Available Resources
So yes, congratulations - Soshi Naoto is now the official recognized Scorpion Clan diplomat assigned to Winter Court in Shiro Matsu, by the will of his deceased predecessor. His Status has thereby risen to 2.0, and this has brought ten points of Glory with it - people are much more likely to know your name, now that you hold an official position.
This does, however, mean that you now have to take care of all of the various things that Kimoko was previously attending to, including trade agreements, budgetary concerns and basic diplomatic niceties. While you still officially answer to your lords back in the Scorpion territories, the combination of distance and the winter snow means that you cannot rely on them being able to make decisions for you. It's all in your hands now.
Fortunately, during the first month of court no actual formal agreements were struck - everybody was getting to know the court and their fellow delegates as well as laying the groundwork for the actual negotiations. Thus you still have some room to maneuver. Note that Rokugan does not generally rely on written contracts, though records are made of important deals and distributed to those such deals will affect. Instead, terms tend to be verbally agreed upon by the diplomats, and failure to uphold them is a shameful failure on them personally, no matter how far removed they are from the failure point.
Actually breaking a sworn agreement generally ends with death, either on a duelist's sword or through seppuku, commanded by lords who do not wish their Clan to acquire a reputation for faithless dealing.
Soshi Naoto has a stipend of 10 Koku available to him. This is all he has available for the entirety of the Winter Court, and all expenditures from now on will be tracked, including restaurant bills and other purchases.
There was also 30 Koku left in Bayushi Kimoko's personal funds, which you have access to. Technically this is not yours, and the Clan may expect it back when you return to Kyuden Bayushi after the Court is over. If you spend it, have your justifications ready.
Acquisition of any additional funds will be up to you, and may involve taking out a loan or two, or any number of disreputable activities.
Trade Goods
You have the following goods that you could potentially trade away to other Clans, either for goods, favours or general goodwill. Fortunately, this is a relatively minor court as such things go, and your only real primary objective is keeping Beiden Pass open and the fees charged to your caravans as low as possible. The Clan desires that you make decent deals with all of these, but there is no sharply defined success/failure criteria.
Note that these are defined as being in 'Units' for simplicity's sake. Commerce checks would be required to get an idea of their value in Koku, but oftentimes that value is highly contextual - Jade is much more valuable to the Crab than the Dragon, for example. You can also trade resources obtained from the other Clans if necessary.
(Please don't make your QM learn economic theory for a feudal civilisation by asking for intricate trade deals)
100 units of Lumber
250 units of Copper
100 units of Iron
500 units of rice
500 units of other food
100 units of paper
Note that these are all fixed quantities. More long-term trade deals stretching over years would be handled by other courtiers in smaller, more local courts, as would the details of how exactly this stuff gets to the destination.
Political Favours
Given your position you do not have the ability to negotiate military commitments or any really big treaties. What you do have is the ability to offer places at your Clan schools, and agree to send students to the schools of other Clans. This is an old tradition, and is generally universal - aside from the prestige of attending particularly famous schools, even those Clans which absolutely despise each other see the value in having Clan members with an understanding of how their enemy thinks and fights.
Of course, students who share too much with their parent Clans have a nasty habit of winding up dead, especially if they try teaching what they learned to others directly.
The positions you have available to offer are:
- 5 places at the Bayushi Bushi school.
- 5 places at the Bayushi Courtier school.
- 3 places at the Shosuro Acting school (note - not entirely comprised of ninjas)
- 3 places at the Soshi Shugenja school.
- 3 places at the Soshi Magistrate school.
Trade tariffs
Finally, you have the fees levied on caravans and other travelers passing through Scorpion lands on the way to or from Beiden Pass (fees for other destinations are the province of other courtiers). These will be represented as an abstract measure rated from 1-5, with 1 being low tariffs and 5 being high.
Currently, they are all set to '3', which is treated as the baseline. Again, lots of abstraction involved here.
These will need to be agreed with every Clan by the end of the court, and will shape much of the Empire's economic scene for the upcoming year. You can agree to charge more or less for particular types of trade, if you wish. The Scorpion Clan wants the money these tariffs provide, but also doesn't want to overly antagonize their neighbours or raise them so high that business is taken elsewhere. Balance is required.
Note that it technically is possible for you to charge no tariffs at all, or to deliberately set rates to '6' as a representation of raising them so high no one can afford passage. Both of these are potent tools and must not be employed lightly, for your lords in the Scorpion will be demanding explanation for either result.