In Which I Watch Jojo's Bizarre Adventure

Just watch the Stardust Crusaders OVA instead. It's gorgeously animated, it's cut down to only 10 episodes, and scenes are changed to make more sense (for example, Dio's knives hit Jotaro's rib splints, which he's still wearing after being released from hospital, rather than a bunch of textbooks he stuffed under his shirt because ???). The whole thing can be found on Youtube for free, iirc.
Does it cut down on the grossness? I have a friend who I've (reluctantly) dragged into watching the show with me, and they're fairly squeamish, so if the old OVA cuts down on that I'll probably go with it when we hit part 3.
Does it cut down on the grossness? I have a friend who I've (reluctantly) dragged into watching the show with me, and they're fairly squeamish, so if the old OVA cuts down on that I'll probably go with it when we hit part 3.
If I remember correctly the OVA contains the Kakyoin, Polnareff, Orangutan, Hol Horse and J Geil, Enya, N'Doul, spoiler, spoiler, and DIO fights.

Was the fake captain in the OVA as well?

EDIT: remembered that the murder fly was in the OVA as well.

EDIT 2: JoJo is coming to Toonami.
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Well, just spent way too much time reading this entire thread instead of doing something productive.

It gives me a certain amount of perverse satisfaction but also makes me very depressed to say that I was completely right to dump Stardust Crusaders when I did (about when Avdol died) because I saw all of the signs that the show wasn't going to get better. Stardust Crusaders has aged horribly and I would go as far to say that it's flat-out bad. It's a completely by-the-numbers monster-of-the-week shounenshit story that discards all pretension of fighting smart established in Part 2 in favour of the group acting like fucking idiots until it's time for the episode to be over, with Stands that are all pretty fucking boring and if we're being honest pretty fucking boring villains too - as much as people talk up Araki's creativity and 'THERE'S A STAND THAT DOES X' the majority of the monsters I've seen have either been very simple ideas or just outright copies of horror movies just with spooky punchghosts instead of Freddy Kruegar or what-have-you.

The real, cardinal sin of Stardust Crusaders is how it handles the two Jojos. Joseph is a fucking idiot now who never contributes to anything, no matter how useful his wily ways might have won the day even if he were his Stand-less Part 2 self, and because of the story's basic structure his 'moment in the sun' episode just comes off as fucking insulting to everyone who liked Joseph for his brains because lol Empress is dead now so he's back to being a fucking idiot. Because we can't have anyone infringe on precious Jotaro, can we? Perhaps appropriately for such an old and influential series, Jotaro is just this dense critical mass of painful strong-and-silent antihero cliches. You could literally replace him with a fridge and the show would lose nothing, he's that fucking bland. He literally doesn't have character traits beyond sometimes getting angry at the monster of the week. And his Stand, even among the especially boring Part 3 Stands, is like unpainted drywall. It's super strong and super tough and super fast and even when he's not paying attention it solves his problems for him and like 70% of problems are solved by "and then Star Platinum punches it". And it all comes to a head in the final fight with DIO.

See what makes my balls ache about 'oh yeah I'm used to asspulls I watched Joseph's shenanigans' is that the difference in execution is like night and day. Joseph is a goofy and vulnerable character with traits and flaws. He rolls through plan after plan after plan, and sometimes he just completely fucks up and accomplishes nothing. And when a plan doesn't work right or someone sees through him he actually reacts. He has a range of emotions wider than a fucking teaspoon and, honestly, reading this thread has given me a new appreciation for the end. I'd totally forgotten that Lisa Lisa demonstrated the Red Stone's light-enhancing powers in its first appearance, so my main problem with his defeat of Cars is now gone because it's justified for him to subconsciously realise that it'd enhance Cars' 'one hundred times stronger' Ripple. The simple fact of the matter is that Joseph was always outclassed physically and in need of closing the gap with smarts, a thousand times more gratifying than the reverse.

And then there's Jotaro. The culmination of how worthless Jotaro is as a protagonist isn't even worth spoiling. When you get to the final confrontation with DIO, simply think of the most boring way and zero-effort way he could solve the problem. Congratulations, you've figured out the twist. Have fun still having to deal with the fucker for Part 4.

(Wow that got a bit venomous. Sorry, the series was kind of an emotional rollercoaster for me. I fucking despised Phantom Blood and Dio himself with a fury that eclipses ten thousand suns, then Battle Tendency came along and made me believe in the light of anime again. So Stardust Crusaders was uh, kind of a come-down crash for me.)

You're entitled to your opinions on the characters, So I won't touch those. (Though I will ask if you've seen part 4 yet. It's the part where the stands start becoming really creative)

However, I will say that you don't get to decide that something isn't a spoiler. If it hasn't happened in the episodes the OP has covered, it's still a spoiler and should be covered up.
You're entitled to your opinions on the characters, So I won't touch those. (Though I will ask if you've seen part 4 yet. It's the part where the stands start becoming really creative)

However, I will say that you don't get to decide that something isn't a spoiler. If it hasn't happened in the episodes the OP has covered, it's still a spoiler and should be covered up.
I didn't spoil anything. That was the point. I said "it's not even worth spoiling because it's too disappointing".
You're entitled to your opinions on the characters, So I won't touch those. (Though I will ask if you've seen part 4 yet. It's the part where the stands start becoming really creative)

However, I will say that you don't get to decide that something isn't a spoiler. If it hasn't happened in the episodes the OP has covered, it's still a spoiler and should be covered up.
I actually consider the portions of Part 4 that are before Kira's first appearance to be worse than Stardust Crusaders, because its just a Monster of the Week story that doesn't even have an overarching goal. Part 3 at least had the overarching goals of "Get to Egypt" and "Find DIO", which had visible progress each episode.
Saying how the finale made you feel is still a spoiler. The entire point of avoiding spoilers is approach something from a blind perspective
Well TCF gave me a Like for that post so like, if he's got a problem with it I invite him to yell at me.

