In The Grimdark of Fanfiction -40k

Congratulations, you have stumbled upon one of the many criticisms of the direction 40k has moved since it was created; the imperium is the worst regime imaginable, but now we're going to spend decades justifying how it's actually not that at all.
I mean, even at the start it was mostly just a vanilla bland oppressive one, it can get way worse in imagination. So that's not really a problem? It's just... mh, kind of unimpressive. Woo, no freedom of thought, speech, blah blah, roll down the list, is there anything actually stand-out?

So to me, it's less a change, more making it actually make sense. Or perhaps, that it's the worst graspable by mortal minds, instead of, as the Path of the Dark Eldar series put it: "older, darker powers utterly inimical to humankind."
Probably means "the worst (human) regime imaginable".

Though personally I don't see why it is so hard to reconcile that the IoM is awful with the IoM needing to be awful becase of circumstances. One thing does not cancel the other.
Probably means "the worst (human) regime imaginable".

Though personally I don't see why it is so hard to reconcile that the IoM is awful with the IoM needing to be awful becase of circumstances. One thing does not cancel the other.

Because the 'circumstances' are entirely the author's fault. Nobody forced them to add the lore that the Golden Throne needs Psyker sacrifices, for example.
Because the 'circumstances' are entirely the author's fault. Nobody forced them to add the lore that the Golden Throne needs Psyker sacrifices, for example.
Those sacrifices are pretty damn weaksauce compared to history though. Ten thousand a day for an intergalactic empire? Please. The Aztecs nearly killed that many at peak times, and they had a small, single country. If that's the worst imaginable then they have a bloody crap imagination.

Could be another expression of how some 40k authors have no sense of scale, like the canon numbers for Armageddon 3rd. Less than the humans of WW2 is just pathetic.
Those sacrifices are pretty damn weaksauce compared to history though. Ten thousand a day for an intergalactic empire? Please. The Aztecs nearly killed that many at peak times, and they had a small, single country. If that's the worst imaginable then they have a bloody crap imagination.

Look, if you don't get it after the multiple times this song-and-dance has been done in this thread (I think it's this one), you're never going to get it.
Because the 'circumstances' are entirely the author's fault. Nobody forced them to add the lore that the Golden Throne needs Psyker sacrifices, for example.
Eh, and your point is?

Things aren't less awful just because they are necessary and 40K make sit clear that they are living in the worst timeline. If things hadn't gone pear shaped so many times things like the sacrifices wouldn't be necessary.

Now, if what you want is for the IoM to be EVULZ for EVIIIL! sake then that's another thing altogether and not what is being discussed.
What if rather than Magnus accidentally destroying the webway, he gathers up all of his psykic might. All of the PHENOMENAL COSMIC POWERS granted by Tzeench, and stuff. He charges at the bulwark that is the wall to the human webway.

And bounces right off.
Several years ago.

"ugh. that's really nasty. Gonna add a little bit more webway wall here so I don't need to look at it anymore. Note to self, find more opaque webway wall for the future."

"That's much nicer. I'll replace it later. . . maybe."
And he knocks himself the fuck out. Then, with his head sufficiently bonked, he just decides to see if he can go around. He gets to a door, stamps on the doormat a bit so he doesn't track warp dirt in his father's nice, clean, shiny, new webway, and goes to tell his dad about Horus.
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I have done a thing!
It is once again time to release a plot bunny that just will not leave me alone!
Unedited, unbeta'd, late at night, probably incomprehensible unless you already have an idea of what is going on, and with far too little thought put into it.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
I shrink back into my corner. The sounds of screams, gunfire, and the dying echo through this place, and the stench of smoke and offal fill my nose. I shouldn't be here.

Axes flash, broadswords swing/ Shining armor's piercing ring

My hand curls around a lose bit of pipe. It's better than nothing. The rules are run, hide, fight. Running hasn't worked. Hiding isn't going to do so well, if the screams, and stench and scraping of blade on concrete are anything to judge by. Fighting is my only option, then.

Horses run with the polished shield/ Fight those bastards till they yield!/ Midnight mare and blood red roan/ Fight to keep this land your own

I can do this. I have to do this. Stand. If I can't stand, crawl. But do not go gently into that good night. One step. And another. Just ofucs on one step at a time.
One of the monsters. Hasn't seen me yet, don't see any of the others. Has to be now.

Sound the horn and call the cry
"How many of them can we make die?"

I swing.

I do not miss, and am rewarded with a most satisfying thump and a spray of ichor as the monster collapses. The ichor slowly rolls down the pipe, pooling on the ground. It looks almost yellow in this light.

Follow orders as you're told/Make their yellow blood run cold

I feel like I should know this place, but I don't. Something tickling at the back of my mind.

Fight until you die or drop!/A force like ours is hard to stop!

There will be no retreat here. I know it. Even if I find a better weapon, this hell of 'crete and rubble will be my tomb.

