Installation Class Quest (A CK2 Style Quest)

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The first thing you notice is darkness. You can't see, you can't hear, you can't do anything...
North Carolina
The first thing you notice is darkness. You can't see, you can't hear, you can't do anything. However, you can remember what you were. Your last memories were...

[] Fire and Brimstone: Everything was burning, Everyone was screaming, and nothing made sense, you just wanted it to all go away.

[] The sounds of silence: You had done your duty. Helped all that you could, made sure that no one had to live in fear. It seemed like you were just going to go to bed.

After that flash of your memories, you noticed a mote of light, and it was quickly growing larger. Just before the light swallowed you up, it changed color for a split second. That color was...

[]: Brown
[]: Blue
[]: White, it didn't change

(AN: Hello and welcome to Instillation Class Quest! This was inspired by Abyssal Quest on SB, which was made by blaze837. You can find it here, and I really do recommend it. That being said, this is the very first quest I have done, so any kind of feedback on how I can improve or tips on how to continue by previous GMs or QMs would be immensely appreciated. I will be using a Plan style format when the turns start, so one from each category will be required or the plan will be disqualified from being put into action. With that being said, let us start the adventure!)
Notable Units/Heroes
Mitchell Air Force Base (Also responds to Michelle)
Appearance (Remove the Black Maw around the bottom of the face)


Martial: 11 (Not a large amount of experience leading troops, but has basic training)

Diplomacy: 17 (Competent Diplomat, but will require extra training to become a true master)

Stewardship: 30 (Easily Manages a base, along with having extensive memories with military logistics)

Intrigue: 10 (Experience with Reconnaissance, but not espionage)

Piety: 15 (Not very invested in magic, but starting to learn)

Learning: 25 (Was a military testing ground for B24s, also strange burning desire to learn)

Blessing of the sea: ??? (Comes with harbor without needing to build it, ???)
An eye for detail: Lots of very important aircraft maintenance and testing has left you with a good eye for small details. (+15 to stewardship rolls, +1 to stewardship)
Testing Ground: You were used to test powerful aircraft. (+2 to learning, +10 to martial rolls when using aircraft)
Old Soldier: You were around before WW1, so you have the wisdom of age. (+2 to martial, Army and Air force soldiers start at Experienced)
Mother Michelle: You had to comfort the other spirits of the bases when Pearl fell, so you are known as a "Mombase". (+20 to diplomacy Rolls when interacting with other installation class spirits)
Learned: You have a good amount of knowledge when it comes to certain topics (+2 to learning, +10 to learning rolls.)
Charismatic Spirit: Your mere presence will cause other spirits to gravitate towards you. (+20 to recruitment success rolls, +4 to number of gremlins recruited.)
Architectural Genius: You are a natural when it comes to buildings. You can improve the structure or function of a building just by eyeballing it or make new ones on a whim. (+5 to stewardship, Makes or improves building Blueprints with ease.)
Stat skill (Stewardship) Multitasker: You can divide your attention easily, allowing you to use your time more efficiently. (+1 Action per turn.)
Architect: You are now a certified Architect, and have approval to build buildings. (Gain +10 to rolls involving building something).
Stat Skill (Learning) A single Spark: You sometimes get... Flashes of ideas that you just need to write on. (New Personal action: You can design something [This is usually a link to another thing or something that players can design themselves, and roll a d100 for its current viability. If >80, then the idea gets added to Mitchell's repertoire.

Soul Sensor (Grand Master): You can feel the spirits of the departed around you and can call them to serve with ease. (Summons the spirits of Destroyers, Light Cruisers, and Transport Submarines. 150/500 to High Master.)
Atomic Manipulation (High Master): Manipulates the atomic structure of matter with ease. You have a maximum range of 50 meters. (Changes atomic structure of matter nearby, allowing you to morph it however you want. Can be used in combat or in Industry. Fashions bodies for the spirits of Heavy Cruisers, Battlecruisers, and Light Carriers. 50/1000 to Legend.)

