and it's reduced by 1 each Scene. For every 3 Sundial gain 1 Strength, and at 12 Sundial gain Evasion Counter Die (4~8) next Scene.

Combat Pages
Spiritual Destruction - Rarity: Objet d'art - Cost: 2 - Exclusive to Lappland
- Combat Start: This page is considered "in the hand." The page that this page clashed against is not influenced by Power gain and loses all its abilities for this scene.
- On Use: If Singleton, boost the minimum roll of the dice on this page by +4.
Slash Die - 8~20

Wolf Spirit - Rarity: Limited - Cost: 3 - Ranged - Exclusive to Lappland (Added)
- On Use: If Singleton, restore 2 Light; if "Spiritual Destruction" is in hand, add an Offensive die that the target is weakest to (6~10) to the dice queue.
Pierce Die - 7~12: On Clash Win: Next Scene, add: "Spiritual Destruction" from the deck.
Pierce Die (Counter) - 6~10

Show me what you've got - Rarity: Limited - Cost: 3 - Exclusive to Lappland (Added)
- On Use: If Singleton, Restore 3 Light; if "Spiritual Destruction" is in hand, add an Offensive Counter die that the target is weakest to (3~8) to the dice queue.
Block Die - 2~3: On Clash Lose: Gain 2 Strength next Scene.
Slash Die - 5~9: On Clash Win: If Singleton, change one of the target's Resist DMG to Weak one tier lower next Scene. Only this character get the benefits of the change (Added).

Slice and Dice - Rarity: Limited - Cost: 1 - Exclusive to Lappland (Added)
- On Use: If Singleton, draw 2 pages; if "Spiritual Destruction" is in hand, add an Offensive die that the target is weakest to (1~8) to the dice queue.
Slash Die - 3~6: On Clash Win: Gain 1 Light.
Slash Die - 2~7: On Clash Win: Gain 1 Light.

Note: Probably horribly balance for where I'm placing this fight in my head.
Singleton: Lappland focus solely on Texas.

Taste of Blood: "That red one... oh dear... Doctor, I don't want to get any closer to her! If we fight each other, I'd definitely die. But I have this feeling... this feeling... ugh, why do I crave a fight with her so much?"
"Try resisting me!"
On failing a stage - "Wonderful! Now my desire to trample 'em is even stronger!"

Fast Redeployement - Special Range - 1-Cost
This page cannot be clashed against
3-7 Slash, On Hit: Restore 1 Light
3-7 Pierce, On Hit: Gain1 Haste next scene

Not sure how well that's balanced off the top of my head.
I think without mod, it would be strong, but I don't believe it would break anything. I do think the damage dice is a little high for what it does. With mod it probably depends, but I'm working off the assumption that it can be counter against.
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Since we're talking about Arknight to LoR and since I've never seen Lappland (weird) in the workshop, so I've made a blueprint (that I'll never use).
Lappland - Rarity: Objet d'art
HP: 93 - Stagger: 50 - Speed Dice: 2~6
Slash Resist: Normal/Endurance
Pierce Resist: Normal/Endurance
Blunt Resist: Normal/Normal

Speed III: Speed Dice Slot +1. Gain an additional Speed die at Emotion Level 3. (Cannot Overlap)
Breaking Pressure: In a clash, the opponent's Defensive dice lose 1 Power.

Taste of Blood: After losing 5 Clashes, restore 50% of Max. Stagger Resist unless the character is staggered (Activates once per Scene).
Lone Wolf/TEXAS~!!!: At the start of each Scene, gain 2 Haste if no other allies are present. If "Texas" is present however, then gain 2 Haste every Scene instead.
(It would have been Strength, but I don't want a situation where 6 Strength per Scene can happened passively.)
Sundial: For every 3 attacks Clashes, gain 1 Strength (max. 3) next Scene.

Combat Pages
Spiritual Destruction - Rarity: Objet d'art - Cost: 2 - Exclusive to Lappland
- Combat Start: This page is considered "in the hand."
- On Use: If Singleton, boost the minimum roll of the dice on this page by +4.
Slash Die - 8~20: Start of the Clash: The page that this die clashed against is not influenced by Power gain and loses all its abilities for this scene.

