Insanity State (Currently Recruiting up to eight Players!)

Should I list out some Cults or let you confront them then tell you about them?

  • Gimme the details!

    Votes: 4 57.1%
  • Surprise me, Bro!

    Votes: 3 42.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
We all know that it won't be the last rule change. It never is.

Don't worry too much on that.
Right so I think that I accounted for all my points here, thanks for the invite! How much does a horse and feed cost?

Name: Edgar Rumsfeld
Gender: Male
Physical Description:
A lanky Caucasian male who's most distinctive features are the ever present bags under his eyes, his ever present 5'o clock shadow and a battered U.S Postal Service hat perched proudly on his head.
Backstory(How did you survive up till now? Where are you from originally? Did you have to fight? Give me details, man!):

The world didn't immediately go to shit in '73. For a time there was rationing as the government desperately tried to hold together a world which was slowly going insane. Officials in turn provided needed assistance and stole requisitioned from the few areas that were still self sufficient, and so being one of those officials meant being a savior and demon in turn. As a new member of the U.S Postal Service Edgar Rumsfeld quickly became aware of just how dangerous it was to be the bringer of bad news. Of course after the bombs dropped and the President had a date with a Colt most people forgot about their hate towards the G-Men and started focusing on surviving in a Man eat Man world. However while the details may have changed Edgar remains true to his mission.

Mail has always been the cornerstone of society! Through building ties between the lost and desperate Edgar will see some order returned to this insane state. Though his postal truck may have been swapped for a horse and his uniform for leathers Edgar holds one truth close to his chest.

Neither snow nor rain nor dark of night nor cannibalistic raiders will stay this courier from the swift completion of his appointed rounds.

3: The Martyr

The Martyr is bulletproof, nothing will make them surrender. Protection of the weak, self-sacrifice and the fanaticism or sheer pig-headed stubbornness to keep fighting and be the first to charge into the fray when everyone else has fled gives them strength. They lead by example and bloody sacrifice.
-Attribute +1 Max Bonus: Psyche
-Skill +1 Bonus: Willpower, Toughness

Pitchfork: 5
Knife: 40
Leather Coat: 120
Sleeping Bag: 10
Tent: 120
Regional Maps: 40
Backpack: 15
Flask: 10
Cooking Gear: 30
Breathing Cloth (x2): 10
Bag of Mail: Priceless

-Body (BOD): 4 (Max: 5)
-Agility (AGL): 2 (Max: 5)
-Charisma (CHA): 0 (Max: 5)
-Intellect (INT): 1 (Max: 5)
-Psyche (PSY): 6 (Max: 6)
-Instinct (INS): 1 (Max: 5)

Derived Stats:
-Survival Points: 4/4
-Radiation levels: 0/12
-Flesh Wounds: 0/12
-Trauma: 0/10
-Sanity: 0/12
-Passive Defense: 1

Skills By Attribute Group:
-Athletics: 2 (Max: 10)
-Brawl: 0 (Max: 10)
-Force: 2 (Max: 10) (Used for bonus damage in melee combat and raw physical exertion)
-Melee: 2 (Max: 10)
-Stamina: 2 (Max: 10)
-Toughness: 2 (Max: 11)

-Crafting: 0 (Max: 10)
-Dexterity: 0 (Max: 10)
-Navigation: 1 (Max: 10)
-Mobility: 1 (Max: 10)
-Projectiles: 1 (Max: 10) (Anything from a thrown rock to a machinegun)
-Stealth: 0 (Max: 10)

-Expression: 0 (Max: 10) (Public speaking and reading people's body language)
-Leadership(Or keeping everyone's shit together): 0 (Max: 10)
-Negotiations: 0 (Max: 10)
-Seduction: 0 (Max: 10)

-Artifact Lore: 0 (Max: 10) (Allows identification valuable artifacts instead of just selling it for the scrap value.)
-Engineering: 0 (Max: 10)
-Focus: 1 (Max: 10) (Used for Survival Points and acts of supreme concentration and calm. If this is upgraded, the Primal Skill is locked permanently.)
-Legends: 0 (Max: 10) (Old stories sometimes contain new insights)
-Medicine: 0 (Max: 10)
-Science: 0 (Max: 10)

-Cunning: 2 (Max: 10) (Distractions and planning)
-Deception: 0 (Max: 10)
-Domination: 0 (Max: 10)
-Willpower: 1 (Max: 11)
-Reaction: 1 (Max: 10)

-Empathy: 0 (Max: 10)
-Orienteering: 1 (Max: 10)
-Perception: 1 (Max: 10)
-Primal: x (Max: 10) (Raw human emotion and fury. If chosen to be improved, the Focus skill cannot be used. Used for Survival Points.)
-Survival: 2 (Max: 10)
-Taming: 1 (Max: 10) (Used to control, tame and train animals or animal intellects.)

