Indestructible Spirit (Kancolle AU)

Yes I think that Kongo and O'Neill should never met. I want someone to write a Kancolle/Stargate fic where, due to Quantum Mirror shenanigans, everyone meets...

Kaga will find a kindred soul in Teal'c.
Yamato will loose her heart to Daniel Jackson and come away much stronger for it.
Samantha Carter will be going out of her mind trying to wrap her head around "Ship=girl magical bullshit".
O'Neill will (after realizing that the DD's are not child soldier) will be chillin' and drinking tea with the Kongous while imaging what kind of kanmusu the O'Neill-class would be like.

...all while Nagato and Hammond will commiserate about the B.S. they have to put up with because of their subordinates.

Edit: I'm not sorry...
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Are you kidding? Kongou and O'Neil would be a teamup for the ages!
Then what will everyone else do?
To qualify as a dreadnought class warship two thing are a must a Belt of 8' or more and Naval rifles of 14' or more.
Kongou and her sisters squeak by the Lexington Battle cruiser had a belt of 5'to7'. Lexington-class battlecruiser - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
When you "battleship" engines can be pen by an eight inch shell from a heavy cruiser, a BBs natural prey, you got problems.

As for my Lexingtons spec screw up I was remembering the Hoods specs which the Lexingtons were based off of.
Damn it guys, don't give my muse more ideas for SG/KC than I already have. :p
Hmmm.... No.
Around 1918, American commanders, including Vice-Admiral William Sims, commander of US naval forces in Europe, and Admiral Henry T. Mayo, commander of the Atlantic Fleet, became extremely impressed by Hood which they described as a "fast battleship"
hood stats
From the Wiki her belt and armament 15' guns qualify her for Dreadnought but her designation is Battle cruiser.
Arizona's belt is just an inch and a half wider than hoods and she and her sister are Super dreadnoughts.
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To qualify as a dreadnought class warship two thing are a must a Belt of 8' or more and Naval rifles of 14' or more.

You know, you've written that twice now despite the fact it doesn't even match the definition of the "super-dreadnought" - the first of which were the Orions with their 13.5" guns. Where are you getting this definition from?

A "dreadnought", starting with the type ship HMS Dreadnought, is a battleship or a vessel capable of operating in the line of battle with a uniform (or "all big gun") main armament. That's the basic difference between a pre-dreadnought, semi-dreadnought and a dreadnought. Nothing more, nothing less.

All the battlecruisers built by Britain, Germany and Japan or designed by the USA were dreadnought-type vessels.

What you're describing sounds more like the definition of a 1930s London Treaty Battleship, not a dreadnought. Although I can't recall coming across minimum armoured thicknesses being specified before.
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I can only imagine the (insert term here) if Indy and canon Kongou are fused into one mind,body, and spirit. Bi Polar Hooooooo!
Back in December I posted my thoughts about how Kongou came to be HMS Indestructible, about how corruption, bribery and politics must be involved. Today, this post showed up in a Let's Play thread.
APologies for the double post, but this is too hilarious to not share:

You know the delays that plagued Vanguard? Well, there's historical precedent:
Siemens scandal
Basically, corruption in the IJN was unveiled by a disgruntled Siemens employee, causing a cascade of delays that led to construction on Kongo being halted until shortly before the start of WWII
(WWII is supposed to be WWI, but I'm quoting verbatim. EDIT: AND I'm partially ninja'd.)
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So, um, when I posted the original idea for the Indy AU back in the idea thread, I had no idea about this.
Siemens scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Apparently, Kongou was delayed IOTL, by corporate dickery. Maybe ITTL the scandal went on longer?

The article says that Vickers were asked to restart work on Kongou a year after she was actually delivered. "Something smells in the state of Denmark."

Edit: Found in Google books the reference to restarting work on Kongou; none of the other online sources outside Wikipedia mention this. Combined Fleet's TROM for Kongou has her leaving Britain on the 28th August 1913.
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The article says that Vickers were asked to restart work on Kongou a year after she was actually delivered. "Something smells in the state of Denmark."