I can always bitch about Phantom Blood. Boy howdy could I ever fucking bitch about Phantom Blood.
So, to clarify - you feel there's no such thing as a spoiler-less review, because any form of judgement call is inherently a spoiler?

In any case, I've just started reading through this thread. Looks like fun.
Reviews have a different standard for spoilers than Let's Watches. For Reviews, the one worried about getting spoilers are the readers who can just not read it if they want to avoid them. For Let's watches, the one worried about the Spoilers is the one doing the Let's Watch, who has a much harder time avoiding spoilers, and so they should be as minimized as possible
I think ultimately, what @ZerbanDaGreat mentions isn't a spoiler, since it's an opinion and opinioms aren't exactly spoilerific, because you can easily find someone who feels exactly opposite to his he feels.

That said, I do think the rant should be spoilered, since it does colour some expectations. I (mostly) enjoyed Stardust Crusaders, but then I watched it first. Part 2 is definitely better.

That said, Zerban, Part 4 is great. Jotaro barely shows up, if that helps. The focus is mostly on Josuke and his wacky friends.
I can't understand how people complain about "monster of the week" format in JoJo. I mean, I get that it's not for everyone, but it is JoJo. Sometimes it's more of it, sometimes it's less, but it's not going away.

If you hate it that much might as well drop it.
Does it cut down on the grossness? I have a friend who I've (reluctantly) dragged into watching the show with me, and they're fairly squeamish, so if the old OVA cuts down on that I'll probably go with it when we hit part 3.
For the final battle, absolutely not, it's a 90's OVA and it shows, and said final battle is absolutely grueling and bloody, but on the other hand much more awesome, if you can get behind the more blood, the Rob Liefeld-esque proportions, the faces that sometimes don't look at all like their character and DIO having a voice trying to emulate Frieza.
One thing I do like about Jotaro is how he changes the dynamics of the battles.

Instead of using the standard "Who's stronger/better at fighting", you get the simple question "Can Jotaro get them within punching range and/or condition?". There are exceptions, and certainly some cop-outs, but in general the battle ends the moment Jotaro gets to melee range, and the fight is based around him trying to do that.

N'Doul is one of the better examples of this from Part 3 in my eyes.
Just watch the Stardust Crusaders OVA instead. It's gorgeously animated, it's cut down to only 10 episodes, and scenes are changed to make more sense (for example, Dio's knives hit Jotaro's rib splints, which he's still wearing after being released from hospital, rather than a bunch of textbooks he stuffed under his shirt because ???). The whole thing can be found on Youtube for free, iirc.
Or watch the abridged series. Antfish did the whole Stardust Crusaders arc and it's surprisingly coherent (if very very silly)
(Also Abridged!Dio sounds like Tim Curry and it works way too well)
One thing I do like about Jotaro is how he changes the dynamics of the battles.

Instead of using the standard "Who's stronger/better at fighting", you get the simple question "Can Jotaro get them within punching range and/or condition?". There are exceptions, and certainly some cop-outs, but in general the battle ends the moment Jotaro gets to melee range, and the fight is based around him trying to do that.

N'Doul is one of the better examples of this from Part 3 in my eyes.

Agreed. It's an interesting change of pace when the question isn't "can Jotaro beat these guys in a fight?" but instead "how's Jotaro going to force these guys to fight him?" The villains know just as well as the audience that Jotaro's won if he can punch them, so their fights with him are always based around keeping him from engaging them properly.
I can't understand how people complain about "monster of the week" format in JoJo. I mean, I get that it's not for everyone, but it is JoJo. Sometimes it's more of it, sometimes it's less, but it's not going away.

If you hate it that much might as well drop it.
Its more that if you start with Part 1, see how much Part 2 improves on its formula, and then get hit with the Monster of the Week format by surprise starting with Part 3, it makes the format change far more disappointing than it would be otherwise.
Saying how the finale made you feel is still a spoiler. The entire point of avoiding spoilers is approach something from a blind perspective
It's not like he's the only one who has gone on about the finale, several people have already mentioned enjoying it in this thread, Zerban saying he didn't like it without spoiling it won't change anything.
Zerban, surprisingly, actually likes a lot of things.

That's rather mean for you to say man.

I've been to a few of his streams and lets plays, and he always seems to emphasize the bad traits of any game he plays and rarely talks about the good stuff.\

so my opinion is based off my experience

Besides its not I dislike zerban or anything, his video game fueled suffering is in fact hilarious to me, and hes a pretty funny guy besides that.

10/10 would relentlessly poke fun at for losing to the Celestial Emissary again.
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I've been to a few of his streams and lets plays, and he always seems to emphasize the bad traits of any game he plays and rarely talks about the good stuff.\
He's gone on record as saying that he likes Undertale, parts of SAO: Hollow Fragment, Fate/Extra, Bloodborne, and Life Is Strange before the ending. He's hardly a golem made of salt.

And besides, complaining about things is fun.
10/10 would relentlessly poke fun at for losing to the Celestial Emissary again.
That was frustration over getting his ass kicked repeatedly, not hate for Bloodborne.

Anyways, update today.