In the Shadow of the Old Pueblo-Tucson ISOTed to the Bronze Age

I don't know if I proposed this before, but at some point in the near future the Bishops could simply...fabricate proof of Apostolic succession. I could easily see why they wouldn't, but it's also the easiest solution to that problem, and at some point it'll surely be brought up. Maybe when they're writing the new church records?
I mean lying to justify their authority wouldn't be unheard of for the church *stares at the Donation of Constantine*.
The Fifteenth Dynasty of Egypt (Part 2)

The Canaan Massacres

The ships off the shores of Canaan belonged to a group known as the Reynolds Expedition. The Expedition had been founded by Bradley Reynolds, a former construction foreman, and his family after Bradley's fall from power in Globe. Reynolds attracted various outcasts, dissents, mercenaries, former police officers and soldiers together with an incredibly ambitious plan, one that outstripped even the Sanford Expedition in terms of ambition. They were going to conquer Egypt. Control of the Nile would give them control of some of the most fertile farmlands in the region and an empire's worth of people.

The Reynold's family realized such a plan presented several hurdles, the biggest of which was simply getting enough men and material across the Mediterranean. Even with modern weapons, invading Egypt would require an army of hundreds to accomplish. He had only a few dozen men and women and barely enough ships to ferry them and their weapons. For them to have any chance of conquering Egypt they needed a base of operation closer to Egypt, a place that would act as both a rallying point for further recruits and a stronghold for weapons and other supplies. For the religiously mind Reynolds family, the Levant seemed a perfect choice for their starting conquest. Reynolds envisioned himself liberating the Holy Land from pagans, rallying an army of the faith and then marching on Egypt, rebuilding America and it's values along the banks of the Nile. While Reynolds expected some resistance in the initial invasion, he was fairly certain that the natives of the region could be rallied to his cause with effort. Telling his subordinates that the Hebrews would naturally want to ally with fellow people of the book rather than serve a Pagan Pharaoh in distant Egypt. Few in the Expedition saw any reason to dissent. There was a critical flaw in the Expedition's reasoning though, the Hebrew people they thought would greet them as liberators didn't exist.

What Reynolds had invaded was the land of Canaan. The various Canaanite tribes that populated the Region were vassals of the Hyksos Pharaohs. And while they were a Semitic speaking people, they were far different from the Hebrews the Expedition expected. They were a polytheistic culture, their main deity the bull god "El". Communication proved difficult and the Americans found little in the way of support from the locals. The Canaanites had far more in common with their Hyksos overlords then these strange invaders. The only support the Reynolds were able to find was from the Habiru, a social class full of outlaws, mercenaries, criminals and escaped slaves. The Habiru had long existed on the fringes of society and saw these Americans as an opportunity to make a better life for themselves. But even the Habiru's aid was limited, most simply avoided the Uptimers when they could.

The Expedition quickly took over a few villages and towns, including Jerusalem (known to the locals as Rusalim) but rapidly found themselves growing frustrated, a dark and bitter mood filled them. They had visions of themselves liberating the Holy Land, acting as stewards of the region for the faithful, uplifting the Hebrew people. Instead they found a strange land full of strange pagans who wanted nothing to do with them, their only allies criminals and exiles.

Bradley Reynolds had never quite mentally recovered from the dark days after the Event, he was proven breakdowns and often spent hours alone in his tent, staring silently at the walls. These breakdowns and long silence became more and more common the longer they were in Canaan until one day he emerged from his tent, tears pouring down his cheeks and a manic look in his eyes. He announced to the others in the expedition that he had come to a revelation. That the locals were the biblical Canaanites, their god nothing more than a golden calf. He then declared that they would become the true Israelites, spreading their faith by word and bullet. Some were hesitant but the majority had become converted to Reynolds particular brand of extremism. What followed was weeks of violence as the Expedition tried to forcibly convert the population of Canaan. Massacring entire villages, destroying dozens of shrines and Idols to the Canaanites bull god. the local chiefs resisted as best they could but found themselves almost powerless against Pre-Event rifles.