Edit: Found in Google books the reference to restarting work on Kongou; none of the other online sources outside Wikipedia mention this. Combined Fleet's TROM for Kongou has her leaving Britain on the 28th August 1913.
It's likely someone got confused in their research. Or it could be during a period of training, adjustment, fixes "under warranty', etc.

But imagine if the scandal had come to a head earlier. Might Kongou have been held as evidence? Or on some other pretext?

(EDIT: The Wikipedia article says "In 1914, the British firm of Vickers (via their Japanese agents Mitsui Bussan) offered the Japanese naval authorities a more lucrative deal, involving a 25% kickback, with 40,000 Yen for Vice Admiral Matsumoto Kazu, the former Chief of the Navy Technical Department, specifically involving the procurement of the battlecruiser Kongō." But then says the payments were made in 1911 and 1912. The line should probably start with "In 1914 it was revealed that.....")
It's likely someone got confused in their research. Or it could be during a period of training, adjustment, fixes "under warranty', etc.

Could be, and the TROM really isn't that detailed for 1914; I just can't find any reference to such a period though and none of the other sources on the web seem to make the same claim.

But imagine if the scandal had come to a head earlier. Might Kongou have been held as evidence? Or on some other pretext?

Unlikely, despite the law, from the British end - Vickers had too many connections and Japan was too politically important a client (see, for example, our current relationship with Saudi Arabia.) From the Japanese end I don't know.

(EDIT: The Wikipedia article says "In 1914, the British firm of Vickers (via their Japanese agents Mitsui Bussan) offered the Japanese naval authorities a more lucrative deal, involving a 25% kickback, with 40,000 Yen for Vice Admiral Matsumoto Kazu, the former Chief of the Navy Technical Department, specifically involving the procurement of the battlecruiser Kongō." But then says the payments were made in 1911 and 1912. The line should probably start with "In 1914 it was revealed that.....")

The "restarting work" line is in the "Aftermath" section of the Wiki article and specifically linked to the outbreak of WWI. And seems to be a direct quote from a volume that makes the same claim on google books.
Chapter 10
In other news, update!

Chapter 10:


"Is the Indian Ocean normally this...?"

"No, not at all."

Seydlitz frowned at that, looking out at the imposing storm in the distance. She didn't like the look of that storm, not in the slightest. Storms were...not a good thing. Storms presaged Abyssals, so often. And while the scarred girl would be the last one to back down from a fight, she would prefer to not deal with the monsters. Seydlitz's area of operation- where she was designed to fight -was the North Sea or Baltic. Those relatively small areas were her home and where she was most effective. The Med, she could have fought in as well. Out in the wide expanses of the Indian Ocean?

The German was less than comfortable at the idea of fighting out here.

Moreover, not only was she out of her element...she was outclassed as well. Her escorts, the Italians replaced by HMS Victorious, HMS Repulse, and a gaggle of destroyers...all of them were faster than her. Even Irresistible and Implacable were three knots her superior. Seydlitz only bore 11-inch rifles. And while those guns were the best of their caliber at the time they were made, they were woefully outdated now. was not an understatement, to say she was worried she would do more to weigh down her comrades than help them.

I worry this may be due to me, as well...

"Hey, 'litz?" Irresistible called back to her from the front of the formation. "You okay to fight if we need to?"

"Ja!" Seydlitz replied, with more confidence than she felt.

"Good! 'Cause we may have to!" Even as she yelled that, the middle Indestructible sister turned to her carrier counterpart. "Vicky, see anything?"

Victorious rolled blue eyes, brushing brown hair from her face, "No. My Seafires haven't seen anything, past the storms. I will have to pull them back soon, as well."

"You really need Corsairs Vicky. Seafires are nice and all, but they don't have any bloody range."

"I am aware, thank you, Irresistible."

In other circumstances, Seydlitz may have cracked a smile or giggled at the friendly insults. As it sat though, she felt a sense of foreboding fear as she looked at the storm. Implacable, having taken to sailing beside her ever since they had talked about Indestructible, placed a hand on the German girl's shoulder.

