In Which I Watch Jojo's Bizarre Adventure


Though calling Stroheim a good guy is laughable.
In any other anime/whatever, Stroheim would be either be trying to stop the heroes to gain the powers himself or stupidly helping out the villains in an attempt to backstab them. Strangely he's not that racist (well he has lower racism expected from a Nazi.), he's more of a "Are you a tough dude? Cool I'm a tough dude too." So less Nazi but more overly patriotic German.

I mean hell sure he killed all those prisoners but he doesn't say to the boy "Your race is weaaaakkkk" but just tells him that the world needs strong people like him.

It's still funny the guy part of the "Superior Race" club is actually fighting a superior race.
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In any other anime/whatever, Stroheim would be either be trying to stop the heroes to gain the powers himself or stupidly helping out the villains in an attempt to backstab them. Strangely he's not that racist (well he has lower racism expected from a Nazi.), he's more of a "Are you a tough dude? Cool I'm a tough dude too." So less Nazi but more overly patriotic German.

I mean hell sure he killed all those prisoners but he doesn't say to the boy "Your race is weaaaakkkk" but just tells him that the world needs strong people like him.
Still evil, just not comically evil like standard Nazi portrayals.
Still evil, just not comically evil like standard Nazi portrayals.
I won't say he's pure evil, he does have some heroic tendencies such as sacrificing a limb (and later his entire body. Well until he comes back as a cyborg.) to save the world from an evil Aztec Stretch Armstrong.


I am defending a Nazi.

What has my life come to.
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I won't say he's pure evil, he does have some heroic tendencies such as sacrificing a limb (and later his entire body. Well until he comes back as a cyborg.) to save the world from an evil Aztec Stretch Armstrong.
I am defending a Nazi.

What has my life come to.
Like I said, he's not comically evil, he still has good points, I just feel that they're outweighed by his bad points.

EDIT: And The Imperator made my joke before I could.
No idea, why does his arm get censored?
A good way to tell if it's the censored version is that there's a "black veil" hiding every bit of gore in it (the orange glowing of the Pillar Men's wounds when they are hit by Hamon isn't censoring)

And here's the Dubbed version of the GERMAN SCIENCE scene:

It lacks that little edge of hysterical insanity the Japanese version has. A shame because the stereotypical German accent is fabulous.

Still evil, just not comically evil like standard Nazi portrayals.
Instead he's comically hamstatic and hysterically batshit insane, which is even better.
Episode 20
This episode starts off with a flashback to Caesar's childhood.

*insert Mario joke here*

Those marks under Caesar's eyes are apparently natural. That or he started using make-up really young. And for some reason I can't help but think he looks like Stroheim.

Anyways, when they were ten the father disappeared without a word and then their relatives stripped them of everything they had, leading Caesar to become a delinquent who hated his father and formed his own band of criminals that even the mafia feared.

I can't help but want to see more of this.

Not a bad way to start a fight (for context, the guy said he wasn't Italian since Italians are proud of their families and Caesar denied even having a last name).

Eventually, while in Rome, he spotted his father heading towards the Colosseum and stumbles across a certain statue.

If they've known about the Pillar Men for this long and killing them with hamon while they sleep is a viable plan, I have to wonder how they survived long enough to wake up.

Caesar then gets close to a gem near Kars only to be slapped away by his father who warns him it's a trap right after he touches it, unfortunately this is enough to activate it.

So that's how Mario died, no wonder wants Kars dead in particular, he watched Kars eat his father.

While he's getting eaten, Mario tells Caesar to head to Venice and seek out Lisa Lisa since she's the only one who can stop this.

After hearing this story from Lisa Lisa, Joseph has a change of heart and declares that he's going in after Caesar as well (I already begin to get the feeling that everything would have gone well if Joseph hadn't voiced suspicions about this being a trap).

Once Caesar gets to the doors, they are flung open by an invisible assailant.

I wonder how they'll explain this ability away with biology.

While Caesar is keeping an eye out for this assailant, Messina catches up with him (I may not get to see Joseph and Caesar fighting together but I suppose this will do) and the invisible assailant is revealed as Wamuu.

How he's keeping the sun away I have no idea.

Wamuu then take's Messina's arm and drags him inside to kill him offscreen. While that's going on Caesar wonders about how Wamuu is surviving the sun as well before getting asked where Joseph is. While this is going on Caesar works out that Caesar is using vents in his body to send out a layer of water vapour around himself in order to deflect the sun and go invisible. Without further ado Wamuu then charges Caesar.