Close your mind to stress and pain! / Fight 'til you're no longer sane!

I'll just have make it a suitable one, a funeral pyre on a mound of skulls. Skulls like the one of this second monster.

I will not have a second chance.

Let not one damn cur pass by!
"How many of them can we make die?"

Two. Not enough. Not nearly enough.

Guard your women and children well! / Send these bastards back to Hell!

Holy shit. Is that a... ?

I vomit. It's not like I needed that bagel anyway. Add that to the list of reasons to tear these things a new asshole and then shove a quarter stick of dynamite up it!

Use your shields and use your head!/Fight 'til everyone is dead!

This last one dropped something. A sword. Two-handed, it feels like, but the grip feels natural, and easy. The last time I did anything with a sword was a few years ago at a con, and that sure as hells wasn't live steel.

Raise the flag up to the sky!
"How many of them can we make die?"

That's three and four. One of the human corpses had a gun, a pistol of some kind. My fingers know exactly what to do. I have never fired a pistol before in my life, and the last time I used a rifle was lo these many years ago at scout camp.

Dawn is broke, the time has come/ Move your feet to a marching drum!

Step, turn, lunge. Step, parry, slide. Riposte! Five!

The motions are easy. Like the old saw about riding a bicycle. It's like I always knew how to do this, but just hadn't done so in a while.

We'll win the war and pay the toll/ Fight as one in heart and soul!

Six is a screaming human in red rags, with more knives than is sensible.

Least I think its human. I strike hard, but get nicked. Don't think I'll live long enough to worry about anything on the blade, but damn do headwounds bleed like all get out.

Midnight mare and blood red roan/Fight to keep this land your own!

Seven gets five rounds rapid before it turns and charges at me. I lean into the charge, my blade biting high and deep.

I take a moment to look at my reflection in a bit of metal. That blood is not doing me any favors. Heck, with how it flows around my nose, looks sort of like an X-shape. That's a bit uncanny.

Sound the horn and call the cry:

I leap and fire. Number eight has its insides moved to the outsides in a most satisfying manner. Come and get some!

Something heavy strikes me and I fall.

Godsdamnit, I am going to die here. At least I took some of them with me. Bye-bye vision, it was nice knowing you.

O͠h̶, ͞I ͏lik̛e̛ th́is̛ ̀on͠e͟.
Weird thought: Sailor Moon/Warhammer 40k crossover.

The 'Emperor' is in fact a VERY VERY old Mamoru/Endymion.

Sometime in the distant, DISTANT past, Sailor Moon and her royal court decided to leave Earth. The planet was a utopia, there was literally nothing left to DO. So they resolve to take a new starship outside the galaxy itself.

But Mamoru, as King of Earth, feels responsible. He decides to stay. But he doesn't count on being alone with just normal people for THOUSANDS of years. Utopia gradually falls apart. Mamoru goes increasingly insane. Eventually he declares himself Emperor of all mankind....

We reach 40,001. The Tau become strangely aggressive. Chaos is rising in power. Caiphas Cain is there to see a ship arrive, containing the REAL leaders of the Tau... the VERY old Queen Serenity.
Weird thought: Sailor Moon/Warhammer 40k crossover.
The 'Emperor' is in fact a VERY VERY old Mamoru/Endymion.
Sometime in the distant, DISTANT past, Sailor Moon and her royal court decided to leave Earth. The planet was a utopia, there was literally nothing left to DO. So they resolve to take a new starship outside the galaxy itself.
But Mamoru, as King of Earth, feels responsible. He decides to stay. But he doesn't count on being alone with just normal people for THOUSANDS of years. Utopia gradually falls apart. Mamoru goes increasingly insane. Eventually he declares himself Emperor of all mankind....
We reach 40,001. The Tau become strangely aggressive. Chaos is rising in power. Caiphas Cain is there to see a ship arrive, containing the REAL leaders of the Tau... the VERY old Queen Serenity.
This cpmversation has been done before.
TLDR Usagi is more powerful than Emps by a lot and with her in charge of the Earth it never would have fallen, and Emps is way to much of an bastard to be Mamoru.
Not to mention that Mamoru would have died long before 30K with the Earth in the condition it was in during the Age of Strife, IE a withered husk incapable of sustaining a proper biosphere.
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True. Tho I could use wrecking the planet as part of why Mamoru lost his shit...

