In Which I Watch Jojo's Bizarre Adventure

Just remembered something about the next episode.

It's the one where I decided to just roll with Talking Being a Free Action and time being weird.
Episode 19
This episode picks up where the last left off with Joseph being baffled by Stroheim being alive (he even says it's more shocking than if Stroheim came back as a ghost). While this is going on Kars starts glaring at Joseph and declares that he can't let a hamon user who could defeat Esidisi live and that he'll end him once he's got the stone (how'd he know it was Joseph and not just a team effort, characters in this all seem to know things as soon as the audience does) and that it's too bad that Wamuu is in Greece. After this, Stroheim speaks up and declares that he'll be Kars' final opponent.

What are you going to do, pinch him to death?

He's going to say this a lot, isn't he?

He then goes on to explain that his arms are based on Santana's abilities and that he really is going to pinch Kars to death by ripping off small chunks of him one at a time.

That's a lot of bullets, now let's see if they go as badly as using bullets against Santana did.

Another thing fired by posing, I'm not even surprised anymore.

RIP Kars' hat.

The noise from this instantly catches the attention of everyone else in the group while Kars declares that he won't let Esidisi's sacrifice be in vain before

I wonder what explanation I'll get for this.

Kars then proceeds to smack every single bullet out of the air, shocking Stroheim with the fact that he's fast enough to do it and the fact that his blade isn't damaged by this before he gets to see the blade up close and notice it's secret.

Oh, so Kars can sprout a chainsaw-dagger at will.

Stroheim then finds that his limbs are not strong enough to stand up to Kars' blades now and is chopped to pieces.

If being blown up by a grenade didn't stop him I doubt this will, he'll be back up by the next episode at the latest.

After doing this, Kars declares that Santana was naught but a child and a guard dog before he starts going through Stroheim's pockets for the stone, Joseph moves to follow him (and I wonder where everyone else is, they all heard Stroheim's barrage).

Great, you've got the stone, I hope you remembered to bring your mask along with it.

It is time for the eye laser.

The eye laser works as expected, Kars drops the stone and it begins to slide down towards a cliff, causing a race between Joseph and Kars. Kars looks like he'll have the advantage since he doesn't have to slow down due to falling off a cliff being a minor nuisance to him whereas it'll kill Joseph.

Of course, Joseph wins the race by knocking Kars of the cliff and using snow to knock the stone out of his hand.

As it turns out, Kars is a sore loser and sends another blade out of his foot and into Joseph's shoulder.

Welp, he's boned.

Kars uses this bit of bone to drag Joseph and the stone down the cliff with him.

That's one big fall, especially for what seemed to be ground level.

Before they fall too far, Joseph catches some icicles.

Now use the red stone to laser Kars into the next life.

Of course, the icicle breaks before too long and they're back to falling, Joseph tries to hit Kars through the blade, only for Kars to pull out the now hooked blade and then send him flying into the cliff while waiting for him to bounce back right into Kars.

Ah, the old "block with macguffin" trick.

With his imminent gutting averted, Joseph sets about making a rope with icicles to stop his fall.

I never noticed Kars' blue eyeliner before.

With this rope, Caesar saves him and proves to be the only one of the three latecomers to do anything. There's then a quick conversation where Stroheim gets told they can work together if he stops being such a snob.

While Kars is falling he notices that he'll land on some flowers and smashes into the cliff repeatedly to change where he lands (the second time Kars has gone out of his way to preserve nature, I guess he likes plants and animals more than people).

I get the feeling that Wamuu is the only sane one out of the Pillar Men.

They're finally at Saint Moritz, nice looking place.

And then there's this gloriously smug looking cat turning down some shrimp.

Joseph responds to this rejection by offering up some smoked salmon and taunting the cat by dangling it just out of reach before knocking it's legs out from under it when it rears up on it's hind legs. At least he acknowledges he's being a dick this time.

You're a prick when you're stressed Joseph.

I wonder if they'll run into any snacks that the Pillar Men have stashed in this hotel.

Everyone else wants to attack the hotel during the day before Wamuu can arrive to back Kars up but Joseph argues against it, pointing out that the place is no doubt full of traps (I'm surprised he didn't suggest just burning it down to smoke Kars out). Caesar then promptly loses his temper at the thought of waiting any longer to finish the fight against the pillar men (despite being the calm one it looks like Caesar can be rash when he's got a personal stake in things). Joseph then goes on to call the idea of dying for the idea of avenging family members that you've never met idiotic.

What are those knuckle guards called again?

After that there's a quick brawl between the two before it gets broken up and Lisa Lisa orders Caesar not to go after Kars, he refuses to listen and says he'll be going in alone.

So that's what Caesar's dad looks like.

With this, Caesar walks off towards the hotel and Lisa Lisa orders Messina to follow Caesar and stop him with force if necessary. Meanwhile Joseph is wondering why exactly Caesar was so furious about the idea of waiting rather than rushing in to fight Kars and Lisa Lisa tells him it's because of Caesar's past.

Next time, I get to see if Caesar dies because of walking into the hotel being a bad idea or if it's because he has no one backing him up against the Pillar Men.

Huh, usually his arm is censored. Is this from the BD release or something?

Now Jotaro won't have a creepy cloud of black smoke around him!