Wolf Spirit - Rarity: Limited - Cost: 3 - Ranged
- On Use: If Singleton, restore 2 Light; if "Spiritual Destruction" is in hand, add an Offensive die that the target is weakest to (6~10) to the dice queue.
Pierce Die - 7~12: On Clash Win: Next Scene, add: "Spiritual Destruction" from the deck.
Pierce Die (Counter) - 7~12

Show me what you've got - Rarity: Hardcover - Cost: 2
- Combat Start: If Singleton, Restore 3 Light; if "Spiritual Destruction" is in hand, add an Offensive Counter die that the target is weakest to (3~8) to the dice queue.
Block Die - 2~3: On Clash Lose: Gain 2 Strength next Scene.
Slash Die - 4~8: On Clash Win: Change one of the target's Resist DMG to Weak next Scene.

Slice and Dice - Rarity: Paperback - Cost: 1
- Combat Start: If Singleton, draw 2 pages; if "Spiritual Destruction" is in hand, add an Offensive die that the target is weakest to (1~8) to the dice queue.
Slash Die - 3~6: On Clash Win: Gain 1 Light.
Slash Die - 2~7: On Clash Win Gain 1 Light.

Note: Probably horribly balance for where I'm placing this fight in my head.
Singleton: Lappland focus solely on Texas.

Taste of Blood: "That red one... oh dear... Doctor, I don't want to get any closer to her! If we fight each other, I'd definitely die. But I have this feeling... this feeling... ugh, why do I crave a fight with her so much?"
"Try resisting me!"
On failing a stage - "Wonderful! Now my desire to trample 'em is even stronger!"

I think without mod, it would be strong, but I don't believe it would break anything. I do think the damage dice is a little high for what it does. With mod it probably depends, but I'm working off the assumption that it can be counter against.

Yeah, like with Shi Section 1, Counters can still clash against the Page. I should probably clarify that only Combat Pages can't clash against those Pages.

The rolls themselves I'm fine with, since Gap Attack (an SotC 0-Cost) has better rolls. Though I guess I should turn one of the dice into a Block Dice to fit that comparison?
Yeah, like with Shi Section 1, Counters can still clash against the Page. I should probably clarify that only Combat Pages can't clash against those Pages.

The rolls themselves I'm fine with, since Gap Attack (an SotC 0-Cost) has better rolls. Though I guess I should turn one of the dice into a Block Dice to fit that comparison?

It would help against Counter, kinda, but I was looking at Rush Down (SoTC 1 Cost with 2 3~7) and Energy Conversion. But on thinking it a bit more yeah. Since it only gain stuff on hit, it probably do need some high rolls to win against Counter die but not outright beat them.
The play started long ago.

Here is the man who killed many.

And you are holding a gun.

[ ] Shoot the man

(Take Poor Screenwriter's Note. End Abel, for once and for all.)
[ ] Wait and see
(Allow Abel into your consciousness and connect him deeper into the Light. There is no telling what he'll do with this power.)
[ ] Shoot someone else
(Keep the gun. Abel will walk away. Somewhere. You don't know where.)
I know it's a dumb question, but what would've happened if we chose to shoot ourselves? Poor screenwriter's note is very thematic and narrative with it's themes being chosen as tragedy, comedy and the like

Note: Probably horribly balance for where I'm placing this fight in my head.
It's balance is actually not bad, my issues are low Light cost of Spiritual destruction and that rarity of all non-legendary pages you've put there as of right now should be limited
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I know it's a dumb question, but what would've happened if we chose to shoot ourselves? Poor screenwriter's note is very thematic and narrative with it's themes being chosen as tragedy, comedy and the like
Likely speaking? We would have died straightaway. The Manager chooses to shoot himself, the true orchestrator of the whole play out of guilt, ending the cycle.

This would have been as stupid as that one quest where Ichigo stabbed himself in the heart and died.
I know it's a dumb question, but what would've happened if we chose to shoot ourselves? Poor screenwriter's note is very thematic and narrative with it's themes being chosen as tragedy, comedy and the like
I would write a short snippet about Sieg killing himself. Then he would remark "wait no that's fucking stupid" and not do that. I really like writing this quest, you know.

Then I'd redo the character vote. Sieg is affronted at you and doesn't want anything with you anymore. Have, I dunno, Memento or Emil.

By the way, your talk with Wei is almost done. 70% progress on the chapter. Stay tuned.
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Since we're talking about Arknight to LoR and since I've never seen Lappland (weird) in the workshop, so I've made a blueprint (that I'll never use).
Lappland - Rarity: Objet d'art
HP: 93 - Stagger: 50 - Speed Dice: 2~6
Slash Resist: Normal/Endurance
Pierce Resist: Normal/Endurance
Blunt Resist: Normal/Normal

Speed III: Speed Dice Slot +1. Gain an additional Speed die at Emotion Level 3. (Cannot Overlap)
Breaking Pressure: In a clash, the opponent's Defensive dice lose 1 Power.

