In Which I Watch Jojo's Bizarre Adventure

here's the dubbed version of some scenes you've already watched.

Episode 16
This episode starts in Venice with Joseph freaking out about the Pillar Men calling him on his bluff and saying that he should have said a year instead. Caesar then tells Joseph to stop worrying and start thinking before he throws a glass of water at him and has him hold it upside down without spilling. Predictably, Joseph gets water everywhere due to overdoing it with the hamon.

I always found that the ones with wider holes did better for some reason.

After this he says that they've come to Venice to train under Caesar's coach.

I suppose that he only has those muscles due to Joestar genetics then.

They're just posing while they wait for the opening to finish.

With an outfit that's that colourful I suspect that she's the teacher.

Change that from suspecting it to being near-certain.

She then tosses out an oar before jumping on it herself and standing there without a problem and then follows up by making the oar fly forward and slap Joseph into the water.

That is a very nice mask.

Ah, it's the woman from the opening, I suppose her name is Lisa Lisa.

She then tells Joseph that he needs to be ready to die if he wants to master hamon in a month before launching at him and putting a mask on him.

Unfortunately, the mask does not gag him.

It does, however, suffocate him if he doesn't breathe properly. She then tells him that she expects him to be able to run 100km in that thing by the end of training before walking off.

If they end up getting shipped together I'll be disappointed but not surprised.

Afterwards he also asks why Caesar is so polite towards her and gets told that Caesar respects her like she's family due to being his teacher.

This island definitely doesn't exist in case anyone is wondering.

After this the scene changes to Erina, Speedwagon and Smokey talking about the general situation while Speedwagon thinks back to Joseph telling Speedwagon that he'll beat him senseless if he tells Erina about the wedding rings.

Back to Joseph and Caesar, they're apparently starting with the Hell Climb Pillar (presumably the pillar in the center) and talking about how it has claimed the lives of many trainees (what kind of crazy person trains a seemingly rare talent in a way that has a high mortality rate? Or maybe it's rare because the trainers are nuts I suppose).

It starts underground too.

It then turns out I was wrong, the Hell Climb Pillar is a 24m smooth pillar covered in oil and the only way to escape the pit they're in is to climb to the top of it.

He wasn't lying about hating to work, he's just standing back and posing while Caesar makes an attempt.

A bit after I say that, it turns out that Joseph is unskilled to the point of being unable to climb at all and starts getting angry about getting chucked down there. While this is going on Caesar gives him a bit of advice about how the longer he takes while climbing the harder it'll be and nearly falls because he stopped focusing on the wall.

The best way this can end is by Lisa Lisa just chucking him back down without any clothes this time. And I have no idea how he stretched half a shirt around a pillar like that.

Like I expected, she cuts down his effort with a thrown knife before he gets very far and tells him that using anything but hamon is forbidden. I honestly don't know why he expected that to be tolerated, this is a test of skill, not a test of how well you can improvise.

He then starts asking if she'll really let him die down there due to not being able to climb the pillar on his first day of training.

The answer is yes, she will.

28 hours later Caesar has fallen several times but is currently at the 15m mark while Joseph is still at the bottom level, it then looks like Caesar is about to fall but then it turns out that he's just clinging by his fingertips rather than being in trouble and Joseph gets a flash of inspiration based on the lesson Caesar gave at the start of the episode.

And now it looks like he'll make it past the first metre.

27 hours of climbing later, Joseph is at 18m and Caesar at 19m when he spots a crack in the pillar, he promptly tries to rest his hand there and triggers a trap.

A constant cutting stream of oil, just what you need when you're trying to climb a pillar.

After a brief look at Joseph, Caesar makes an attempt to power through the stream.

Move over Dio, you're not the only one walking up walls anymore.

By using his feet to stick to the wall and channeling hamon into his hands to repel the oil, he is able to make it past the wall, nine hours later, he succeeds at making it all the way to the top.

Hail Caesar.

Meanwhile Joseph is still stuck beneath the wall of oil since he isn't skilled enough to replicate Caesar's method. With this in mind Caesar begs Lisa Lisa to stop the oil before Joseph thinks up a succeed-or-die method of getting around the stream, unfortunately, he took too long to ask since right as he says this Joseph gets ready to do exactly that.

Ah, he's hoping that the outer walls will be easier to climb and riding the stream to get to them.

His gambit has paid off, he's just over 2 metres away from his goal.
Unfortunately for him, he's exhausted at this point since he's been using hamon continuously for more than a day and he soon begins to fall.

Saved by Caesar.

After this Lisa Lisa asks him about the fact that he's exhausted too (and it turns out he forgot about that when he went to save Joseph).

I can only laugh at his fear.

Of course, Joseph still has the energy to try and have a go at getting back at Lisa Lisa.

I would not be surprised at all if this line inspired a h-doujin. And Caesar is just completely baffled by this.

She responds by throwing a glass of water at him and showing him that he's capable of holding it upside down without a problem now, impressed by this, he gives up on getting vengeance and asks for more training since he's clearly getting results. After this two guys sneak up on him.

It's the two guys from the opening.

Their names are Messina and Loggins (no confirmation of which is which) and they demonstrate the ability to have water move freely as if it's pudding, the episode ends with them saying that they're going to train Joseph and Caesar into the ground before a few pictures of ridiculous training methods are shown.


I don't think people breathe that fast even when hyperventilating.

I wonder how much they inflated due to sucking in that much air.:V

The episode ends with 7 days to go in training.
If I wanted to be charitable I would say that the standard method is to start out with the basics, followed by ramping up the exercises and then finishing with the oiled pillar. Throwing Joseph and Ceasar to the pillar immediately after stepping off the boat happened because they have less than a month to train and they have to speed things up a few dozen notches.

Just a personal theory.
That pillar wasn't built in a day, they've been doing this for a long time and there can't always be super vampires to fight.
The Pillar was probably built after the Dio incident(considering that last time we see a Hamon Temple/Training Area it was in Tibet or something) which claimed the lives of 3 different Ripple Users, I guess they just raised the standards after encountering super vampires.

That, or the Italy Hamon Temple is a branch specifically for training people to fight super vampires.
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If I wanted to be charitable I would say that the standard method is to start out with the basics, followed by ramping up the exercises and then finishing with the oiled pillar. Throwing Joseph and Ceasar to the pillar immediately after stepping off the boat happened because they have less than a month to train and they have to speed things up a few dozen notches.

Just a personal theory.
That's pretty much stated.

I'm just calling it silly since the pillar training method apparently has a notable mortality rate even among the individuals who have been trained properly.
That's pretty much stated.

I'm just calling it silly since the pillar training method apparently has a notable mortality rate even among the individuals who have been trained properly.

I suspect the rationale is 'better for them to die here than die against a vampaire, possibly endangering their comrades/becoming a vampire in the process'.
(what kind of crazy person trains a seemingly rare talent in a way that has a high mortality rate? Or maybe it's rare because the trainers are nuts I suppose).
Old-school Shonen. Son!
My words exactly.
Like I expected, she cuts down his effort with a thrown knife before he gets very far and tells him that using anything but hamon is forbidden.
She's just lucky that Joseph didn't use the knife she threw to scale up the pillar out of spite. She would run out of knives eventually, but Joseph's troll factor is infinite.