I will need to explain why Usagi doesn't just magically fix it all, admittedly.
Not to mention that Mamoru would have died long before 30K with the Earth in the condition it was in during the Age of Strife, IE a withered husk incapable of sustaining a proper biosphere.
I was given the impression Age of Strife Earth looked like some combination of Fallout and Mad Max taken to the eleventh degree. How are all those people surviving if there isn't even a biosphere to support them?
I was given the impression Age of Strife Earth looked like some combination of Fallout and Mad Max taken to the eleventh degree. How are all those people surviving if there isn't even a biosphere to support them?
Because Games Workshop doesn't give a damn about things like that, they survived because Plot.
All I know is that there is no open water, no wild animals besides humans, and no naturally growing plants.
They probably survive solely by abusing the hell out of archeotech or raiding people that are better off than them, and later due to Emps cheating with his too-op-pls-nerf psychic powers.
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Because Games Workshop doesn't give a damn about things like that, they survived because Plot.
All I know is that there is no open water, no wild animals besides humans, and no naturally growing plants.
They probably survive solely by abusing the hell out of archeotech or raiding people that are better off than them, and later due to Emps cheating with his too-op-pls-nerf psychic powers.
Earth had a biosphere alright, it just wasn't an hospitable one (nor close to how it is today). It lacks one in 40K proper because it is a hive world, bu that's from ten millenia after the age of Strife ended.
I got... really bored, and decided to toss together this. Very much a oneshot.

In the Shadows of Titans

The mud, churned with blood, boiling with the fury of the ordinance firing above it.

Tens of thousands of orks fought on this forsaken planet, and Lord Drethken snarled as his own forces, even with their patron's favor manifesting in the form of demons, failing to make much of a breach in their defenses.

It was pathetic. These orks were crude and savage beasts, their missile volleys hitting their own forces as often as his own, the swings of their axes crude and inelegant, their only conception of pleasure being a good fight.

His defilers marched behind him, each outfitted with rockets and autocannons, and they strafed the orkish lines, scores of orks simply evaporating under the blistering fire.

He scowled at the sight.

Of course, in the warp-blasted melee this fight had turned into, accuracy, grace and skill hardly meant much.

There was no style to a fight like this.

No grace.

They had invaded this world to show the weaklings of the Imperium what it meant to seek true perfection, while they all fought be to "perfect" servants of the Corpse God.

Every step a dance, every move to further his goals, every moment in service to his God.

And then these brutes simply crashed to the planet in their great big rock and decided to have their barbaric good time at the cusp of his ascension.

He looked to the side as his defilers charged past him, and spoke to his follower, a middling sorcerer of some sort. "Is the ritual nearly complete?"

"Almost, my lord. A few more hours and the portal will open."

Drethken scowled, and the power claw on his arm sparked as he drove it into the chest of the sorcerer.

As he lifted the man into the air by his claw, he looked into his eyes. "In the context of a battlefield this chaotic, 'almost' implies minutes at most. To use the term to refer to hours is a mockery of language. Context matters."

With an idle twist of his arm, he tossed the corpse to the side, and one of the man's wide eyed acolytes approached, "We'll, we'll rush the ritual, my lord! We'll get the portal opened!"

"Stop." Drethken sighed, (delicately) embracing his forehead with the power claw, the power field dimming just as it reached his skin. "If you're going to do a ritual, do it right. I wasn't punishing the man for the delay, I was punishing him the lack of clarity in his language. If one is to speak, they should endeavor to be understood. If the ritual takes a few more hours to complete correctly, then we will buy the time necessary. We should seek perfection in all things, even-"

He would have continued the lecture, but a stray round from one of the orks guns impacted the cultist, instantly obliterating the man's upper body.

Drethken shook his head as he idly shot his plasma pistol in the vague direction of wherever that bullet came from, three shots striking three ork skulls.

That showed what he deserved for attempting to educate one of his lessers.

Before he could muse too long on the fragility of fools, the earth shook, in slow, steady rumbles, as if-

He could see it, moving past the horizon, and he could hear some of the weaker willed members of his entourage wail at the sight.

The damned orks had a gargant, one of the pinnacles of their crude craftsmanship, kept intact by their perverse psychic energies.

He snarled.

It was almost typical. One of their fiercest and most powerful weapons, one that would butcher many of his men, and it was a walking pile of garbage. However difficult the fight, he would win no glories here.

The gargant approached, and he spoke into his voxcaster, "All artillery, once you believe that it is within range to consistently hit, target the gargant. Until then, however, continue to focus on the orks."

He didn't bother to listen to the replies of his forces, shutting down his voxcaster. He knew their discipline would hold.

Unfortunately, with its sheer size, the gargant guns were, even with orkish accuracy, quite likely to be able to bombard his forces long before they could return fire, but scattered inaccurate fire from his artillery would never breach the void shields, and until it got here, they had an orcish army to slay.

His gaze narrowed to a new flight of orcish bombers flying in, and a he swifly ordered his reserve defilers and what flying daemons his patron had blessed his armies with to slow them down.

His eyes narrowed. The orks might not comprehend it, it might be a waste of effort, but he swore he would teach them just how long a man with absolute precision could keep a creature alive, for his own satisfaction, if nothing else.

The wretches would rue the day they interfered with his conquest.