The Egyptian response was slow. Sending an army that far north with Thebes still in rebellion was a risky proposition and the Pharaoh was uneasy against sending his armies against forces, even a small one, armed with rifles. But he knew the Expedition had to be dealt with, the people of Canaan were kin to the Hyksos and allowing the Americans to establish any sort of state so close to his Kingdom would be a disaster. Khyan marched into the Levant with an army of six thousand warriors. The first stages of the War for Canaan were almost trivial for the Egyptians. The expedition had become scattered, divided into small groups of Uptimers leading local conscripts and converts. Some of these groups scattered or surrendered at the first sight of the Egyptian armies. Others fought fanatically to the death, refusing to even consider surrender. Eventually word reached Reynolds of the approaching army and he quickly railed his towards Rusalim, determined to turn the city into a fortress upon which the Egyptian army would break. Bradley would not live to see the Egyptian army as he was assassinated two days before they arrived, his throat cut by a nurse named Juliet Sablin who had become horrified by Reynold's actions, Juliet fled the city before anyone realized what had occurred.

The death of Bradley Reynolds only served to Strengthen the Expedition's resolve. They believed the Egyptians would break upon the walls of Rusalim, their primitive armies no match for their rifles and explosive. Unknown to the Expedition, the Egyptians had come armed with two of their newest weapons, mortars and cannons.

The battle of Rusalim was among the most biggest defeats ever inflicted upon an Uptimer army by a Downtimer force. Many in the Expedition broke at the first sound of cannon fire. The Egyptians would take few prisoners, those who did not flee would fight with a fanatical determination. Despite the victory, the Pharaoh found himself frustrated by the battle. The cannons and mortars had proven effective,but largely only for their effect on morale. Few shots actually hit their target. The men using them needed more training and he needed a solid doctrine on how to make the best use of them. And while it had been a victory, the Expedition had killed far more of his men then he had expected. The Americans were able to engage them at an incredibly long distance and had proven quite adapt at picking of charioteers. If he ever found himself engaging a better organized and larger Uptime force, he would be in trouble.

The Pharaoh kept all of these concerns private, boasting loudly of his victory upon his return to the capital. Ordering the creation of numerous works of art depicting his grand victory, including a large obelisk that was to stand in front of the main entrance to the Royal palace. Much to his frustration though, this war did not increase his popularity among the local Egyptian nobility. To a good deal of them these was just a foreign ruler supporting his foreign allies. Distrust of the Teigens skyrocketed as well, how could they be trusted if everywhere Americans went they massacred the local population. The Teigens themselves had been left utterly horrified by the news of what happened in Canaan, dismayed that the people they once called neighbors could do such horrific things.

Khyan grew frustrated. He was a god given flesh, chosen by Ra himself to lead the Egyptian people and yet despite that and the victories he had brought them they still dismissed him and his dynasty as nothing more than foreign invaders. Khyan knew if he was going to cement his rule and secure his dynasty's legacy he needed to assert his control over the Nile once and for all, he needed to conquer Thebes.
Special thanks to @EBR for providing some incredibly useful info on Canaan.
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Once again, I love that most of the major players in this TL have no clue about the history they find themselves in. It's realistic and makes for some good twists.

I genuinely don't expect the Uptimer fighting over the Holy Land to stop here, though.
I'll echo what the ScottishMongol said; people trying to figure out what's going on based on really basic knowledge of history that doesn't really cover this specific situation is very entertaining. It also make a nice contrast for the genre savvy individuals like Rachel Wilson.
Once again, I love that most of the major players in this TL have no clue about the history they find themselves in. It's realistic and makes for some good twists.

I genuinely don't expect the Uptimer fighting over the Holy Land to stop here, though.

