It Belongs to a Museum

Voting will open in 2 hours, 17 minutes
[X] Vampire Coast
[X] Sartosa

I love the idea of a pirate museum. I especially love the idea of playing a Pirate museum curator on Sartosa paying pirates to raid Tilean museums to support Sartosa's. What's more magnificent than pillaging other museums for all the wonders they've pillaged someone else for? I mean, come on- they just pile it all together and let people look at it, it's like they're asking for it to get seized and stolen.
[X] Sartosa

Sad that there isn't a dwarf museum :'(
Now who is going to bring my idea about a dwarf Indiana Jones having a rival elf Lara Croft to the page?
Jolly Pirates come a close second though
Sad that there isn't a dwarf museum :'(
Now who is going to bring my idea about a dwarf Indiana Jones having a rival elf Lara Croft to the page?
If you want to see some dusty old dwarf relics just go to karaz a karak :V

[X] Sartosa
[X] Sith Rionnasc
Last edited:
[X] Sith Rionnasc
[X] Vampire Coast
[X] Sartosa

Pirates, zombie pirates, or sailors who have declared a crusade against pirates. Every option is a winner.
Sad that there isn't a dwarf museum :'(
Now who is going to bring my idea about a dwarf Indiana Jones having a rival elf Lara Croft to the page?
Jolly Pirates come a close second though

There's a couple of routes a dwarf museum could go—Thorgrim could commission something to collect the history (and grudges) of the various dwarfholds, for example, but it would be hard to gel with the dwarven attitude of "if it's lost, it should stay lost".

Besides, we get a lot of dwarf lore in Divided Loyalties anyway.
[X] Tilea
[X] Sith Rionnasc

Sadly nothing in Bretonnia, but these are close. Plus, they're not Altdorf. Let's explore the unknown!
[X] Sith Rionnasc

i have said it before and I'll say it again, I really want to see Boney write from the perspective of Marienburg and the Asur.
Same, let's see their PoV.

[X] Sith Rionnasc

All of them look good, except for Altdorf. I want to read something more original than yet another Empire-centric quest.

edit: the vote Is more contested than what I expected.
Voting will open in 2 hours, 17 minutes