This was a zogging good fight, Warboss Hatsmasha had to say. He hadn't been expecting much when he saw that the purple spiky boys had beaten them to the planet, but luckily, the gitz seemed right proper angry to see the orks arrive, and were plenty angry enough to put up a good fight.

Of course, his mek boys had told him there were big energy things going on in that city, and he knew enough to know that smashing big spiky boy energy things made spiky boys angry, and angry spiky boys put up a better fight.

Sometimes, though, he knew that spiky boys wanted him to smash their stuff, cause apparently their spiky daemon boys only showed up after a good scrapping, but as far as Hatsmasher was concerned, that was just fine with him. Bigger daemons just meant bigger fighting.

He'd fought enough spiky boys over the years that he was pretty sure he understood their clan banners, and the purple spiky boys were often boring and pansy gitz. These ones, however, had been fighting his boys in the open field.

But all good things came to an end, and soon he was gonna show them a right proper wagh.

The Gargant came, stopping shortly behind the orkish lines (stepping on a few gitz too slow to get out of the way), and he grinned as the spiky boys almost seemed puzzled by the fact that it wasn't firing yet.

No, it might have had lots of shooty looking bitz on it, but that wasn't what it was built for.

Dozens of crudely bolted panels opened up on the gargant as it raised its overly long arms to the heavens (some panels simply falling off and slowly clattering to the ground instead), and beneath those panels were-

"DEPLOY THE GOFF ROCKA GARGANT!" He yelled, and each and every one of those speakers blared.

These were orky speakers, and they blared their songs, entire lines of dem spiky gitz just melting under the blasts of sound, as orks were revitalized with an even greater level of enthusiasm for the fighting, the beat of the music keeping their actions coordinated. The air itself seemed to vibrate with the force of the noise, looking as though waves of heat were coming off of the construct.

Within the gargant dozens of rocka boys were playing, and their songs were being broadcast on speakers so powerful they could only have been built by the orks.

He grinned. He'd run to board the gargant later, but for now he wanted to enjoy the feel of the wind of bullets rushing past his face. Some orks thought him unorky for not always being in the center of the fighting, he thought as he idly blasted his shoota in the direction of the enemy, but some things you just needed a bit of distance to really see happen. To really appreciate. The ork lines surging, the spiky boys confusion and fear, lines of them gitz turning into liquid as the song hit them-

He beamed a wide and honest smile.

Dis. Dis roight here was what it waz all about.


Drethken snarled, elaborately cutting up one of their nobs that managed to breach the defensive line. This- this was unacceptable!

To be laid low by orks?

In such a brutish, obvious fight?

To that noise that they called music?

"Unacceptable." He murmured.

"My- my lord?" One of his followers asked.

"UNACCEPTABLE!" He screamed to the air, shooting his plasma pistol at the abominable thing in a blind rage.

"My lord! The ritual- it's-"

"What? There is no time, it won't-"

"The beast, the beast is trying to force open the portal from the other side! It has heard the challenge, and seeks to answer it!"

His fury slowed for a moment. "Do you mean-"

"Yes, my lord! It comes!"

With that dramatically timed statement, there was a terrible sound in the air, drowning out even the sound of the rocking gargant.

A rip within space itself appeared, behind the Chaos lines, and tendrils of the warp ripped out of the void, grabbing scores of his men and dragging them within the screaming mass, and all he could do was to smile.

"Yes, YES!" He screamed to the world, as a single massive foot stepped out of the portal.

It was a titan, a perverse thing, and the world seemed to almost twist around it, showing glimpses of strange and ethereal places of endless pleasure and decadence for mere tantalizing moments before the images were gone.

It was much like a standard scout titan of Slaanesh, the bound demon making it far more agile than the average monstrosity, but one of its arms ended in an odd tube instead of a clawed arm.

As its own systems charged, he gave a savage grin in the direction of the gargant.

"Let the noise titan be unleashed!"

Upon the form of the titan, where lesser guns might normally be found, dozens of speakers of their own activating, though these speakers were more boxed mouths with flaying tongues than the mechanical creations of the orks.

The soundwaves shot through the air, clashing against the sound of the gargant's, and where they hit, halfway between the massive things, the ground shattered, obliterating the entire front line of battle in a massive wave of force.

Slowly, ever so slowly, the shockwave pushed back towards the gargant.


Hatsmasha growled as he smashed a panel by his side, as it sparkled and exploded dramatically.

They thought to challenge his Great Rocka?

Pansy gitz didn't know what they were getting into!


Drethken's eyes narrowed as he saw the arms of the gargant reach around to its side, seemingly grabbing random components that he'd assumed were garbage trash, and almost seemed to be- assembling them?

Massive, industrial wires and piping, metal plates and more created a long and massive weapon and-

It held one end of the abomination above its shoulder, and one near the wider base of the construct, and slowly, the gargant began to strum its guitar.

It at first appeared to be a slow and incremental increase, but then the waves of force began intensifying, and it advanced on the twisted titan.