It's an appealing target for a number of reasons, pragmatic and ideological.
I'll echo what the ScottishMongol said; people trying to figure out what's going on based on really basic knowledge of history that doesn't really cover this specific situation is very entertaining. It also make a nice contrast for the genre savvy individuals like Rachel Wilson.
Reynolds might have done better had he done a bit of recon. Though admittedly that recon would have probably told him that trying to convince Semitic Canaanites to revolt against a Semitic Pharaoh was an uphill battle. Historical knowledge is a very useful asset but a lack of it can be overcome, if one is careful. Which Reynolds wasn't, like at all.
In all honesty at the discussed time period its just a moderate settlement in the middle of nowhere. But then again it rests atop a narrow hill with steep sides, and is in the middle of nowhere.
Had his expedition chose to not panic and organize a proper defense they could have easily repelled the Egyptians.
Canons would do squat, as you would still need to climb the hill, or fight at very narrow gates to get in, and they (Egyptians) would have ran out of water before they could even begin a proper siege.

It's a really good position to control and defend the east side of the Dead Sea, but once you lost it its incredibly hard to take back.
It's an appealing target for a number of reasons, pragmatic and ideological.

Very much agree. Religion and ideology aside, it's a peripheral possession of a distracted and potentially unstable empire making it an ideal territory for a filibuster to try and build his or her own little fiefdom. Plus, as @kaazmiz points out Jerusalem is nicely defensible for a competent force with modern weapons.
The Fifteenth Dynasty of Egypt (Part 3)

The Conquest of Thebes

Thebes (Also known as Waset) was ruled by the Sixteenth Dynasty, native Theban Kings who's rule had often been troubled by plagues and unrest. Their territory was limited, sometimes ruling little more than Thebes itself. By 9 A.E they had extended their rule somewhat, ruling a small chunk of the Nile from the town of Huw in the North to the Temple-City of Edfu in the South. By all accounts they were a weak and unremarkable dynasty, their only strength against the Hyksos was the city of Thebes itself. With a population of some 70,000 souls, the city of Thebes was the second most populated city in the world, It's size only surpassed by Uruk (Tucson by this point had long since been reduced to a fraction of it's pre-Event Population).For much of the Middle Kingdom, Thebes had served as the capital of Egypt and was still an important cult center with access to important mineral resources and southern trade routes.

At the time of the Event the Sixteenth Dynasty and Fifteenth had something of an intermittent Status Quo, with the two dynasties roughly sharing the Nile with periods of low-level conflict from time to time. Niether dynasty having the strength to risk a full invasion. Khayan had originally be content with this situation, ignoring his counterpart, Bebiankh, in favor of expanding trade to the North. But the muted reaction to his victory in Canaan and knowledge of how little effect his dynasty would have had originally convinced him that more drastic action needed to be taken. For the Hyksos to remain they had to be the ones to unify Upper and Lower Egypt, for that to happen he needed Thebes.

Conquering the City would not be easy. The Nile proving both a blessing and a curse for the Hyksos. As it greatly reduced the burden on logistics and made transporting Khyan's troops far easier, it also made it all but impossible for him to hide his troop movements, Thebes would know he was coming from almost the moment he began his march south. Additionally his now prized cannons would require special transport ships built for them.

He did have some distinct advantages though, besides the cannons he was able to field a new weapon introduced by Jared Alston and the Hyksos smiths who now worked alongside him, the Crossbow. Alston had redeveloped the crossbow before the Reynolds expedition but had been unable to produce enough for military use before the Pharoah marched for Canaan. Alston realized it would impractical to arm the entire Egyptian army with any sort of Firearm and their supply of black powder was still on the small side, though growing quickly. Crossbows he figured would provide a considerable boost in strength, enough to deter any more expeditions.

Crossbows held numerous advantages over Egyptian bows, the biggest of which was it's ease of use. Archers took years of training and conditioning, Crossbows took months, weeks if he was pushed. The ease of use allowed Khayan to field a larger army. Fielding some 20,000 soldiers for his march towards Thebes.

