It Belongs to a Museum

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[X] Vampire Skald
[X] Stranded Valkyrie

The skeletons are incidental, our centerpiece is the ship, and the focus of our museum is on Luthor and his history in Lustria, because Luthor's the one letting us live here. The skald is basically tailor-made to be head tour guide and has all the history we need to know, but he's also not likely going anywhere.

The valkyrie on the other hand knows Lustria (which probably includes all the animals we have skeletons of, I'm sure Amazons have hunted them longer than elves have). And moreover, she knows about the lizards, the old ones, and presumably the Slann in between, which is one of the more important aspects of Luthor's history that even he doesn't really understand.
[X] Barrow King
[X] Vampire Skald

I like these two for the breadth of their knowledge. And because they are very cool, but the second is true of all of the entries.

EDIT: Y'know, the Stranded Valkyrie has won me over.

[X] Stranded Valkyrie
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[X] Barrow King
Necromancy is incredibly useful for both how we will display the creatures and for our goals.
[X] Vampire Skald
He took the flagshkp on its first voyage, and is at the center of knowledgw of the coast from the beginning.
[X] Stranded Valkyrie
She knows the land the beasts come from.
Tantalising, fragmentary windows into the glorious living world that exists just beyond the page.

it turns out that Lustria's geography means that the only way to reach Ulthuan or the Old World from the Citadel of Dusk while avoiding the Vampire Coast is three thousand miles of open ocean until one reaches the southern coast of Araby. Carrying a few crates or barrels for Awakening is a price many traders will gladly pay for being able to hug the eastern coastline of Lustria without having to worry about pirates.
Hope we get to find out what they use to measure longitude and latitude. Crossing oceans without both is a somewhat 'hit and miss' experience and you really don't want to miss an entire continent.

individual planks that had been a part of the Dread Abyssal for sixteen centuries.
Help together almost entirely by magic by this point. No earthly wood has any hope of surviving that long in ocean conditions. And I doubt a random Norscan crew had access to any of the less-earthly woods available.

More an unusually lively exhibit than a member of staff. At least until we have some living animals for him to wrangle.

Bracht the Eternal had enough. He copied what he had seen far too many times before, broke the slumber of his followers, and led them away from the direction that the Necromancers usually came from.
One of the most benign reasons to learn Necromancy I have heard of.

Stefanie van Walvisstraat is the third generation of a lineage of Anointed Priests of Stromfels to call Awakening home, who show their dedication by tending to and learning from the most savage of ocean beasts, and by acting as a mortuary priest of sorts by ensuring the bodies of the faithful end up in only the worthiest of gullets. She has a habit of swimming with her charges that has cost her a limb on a number of occasions, and nobody's keen to ask how she manages to keep getting them back.
…ok I will admit I am interested. However her skills don't match what we already have.

Of these, the most dangerous adulterant one could investigate is Abn-i-khat, Nagash's favoured catalyst, known in the north as Wyrdstone. It's not the effects that makes it dangerous - it's apparently shockingly reliable in this capacity - but the attention it draws, as it's only a matter of time until one's dabblings with the forbidden substance draws the attention of one of several groups, of which Witch Hunters are somehow the least terrible.
And yet people keep trying it. You would have thought that after a couple of centuries news would get around that the green glowing rocks are not worth the trouble.

Feel like I have voted for this guy before.

Lustria (Authority - Isthmus), Lizardmen (Surface), Old Ones (Surface)
Deep lore. Only the surface of it but deep lore nonetheless.

[X] Heretic Gunsmith
[X] Barrow King
[X] Vampire Skald
[X] Stranded Valkyrie
[X] Black Lion
[X] Vampire Skald

These two have the most synergy with the exhibits we have now.

The Barrow King is likely to hang around for later recruitment, as is the Stromfels lady.
ruled invalid for it being melanistic
I wonder if this was because of superstitious nonsense, superstitious facts, or politics.

After a century of being raised by Necromancers, sent against their enemies, struck down, reforming, regathering his followers, settling back down in the barrow, and being raised again, Bracht the Eternal had enough. He copied what he had seen far too many times before, broke the slumber of his followers, and led them away from the direction that the Necromancers usually came from.
I can't not vote for this guy. What a story.

the overland journey led to so many adventures that she enjoyed so much that when she got back to her tomb, she just repaired the damage that the explorers had caused, left a note for any of her own people that might investigate, and went back to exploring.
But this one is also hilarious... such difficult choices

maybe he's black white colour blind and getting by with superb windsight.
Imagine though, that'd be hilarious.

[X] Barrow King
Want all. Will settle for

[X] Barrow King

I love the fuck off attitude on the one so very much.

[X] Stranded Valkyrie

Girl is having the time of her unlife.
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