Accepted! Can't wait for you to get to a certain state. Also, you start off in the house alongside the others.
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[QUOTE="Gruber dude, post: 8710131, member: 15374"

Name: Aldi J. Laborn
Sex: Male
Physical Description: A thin, effeminate boy with strange purple hair and glazed dark eyes. Underneath his clothes his muscles are defined like steel cords, and his scar tissue looks to outnumber his normal skin. His body is peppered with dark spots from being thrown into fire to many times. His hair is messy and grows in patches from cutting it himself.

Backstory: Eh? You want more about me? Aren't you gonna be dead meat soon Ms. Petra?

I mean, I guess I could humor you in your last moments. Hey, don't smile! I have to kill you before I leave. It's the end for you either way.

So where do I start! Hm...the very beginning. Grandpa helped Mommy when she had me, and for a long time it was just the three of us. We scavenged for food, Grandpa and Mommy defended us, and when I got older, they started teaching me how to do the same. My memories about that are a bit...fuzzy. The only thing I can remember clearly are the stories grandpa used to tell me by the fireplace. Sometimes, when things were really good, we'd all eat cheese, crackers, and coffee by the flames, enjoying each other tall tales. The closest thing to Heaven in this world.

Of course, eventually the food ran out. We had to start moving. Grandpa was getting on in the years, so most of the heavy lifting was left to mom. They got hurt a lot...more than I was comfortable with. Years went by, I think, and a decent amount of time ago we got separated from each other. Don't look at me like that! I said my part. You thought there was more? Didn't I say my memory was shot?

I'm looking for them. Assholes like you are just wasting my time. I know there alive. I can feel it in my bones. I just have to keep looking for them, and never quit. I'm got a lot better at finding my way around so I don't get lost again. Once I find the everything is gonna be nice and dandy.

Well won't you look at the time! I need to go. Hopefully your friends will find you tasty. Goodbye.

Geez, she didn't even scream. It's no fun when they don't scream.

-Body (BOD): 2 (Max: 5)
-Agility (AGL): 1 (Max: 5)
-Charisma (CHA): 1 (Max: 5)
-Intellect (INT): 1 (Max: 5)
-Psyche (PSY): 4 (Max: 5)
-Instinct (INS): 1 (Max: 5)

Derived Stats:
-Survival Points: 0/6
-Radiation levels: 0/10
-Flesh Wounds: 0/8
-Trauma: 0
-Sanity: 0/6
-Passive Defense: 1

Skills By Attribute Group:
-Athletics: 0 (Max: 10)
-Brawl: 0 (Max: 10)
-Force: 0 (Max: 10) (Used for bonus damage in melee combat and raw physical exertion)
-Melee: 2 (Max: 10)
-Stamina: 0 (Max: 10)
-Toughness: 0 (Max: 10)

-Crafting: 0 (Max: 10)
-Dexterity: 1 (Max: 10)
-Navigation: 4 (Max: 10)
-Mobility: 0 (Max: 10)
-Projectiles: 0 (Max: 10) (Anything from a thrown rock to a machinegun)
-Stealth: 0 (Max: 10)

-Expression: 0 (Max: 10) (Public speaking and reading people's body language)
-Leadership(Or keeping everyone's shit together): 0 (Max: 10)
-Negotiations: 0 (Max: 10)
-Seduction: 0 (Max: 10)

-Artifact Lore: 0 (Max: 10) (Allows identification valuable artifacts instead of just selling it for the scrap value.)
-Engineering: 0 (Max: 10)
-Focus: 0 (Max: 10) (Used for Survival Points and acts of supreme concentration and calm. If this is upgraded, the Primal Skill is locked permanently.)
-Legends: 2 (Max: 10) (Old stories sometimes contain new insights)
-Medicine: 0 (Max: 10)
-Science: 0 (Max: 10)

-Cunning: 0 (Max: 10) (Distractions and planning)
-Deception: 0 (Max: 10)
-Domination: 3 (Max: 10)
-Willpower: 0 (Max: 10)
-Reaction: 0 (Max: 10)

-Empathy: 0 (Max: 10)
-Orienteering: 0 (Max: 10)
-Perception: 0 (Max: 10)
-Primal: 1 (Max: 10) (Raw human emotion and fury. If chosen to be improved, the Focus skill cannot be used. Used for Survival Points.)
-Survival: 1 (Max: 10)
-Taming: 0 (Max: 10) (Used to control, tame and train animals or animal intellects.)