The Battles of Huw and Thebes would be resounding victories for the Hyksos. Despite being well prepared for the invasion, the Thebians were still almost completely caught off guard by the Hyksos Crossbows and massed artillery barrages. The Thebans would suffer some 12,000 casualties in the two battles. Bebiankh would kill himself to avoid capture, with the rest of his dynasty surrendering to Khayan. The priests of Karnak, among the most vocal critics of the Hyksos, were forced to prostrate themselves before the Pharaoh and affirm that he was chosen by Ra and Seth. Minor resistance would remain but by 9 A.E the Hyksos had effectively complete control of both Upper and Lower Egypt. For the first time in nearly a century, there was only one Pharaoh on the Nile.

For Khayan this was his moment of triumph, achieving in months something he once thought would have been all but impossible. His new weapons and tools allowed him strength he had never dreamed of, crop yields that seemed almost magical and greater control of the Nile than any Pharaoh had ever dared. He remained in Thebes for half a year, securing his rule over the city while considering possible additional conquests. Kerma (Located in Pre-Event Sudan) was rich in resources such as gold, cattle, incense and ivory. With his new found military strength conquering the Kerma would be a relatively simple affair. And yet Khayan worried about drawing his attention to the far south. He doubted he was done with American invasions and the Hyksos position was far less secure than he would have liked.

Eventually Khayan was forced to return to Avaris, though not because of a military matter like he had expected. His return home would for more personal reasons.

The Politics of Love
Khayan had kept his son and heir, Yanassi, near the Teigen family for a number of years at this point. Having them educate him on the English language, math, engineering and other skills Khayan thought would be useful for a future Pharaoh. Khayan did not want the Crown Prince to be Americanized by any means, but he wished to ensure his heir was well prepared for this new world the arrival of Tucson had created. Yanassi had only been seventeen years old when the Event occured, Khayan This meant Yanassi was near the Teigen family almost every week, often for hours a day. Human nature being what it was, this eventually lead to the Crown Prince and the Teigen daughter, Heather, falling in love. The affair quickly became known to the Pharaoh, who allowed it, even encouraging it as a means of ensuring the Teigen's loyalty.

For a time simply maintaining a semi-secret romantic relationship was fine for both of them. But when Heather became pregnant, Yanassi asked her to become one of his royal concubines as a way of ensuring the child was seen as his. Heather had come to understand that marriage for Yanssai had a rather different standard that what she was familiar with but concubine was not a label she was prepared to accept, for her their where only two options, their relationship remaining as is or her becoming his primary wife. Yanssai, out of both love and a belief that this would have political advantages, agreed to marry her. His family had strong objections.

Traditionally the crown prince was suppose to marry within the family, either their sister, a niece, aunt or a 'double-niece' (A niece born of their brother and sister). Yanassai's sister had died a few years before, leaving Yanassai to pretty much wait until one of his relatives came of age. Khayan had wanted to uphold this tradition as a way of appeasing the priesthoods but with Thebes now conquered, he had mulled over breaking tradition and marrying his son to one of the noble families of the city as a way of securing his control over upper Egypt. Yanassai marrying Heather would not only ruin this plan but it also risk offending those nobles and priests who still loathed the Americans serving the Pharaoh, and giving the Americans far more power and influence then he had ever intended. Khayan did not want an heir who saw themselves as an American nor did he American culture to influence the Hyksos more than it already had. The Teigens were useful, he had Khayan had even made them and Alston minor nobility, but he did not want their traditions and values to become the traditions and values of Egypt.