Pearl Harbor


Martial: 49 (Was considered the Hub of US military Might in the 20th Century; This transfers over)

Diplomacy: 10 (Has a hard time interacting with people; Especially Japanese people)

Stewardship: 24 (Did also have to manage herself as a base from memories)

Intrigue: 11 (Not very sneaky, but can do it on occasion)

Learning: 12 (Not very interested in research)

Adorable: Everybody thinks she is the cutest thing on the planet. (+2 diplomacy, +20 to intrigue rolls)
Young: and Full of potential! (Any stats gained by training are doubled)
Beware the Quiet ones: Doesn't really speak a lot to people she doesn't know, but dang can she fight! (+2 to martial, -1 to diplomacy, +20 to attack rolls in the first turn of combat)
Stat Perk (Martial) "Seeing" the flow: Pearl can predict how certain enemies will react to certain tactics, and plan accordingly (Once per turn You will roll a d100, and if you get a 70+ you will find out how the enemy plans to fight you and react accordingly)

Soul Sensor (Advanced): You can feel the spirits of the departed around you and can call them to serve with relative ease. (New Piety option to recruit spirits, can currently take the form of regular Gremlins or Specialized. Regular can do pretty much anything given some training, but Specialized are true masters and are the end all, be all authorities in their specific fields.)
Atomic Manipulation (Advanced): On a 50+ stewardship roll for Manipulation action, gain 100 material units.

USS Arizona


Martial: 21 (Was a dedicated warship, even though she never really got into a battle)

Diplomacy: 22 (Is very taken by diplomatic talks, works closely with Gremlins to improve diplomatic skills)

Stewardship: 7 (Doesn't know a lot about managing resources on anything larger than a naval vessel)

Intrigue: 15 (Not very interested, but knows that all good diplomats can't be hopelessly optimistic)

Piety: 13 (Small interest, but would only become more interested if there were other applications)

Learning: 14 (Finds domestic research interesting, Militaristic not so much)

Trained Diplomat: Learned from people who have been trained as diplomatic envoys (+2 to Diplomacy, +10 to Diplomacy Rolls when involved)
Heavily armored: She is very heavily armored so enemy rounds will not harm her as much as they would another ship (+15 to Defense rolls, -5 to dodge rolls)
Honest: Doesn't like to speak lies. She can do it, but it's much easier for her to just speak the truth. (+1 to diplomacy, -1 to intrigue)
Never Again: She will never go back on her promise to Pearl [ONE OF A KIND SKILL] (3 times per battle, if Arizona were to take a fatal attack she is instead healed to full health and any crippling is fixed immediately)

(Stat skills are Good. Try and get as many as possible.)
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(AN: Units follow an experience system that is similar to SageofEyes's CORE. This means that troop experience goes as: Green-->Rookie-->Experienced-->Veteran-->Special-->Black Ops-->Pillar. There can only be 1 Pillar of a task force, but they are very powerful. NOTE: This list is for units that are able to be sent out on missions ONLY. Base guards and non-combat personnel are NOT included on the list.) [Special Abilities are put in brackets. These skills are something only that unit with that specific name has.

ALL UNITS PERK: [High Quality: Gain 2 times experience in battles to upgrade]

Land Units:
2 Marine Brigade (Experienced)
1 Pathfinders Battalion (Veteran) [Pathfinding: +20 to all rolls involving exploration or reconnaissance]
1 Armored Battalion
1 Special Ops team (Black Ops)
1 Army Corps
1 Espionage Corps (Veteran) [Actual Ninjas: +20 to all rolls involving infiltrating a building]
(15/30 barracks spaces used)