Throughout the warp twisted abomination, the princeps of the titan, twisted to the point that the line between human and demon was blurred indeed, screamed, "Power- more- power. Make it louder!"

Within the right arm of the titan, dozens of tortured lesser demon souls screamed as the heat within the great tube intensified, burning them all the while. Their screams were utterly silent from the outside of the titan, but then the titan lifted the microphone to its face and screamed.


It was a battle of impossible sights and, most importantly, sounds. Each side rallied by the presence of their monstrous war machines, they mindlessly charged forth, slamming their weapons into each other.

The sparking deff guns of the gargant blasted outwards, not seemingly aimed at anything, but simply adding a light show to the battlefield while incidentally killing hundreds of warriors, while the perverse portals surrounding the titan pulsed in ethereal lights, strobing colors the likes that were rarely seen outside of the Immaterium. The soundwaves clashed in the air, and occasionally were deflected by the force of the other wave, slamming into random collections of fighters. While sound normally doesn't work in such a way, the boundaries between the worlds was weakening, and the orkish wagh field was strengthening from the battle.

Endless screams from each side merely added to the cacophony, until a new noise came to the battlefield, and slowly the fighting began to slow, even the mechanical monstrosities reducing the intensity of the battle.

-"by his grace by his fury by the striking of his blows-"

The forces tried to hear what was being said.

-"his loyal sons and their might bring his wrath upon his foes-"

A figure crested the cliffs, a single, sparkling white titan, covered in speakers and prayer seals approached, the sound a strange combination of marching anthems, prayers, and hymnals, though a single brave and righteous voice dominated.

-"and the Emperor brought honor and the Emperor brought gold-"

The two original massive combatants slowly turned their faces back towards each other, then back to the Imperial titan.

-"and in his grasp we shall grow bold and old and never shall we fold for we are the children of the Emp"-

Instantly, the void shields of the white titan were blasted open, every single gun on each of them firing simultaneously, and the titan swiftly collapsed. A full minute later, they stopped shooting at the twisted form of what was once a titan.

Slowly, they turned back to each other, the gargant's claws reaching towards the industrial cable strings, and the Slaaneshi titan lifting its microphone back to its face. and the battle resumed.

Neither side noticed as a mass of green energy assembled on the battlefield, or as a strange and purple rift formed high above it.

Slowly, the green mass contracted upon itself, forming a massive green foot, and from the purple rift emerged two slender, beautiful arms, the sort that under any other circumstance would utterly enrapture your average person.

They hovered above the battlefield for a moment, before the green foot slammed down, shattering the earth and sending up great pillars of mud from the impact. It lifted into the air again, and stomped.




Meanwhile, the hands separated, and then slammed back together again with great force, shocks of strange energies blasting as it did so, sending sparks that warped the flesh of any mortal being it touched.

It clapped in time with the beat, just as the foot was doing, the two disparate rhythms somehow forming one terrible melody.
As the music seemed about to reach its crescendo, the sparks of green light seemingly dancing with the purple, well, that was when the cyclonic torpedoes impacted the planet.


Far above the battlefield, Lord Admiral Buskil gazed upon the planet that was even now tearing itself apart, and gave an arrogant sniff as his fleet wiped out the rest of the ork and heretic ships.

Bloody brutes wouldn't know good music if it served them a nice cup of tea.


Side note: would you believe that I originally intended this to be a Splatoon cross?
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So I got reminded that it's not a terrible idea to drop the first chapter or three or new projects to gauge interest. So here we go, the first part of my 'Isha Flees to Terra' project I've been puttering around with for like half a year now:

The birth of a god was meant to be a momentous occasion, a call for celebration as the bundle of emotions and concepts drifting together in the warp fused into a new being. Isha could recall the day her daughter had been born - her eyes had opened so slowly, as if from a deep sleep, to reveal all the promise of the future to come once the war with the Necrons was over.

Promises that were now as nothing, as the Pantheon continued to watch the Eldar gestate their newest god. Lileath had said long ago that the Eldar would be the downfall of the gods, and it seemed at last that they were making good on that dreamt prophecy. Isha wished she still had the energy to still be angry, but she'd already spent it all on blaming Asuryan for not lowering the ban on speaking with the Eldar, Khaine on mandating the ban in the first place, Lileath for not thinking to come to her own mother or father first before uttering the words that had started all this, and herself for not speaking up when she'd seen the direction too many of her distant children were taking. All she had left was the grim determination that, even were it her time to die, at least it would be at the side of her husband and daughter.

"My my, I never thought I'd see the day!" Isha tensed even before the hands clasped on her shoulders, Cegorach's voice unmistakable as he leaned over her shoulder to chuckle right in her ear. "Little passive Isha, dressed up for war. I feel like I have just the joke for this situation, something about desperation and fools… ah, I suppose I'll remember it later."