The Teigens for their part also objected to the marriage as well, largely because they realized the political mess the marriage would create and urged their daughter to find another way. But Yanassai was insistent, arguing that the Americans must had Divine Blood in them. Their city clearly must have been brought here by some divine power, and American aid was now set to make Egypt one of the strongest powers in the known world. This argument did find some traction among the priesthoods, particularly those devoted to Horus who saw the Event as possibly his work. The Egyptian priesthood had been divided on the Event and the Americans in general. Most condemned the Event and the Americans as agents of disorder and chaos, but that view was starting to change, particularly with Khayan's victory in Thebes. While things were chaotic outside of Egypt, the same could hardly be said for their Kingdom. If anything they had increased stability with their aid in reunifying the Kingdom. They had weakened many of their rivals such as the Hittites and yet lacked the strength to truly hurt Egypt. A few priests even gave tacit support to the Marriage, agreeing with Yanssai's assessment. Others began to denounce Yanssai's words as heresy. Into this growing crisis stepped Prince Apepi, the Pharaoh's brother

In the original Uptime history, Apepi was able to have Yanassai killed shortly after his brother's death and became the next Pharaoh, pushing the Hyksos to their greatest height, even briefly conquering Thebes, only for the Hyksos to become overextended and completely collapse less than fifteen years after his death. Thankfully for Apepi these facts were completely unknown to Khayan, himself or anyone else in Egypt. Still, Apepi was a man of ambition, long having dismissed his nephew as a soft hearted fool. Hoping to to position self as the voice of reason when this eventually blew into a full blown crisis. Apepi began to argue that while Yanassai may have had a point, his actions were rash and foolish, threatening the stability. Apepi overstepped his bounds when he mentioned to Khayan that Yanassai might have to face the consequences of his actions, something Khayan immediately picked up on as unsubtle grab for power. Not long after an attempt was made on Heather's life. The attempt only left Heather with a minor wound but Khayan was enraged as her baby, his grandchild of royal blood, had been put in danger. A number of court priests and palace officials blamed Apepi. The Pharaoh was skeptical of his brother being that bold but his actions had been rather suspicious. Exiling him would only give the Americans a means of justifying another invasion so he placed Apepi under house arrest, forbidden from leaving the Royal Palace in Avaris for the rest of his life. Khayan allowed Yanassai to take Heather as a secondary wife, provided he marry a Theban noble woman and move to Thebes to oversee the region. Yanassai agreed, with Heather giving birth to healthy baby girl named Nitocris.

With Egypt united and his domestic issues resolved. Khayan began to notice a change in the opinions of the local Egyptian nobility. His spies no longer reported them speaking of him in such hateful terms. He began to feel the respect he had long sought. It was the dawn of a new kingdom, and the Egyptians were grudgingly beginning to accept that.

As Khayan began making plans for an invasion of Kerma, his attention was again pulled away. This time by problems to the North. Cyprus had stopped delivering copper and bronze due to chaos caused by Americans and there were whispers on the wind, rumors of another Expedition, this one headed towards Egypt.
And yes the stuff with Heather is a bit of a take on Kathryn Hollard in Island in the Sea of Time, albeit under vastly different circumstances.
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May Egypt and it's properly named gods rise! Amusingly, the Greek names will probably become 'American' names in this timeline, and might become something like epithets or separate aspects for the gods. Considering some of the developments gods went through in real life, they might even split and become their own deities entirely.
Kerma (Located in Pre-Event Sudan) was rich in resources such as gold, cattle, incense and ivory. With his new found military strength conquering the Kerma would be a relatively simple affair. And yet Khayan worried about drawing his attention to far south. He doubted he was done with American invasions and the Hyksos position was far less secure than he would have liked.
Go South young man! Go South! To Somalia and Ethiopia the gateways to Africa and rich trade with India and SEA!

The Pharaoh was skeptical of his brother being that blood but his actions had been rather suspicious.

Cyprus had stopped delivering copper and bronze due to chaos caused by Americans and there were whispers on the wind, rumors of another Expedition, this one headed towards Egypt.
Sea people 2.0 the Freedomization
It occurs to me that if Yanassai were to inherit the throne before taking a native Egyptian noble as his primary wife, then he could just upgrade Heather on his own.
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Some copy-editing:

enough to deter anymore expeditions.

any more

training and condition


had effectively completely control


he had never dreamed off


his attention to far south

to the far

and influence then he had ever intended


This argument did fine some traction among


A few priests even gave tact support

Thanks everyone for the copy editing help, much appreciated.