Taste of Blood: After losing 5 Clashes, restore 50% of Max. Stagger Resist unless the character is staggered (Activates once per Scene).
Lone Wolf/TEXAS~!!!: At the start of each Scene, gain 2 Haste if no other allies are present. If "Texas" is present however, then gain 2 Haste every Scene instead.
(It would have been Strength, but I don't want a situation where 6 Strength per Scene can happened passively.)
Sundial: For every 3 attacks Clashes, gain 1 Strength (max. 3) next Scene.

Combat Pages
Spiritual Destruction - Rarity: Objet d'art - Cost: 2 - Exclusive to Lappland
- Combat Start: This page is considered "in the hand."
- On Use: If Singleton, boost the minimum roll of the dice on this page by +4.
Slash Die - 8~20: Start of the Clash: The page that this die clashed against is not influenced by Power gain and loses all its abilities for this scene.

Wolf Spirit - Rarity: Limited - Cost: 3 - Ranged
- On Use: If Singleton, restore 2 Light; if "Spiritual Destruction" is in hand, add an Offensive die that the target is weakest to (6~10) to the dice queue.
Pierce Die - 7~12: On Clash Win: Next Scene, add: "Spiritual Destruction" from the deck.
Pierce Die (Counter) - 6~10

Show me what you've got - Rarity: Hardcover - Cost: 2
- On Use: If Singleton, Restore 3 Light; if "Spiritual Destruction" is in hand, add an Offensive Counter die that the target is weakest to (3~8) to the dice queue.
Block Die - 2~3: On Clash Lose: Gain 2 Strength next Scene.
Slash Die - 4~8: On Clash Win: Change one of the target's Resist DMG to Weak next Scene.

Slice and Dice - Rarity: Paperback - Cost: 1
- On Use: If Singleton, draw 2 pages; if "Spiritual Destruction" is in hand, add an Offensive die that the target is weakest to (1~8) to the dice queue.
Slash Die - 3~6: On Clash Win: Gain 1 Light.
Slash Die - 2~7: On Clash Win: Gain 1 Light.

Note: Probably horribly balance for where I'm placing this fight in my head.
Singleton: Lappland focus solely on Texas.

Taste of Blood: "That red one... oh dear... Doctor, I don't want to get any closer to her! If we fight each other, I'd definitely die. But I have this feeling... this feeling... ugh, why do I crave a fight with her so much?"
"Try resisting me!"
On failing a stage - "Wonderful! Now my desire to trample 'em is even stronger!"

I like what i'm seeing here. Only a few complaints
1) Sundial is a pretty permanent +2~3 strength starting on scene 2. I don't think it fits with the way sundial works either. at SL7 its 33 attack to charge and infinite duration, plus it has dodge; I'd be more, "Every six successful hits with an offensive die, gain 1 sundial stack. at 3 stacks, gain 1 strength at the start of the scene. at 6 stacks, gain 2 strength and 1 protection. At 9 stacks, gain 3 strength and 2 protection." This is probably still op but it does take a few scenes to get going.
2) Changing someone's resistances to "weak" is part of arguably the single strongest abnormality page in the entire game, Dark Flame. It should not be on a card you can run three of. Even outside of singleton, its still a 2 cost that gives 2 strength with a small leading block die, and the slash die isnt terrible so you can consistently clash win with it. Its a cool idea but I'd add that you only get the boost if singleton, and it only applies to the person who used it: So only lappland, targeting this specific enemy, deals Weak damage to that damage type.

those are actually my only complaints! I think everything else here is cool. I like your reasoning for why you included everything, and a focus on tailoring to the enemy and clash wins I think are very in character. I could easily see myself actually using these pages myself - it seems .. ~Urban Nightmare level? if you compare it to puppet pages, though to be fair puppet pages are very silly.

(oh and, the way Lone Wolf/TEXAS~ is worded, three allied texases would only give 2 strength?)

I would write a short snippet about Sieg killing himself. Then he would remark "wait no that's fucking stupid" and not do that. I really like writing this quest, you know.

Then I'd redo the character vote. Sieg is affronted at you and doesn't want anything with you anymore. Have, I dunno, Memento or Emil.

By the way, your talk with Wei is almost done. 70% progress on the chapter. Stay tuned.
that would genuinely have been hilarious.
2) Changing someone's resistances to "weak" is part of arguably the single strongest abnormality page in the entire game, Dark Flame. It should not be on a card you can run three of. Even outside of singleton, its still a 2 cost that gives 2 strength with a small leading block die, and the slash die isnt terrible so you can consistently clash win with it. Its a cool idea but I'd add that you only get the boost if singleton, and it only applies to the person who used it: So only lappland, targeting this specific enemy, deals Weak damage to that damage type.

those are actually my only complaints! I think everything else here is cool. I like your reasoning for why you included everything, and a focus on tailoring to the enemy and clash wins I think are very in character. I could easily see myself actually using these pages myself - it seems .. ~Urban Nightmare level? if you compare it to puppet pages, though to be fair puppet pages are very silly.