Air Units:
1 squadron of F-86 Sabres (Experienced)
1 Airship Girl (USS Macon, Experienced)
3 Modern Jet fighter wing (F-35s, F-22s) (Veteran)
3 Modern Bomber wing (B-1B Lancers, B2A Spirits) (Veteran)
2 Rotor squadrons
(1 wing will fill up one slot, so 10/30 Barracks spaces used)

Naval Units:
USS Arizona (Battleship)
USS Alden (Destroyer)
USS Thompson (Destroyer)
USS Pioneer (Destroyer)
5x Unnamed Gearing class destroyer (They haven't decided on names yet)
USS Lily (Destroyer)
USS Jacobs (Light Cruiser)
USS Marshton (Light Cruiser)
7x Unnamed Brooklyn class cruiser (They have not decided on names either)
USS Baltimore (Heavy Cruiser)
USS Yorktown (Air Craft Carrier)
USS Hawaii (Battle Cruiser)
USS Normandy (Battle Cruiser)
USS Abraham Clark (Cargo Ship)
USS Marcus Daly (Cargo Ship)
3x Unnamed Atlanta Class Cruisers (Light Cruiser)
USS Crescent (Heavy Cruiser)
USS Austin (Heavy Cruiser)
USS Pollock (Submarine)
USS Beluga (Submarine)
USS Sand Shark (Submarine)
USS Mullet (Submarine)
USS Kentucky (Battleship)
USS Constitution (Battleship)
(25/25 Spaces used)

0/5 spaces used

20 Scientists (+10 bonus to learning rolls)
0 Engineers
33 Diplomats (+15 bonus to diplomacy rolls)
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[x] The sounds of silence: You had done your duty. Helped all that you could, made sure that no one had to live in fear. It seemed like you were just going to go to bed.
[x]: White, it didn't change
[X] The sounds of silence: You had done your duty. Helped all that you could, made sure that no one had to live in fear. It seemed like you were just going to go to bed.
[X]: White, it didn't change
[x] The sounds of silence: You had done your duty. Helped all that you could, made sure that no one had to live in fear. It seemed like you were just going to go to bed.
[x]: White, it didn't change
[X] The sounds of silence: You had done your duty. Helped all that you could, made sure that no one had to live in fear. It seemed like you were just going to go to bed.
[X]: White, it didn't change
[X] The sounds of silence: You had done your duty. Helped all that you could, made sure that no one had to live in fear. It seemed like you were just going to go to bed.
[X]: Blue
[X] The sounds of silence: You had done your duty. Helped all that you could, made sure that no one had to live in fear. It seemed like you were just going to go to bed
[X]: Blue
Dunno what the colors are for but I like blue
[X] Fire and Brimstone: Everything was burning, Everyone was screaming, and nothing made sense, you just wanted it to all go away.
[X]: Blue

[X] The sounds of silence: You had done your duty. Helped all that you could, made sure that no one had to live in fear. It seemed like you were just going to go to bed.
[X]: Blue
[x] The sounds of silence: You had done your duty. Helped all that you could, made sure that no one had to live in fear. It seemed like you were just going to go to bed.
[x]: White, it didn't change
[X] The sounds of silence: You had done your duty. Helped all that you could, made sure that no one had to live in fear. It seemed like you were just going to go to bed.
[X]: Blue
Waking up on the right side of the bed
(AN: Okay, so since the color vote is tied, I'll be rolling a 6 sided die for which color gets it. 1-3 = white, 4-6 = blue.
Welp. Blue it is then!)

When you open your eyes once more, you notice yourself on the shore of a beach. the tide is lapping against the sand, and it seemed to be early morning. you were able to see your reflection in the water. Relatively tall, Alabaster skin, Crimson eyes, and pearl white teeth. behind you, you could see the parts that had been essential for you, the logistics center and warehouse, the airfield, Barracks... Wait a second. That wasn't there before. Why do you suddenly have a harbor?