Sea people 2.0 the Freedomization
They basically are. Albeit somehow less destructive to everyone outside of Anatolia.
It occurs to me that if Apepi were to inherit the throne before taking a native Egyptian noble as his primary wife, then he could just upgrade Heather on his own.
Yannesei could also very simply upgrade Heather to his primary wife and shift his Thebian wife to lower rank. It would not be without controversy though.
The Fifteenth Dynasty of Egypt (Part 4)

The Cyprus Intervention

Cyprus had been important to Egypt since the Old Kingdom, the island supplying them and much of the Mediterranean with Copper, which was vital to Bronze production. The Island had long been dominated, though not fully controlled, by the Kingdom of Alashiya. Trade between Alashiya and the Hyksos was more or less the same as it had been for previous dynasties, Alashiya sends ships full of Copper and Bronze and in exchange Egypt sent them ships full of Ivory and Silver. Sometimes Alashiya demanded more Ivory, sometimes the Egyptians were able to send less silver, but the trade had been largely consistent for centuries regardless of the ruling dynasty. This regularity of trade was part of why Egypt largely ignored Alashiya in the decade following the Event, so long as the copper kept coming in, Egypt had little reason to concern itself with the affairs of Cyprus. So when the Copper trade suddenly stopped in 12 A.E the Pharaoh was caught completely off guard. He quickly sent an envoy to the island to make contact with the King of Alashiya and restored trade. Khayan expected the worst and his expectations proved fairly close to reality. Multiple expeditions had hit the island, and Alashiya been destroyed, divided among various American factions. This was problematic, Khayan did not want American states so close to Egypt but he didn't want to risk his military in a naval invasion, a defeat in Cyprus could leave him open to invasion. Ultimately Khayan's first priority was resumption of the Copper trade, while Egypt had become aware of iron and even steel production, it would still be years, decades even before either saw widespread use. Bronze production was still vital to Egypt both economically and militarily, even more so in fact due to how Bronze was used in the production of cannons and crossbows. The Americans could be tolerated as long as they resumed the copper trade.

Khayan sent another envoy, this one fluent in English and protected by half a dozen royal guards. His goal was simple, learn more about the new situation in Cyprus and get the trade open again. A month later two of the guards returned, bloodied and bruised, with the head of his envoy in a box. The group had been ambushed on the road the former capital of Alashiya by American bandits. To make matters worse, when they arrived at the Capital, they discovered the new rulers had no interest in searching for the bandits, and even less in resuming the copper trade.

Other factions controlled parts of Cyprus but the one holding the former capital, The Provisional Republic of America, had the best access to the Island's copper mines. And they had wronged Khayan, they had disrepected him and murdered his envoy. That slight could not go unanswered.

Luckily for Khayan the envoy had managed to get a good grasp of the situation within the Provisional Republic. None of the states on Cyprus were stable, Americans fighting other Americans as they dealt with an increasingly unhappy native Cypriot population. But the Provisional Republic had an additional problem, refugees from Crete and Greece. Minoan nobles had fled to Cyprus after Wilson's conquest, joined a few years later by Mycenaean nobility that fled the numerous expeditions that hit Greece. These nobles and their servants were a small group but experience had left them very embittered towards the Americans and extremely determined to not lose another home to them.

Khayan had his agents approach these nobles and arranged a deal. The nobles would do what they could to hamper the Republic's armed forces in preparation for the Egyptian invasion. Once the provisional Republic was dealt with, Egypt would install one of the Mycenae nobles as the new King of Alashiya and in exchange the nobles would ensure the copper trade resumed. The Pharaoh made it clear that this was going to be a limited conflict, he didn't want to risk becoming bogged down against a foe still armed with uptime weapons, he realized how worse things could have gone for him in Canaan if he had fought a better prepared enemy.