I think it'd be better if it just turns Resistances from Normal to Weak or Weak to Fatal. Changing Resistance from Endured to Normal happens something that the Seven Association, from an Urban Nightmare General Invitation, is able to do randomly through their Information Assessment Passive. Their boss, Dante, also has a more advanced Passive called Seeing Through Weakness, which turns a Weak Resistance to Fatal if she attacked with that damage type while the enemy has 5 Fragile.

That, or you could just give Lappland a better version of Grasping Vulnerabilities.

Dante's Page said:
Grasping Vulnerabilities: When attacking a target with a damage type they're "Weak" or "Fatal" to, deal +1 damage.
Information Assessment: At the end of the Scene, a random enemy's resistance to a random damage type changes to "Normal" for the Scene. (Chosen from resistances that are "Endured" or "Normal")
Seeing Through Weakness: If the character attacked an enemy last Scene with a damage type they're "Weak" to, and the enemy has 5 or more stacks of Fragile at the end of the Scene, their resistance against the type becomes "Fatal" for the rest of the Act.

Putting that on a Card for a SotC Combatant is fair enough, I'd say.

Also, I would suggest making Lappland's deck fixed and exclusive to her. If a Combat Page relies on the existence of an Exclusive Combat Page, it should also be an Exclusive, I'd say.
I think it'd be better if it just turns Resistances from Normal to Weak or Weak to Fatal. Changing Resistance from Endured to Normal happens something that the Seven Association, from an Urban Nightmare General Invitation, is able to do randomly through their Information Assessment Passive. Their boss, Dante, also has a more advanced Passive called Seeing Through Weakness, which turns a Weak Resistance to Fatal if she attacked with that damage type while the enemy has 5 Fragile.

That, or you could just give Lappland a better version of Grasping Vulnerabilities.

Putting that on a Card for a SotC Combatant is fair enough, I'd say.

Also, I would suggest making Lappland's deck fixed and exclusive to her. If a Combat Page relies on the existence of an Exclusive Combat Page, it should also be an Exclusive, I'd say.
Seeing through weakness is kind of terrible because nothing worth using it on actually has "weak" resistances anyway, not to mention the 5 fragile-but combining it with lappland to get past ineffective/endured I do think would be too much. What you propose with making it one grade weaker instead of setting it to weak directly I think is fine.
It's balance is actually not bad, my issues are low Light cost of Spiritual destruction and that rarity of all non-legendary pages you've put there as of right now should be limited
The original thought of why the Light cost is low is that since it's only Exclusive to Lappland, I could justify its high damage and effects. It was originally worse, because it would also have apply the effect of "Identify Weakpoint" (On Use Types of Offensive dice on this page change to the types the target is weakest to) to all of Lappland's page. So the idea was "Make one of their resistance weak, and then next scene bash their head in" horrible I know.
1) Sundial is a pretty permanent +2~3 strength starting on scene 2. I don't think it fits with the way sundial works either. at SL7 its 33 attack to charge and infinite duration, plus it has dodge; I'd be more, "Every six successful hits with an offensive die, gain 1 sundial stack. at 3 stacks, gain 1 strength at the start of the scene. at 6 stacks, gain 2 strength and 1 protection. At 9 stacks, gain 3 strength and 2 protection." This is probably still op but it does take a few scenes to get going.
2) Changing someone's resistances to "weak" is part of arguably the single strongest abnormality page in the entire game, Dark Flame. It should not be on a card you can run three of. Even outside of singleton, its still a 2 cost that gives 2 strength with a small leading block die, and the slash die isnt terrible so you can consistently clash win with it. Its a cool idea but I'd add that you only get the boost if singleton, and it only applies to the person who used it: So only lappland, targeting this specific enemy, deals Weak damage to that damage type.

those are actually my only complaints! I think everything else here is cool. I like your reasoning for why you included everything, and a focus on tailoring to the enemy and clash wins I think are very in character. I could easily see myself actually using these pages myself - it seems .. ~Urban Nightmare level? if you compare it to puppet pages, though to be fair puppet pages are very silly.