Distance: 1

Damage: 1d6+(F/2)

Weapon Crit Qualities:

-Blunt (Reduce Armor Rating by 1.)

Encumbrance: 3

Tech Level: I

Mod Slots: 2

Mods: Nails for Piercing Crit Quality, Chains for +1 to blunt quality, oil and fire for flaming Quality, etc.

Value: 20

Kills Required for Mastery: 15

Durability: Ten days without repair.

In the spirit of insanity I begin our game with glorious arson. Is a 14 enough for it to work?
Are you inside or outside(close or far) the building we are in? need to know to see what to say.
Numbers of enemies?
20. Though six of the healthy ones have ran towards Edgar and are now fighting him. So 14 are still coming towards the actual group. And also, I'm going to be either use this site or Unseen Servant. Maybe this site. I used Unseen Servant for the first dodge, but I shall use This site. And now @Da Boyz, Roll Damage for your Pitchfork. On the OOC version of the RP.
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Does Brawl only apply to unarmed fighting or does it apply to melee weapons too?
I can only roll after posting it seems so I am currently rolling it also What do I need to roll the 20 for? I'm still rolling and adding bonuses for my axes still
So 16 for thrown Axe, and 10 for Melee Axe when you round it. The Distance is 14 from the small detachment, and the actual horde is charging from 5. So, you will attack, but the actual horde shall turn and send some more to attack. And the D20 was for striking the enemies.

(That poor bastard gets a head full of Axe. As for the other, he gets.... Ignore that.)

(The Meleed one takes half damage. Now roll damage for the Axes.)
Gruber dude threw 2 20-faced dice. Reason: Defense (Ranged) Total: 15
5 5 10 10
Gruber dude threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Defense (Melee) Total: 14
14 14
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What did you mean by under paid porter and game cleaner? I'm curious myself.
The mailman is used to carrying things... So Quarter may have... "hired" him to help him carry whatever game he finds to the butcher's block. And by hired I mean "Hey, Postal! Mind giving me a hand with this buck? Burned away the spores already." Likely only happened once or twice. Would have gotten a cut of the meat though, so it was a good enough deal.

The game cleaner... Well, that's you. Got to skin, gut, and then boil the meat to get rid of that nasty infection. Sure, it tastes like a soggy leather boot with venison flavoring afterwards, but it's food. Quarter would likely have dropped that bit of duty onto someone else, since no one eats without doing their share... Except for @Space Multiply, he's a growing boy. Needs his protean. ( ;) Just some non-consensual character building, and you can always say "No".)
The mailman is used to carrying things... So Quarter may have... "hired" him to help him carry whatever game he finds to the butcher's block. And by hired I mean "Hey, Postal! Mind giving me a hand with this buck? Burned away the spores already." Likely only happened once or twice. Would have gotten a cut of the meat though, so it was a good enough deal.

The game cleaner... Well, that's you. Got to skin, gut, and then boil the meat to get rid of that nasty infection. Sure, it tastes like a soggy leather boot with venison flavoring afterwards, but it's food. Quarter would likely have dropped that bit of duty onto someone else, since no one eats without doing their share... Except for @Space Multiply, he's a growing boy. Needs his protean. ( ;) Just some non-consensual character building, and you can always say "No".)
Sounds funny.
It is to me. But seriously, I can edit that out if you want. Wouldn't change the overall content much at all.
Sorry for not being punctual. I will make sure to check in regularly from now on.
The mailman is used to carrying things... So Quarter may have... "hired" him to help him carry whatever game he finds to the butcher's block. And by hired I mean "Hey, Postal! Mind giving me a hand with this buck? Burned away the spores already." Likely only happened once or twice. Would have gotten a cut of the meat though, so it was a good enough deal.

The game cleaner... Well, that's you. Got to skin, gut, and then boil the meat to get rid of that nasty infection. Sure, it tastes like a soggy leather boot with venison flavoring afterwards, but it's food. Quarter would likely have dropped that bit of duty onto someone else, since no one eats without doing their share... Except for @Space Multiply, he's a growing boy. Needs his protean. ( ;) Just some non-consensual character building, and you can always say "No".)
On a side note, i feel like this dynamic is probably something of a source of vague and unacknowledged terror for Dorian, because while he's certainly helpful, his skills have little visible real-world impact, and he is pretty much unable to survive without help because he never learned the basic skillset that the other survivors take for granted.
It is to me. But seriously, I can edit that out if you want. Wouldn't change the overall content much at all.
Not a problem that sort of thing sounds fun... I wish I took some explosives would have made this a lot easier.
Eh, we have sixty days to find some. Might even have time to craft traps.