"Cegorach," Kurnous warned, his spear turned away from the writhing mass of excess and madness to the trickster god. "Now is hardly the time for one of your convoluted jokes."

"But everyone's so down in the dumps," Cegorach said, his hands shifting as he shrugged his shoulders. "Just because we're all about to die in a horribly ironic and once preventable fashion doesn't mean we have to do it with a frown. Oh, I have a good one - how is a phoenix like an old light? Both can be rather dim!"

Isha sighed and shook her head while Cegorach cackled as his own unassailable wit, meeting Kurnous' similarly exasperated gaze. She offered a small smile, some of the weight in her chest lifting when he returned it.

"Uncle, please, just take this seriously for a few minutes," Lileath pled, fingers tight around her wraithbone staff.

"Ah ah, not until I hear a laugh. Where does Khaine store all his weapons? In his Vaul-t!"

Before Isha could chide Cegorach for making a joke out of Vaul's captivity, a blade came down far too close to her for her liking, startling Lileath and Kurnous back a step while Cegorach went silent.

"Be silent, clown, or I'll make you," Khaine said before walking past, the blood on his hands dripping down his weapon and off into the currents as he stationed himself closest to the place where the new god would emerge in the warp.

"What a dour fellow," Cegorach said quietly once he seemed certain Khaine was far enough away to not be an immediate threat. "Perhaps he should lay off the Khorne flakes?"

Isha shook the trickster god off of her, gaze shifting to where Morai-Heg and Asuryan were deep in discussion. Though she couldn't see his face behind his mask, the heavy frown on her face said enough of what they could be talking about.

A bit further past them, standing silently with his last weapon at hand and the manacles he'd been bound with still dangling from his wrists, Vaul looked… well, he looked about as good as Isha and Kurnous had before Vaul had gotten them away from Khaine. Which wasn't very. Isha considered whether he would accept her help, but… it had been so long, and she had done nothing to free him after he'd done so for her, the same way she'd done nothing about so many other injustices.

"It's almost time," Lileath whispered, Isha turning to see her daughter with her head bowed, eyes closed and mouth twisted into a grimace. "Mother, I never wanted any of this..."

"I know, my dearest, and no one blames you for this. Your siblings…" Isha hesitated, knowing the comforting smile she was trying to maintain was flagging even as she made herself continue. "They made their own choices, in the end, and we made ours. The weavers will see us through this."

"The weavers are dead," Lileath replied, almost too quiet to hear, and Isha found she had no answer.

Kurnous moved to stand next to their daughter, one hand resting against Lileath's cheek while he whispered the comfort Isha couldn't, and Isha found her forced smile softening into something a bit more heartfelt. If only they could be like this forever, just the three of them - the thought curled up in her chest, tight and burning, and for a moment she thought she was about to cry, only to reach up and feel dry cheeks. She frowned as the tension in her chest built, hands moving to clutch at the building phantom pain.

This feeling wasn't coming from her. This was-

"It's here."

The Warp buckled and screamed.

And Isha's universe was pain.

It was like someone had torn open her chest with both great haste and deliberate care, hands reaching in and plucking out her insides until she was nothing but a hollow simulacra of herself. She didn't even remember collapsing to her knees, just that one moment she had been fine and the next -


She distantly heard someone screaming, though it took her too long to recognize it was her own voice. Which was sort of funny, because she felt like she couldn't breathe, throat choking on tears for each and every last one of the quadrillions who had died and were dying and were doomed to die without protection, each one of their names barely registering in her conscious before they were drawn into the voracious maw of the youngest god to fuel their rampage. Their voices whispered in her ears and dragged along her skin, lighting up already frayed nerves as they begged for survival and mercy they wouldn't get.

"Finally, a worthy fight for me."

She forced herself to look up, the youngest god a horrifically perfect fusion of all the other gods they'd consumed while she was unable to do anything in her agony, swinging Asuryan's own weapon with a careless ease against Khaine's bloody fury and holding their ground. The other gods' bodies were in various states of dismemberment, all their chests torn open literally where hers was still figurative, though Cegorach was noticeably missing. Had he died, or merely fled?

Another claw brushed against her cheek, and Isha startled as she realized the voices she'd been hearing weren't just those of the dying, but the already damned as well. The parodies of her children giggled and mockingly cooed as they surrounded her, taking turns wiping her tears away and consuming them with great relish, or dragging their bodies along the increasingly visible scraps of skin as they almost tenderly tore her armor and clothing away to get to her naked flesh.

One nibbled and bit at her throat, and she screamed again, throwing all of them away with warp vines while she tried to find the energy to get to her feet. The daemonettes were unphased, laughing with glee as they scrambled to their feet and ran around or into her lacking defenses. Those grabbed by the vines looked excited to be sloppily strangled, while the rest pouted as they clung more tightly to her, claws tangling in her clothing and hair and making it obvious that she was going nowhere until their master was done with fighting Khaine.

