Installation Class Quest (A CK2 Style Quest)

So we have Yamato blueprints? Now I'm wondering how Yamato, mushashi, and everyone else in the world (ship girl or otherwise) will react to there suddenly being a third or more? Actually, how will everyone react that we have actual blueprints? I believe they were destroyed. I'm also assuming this, but are you going with the whole ships we build turn into shipgirls thing?
In order of asking:

1. Shinano was at first a Yamato, but was converted. So they will be surprised at first, but still be accepting.
2. Extreme surprise, since they thought the same thing
3. Yes.
Wait, we got Alaska-class crusier bluepirnts. Does that mean we can build ourselves the USS Hawai'i? I mean it was never really finished, but can we have her in our fleet?
I didn't mean US property in the sense of the US national government directly owning. I meant US property as in being part of the country. There's no abandonment or dereliction going on here. US is at war with Abyssals and the Abyssals kicked them off the islands. The US is still going to consider Hawaii as part of the US.
If they kicked them off the islands, then the islands would currently be occupied by abyssal forces and considered their territory until and unless they are reconquered. Considering the fact that neither Abyssal or American forces are currently inhabiting the island means that either the US abandoned the island, in which case they abdicated any claims of ownership, or they were kicked off by the Abyssals, and then the Abyssals, instead of using it as a jumping off point for attacks at San Diego naval yards, abandoned it to the wildlife after killing everyone who lived here, and the Americans never reclaimed the territory, thereby abdicating ownership. Either way, any official claims currently upon the island are legally dubious due to the only inhabitants of the island being ourselves.
Well, seeing that Mitchel is the highesr authority on the islands, it ultimately falls down to who Mitchel sides with. If Mitchel maintains herself as being a part of the United States, then US holds onto the islands. Then again, I doubt the US even realizes Mitchel is on the island with her forces. So whats our choice? Reunite with the Union? Go our own way and restore Hawaiian Sovereignty? Surrender the islands to another government? Or do a heel turn and join the abyssals?
Personally I would prefer to just join back up with the US unless they make that as unappealing as possible to us. (Read: Insult us at every turn, Wanting to do involuntary medical experiments on us or our companions, being as unreasonable to us as possible. Basically go out of their way to be dicks to us.)

I don't think we really have the required stuff to make the Hawaiian islands sovereign again due to the fact that would required having the civilian populous of ethically Hawaiian people who also want to be their own nation again. The ladder point is moot due to the fact that everyone who was on Hawaii at the time of it being engulfed in fog are now dead.
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Oh thats a grim way of putting it. The Abyssals unknowingly silencing most if not all of the Hawaiian sovereignty movements that existed. Guess the idea of sovereignty for the nation of Hawai'i has been more or less been permanently erased.
So we have Yamato blueprints? Now I'm wondering how Yamato, mushashi, and everyone else in the world (ship girl or otherwise) will react to there suddenly being a third or more? Actually, how will everyone react that we have actual blueprints? I believe they were destroyed. I'm also assuming this, but are you going with the whole ships we build turn into shipgirls thing?
You're thinking of the super Yamato class Blue prints that were destroyed by the Navy security police? before Japan surrendered
Turn 10
Turn 10: This is bad. This is really, really, bad. From what you know, Re-Classes are some of the most powerful Abyssals known, with them only being trumped by Royal types. It will be a blood bath. What's even worse is that you are overcrowded for space. You don't have any place for the huge summoning that you performed, and you need to rectify that. Thankfully, you do have much more powerful weapons to use on the enemies, so you can attack if you wish.
(Temporary roll: Bonus Roll added! Bonus rolls will happen until the fleet going towards the convoy is destroyed or beaten back, and they only provide good things. However, they only activate on a 70+ roll, so don't get too happy.)
Bonus roll: 11 (Nothing Happens.)