(oh and, the way Lone Wolf/TEXAS~ is worded, three allied texases would only give 2 strength?)
I guess this: "For every 6 Offensive Clashes Win, gain 1 "Sundial" (Max. 12) stacks next Scene, and it's reduced by 1 each Scene. For every 3 Sundial gain 1 Strength, and at 12 Sundial gain Evasion Counter Die (4~8) next Scene." would be more inline with Sundial did in Arknights, not 100%, but it would fit the theme of clashing I already have with her and to maintain it.

One on One Low-City of the Star level, so it look like I undershot it. Also thank you! The way "TEXAS~!!!" work is that it would ignored "Lone Wolf" if the Key Page Texas is present (be it in a fight or in your team) and gain 2 Haste every Scene. I didn't really want to make a better Lone Fixer and I also see I worded it horribly.
Also, I would suggest making Lappland's deck fixed and exclusive to her. If a Combat Page relies on the existence of an Exclusive Combat Page, it should also be an Exclusive, I'd say.
The idea was that her other non-exclusive combat page would be useable outside of her key page, but it wouldn't get the full benefits. But understandable.

By the way, your talk with Wei is almost done. 70% progress on the chapter. Stay tuned.
I'm surprise how fast you write and they all come out as banger.
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1.21 - A Critical Moment
[X] Plan: Clearance Sale Information Broker
-[X] Give everyone a basic rundown of the Distortion Phenomenon and why Capone is with you. Don't mention Carmen and Abel, call it a curse or something.
--[X] Inform everyone that you've promised to help Capone in dealing with his Distortion.
-[X] Ask the Emperor about your impromptu allies' wellbeing after last night.
-[X] Offer up information about the Distortion Phenomenon (how it begins, how to revert it, how to prevent it, and your own experience fighting them, etc) for a few things...
--[X] Capone gets to leave Lungmen with you. He didn't kill any of Wei's citizens and if he relapses it's better that he is outside Lungmen.
--[X] Information about Sal Viento and how to get there. You're looking to help a couple of friends there.
--[X] Ask about the best surgeon in Terra, to help deal with Fairy's Wound.
--[X] Ask Abel for help with some of the more technical aspects of the explanation.

1.21 - A Critical Moment

You smile.

"Good night."

As for your answer, there is only silence.

"Good night." says Mostima. "How was the day?"

"Quite good. Went shopping."

…you feel that there's something blocking the progress of this conversation. Oh, right. Capone. He doesn't even have a chair. He feels like an outsider to this situation… you wonder why.

"Are you seriously-" speaks Abel. You tune him out.

Come on, it was a joke. Of course he's an outsider. He went on a murderous bender that everyone saw. That cat kid earlier today saw a huge winged monster sailing through the air. The masquerade is over. The Distortion Phenomenon might not have existed here before, but now it sure does.

"I'll go and get another chair." you say. "Capone, you can sit here."

While you walk away to get one, you take a look at Capone. He turned his head towards you. He's trying- and failing- to keep his shit together.

You get the chair, and you sit at the table.

"So." you tell Wei Yenwu. "What do you want to know?"

You are Capone, and you are terrified out of your wits.

You really screwed the pooch on this one. You really, really did. You're standing- well, sitting. Before Wei Yenwu and the Rat King.

The Emperor's here too, you guess. And that Liberi girl. She's glaring at you like she wants to burrow a hole in your skull with sheer hate alone.

Sieghart is standing here. The entire room is focused on him, but he doesn't budge at all. He stands there, completely unshakeable.

The leader of Lungmen analyzes you for a second. His eyes are sharp. Then, he speaks.

"What is it that brought you over to this city?"

He chuckles. It honestly freaks you out how… impossible to disturb this guy is.

He never even budges, no matter what happens. Signora fucking Sicilia could waltz right through the door and demand his attention, right fucking now. And he wouldn't even blink. He'd just… stay calm, and deal with the situation. He's seen some shit, sure, but it's not just that. The rest of his "Office" isn't like that, from what you gleaned from the rest of his memories.

That guy- the guy who got his head replaced by a screen. He'd be silently freaking out right now. Sieghart just stays unflappable in all circumstances.

"You know, I am a mercenary," he say. "I and my team, Turbulence Office, went on a… particularly difficult job, known as the Library. We were to retrieve certain books from that place for our client."

Your head hurts for a single second.

"The colossal tower of light was titled The Library. It is only natural for the Fixers to be drawn to such a mystic place of life and death."

It's subsided. What- what just happened? No matter. You need to concentrate. You need to stay calm.

"...I can guess it didn't end well," says one of Emperor's Messengers- the horned Sankta girl. Mostima.

"It didn't. We were completely eviscerated. I was nearly sliced to pieces by one of their Librarians."

