A Summary of the Census of the King's Village of Nesiwald, Taken in the Month of February 1138.
The village of Nesiwald consists of 227 individual households spread over approximately one mile. All families but two (Mr. Smith - Blacksmith, Mr. Bismarck - Steward) perform some form of Farming, Herding, or Forestry work as their primary employment.
Sketch of Village Layout with Notable Features:
(Note: A few homes are located some distance away from the central settlement)
Distribution of Ages:
325 Adult Men of Working Age,
363 Adult Women of Working Age,
79 Elderly Men,
114 Elderly Women,
302 Young Boys,
287 Young Girls,
For a total of 1480 people.
Additionally 46 Men and 5 Women of Nesiwald are noted to have joined the King's armies or otherwise left for other parts but whose families report an intent to return, and there were 88 Babes and Infants when this count was taken, who are not counted as their survival is uncertain.
Distribution of Work:
192 Households hold traditional farms, owning fields pastures in the surrounding areas of the village itself. Most households own one to three cattle and perhaps a goat, sheep, or pig as well. Crops grown include Wheat and Winter Wheat, Barley, Rye, various Legumes, certain Vegetables, and a great many Potatoes.
--62 of these farming households are counted as Cottars, those poorer folk who do not own animals or fine tools of their own and often perform undesirable labor like ditch and latrine digging, mining, and so on.
27 Households own herds of animals, including Cattle, Sheep, Goats, and Pigs. Mostly Goats. These folk are seen as wealthier and better off, however it seems like they suffer some trouble finding adequate grazing land as the surroundings of Nesiwald are quite hilly and forested.
6 Households earn their living with Forestry work, this including Hunting and Trapping, as well as the gathering of firewood and cutting of lumber in the forests.
1 Household is a Master Blacksmith currently training one Apprentice (Note: This has increased drastically to 4 Apprentices since, and one Apprentice is soon approaching Journeyman status)
1 Household is the Steward's Household whose work consists of management and oversight as well as improvements to the land and village.
There are no folk who make their whole livings from specialized craft such as Carpentry, Tanning, Weaving, and so on besides the Master Smith and Steward. Rather, such work is done depending on who has relevant skills during evenings and especially during the winter. In the full census individuals noted to earn much of their living through crafts are noted.
There is also a Mine to the east of Nesiwald, which supplies the Master Smith with much metal to perform his work with. No households make their whole living laboring in the Mine, rather folk who want or need extra coin (particularly Cottars) will spend some of their days breaking and hauling ore. (Note: Steward of Nesiwald purchased the mine and made significant improvements to the tooling and trails in April 1138)
(The papers continue for several pages to detail every single family in the village and identify what fields and houses they own)