How was she not dead yet? She knew how pathetic she must look, unable to even fight off lesser daemons from her prone position. She wouldn't have even noticed while she was blinded by the pain of the youngest's birth and the death of her children, and at least she wouldn't have to continue living with all this pain that refused to fade into blissful numbness. Compared to all the rest, who at least looked like they'd tried to fight, she would have been a laughably easy meal.

But they were dead, and she wasn't, and somewhere in her grief she felt the slow, cold grip of terror take hold as she considered what other uses this new god could have for her.

"Oh mother," the daemonettes whispered in her ears, voices riding the high of power as all the eldar souls that had served as spark and fuel gave them unbridled confidence. "Please mother, give us more, give us everything."

The warp shifted, and Khaine and his opponent barely hesitated a moment in their ongoing battle as three more slowly arrived from their domains in the untraversed reaches of the Warp.

First came the dark mirror of Khaine, the taste of iron and blood and the clank of armor washing past her as the chaos god of war and his army came to watch the battle unfold. Several daemonettes pulled themselves away from her, throwing themselves almost eagerly onto the blades and moaning with delight as they were cut apart and dissolved into warp stuff to rejoin their master.

Then came the thousand whispering voices, a shifting mass that lowered itself to pick over the remains of Morai-Heg with interest. Eyes formed to stare at her and just as quickly shifted away, looking at all of them and none of them, and she almost felt relieved that it and its equally unconstrained minions seemed so disinterested in her continuing existence.

Last was the wave of rot, giggling rolling balls of unlife that squirmed into the area around her, striking back at the daemonettes that tried to swat them away. The vines withered in the presence of their master, the living infested carcass that made her want to gag as it stifled her and made the remaining daemonettes curl around her defensively.

"Pathetic," said Khorne, his voice the rumble of battlefields. "You call yourself a fighter?"

"I'm enjoying my game here," replied Slaanesh, throwing their hair back as they parried another strike from Khaine, letting the latter's blade barely scrape across their cheeks and leave a dripping wound, daemonettes eagerly catching the drops even as the wound healed into unblemished skin. "What does it matter how I prefer to spend my time before I eat him?"

"If you were competent," said Khorne, "you would not be losing to a defunct god."

Slaanesh paused, groaning in pleasure when Khaine took the opportunity to stab through their shoulder. "Ohh, is that a challenge? I would love to get to know your blades, every last one of them~."

"Your challenge is accepted," Khorne replied, stepping forward and drawing his own blade. "And your blood will decorate my domain."

"Ohh, I like you," Slaanesh said, smile stretching too wide for comfort. "Please, don't stop until you've taken every last drop~."

Khorne moved to strike, only to be stopped by Khaine's blade. The chaos god looked to the eldar god, who looked back with fury.

"This is my fight," Khaine interrupted. "I will not be-"

Khorne's hand smashed through Khaine's armor, cutting the reply short. Isha's last ember of hope died as Khaine's body was then flung to the side, shattering into a thousand and more pieces even as Khorne's bloody hand returned to rest against his blade.

"...I see," Slaanesh said after a few moments, licking their lips in sudden discomfort. "That's how it's going to be played, then. I don't suppose you'll let me have the first strike?"

Khorne's chuckle dragged through Isha's mind like fire as he stepped forward, his first swing meeting Slaanesh's blade and sending the young god flying backwards from the force, right past the now cackling Tzeentch.

"Having trouble there, young one?" Tzeentch called out as Khorne chased after, delighted as Slaanesh scrambled to their feet in a panic just in time to dodge another heavy strike. "Perhaps you'd like some advice?"

"I don't need help, I have this completely under- eep- control!"

Tzeentch cackled again. Nurgle, still behind her, rumbled with humor as his minions scrambled over her and made faces at the low-key terrified daemonettes still remaining.

Isha's head lowered from the weight and from knowing there was no escape - even if Slaanesh were able to somehow win their fight against the older chaos god, they wouldn't have the strength to fight the other two, or the sense to avoid picking a fight, and then…

"It'll be alright, mother, just you see," one of the daemonettes said with more cheer than was warranted, but that wasn't what gave Isha sudden pause, her despair shuddering as something else started broiling in the middle of her numbing chest. "Once this is over, we'll all be able to go home, you and us and our beautiful palace of pleasures to live in for ever and ever in bliss and joy!"

Isha looked to the daemonette who had spoken, the one who had used her daughter's voice, and saw it wearing her daughter's face.

"How dare you."

An ember ignited, burning away at the creeping despair and apathy overwhelming her before then. Nurgle stepped back twice, no longer laughing.

"How dare you!"

The daemonette fell back and stared at her, along with all the others holding onto her as she slowly, painfully forced herself to one knee, and then to her feet, and realized how small it was compared to her and her stoked fury. Tzeentch had stopped laughing as well.

"You have no right to her memory!"