"Hey, is there something wrong?" The soft-spoken battlecruiser asked.

"...ja." Seydlitz couldn't lie to this girl, even if she wanted to.

"Do you want to tell me?" Implacable looked at the girl seriously.

"It is...difficult to talk about. But if those are Abyssals, I worry they may be here because I am here."

Implacable frowned, "Why would..."


Irresistible's shout had both battlecruisers looking forward. Not a moment too soon, as the storm broke in front of them. Broke, and revealed a formation of Abyssals. Ten destroyers at the front, their slim bodies scything through the water at well over thirty knots. A group of cruisers came up behind them, covering two Ru-class battleships. Who for their part, covered a girl that had a shiver running down Seydlitz's spine. Her green eyes widened, a hint of fear in them, as she shifted closer to Implacable.

Few things brought fear for Seydlitz. Her scars were not for show, after all. She was a girl who had no problems with diving into the heart of a battle, taking hits and dishing them out. But...

No...not again.

The girl at the center of the Abyssal formation did. Familiar, twisted forms of 8-inch gun turrets angled directly at her. Double gunned turrets, their sleek lines marred by Abyssal growths. A cut-down and torn superstructure, equally ruined torpedo tubes shining menacingly in the sunlight. And the girl herself? Glowing green eyes, set in a face that might otherwise be called beautiful. One that Seydlitz knew quite well, even with the lank black hair tied back in a ponytail that surrounded it.

"Seydlitz..." Implacable shook her shoulder. "What's wrong?"

The worry in her new friend's voice got the German shaking her head, "The flagship. She and I...have a history, ja? Every time I leave the Baltic and fight Abyssals, she is there. I have..."

Taking a breath, Seydlitz turned her old turrets to the Abyssal formation.

"I have ideas on why. But now is not the time to talk, ja?"

Implacable's stoic features hid her own feelings, but the British battlecruiser nodded nonetheless, "Right."

"If you two are done," HMS Repulse spoke up, as she moved forward from her flagship position. "We need to move. Implacable, stay with Seydlitz. Irresistible and I will handle the front. Victorious, concentrate on the Ru-class. Destroyers, keep their destroyers off our backs."


The Royal Navy girls snapped off salutes, moving into their assigned positions. Seydlitz rotated her bow and wing turrets to firing position, but held fire. Her range was seven kilometers short of the larger guns on her British counterparts. There was little reason for her to waste ammunition, in that regard. Moreover...her attention remained on the twisted warship at the center of the Abyssal formation, even as the destroyers on both sides began to move forward.

Seydlitz could only watch, as the little girls in Royal Navy uniforms fired their 4.7-inch guns and torpedoes flew from both Abyssal and ship girl. The British girls were experts at this close-in combat, their young bodies twisting and turning, presenting their bows to the Abyssal fire. For their parts, the twisted destroyers were not quite as agile, four falling in the first volley. The remaining destroyers split their formation, firing their own four-inch weapons at the British destroyers. Seydlitz winced, as one of the British girls fell out of formation, clutching her arm as smoke poured from a crippled turret.

I want to help. But I am too far away...

And she was already pushing her old boilers as hard as they could go. Seydlitz had hit twenty-eight knots, but even going above her designed speed wasn't enough.

"Fire!" Irresistible shouted from the front of the formation, her own fifteen-inch rifles roaring.

Repulse did the same, eight of the powerful shells flying between the two girls. Their target's were two of the Abyssal cruisers, the twisted mockeries not even attempting to dodge. Abyssals rarely did.

And they paid for that, as one cruiser was split in half, her hull crumpling under the fire. The other warship blew apart, Repulse's shell piercing the magazine for her six-inch guns. The smoke from that detonation only covered the hulking form of the Ru-class battleships for a few seconds however. Those two girls came out of the smoke, sixteen-inch guns roaring through the smaller noise from the dueling destroyers.