He's lying- somehow you know that..He wasn't nearly sliced to pieces. He was sliced to pieces. Oh, god. What the hell was that place? The Library.

"After the massacre of my team, I found myself here… and that is all that there is to it. Everything else… it's been quite a day, you know. I wasn't expecting to find myself caught up in any Lungmen troubles. But that's life."

"By the way, Emperor." asks your new boss. "How's Penguin Logistics going?"

The rapper penguin adjusts his glasses and drops his can of beer on the table.

"The girls are pretty well, hat man. It's going to take a month or so before Exusiai gets back on her feet. Her arm got burned real bad, you know."

By you. You burned it with your acid.

The Rat King taps a clawed finger on the table.

"Thank you for your answers, Sieghart. But there is more that we want to know. Regarding…" oh god he's looking at you- "That boy over there. You made a promise, you know."

You force down the fear rising up your throat. You… you have some sort of strength, now. And… there's someone backin' you up. You don't know why.

You don't understand why Sieghart is… risking himself like this. He's a damn merc. You know that sort. Money always speaks higher to them. But if they wanted money, all Sieg had to do was kill you last night. You don't understand him yet.

"I didn't break the deal." you force out.

Wei Yenwu's eyebrows rise.

"Oh?" says the leader of Lungmen. "That is somewhat true. During that little rampage of yours, you ended up not harming any actual citizens of Lungmen. Only your own soldiers. We could consider them citizens of Lungmen- but then we'd have to get into a pointless debate on citizenship. They did not belong to- nor care about- the city, and that is all that matters."

"True. Besides-" speaks the Rat King. "We did not have a deal. You made a promise to behave yourself. I said nothing. Your failings are yours alone. But I presume that you've made… an alliance with the mercenary, no? Perhaps he could accept the burden."

Sieghart takes a sip from his glass. Ever since the talk started, he has not asked for anything but water.

"...Capone is under my protection. I have employed him in the Turbulence Office."

You almost expected a "for now" at the end of this. Sieghart is putting himself in the line of fire right now.

"...I see." says the Rat King. "Do you want to know what happened to your brother, Capone?"


"...I do."

You are fearing the worst. Did that moron go off and get himself and the Family killed? You didn't get the full picture before. These people in front of you are immensely powerful. If Gambino kept being an idiot and didn't at least stop provoking the Rat King... you don't see any way he could have made it out of the situation.

"…he's fine." says Mostima. "The old man's just being dramatic. When you… showed yourself, the L.G.D got spurred into action. He was leading up his forces for a retaliation strike, you know. Hoshiguma took care of him. He's in a cell now."

Oh. Oh, thank god. Him being in a cell is… probably the best possible result you could have expected for this night.

"What those two wack-ass guys want to say, Cap'n," notes the Emperor. "I that they're kickin' ya out of the city… but not before they get some answerin' of all those questions you let out."

The Rat King lets out a coarse laugh.

"Ever since you made your move against Penguin Logistics, we knew you would go too far. There is no place for you here. Are you going to make an argument, Sieghart?"

"No. I had no intention of shielding him like this. If exile is what it takes, I'll go alongside him. I didn't plan on staying here for long. Just enough to find some supplies. Then, I'm off to Sal Viento."

"Sal Viento? What is your business in the middle of Iberia? It's a closed place. Wetwork there, perhaps?" says the King.

"It's on the coast, so I can tell you, it is wet work. But no, assassination is not the job here. This is a rescue mission. Two of my subordinates have ended up there. I have to reach them, as quickly as possible."

"Sal Viento… perhaps that place does have a reputation. Perhaps I can help you reach it. But that's for later. For now, Sieghart, we have the question you knew we would be asking." says Wei Yenwu.

"Yeah." says Mostima. "The Chosen Overseer here really wanted to know, too. She's even been trying to hate Capone to death ever since he came here."

She smirks. The "Chosen Overseer" turns her head towards her.

"Don't you dare-"

"Oh- right. Sorry, I forgot. It was Suffering this time. My supervisor from the Notarial Hall of Laterano, Suffering, also known as Tomb Knight. She was around the time you had your butterfly awakening. She was… Super Sticky about it, I guess. Guess you were a treasure, and she really wanted to be your Guardian."

The Liberi girl- is Laterano involved in this clusterfuck? She's fuming right now. Whatever Mostima is talking about, it got her really set off. You're almost tempted to lift your tendrils and form a shield- but if you did so, the entire table would turn on you. Fuck.

Texas walks up to Wei Yenwu and leaves a drink on the table..