The invasion went smoothly at first, most of the resistance they faced was poorly trained conscripts with blackpowder weapons and crossbows. Then the Egyptians reached the town of Alassa along the southern coast. The defenders there had dug in, turning the battle into a meatgrinder for both sides. Once Alassa was taken though, resistance collapsed. Khayan faced almost no resistance as he marched towards the capital. As he entered it quickly became apparent why. The capital was basically abandoned by the Americans. According to spies loyal to the Mycenaeans, they had fled by boat. Khayan had hoped they were simply fleeing back to Anatolia. The truth of the matter soon became apparent as the Egyptian fleet was burned at dock, trapping Khayan and the army on Cyprus

The Norvell Expedition

Captain William Norvell was the man responsible for the Burning of the Egyptian fleet, he was also the one who ordered the murder of the envoy. Intentionally provoking the Pharoah into a war on Cyprus in hopes of claiming perhaps the ultimate prize, Egypt itself.

Captain Norvell had been a pilot in the Airforce before the Event, flying one of Davis–Monthan's famous A-10s. Norvell had taken part in the Mutiny at Davis-Monthan but unlike many of his fellow pilots he had flown south instead of west, following a passenger plane loaded with some of the Base's ground staff and their families. They would land near what would become the city of New Washington. Captain Norvell became a major part of the city's militia in it's early days but never felt comfortable in his position. The downgrade from air force pilot to guarding a collecting of rough cut cabins and trucks converted into home took a heavy toll on him mentally. He bemoaned how far his countrymen had fallen. When he heard some of his fellow militia members talking about heading to Cyprus he joined on, largely out of desire to get away from new Washington more than anything else. He hadn't expected much from Cyprus and what he saw did little to impress him. But conversations with locals lead to him realizing the state of Egypt. An advanced centralized state that reaped a great bounty from the Nile River. Norvell began to dream of restoring America, rebuilding the country he had once served along the banks of the Nile. He knew conquering it would be hard but the Cypriots told him of how hated the Hyksos were among the native Egyptians. He hoped he could play that his advantage. He was able to convince the entire Provisional Republic's leadership and armed forces to go along with his plan, as they had come to be increasingly unhappy with the chunk of Cyprus they held. Once the pieces where in place he ordered a halt to all trade to Egypt.

Once the fleet was burned, he moved forward with the next phase of his plane. The fleet would sail to the Nile Delta, there they would make contact with one of the Egyptian traders Norvell had secretly befriended. once they arrived they would spark a revolt against the Hyksos, using the chaos caused by the revolt to take the capital of Avaris and several other cities in the Delta. Using them as a beachhead to encourage other Americans to move to Egypt. Building up enough of a population to make a greater conquest feasible. Ideally they would eventually take both lower and upper Egypt, using the Egypt infrastructure (and people) to build a true American republic. It would still be a far cry from what he had known, but it would be an improvement.

The Norvell Expedition was soon struck with two major problems. The first was despite the Hyksos's unpopularity, hatred towards them had waned with the conquest of Thebes. And however much the native Egyptians hated the Hyksos, they had come to despise Americans far more. The spark they tried to set sizzled out, and they found themselves surrounded by an angry citizenry. Norvell had control of a few villages along the coast but even that was tentative. Thankfully he had a backup plan. Despite leaving he had more than a few Friends still left in New Washington. People who would be willing to send men and arms to help out, for the right price. Norvell sent word back to New Washington, as long as reinforcements could reach them soon, the situation could still be salvaged.

It's here where the Expedition encountered it's second and fatal problem. Minoan ships patrolling not far off the coast of Egypt intercepted the reinforcements, taking their guns and forcing the ships back home. Anax Rachel had heard of the Norvell Expedition and was determined to prevent what happened in Greece from repeating itself in Egypt. She feared the threat an American Egypt might pose to her own Kingdom.