Choose TWO of each:


[] A whole new meaning of the word Projectile: Besides SAM missiles, you want to figure out how long range missiles work. They could be very useful, and you could make them even better! Cost: 15 material. Reward: Gain Cruise Missiles, which can attack targets from super long ranges. Chance for success 65%

[] Build some stuff: Use your Factories that have been silent to churn out some machines. They will be useless until you get more gremlins, but it's better to have and not need then need and not have, right? Cost: Varied. Reward: Vehicles or weapons that can be used by new gremlins. Chance for success 85%
[] Infantry weapons (Battalion's worth): 6 Material per Brigade
[] Armored Battalion: 14 Material per Brigade
[] Rotor Plane Squadron: 16 Material per Wing
[] Modern Jet squadron: 30 Material per Wing
[] Modern Bomber squadron: 34 Material per Wing

[] Taking a closer look: Besides knowing that there is a Re-Class leading the fleet, you know nothing about it. Send some jets to find out the exact composition and formation of the fleet. Reward: Knowledge of enemy ship types, what formation they are in. Chance for success 70%

[] Naval Industry: Use some of the Blueprints you got to create some ships. Cost: Varied. Reward: Ships. Chance for success 100%
[] Gearing Class Destroyer: 15 Material, Takes 1 turn
[] Fletcher Class Destroyer: 15 Material, Takes 1 turn
[] Atlanta Class Cruiser: 20 Material, Takes 2 turns
[] Brooklyn Class Cruiser: 25 Material, Takes 2 turns
[] Alaska Class Battle Cruiser: 35 Material, Takes 3 turns (will be able to be sent out for battle)
[] Yamato Class Battleship: 70 Material, Takes 5 turns (You aren't getting one in time.)


[] Spread the word: Directly contact the American Convoy and tell them that a fleet is coming their way. (NUCLEAR OPTION) Reward: Fleet is warned and ready to fight Abyssals. Chance for success: 10% (This is the end all, be all choice because you want to stay anonymous as possible.) (Optional Action, Does NOT need to be taken)


[] My new magic materials: Use your new found aptitude in manipulation atoms to create some raw materials. Reward: +100 materials. Chance of success 100% (30% to double rewards)

[] You require additional Spacing: You are out of space to put the Gremlins. Make some more. Cost: 20 materials Reward: +10 to all living spaces for combat units. Chance for success 80%

[] Putting the fine in refinery: Create some refineries at the resource deposits that are on the islands. Cost: 50 Material per refinery (Remember, you can put 2 per deposit.) Chance for success 75%

[] Big Bertha: Expand the Naval shipyard you have to increase production. Cost: 20 material. Reward: +5 Naval Production Slots. Chance for success 85%


[] Truly tuning in: Listen to US military frequencies to try and find out any operations. Reward: Know what the military is doing in the next turn. Chance for success 75%

[] The power of the internet: Go on the internet and try and find news about anything important. Reward: Civilian News tells you something useful. Chance for success 90%

[] Satellite Hijack: Hack the orbital satellites to get a much better view of the world. Reward: Global Viewpoint Chance for success 30%


[] Soul sensor quality: Attempt to increase the fine tuning of your soul sensor to recruit higher quality spirits. Reward: Gain 50 XP in Soul sensing skill. Chance for success 55% (Chance to double rewards 30%)

[] Omnimancy training: Try and advance your control and knowledge of Atomic manipulation. Reward: +50 EXP to Atomic manipulation skill. Chance of success 55% (Chance to double rewards 30%)

[] Shipgirling: Use your abilities in soul sensing and atomic manipulation to find some ship spirits and build them some bodies. Reward: New girls to help out
Chance for Success 80%


[] Blueprint diving: Go on the internet to try and find some usable blueprints for later use. Reward: Possible new ships to produce. Chance for Success 95% (55% to find multiple.)

[] Consult your scientists: Go to the gremlin scientists that you have to get some help on an idea. Reward: New project to work on. Chance for success ???
(AN: This is an option to recommend a learning option to me that I consider for the next turn. Additional Evidence will add onto success chance.)


[] Training: Train yourself in something you feel you lack experience in. Reward: Gain 1d4 to chosen stat. Chance for success 100% (Repeatable)

[] Know thy friends, Know thy self: Interact with the Gremlins you have on base to better learn how they work. Reward: Increased Gremlin productiveness due to personal attention by princess. Chance for success 100% (Repeatable)

[] Personal attention: Personally take care of one project of your choosing. Reward: +15 to Success roll of ONE project. Chance for success ??? (Depends on project) (Repeatable)

21 units of Food remaining (+2 per turn)

175 units of Material remaining (+175 per turn)

(NEW RULES: Doubling up on a training action is now allowed. This means that by using a free action, you can roll another dice to get another result. If you put this under personal attention, you will get +15 bonus for both rolls. YOU MUST SPECIFY WHAT YOU ARE DOUBLING UP ON. Also, when making a plan please put the description of the actions along with it. It would be very helpful.)