The forward line of the British formation split apart, the shells falling all around the agile battlecruisers. Seydlitz grit her teeth, waiting until her own weapons could open fire. Beside her, Implacable had no such qualms. Her powerful rifles fired on the Abyssal formation, shells crashing into the belt of one of the Ru's. The Abyssal battleship staggered, her armor pierced by the British steel. Blood and oil flowed from the wound, but the Abyssal only slowed slightly, her guns orienting on Implacable. At least...until the Abyssal cruiser at the center of the formation held up a hand.

Ru looked back, cocking her head slightly. The cruiser shook her own head, her ponytail swaying as she turned her glowing green eyes on Seydlitz. The Ru nodded, her own turrets shifting slightly from Implacable, to the German battlecruiser.

"I was right..." Seydlitz breathed, even as she started to turn to dodge the inevitable fire.

If the Abyssal cared, she didn't show it. Even with blood and oil leaking from her flank, the Abyssal's guns followed Seydlitz's move, already preparing to fire.


"Get out of there 'litz!" Irresistible screamed, as she traded fire with an Abyssal Ri-class heavy cruiser.

Even as she did that, Seydlitz knew her turn was only slowing down fate. Those guns were more than enough to end her. Her armor, so great for her time, could never stand up to sixteen-inchers. Her own guns roared, eleven-inch death shooting at the Abyssal. But it wouldn't be enough.

"I'm sorry. Indestructible..."

Shutting her eyes, even as she continued her turn on instinct, Seydlitz waited for the sound of water shooting up around her. The pain of modern shells punching through her old belt.

Neither ever came.

"Thank you, Victorious." Implacable's soft voice had Seydlitz opening her green eyes.

Her British friend had moved in front of her, shielding the German with her own hull. Even though Seydlitz's unmodernized armor was still thicker. Even though shells of that caliber would just as easily kill her. Implacable was still covering her. Unsure of how to react to that, Seydlitz instead turned her eyes to look past Implacable. And she saw the Ru class, sinking beneath the waves. Clear impact points from her own gunfire were evident, the battleship's deck armor pierced and one of her turrets blown apart.

But it was equally clear it had been a torpedo from a Barracuda off Victorious that had finished the warship off.

"Are you okay, Seydlitz?"

Turning back to Implacable, the German nodded, "Ja."

"You were targeted directly."


Implacable nodded, turning to look at the Abyssals. Her green eyes locked onto the glowing eyes of the Abyssal leader, even as the remaining monsters fell back into the storm. It was only when they were gone, leaving behind a sea stained red, that Implacable turned back to the smaller battlecruiser.

"You have a lot to tell me, I'm sure."

Seydlitz could only nod, the chill of what had almost happened still in her body.

I know who that Abyssal is. Why she is so determined to sink me as to follow me all the way here.

"Admiral Takeda."

"Indestructible. Is there something you need me for?"

The British girl sighed softly, "Yes. I have talked with Kaga."

"Ah, I see. I assume this is about Commander Goto?"

"Partially, but not entirely." Indestructible shook her head. "That man is...a bloody fool. But I can deal with that. Actually, I was going to ask you about Tosa."

"Tosa?" Takeda's eyebrow went up. "How much do you know?"

"That I was summoned instead of her. That she was incomplete, and used as a target before you scuttled her."

That was the bare-bones, so to speak. Indestructible only knew that much, since with so many of her sisters- cousins, to be technical -being scrapped, she had her Captain of the time mention what had happened to other nation's ships. Tosa...mostly complete, at least to the point she had been launched and could have started fitting out. Instead, she was used as a target ship and scuttled to keep to the Treaty. Indestructible still felt a hint of pain thinking about all the girls who died or were never born because of those Treaties, and this was no different.

Admittedly, she had a more personal stake in Tosa than most, now.

As such, she turned back to Takeda. The Japanese man had pulled his hat down, covering his eyes. She could see a hint of pain in his aged features however. It was likely, then, that he knew why she was asking this. Which was a good thing, since it made Indestructible's task easier. If he knew why she was asking, then he would know what to say. She could only hope it was a positive.