The outnumbered and out of supply Expedition was quickly defeated by the returning Egyptians, Though Captain Norvell escaped his army's destruction. The now Mycenaean-lead Kingdom of Alashiya, along with two of the American Cypriot states, restarted the copper trade. The Minoan Kingdom using their help with Expedition to secure more trade agreements with the Egyptians.

Egypt in 20 A.E
Since the Norvell Expedition, Egypt has experienced two other attempted invasions, though these were smaller and even more easily dealt with. Besides that the tale of Egypt since then has been one quiet prosperity. The grain stores are larger than they've ever been, new monuments and temples are built yearly, and the docks are filled with trade ships. While the threat of invasions didn't disrupt the Kingdom too much they did force Khayan to postpone his plans for expanding his Kingdom. The hatred for the Hyksos has not fully faded but it has been reduced, particularly among the younger generations. From all outward appearances it would seem the future looks bright indeed for the Fifteenth Dynasty and it does for the most part. There's just one issue. The great Pharaoh Khayan is dead, taking by illness towards the beginning of the year. And his son Yanassai has made clear to the royal court that Heather will soon be elevated to the status of primary wife. What this means for the future of Egypt is unclear but even Yanassai knows this action will not pass without controversy. He hopes that the actions of his father will allow him to weather this without too much difficulty and push forward with his father's southern ambitions.
Stress of the recent outbreak made this rather hard to write so hopefully it's still good. Hopefully the update on Cyprus won't take as long.
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It is impressive what Egypt has managed to accomplish.

The Americans will take over anyways though- we've already married into the Royal Family.

I don't think that works though. Otherwise in our uptime we'd be on track for taking over Great Britian.

Wait, is that what caused the whole Wallis Simpson thing?
Egypt was in many respects a prototype nation-state as we would understand it today, more so then even a palace based gift economy or a tribe or somesuch.
I don't think that works though. Otherwise in our uptime we'd be on track for taking over Great Britian.

Wait, is that what caused the whole Wallis Simpson thing?

Well Edward being an awful person generally and a Germanophile fascist sympathiser in particular didn't help.
A month later two of the guards returned, bloodied and bruised, with the head of his envoy in a box.
This is how you do dumb...
To make matters worse, when they arrived at the Capital, they discovered the new rulers had no interest in searching for the bandits,
This is how you do dumber...
and even less in resuming the copper trade.
And this is how you cross the event horizon of intelligent choices and strike negatives on existence and smarts.

Normally I'd say this is completely unrealistic and that nobody can be both so dumb and greedy...
But then we have out IRL situation going that makes it a moot point.
This is how you do dumb...

This is how you do dumber...

And this is how you cross the event horizon of intelligent choices and strike negatives on existence and smarts.

Normally I'd say this is completely unrealistic and that nobody can be both so dumb and greedy...
But then we have out IRL situation going that makes it a moot point.
I'm not sure it's dumb if provoking a conflict was exactly what they wanted from those actions. Foolhardy certainly. But yeah people can be immensely dumb and short sighted. Norvell wasn't so much dumb though as overplayed his hand and misread the situation

And man, this story would have been a lot different if it was 2020!Tucson being sent back in time instead of 2019!Tucson.
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I'm not sure it's dumb if provoking a conflict was exactly what they wanted from those actions.
Which was dumb.
They were literally sitting on one of the most crucial trade hubs of the world, and if we factor in historical findings of hundreds of bronze era shipyards, a naval power and seat of power for the "Sea People".
They literally didn't have to do anything but trade the goods they had in abundance, and serve as intermediaries for everyone else.
It's literally one of the best possible situations to find yourself in while in that world.

Not to mention that the Nile delta is roughly 200x300 km, and was one of the most populous regions of the world. And he wanted to conquer it? 😅

But hey. I believe now that people can be that dumb.