1 hour Moratorium before voting.
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Question, do we need a action to build a Navel ship each time or can we build as many as we want with a single action?
[X] Plan Preperation

[X] Taking a closer look: Besides knowing that there is a Re-Class leading the fleet, you know nothing about it. Send some jets to find out the exact composition and formation of the fleet. Reward: Knowledge of enemy ship types, what formation they are in. Chance for success 70%
[X] Naval Industry: Use some of the Blueprints you got to create some ships. Cost: Varied. Reward: Ships. Chance for success 100%
-[X] Alaska Class Battle Cruiser x5: 35 Material, Takes 3 turns (Max out current production slots)
Costs: 175

Convert to two extra actions

[X] My new magic materials: Use your new found aptitude in manipulation atoms to create some raw materials. Reward: +100 materials. Chance of success 100% (30% to double rewards)
[X] Big Bertha: Expand the Naval shipyard you have to increase production. Cost: 20 material. Reward: +5 Naval Production Slots. Chance for success 85%
[X] You require additional Spacing: You are out of space to put the Gremlins. Make some more. Cost: 20 materials Reward: +10 to all living spaces for combat units. Chance for success 80%


[X] Truly tuning in: Listen to US military frequencies to try and find out any operations. Reward: Know what the military is doing in the next turn. Chance for success 75%
[X] The power of the internet: Go on the internet and try and find news about anything important. Reward: Civilian News tells you something useful. Chance for success 90%


[X] Soul sensor quality: Attempt to increase the fine tuning of your soul sensor to recruit higher quality spirits. Reward: Gain 50 XP in Soul sensing skill. Chance for success 55% (Chance to double rewards 30%)
[X] Shipgirling: Use your abilities in soul sensing and atomic manipulation to find some ship spirits and build them some bodies. Reward: New girls to help out
Chance for Success 80%


[X] Blueprint diving: Go on the internet to try and find some usable blueprints for later use. Reward: Possible new ships to produce. Chance for Success 95% (55% to find multiple.)
[X] Consult your scientists: Go to the gremlin scientists that you have to get some help on an idea. Reward: New project to work on. Chance for success ???
- [X] Suggest the possibility of awakening built ships into shipgirls.


[X] Training: Train yourself in something you feel you lack experience in. Reward: Gain 1d4 to chosen stat. Chance for success 100% (Repeatable)
- Train Mitchel in Stewardship
[X] Training: Train yourself in something you feel you lack experience in. Reward: Gain 1d4 to chosen stat. Chance for success 100% (Repeatable)
- Train Pearl in Martial
[X] Personal attention: Personally take care of one project of your choosing. Reward: +15 to Success roll of ONE project. Chance for success ??? (Depends on project) (Repeatable)
- Shipgirling

Let's really start booming right away. We got a decent income for a start, so let's go producing as much ships as we can as well. And probably make sure we expand our ship slots too.

Changed out the magic materials for more production. We might be chewing into a bit of our income, but that's fine. A bit of splurging done now will pay dividends down the line.
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[X] Plan: Gearing up and scouting the enemy and training to fight.
(Devote 1 action from Diplomacy placed into Martial and the other action into stewardship)


[X] A whole new meaning of the word Projectile: Besides SAM missiles, you want to figure out how long range missiles work. They could be very useful, and you could make them even better! Cost: 15 material. Reward: Gain Cruise Missiles, which can attack targets from super long ranges. Chance for success 65%

[X] Taking a closer look: Besides knowing that there is a Re-Class leading the fleet, you know nothing about it. Send some jets to find out the exact composition and formation of the fleet. Reward: Knowledge of enemy ship types, what formation they are in. Chance for success 70%
-(We should be getting a +10 to this due to the perk Testing Ground, which states that it gives a +10 to martial rolls when using aircraft)

[X] Naval Industry: Use some of the Blueprints you got to create some ships. Cost: Varied. Reward: Ships. Chance for success 100%
[X] Alaska Class Battle Cruiser: 35 Material, Takes 4 turns (will be able to be sent out for battle) (build 4) (Total cost 140 Materials)

175 units of Materials
(Total cost here: 155 materials, 10 materials left over for other actions)

(Convert to two extra actions)


(The perk Eye for detail: should give us a +15 to stewardship rolls.)