"Thank you. Now…" he takes a sip. "What happened yesterday?"

"The Distortion Phenomenon. They desire to know about the Distortion Phenomenon. Please- do not mention Carmen. I have the feeling they will not like the revelation." Abel says. "Slow your perception. You have much to talk about."

Just as the last syllable comes out of Wei Yenwu's mouth, time grinds down to a halt. You decide to make a list of bullet points to talk about.

The Distortion Phenomenon is a curse- it targets people in a state of profound mental instability.

Distortions, once they lose control of their emotions, shift into a bestial form and typically act according to a chief "desire" or emotion. They will run in a loop, stuck in the cycle of trying to fulfill this desire indefinitely.

The Distortion Phenomenon can be reversed, if the victim's "mental loop" is targeted and they successfully realize how unhealthy or toxic the mindset is.

The only person who you know who could do this was the "Distortion Detective," Moses. You met her once, during the Case of the Grinning Spider. And now… and now you did it, too.


Well, continuing.

Distortions can also be "contradicted." If the desire is unworkable or impossible, pointing this out to a Distortion will often cause it to begin a self-destructive process. This is not very often wise, as they will cause quite a lot of damage in their final, desperate attempts to grasp at life.

…that's all, you think.

Time returns to its natural course.

"Roughly a year ago, my Office faced down their first Distortion." you say.

"It was the "Bleeding Heart Forest." A young teenager born in the backstreets of his city was attempting to run a soup kitchen."

"It was a difficult task. He wasn't from a rich family, and had to obtain funding from what little scraps the poor could gather. He had to scavenge for small animals, and steal clean water, to keep the little organization running."

"One day, a bunch of thugs broke into the kitchen. They killed everyone who was there."

"And then my Office was called."

"The death toll had reached the hundreds. The local crime syndicates were keeping it hush-hush. Somehow- the boy had killed the thugs. Then the survivors. Then everyone else he knew."

"A mass of misshapen lichens and trees was spreading like a tumor across these little alleys. Anyone who was caught by it was used as raw materials to feed the creatures that spawned from the forest."

"A forest that would devour anything in its sight. It would then proceed to grow, and slice off tiny parts of itself to feed its children in need."

"The Bleeding Heart Forest."

"Beats, the sixth member of my Office, lost his eyes that day- but we killed the Forest. Its taken territory withered and crumbled to dust. The creatures it produced wandered through the streets until they starved to death. They could not eat anything that did not come from their progenitor."

"These creatures have been appearing throughout the world. They are "Distorted" in mindset. Each of them possesses a chief desire that runs through their entire being. Their very identity has been reduced to that desire."

"Capone was one of these victims. His desire was an all-consuming pursuit of self-preservation. In that alley where you saw me, Rat King, I got him to overcome that obsession."

You let out a deep breath you didn't know you were holding. Welp. That's the basic rundown in the Distortion phenomena.

You take a look at your audience. The reaction to the speech isn't very good.

"It's infectious?" asks the redhead. The other redhead, not Exusiai. You still don't know her name. It would feel impolite to ask it right now…

"Not… not really? How it spreads is completely unknown. Meeting a Distortion does not guarantee you're going to Distort as well. I am going to take Capone out of this city, anyway, so that's not an issue."

You wonder if there was any viable Distortion target in this city. Did Abel find any?

"The population has miraculously not been exposed to enough of it. If there was more contact- prolonged contact- between you, Capone and them, there would be many more targets." he answers.

That… well, it's good that you are leaving the city.

"If you face other Distortions, I would not recommend attempting to recover them unless you're sure of it. In the 27 years of my career as a mercenary, I have only recovered Capone myself. The other case was the Grinning Spider- who was saved by a detective known as Moses." you take another sip of water. "The best thing to do is to put them down."

The Rat King stares into your hidden eyes.

"...and I thought I could retire peacefully," he sighs. "I want to not believe what you speak of. But I have lived for long enough to recognize the signs of danger. Do you know anything else about this curse?"

"...Distortions are not the most rational of creatures. If they realize their desire's contradictions, often enough they cannot handle them. And they will…" you make an "explosion" gesture. "Self-destruct."

"But enough of this talk. I know you have more you want to know about these Distortions. But I am not the most qualified for this task. My Office took on any tasks we could- Distortions were simply one of many." you say. "Now, may I change the topic of this conversation?"

"You may." says Wei Yenwu. The look in his eyes is somber. "One day I thought we could, after this was all over, move on. Give a chance to the next generation. I believe that we still can. But now… I think we will need more time. There is always the need for more time, no?"