"It is that reason we believe she did not come back." Takeda finally spoke, gruff voice hiding any pain he may be feeling. "I, personally, believe that fully. She has no reason to come back, to a nation that betrayed her like that. It does nothing to explain why you replaced her, but I doubt that is why you are asking. Especially if you talked with Kaga."

"I don't care why I came back in Japan..." Which was a lie, but no need for him to know that. "But after talking with Kaga, I made a promise to her. That I would do anything I could, to get Tosa back."

Takeda sighed softly, "I assumed you would say something like that, Indestructible. You are aware of the difficulties in doing so?"

Indestructible nodded, "Yes. At least, somewhat. Fubuki told me it takes resources to summon one of us, and that it doesn't always work even then."

"Indeed. Or it will work, but we will summon the wrong kanmusu. Albeit, you are the first case of a summoning in the wrong nation." The Admiral nodded slightly. "Now, you can increase the difficulty when it comes to summoning a girl like Tosa. The Americans succeeded in summoning Hawaii. The Germans likewise did the same with Graf Zeppelin, and I believe the Italians are soon to try for Aquila. So it is possible. However, it is difficult and not by any means a guarantee, even leaving out an incident like you."

A sigh came from the British girl, "That is more complex than I imagined. Still, can we at least attempt it? I do not want to be a liar, Admiral."

"You don't have to be. I can understand why you want to help Kaga. Blake, that is Admiral Smith, has told me how the British kanmusu view you. A surrogate sister. You likely don't want Kaga to be without her sister?"

That was hitting the proverbial nail on the head, even as it made Indestructible flush slightly. She did view the younger battlecruisers like that. But hearing that they reciprocated, even now? Well, it was enough to send a rush of heat through her system. Embarrassment for sure, but happiness as well. She really couldn't wait to meet her sisters again, now.


That's the future. Focus.

For now, she needed to focus on the issue at hand. Summoning Tosa. Clearly, something needed to be done differently from the normal summoning. If a normal one was likely to end up with the wrong kanmusu- again -or just be a waste of resources, then she couldn't ask Admiral Takeda to do that. Indestructible respected the man, despite everything. And she didn't want to hurt him, more than he already had been by her being summoned instead. In that vein, she had to figure out something to make it more likely they could summon Tosa. But...what...was that?

"I would suggest you talk more with Kaga, before we try." Takeda interrupted her line of thought.

"Why?" Indestructible asked, confusion lining her voice.

Takeda smiled slightly, "My next plan if we attempted to summon Tosa again, was to have Kaga present. I believe having her aid may make her sister more receptive to our attempts. In that regard, I want you to talk with her. See if she is willing to try. Figure out a plan."

Indestructible nodded, "Right. Thank you, Admiral. You're a lot more reasonable than that wan...Commander Goto."

"Rest assured Indestructible, I will talk with him as well."

With that said, Takeda nodded and went to continue whatever his work was. And as he left, Indestructible turned aside herself. She knew Kaga was on patrol with Akagi, so her secondary goal came to mind.

Namely, finding out where Shigure had vanished to.

For those curious on our special Abyssal...

And no, she is not Abyssalized Hipper or Pringles.

That pic looks like a kongou-class...
Hey, use spoiler tags.

<summoning Tosa> This is going to end in tears ...
It's all the fault of the Washington Naval treaty. However, what makes Hawaii and Graf Zeppelin different?
I hope that USS America doesn't come back as abyssal.
Hey, use spoiler tags.

<summoning Tosa> This is going to end in tears ...
It's all the fault of the Washington Naval treaty. However, what makes Hawaii and Graf Zeppelin different?
I hope that USS America doesn't come back as abyssal.
They both were practically done, Hawaii needed her AA guns and electronics while Graf Zeppelin need her planes and guns.
Tosa on the other hand...
Needs her superstructure, all her guns, and a lot more stuff.
Whoopsie.... I'm wrong.

And this is coming from a guy who's resently playing world of warship and mostly focused on US cruisers....