Initial major was a 1-floor 5-act reception where the first three are 1v1s and the last two are 2v2s, which is relatively novel way of doing things, on top of some interesting cards. A character that spends 5% HP for +1 power when they roll if above half health, and heal on hit by the die when under half health, plus when they hit quarter HP they play pages with a single 5-9 that rerolls until it does a one-sided attack, meaning it has the amount of dice you have +1.
Tytus is all about stagger damage, with the twist that when staggering the opponent, they instead restore stagger and get slapped with a permanent -1 power; if this happens three times, they get access to a super move that basically just kills the target.
the withered and corrupted knight are all about spreading damage and stagger damage on hit, with mr hammer having a move thats essentially limbus mass attack.
the final fight is vs. Blemishine and Nearl, with blem having a ton of defensive dice, and a passive that adds a 4-4 slash to the page whenever she wins with one, and if she gets enough hits she will block the next one-sided attack and sleep the attacker. Nearl, instead of gaining light, gains Glow (as long as she has 3 light), which reduces the cost of pages instead, and can be spent by her unique pages for bonus effects. She has a super-heal even, but gets immobilized for a turn for every single person it heals.
meanwhile, viviana starts with 20(!) max light, eats your most expensive pages at the start of each scene until the total cost reaches 20, and then spams between 2 to 5 masses every single turn, ranging from dual 12-12 individuals, to 30-40 summations, to a 16-22 that deals 4x damage on hit, with the "balancing factor" being that you fully restore light each scene. yeah, as if I have the card draw to keep up with cards that big, let alone consistently beat them in the first place given she ate all my expensive cards. (1000 hp and sr btw). hence, Heavy, with his double revive and Army of One.
I wont write much about blood knight since ive already said a lot about things that aren't turbulence office, but he's easy to summarize. If you do 50 damage in a scene, you get staggered. every few scenes, he staggers someone anyway. he spawns two 80 hp/sr blood blades each scene that take half damage from masses. If they're not dead by the end of that scene, each blood blade heals for 10% of his 700 max HP. Also he gets stacking +20% damage bonus to next hit every time he takes 10 damage.