"Oh, stop being a drama queen. You and the crusty old mouse. The hatman's making his leave, and he'll be taking his curse with him. Hopefully. If anyone else comes out of their shell looking all batshit, me and the girls can deal with them no problem." says the Emperor.

You hope they do, at least. You feel bad about obscuring the hidden mastermind of this plot.

Eh, just a little bit. You're not running a newspaper. They didn't pay you to know about Carmen. Shame on them.

"Delightfully mercenary, as befitting of any Fixer." chimes in Abel.

You don't get to survive in this world without a little bit of amorality. Really, some self-interest never harmed anyone.

"Hah. At least, I hope they do. Hoshiguma will have a long year ahead of her. If you are done being the bearer of bad news, Sieghart, what did you wish to tell us?" asks Wei Yenwu.

"It's nothing, really. Just a few questions of my own. Do any of you know a doctor?" you ask.

"A doctor? There are quite a few doctors in this city. Did you not just come out from the hospital? Were they not enough?" Wei Yenwu asks you.

"No." you tell him. "When I faced down the Library's keepers, one of them left me a wound. Something- some sort of Arts-based material."

You are making this up as you go along. If Arts cannot actually do what the Arbiter did to you, they'll immediately catch you in the lie.

"She left something in my flesh. Whenever I exert myself, it will cut through my flesh. That substance… It is called "Fairy." I am in need of someone to remove it from my body."

"Fuck yeah I know a place." the Emperor tells you. "Gonna write ya a letter of recommendation. These guys at Rhodes Island can help ya out. They're experienced. But tell me."

"Didja fight through the entire night with that shit in your body?"

You did. It was not a pleasant experience. If… if Rhodes Island can salvage this situation...

"They would need be supremely skilled at this. The Fairy is lodged deep within your body." notes Abel

"I did, yes. What's Rhodes Island like?"

This time, Wei Yenwu is the one to provide you with the answers.

"Rhodes Island… Rhodes Island is a pharmaceutical company dedicated to the goal of curing Oripathy. They are also an organization dedicated to fighting for the rights of the Infected." he sighs. "We came into conflict with them some time ago. Then, we fought side-by-side to save this city from destruction. Now, my niece is working there."

"You can trust them. If there's someone you can trust, it's them."

"I see. Thank you. I have more questions. One, actually. Do you know where Sal Viento is?"

You are met with shakes of their heads and a few apologies. None of them know anything… except that it is most definitely in Iberia. No. There is someone who knows something

"I know." says Mostima.

You immediately stare into her eyes. If yours were not hidden by your hat, there would be visible desperation. If she has any information, as minute and irrelevant as it can be, she needs to give it to you. Anything.

"There isn't anything there, you know. It's an abandoned city. One of the cities Iberia just couldn't support anymore. I've been everywhere across the world… and I've always seen people wanting to go there. Searching for lost treasures, and stuff… you know, average merc stuff."

"None of them ever come back."

…you see. Interesting.

"Do you have a location? Can you point to it on a map?"

"I think I can, yes. Are you sure you want to go there? Like I said. No one has come back."

…you could try to find Rhodes Island, and get healed. You could. You won't. Maybe after you rescue your subordinates. But they take priority. They always will.

"This is not a choice. I do not have the luxury of not going there."

Mostima smiles. Like always.

You've reached the conclusion you don't like that smile.

End of Arc 1 - Code/Distortion

(You have gained the Emperor's Letter of Recommendation. This will open the doors to Rhodes Island, should you choose that path.)

(You have gained some approval from Fiametta, Wei Yenwu, the Rat King, Mostima and the Emperor. They and their factions will be warned about the Distortion Phenomenon.)

(You are making your way to the city of Sal Viento… somewhere in Iberia. But that will take time. There is time to remember, while you walk through the roads. There is time to wait, there is time to see.)

(Make your choice.)

[ ] Interlude: Hana Association

[ ] Interlude: The Library

[ ] Interlude: Drowning

[ ] Interlude: The First Apostle

[ ] Interlude: The Bloodfiend and the Bishop

[ ] Interlude: Genesis 11

[ ] Interlude: Mirrored Knight Makes Her Shining Return?!
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I want all of these but this interests me the most

[X] Interlude: The Bloodfiend and the Bishop
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[X] Interlude: The First Apostle
I simply cannot ignore this.
by one sin, what are you up to WN...
[ ] Interlude: Genesis 11
This is also very interesting but I will ignore this for now.
I got my water, good night everyone.
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Those interludes. Geez, bring the whole City over too why don't you.
That said, I'm curious how these guys are even going to be relevant to this story so:
[X] Interlude: Hana Association