1st part of the blessing of the sea activated! You get a free harbor to start off with! (AN: This is what the colors meant. Since you won't be getting another chance to get these colors I'll tell you what they would have done. White would have given you some crashed jets around to start, and within a radius of you and your units all human missile tech would work. Meanwhile, Brown would have given you the ability to make natural deposits of any kind of resource you needed pop up for free.)

After confusedly viewing your new additions, you are suddenly assaulted by the feelings of rage and hatred towards humanity in general. How do you respond to it?

[]: Work through the feelings. You swore to protect them when you were built, and you won't be caught failing your job!

[]: Let the feelings overtake you, and realize your hatred! No. You know what hatred is, when Pearl fell. You know how it feels, and compared to that, this is NOTHING.
[X]: Work through the feelings. You swore to protect them when you were built, and you won't be caught failing your job!
[X]: Work through the feelings. You swore to protect them when you were built, and you won't be caught failing your job!

You will be protected. Resistance is futile.
[X]: Work through the feelings. You swore to protect them when you were built, and you won't be caught failing your job!
[X]: Let the feelings overtake you, and realize your hatred! No. You know what hatred is, when Pearl fell. You know how it feels, and compared to that, this is NOTHING.
[X]: Work through the feelings. You swore to protect them when you were built, and you won't be caught failing your job!
[X]: Work through the feelings. You swore to protect them when you were built, and you won't be caught failing your job!
Turn 1
A little known fact about the spirits of the military bases of a country is that they are all interlinked. Meaning, they share pains, joys, and experiences together. So, this means that you had experienced all of the feelings of Pearl when she was attacked, and you all collectively raged. Therefore, you had no problem with resisting the emotions that you felt right now, and was able to think clearly. Obviously you were somewhere you didn't recognize, so you had to figure out where you were. Easily solved! You moved to get up.
You just realized that you don't know how to move.

(AN: Turns beginning now!)

Choose ONE of Each:

Martial: You remember that you were a powerful military base, and want to keep it that way. Unfortunately, you have absolutely no experience with commanding troops of any kind. Hell, you don't even know if you have troops!

[] Roll Call!: Try and make a general roll call for all of the possible troops in your holdings. Reward: Get a specific idea of how many, if any troops are in the barracks and how well trained they are. Chance of Success 100%. Chance for extra bonus 30%

[]Where are the Guns!: Organize the hangars and armories to figure out your wartime assets. Chance of Success 100%

Diplomacy: You also had many high-profile people interact on you when you were a base. Maybe you could repeat that, except with yourself?

[] Diplomacy 101: Call upon your memories to remember how people interacted and apply them to future meetings. Reward: Roll 1d4 for permanent Diplomacy Stat increase. Chance of success 90%

Stewardship: Logistics are very important for any kind of Military, and making sure you always had secure supplies was a must.

[] An army marches on its stomach: Check the food warehouses for excess food in case you need it in the future. Reward: Gain 2d10 food. Chance for success 100%

[] Bow to my superior Industry skills!: Organize the spare raw and specialized materials that you Know are scattered every which way. Reward: Gain 2d10 Materials. Chance for success 100%

Intrigue: You were host to many a spies and spy planes during the Second World War. That could come in handy very soon.

[] Super Secret Spy Skills: Call upon your memories to remember how reconnaissance worked and how to perform espionage. Reward: Roll 1d4 for permanent Intrigue Stat increase. Chance of success 90%

Piety: Magic? What Magic?

[] One does not simply become human: You somehow became a human while asleep. Figure out how that happened. Reward: Personal Satisfaction, Possible future Piety research. Chance of Success 70%

Learning: You also were host to testing of some pretty impressive weapons. Perhaps science will come through again?

[] Personal Lab: Set up a makeshift lab to work at. Reward: +10 to all future Learning actions. Chance of success 85%

Personal: Your own personal free time!

[] ERROR HUMAN.EXE NOT FOUND: Figure out how to act like a human. Reward: Many, MANY more options available to you. Chance for Success 100%
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