[X] My new magic materials: Use your new found aptitude in manipulation atoms to create some raw materials. Reward: +100 materials. Chance of success 100% (30% to double rewards)

Gain 100 to 200 materials.

New minimum total: 110 materials.

[X] You require additional Spacing: You are out of space to put the Gremlins. Make some more. Cost: 20 materials Reward: +10 to all living spaces for combat units. Chance for success 80%

[X] Big Bertha: Expand the Naval shipyard you have to increase production. Cost: 20 material. Reward: +5 Naval Production Slots. Chance for success 85%

125 units of Materials
(Total cost here: 40 material, 70 material left over for other actions)
(195 units of Material used for this turn with 70 Materials left over for next turn)


[X] Truly tuning in: Listen to US military frequencies to try and find out any operations. Reward: Know what the military is doing in the next turn. Chance for success 75%

[X] The power of the internet: Go on the internet and try and find news about anything important. Reward: Civilian News tells you something useful. Chance for success 90%

[X] Omnimancy training: Try and advance your control and knowledge of Atomic manipulation. Reward: +50 EXP to Atomic manipulation skill. Chance of success 55% (Chance to double rewards 30%)

[X] Shipgirling: Use your abilities in soul sensing and atomic manipulation to find some ship spirits and build them some bodies. Reward: New girls to help out
Chance for Success 80%


(the Perk Learned: Should give us a 10+ to learning rolls.)

[X] Blueprint diving: Go on the internet to try and find some usable blueprints for later use. Reward: Possible new ships to produce. Chance for Success 95% (55% to find multiple.)

[X] Consult your scientists: Go to the gremlin scientists that you have to get some help on an idea. Reward: New project to work on. Chance for success ???
-[X] Suggest looking into creating Anti Ship missiles (ASM for short) and Guided missile destroyer (DDG for short.)
--(Evidence, Wiki Page for ASM's, a list of missiles that the US has made, 2 videos of them in action 1 and 2)
---(Next the Wiki Page for DDG's which also happens to show links to various DDG's that have been made around the world and a video of the USS Sqruance in action.)


[X] Training: Train yourself in something you feel you lack experience in. Reward: Gain 1d4 to chosen stat. Chance for success 100% (Repeatable)
-(Training Pearl)
--(Trained in Martial)

[X] Personal attention: Personally take care of one project of your choosing. Reward: +15 to Success roll of ONE project. Chance for success ??? (Depends on project) (Repeatable)
-Taking a closer look

21 units of Food remaining (+2 per turn)

70 units of Material remaining (+175 per turn)

Mainly wanting to make as many Alaska Class Battle Cruisers as we can make this turn seeing that this is the only turn we can do it and still expect to have them here for the fight,

Next turn we can make focus on making some other ships but I want to get as many big guns as we can at this moment.

We may want to grab a couple of quartermasters next turn as well seeing that Ship-girls require food and we are about to make a massive expansion to our navy.

I went with placing a good deal of focus on scouting out the enemy fleet as to hopefully getting a pretty accurate number and type of enemies while hopefully avoiding alerting them to us and or losing our jets.
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@Captain.Cat, What are you going to suggest with the consult you scientists action? It's essentially a write-in for what you want to research next turn. (Within acceptable boundaries of course.)
Alright I fixed it up and given two suggestions although they are very closely tied together with one another. The Suggestions are for Anti Ship missiles and Guided missile destroyers which I left a link to their respective wiki articles and a video for them both.
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2 Questions.
1st: If we were to build some jet bombers will we be able to use them in the upcoming battle?

2nd: With both of the current plans we will be maxing out on space for navel units, will be locked of making anymore until after we complete a expansion to their space or can we in the same turn build a expansion and build more navel units?
1. Yes you will

2. You will be locked. You currently have 5 berths from which you can make ships, and there will be an action when the fleet is gone to expand this.

also, just a quibble, but a Navel is actually a part of the body; the belly button, to be precise.