Of course, Caesar has learned a lot from his month of training as well.

I never thought I'd see that again.

Anyways, these new bubbles are designed to spin and go straight through Wamuu's wind and water, cutting him up like he did to Caesar when they first fought.

Caesar used Water Shuriken, it's super effective!

Realising that he'd got more than he bargained for in a fight against Caesar, Wamuu tries to go back inside only to catch several disks to the back of his legs. Seeing this, Caesar goes in for a kick.

Of course, Esidisi wasn't the only Pillar Man with a brain and so Caesar gets a kick in the shoulder for his trouble after getting baited in by Wamuu pretending to fall.

Once Wamuu has run inside Caesar quickly follows him in and spots Messina off to the side and apparently still breathing before Wamuu comes back without a coat. While this is going on Joseph and Lisa Lisa arrive to find Messina's arm and wonder what's going on, seemingly oblivious to the destructive fight going on less than 50 meters ahead of them.

How do you not hear tornadoes ripping holes in the ground?

Or in the ceiling?

After a while of hurling bubbles and tornadoes at each other, Wamuu gets sick of things and gets ready to hurl a divine sandstorm at Caesar before Caesar reveals his plan.

They look like a bunch of miniature Saturns.

As it turns out, they're mirrors for reflecting the light that Wamuu was generous enough to let into the mansion when he knocked a hole in the wall.

Striking a pose just before he gets stoned, that's just like Wamuu.

Not the most dignified pose though.

With this, it looks like Caesar's victory is assured by Wamuu being completely paralysed while Caesar is free to attack, but just as the fight draws to a close he makes a fatal mistake.


This chance is all Wamuu needs to use his divine sandstorm at point-blank range (and here I thought it had a charge time).

Goodbye Caesar, it was nice knowing you.

At the sound of this, Joseph and Lisa Lisa head in after seemingly just standing there since finding Messina's arm (speaking of him, he's probably dead from losing his arm and getting caught in the crossfire of Caesar and Wamuu at this point).

Wamuu didn't escape this fight unscathed, he even admits that if it wasn't for Caesar's shadow he'd have no idea how to get out of that situation and that Kars would have probably lost in that situation.

Caesar isn't done yet however.

Despite being mortally wounded, Caesar still tries to take down Wamuu.
Not that it has much effect as Wamuu points out that Caesar's body was utterly shredded by his attack.

Not that it'll stop Caesar from trying.

And he succeeds in doing something positive with his final attacks in the end.

In response to this Wamuu asks why he did this even as he was dying and Caesar responds that it's family tradition to do things that ensure that their deaths have meaning.

An understandable sentiment.

With his last breath, he uses his final bit of hamon on the ring and his bandanna while shouting at Joseph to take it (while he continues to hide outside until he sees the light and hears the shouting).

Too late, Joseph.

While this is going on, Wamuu notices Caesar's last act.

Of course it's a bubble.

Wamuu briefly considers destroying the bubble but leaves it alone while claiming that it's not out of sentiment but rather out of respect for Caesar's spirit.

Under this rock lies Caesar.

After this Joseph and Lisa Lisa finally walk into the room and notice the bubble as Joseph reaches for it and gets a strange feeling from it (presumably Caesar transferring what's left of his power through the bubble). Joseph then begins searching through the rubble for Caesar's body while Lisa Lisa struggles to keep a cool head and press on after Wamuu while he's still wounded. Before either of them get far blood starts seeping out from under the stone and they find out exactly where Caesar fell.

I'm going to miss Caesar. Why do the good characters always die first?

At the sight of this neither of them can restrain their tears for any longer and I join them in crying.

During the OP where Joseph gets Ceaser's headband, I just thought "Oh I guess Jojo gets his own/Ceaser gives it to him/makes a copy for him to show their friendship." but as the episodes got closer and no sign of Joseph adopting the headband alongside with Ceaser planning to attack the mansion alone...yeah I wish I wasn't right about him dying.

Guess we know why he's screaming at the moon now.
Joseph looking sad as he put it on was kind of a giveaway.

And speaking of Caesar heading in alone, it looks like it was a case where Caesar would have been fine if only Joseph hadn't spoken up and had gone along quietly (or if him and Lisa Lisa had been quicker about heading into the house once they arrived).