The daemonette screamed as Isha's life swept up and surrounded it, still having the gall to wear Lileath's face and voice as if it belonged to it, as if it was funny to dangle everything she'd lost in front of her face.

"You have no right to her face or her name!" Isha snarled, snapping it apart and taking vindictive satisfaction as it was dissolved into nothing, unable to return to its master.

Isha's satisfaction was short lived, however, when she turned to see all four Chaos gods watching her, various degrees of surprise and annoyance in their expressions. She swallowed, wishing abruptly that she hadn't snapped like that, because now she was interesting, and with four gods who could easily make her as nothing with a single backhand, interesting was the worst position to be in.

"Strong words," Tzeentch said, all its eyes now on her. "But not much in terms of execution."

"Certainly not words for such a delicate bloom," Nurgle said. "Come now, forget that anger and stay with me in my house, so your weary heart might know the peace of my family."

"Heh, the first time she's done anything interesting in her life, and you want to stop her immediately," Khorne said, something almost like admiration in his voice. "Let her fight awhile. I want to see the blood she spills before she falls."

Isha was trapped between the three while the fourth watched on. She had nowhere to run, nothing to fight with, and so few followers that she might as well be a joke to them. All it seemed she'd managed to do is add a third interested party into the mix of those fighting over her fate, possibly a fourth if she managed to dig herself into even more trouble in the next few moments.

"Of course you do, you barbarian," Tzeentch mocked, one temporary arm waving the war god away. "What's next, you whisk her away to gorge her little plant armies on your rivers of blood?"

"If it makes her worthy, then I see no reason not to," Khorne agreed.

What could she do? She couldn't choose Slaanesh, not with what they represented and her terrifying imaginings of just what they were saving her for. She refused to give in to Nurgle, knowing she would never escape his garden of rot without outside aide. To trust Khorne was akin to trusting Khaine, especially since she did not know how such an allegiance would twist her in the long term. And Tzeentch… the mere idea of trust was impossible to him, aside from how to exploit it.

"She's mine, Khorne," Nurgle rumbled, all his good humor gone. "It was agreed long ago. And last I checked, treachery was not your domain."

"Last I checked, she was too much a pacifist to even think to fight back. Funny how things change."

"You all seem to be forgetting something," Slaanesh spoke up, gaze sliding over her in incredibly uncomfortable ways that would have her shaking if she weren't already trembling in anger. "She's Eldar, therefore she's mine."

To cling to life on her own in the warp, always one step ahead of the four… a short lived fantasy, doomed to soon fall into one of the fates she already knew awaited her. There was no safety in the warp, not anymore.

Isha stopped.

No safety in the Warp.

But there was another place, one which she knew the secrets of traversing and they did not. One which they would struggle to follow her to, at least for a while. All she had to do was find a place they couldn't touch her, and then rebuild her strength, until she reached the point where she could fight back.

"Stay out of this if you know what's good for you, youngling," Tzeentch said, continuing to watch all of them at once. "The adults are talking. We'll probably be a while, so go play with those shards of Khaine or something."

"I am your equal!" Slaanesh snapped, raising Asuryan's blade and snarling. "I have every right to defend my property!"

She stepped back once, then twice, making herself look small and meek and afraid, which wasn't hard when much of her still felt that way. A few minions of the four gave her looks before their gazes were drawn back to the increasingly snappish argument over her fate, Khorne looking close to ready to start throwing Slaanesh around the Warp again, and Nurgle set to either join him or oppose him.

Where could she go, though? She needed a place they and their followers of the warp and materium could not go without consequence. A place where her strength could be recovered unchallenged. Her thoughts drifted to her still surviving children, a mix of grief, fury, and disappointment swirling in her chest as she considered her options.

The exodites were far scattered and had little manpower. They were the most trustworthy, but the forces she would call upon herself… no, she would search them out only once she was sure she could protect them.

The craftworlds were still reeling, trying to figure out what to do in the aftermath of this, and their cultures and opinions were all separate enough that aligning with one would mean having to try and convince others to work with her, where she needed neutrality to rally them under.

The webway… even if it wasn't Cegorach's domain, the idea of going near those who had participated in creating Slaanesh and ensuring the deaths of an overwhelming number of their brothers and sisters, and were still continuing those practices nauseated her even more than the idea of staying in the warp and at the mercy of the Four.

She took another three steps back, shaky and fearful and absolutely in line with the pathetic little toy they all saw her as. So she couldn't go to her children. She ignored the small amount of relief she felt at not having to look them in the face so soon after their fall, not have to smile while wishing she could yell at them and weep over what they'd done to themselves. What was left, then?

...there was one option.

Three steps.

It could very well mean her end.

Two steps.

She wouldn't even blame Him, really, not after everything done to Him and His people by her own.

One step.

But anything He had to offer, whether refuge, imprisonment, or a clean death, was still vastly more merciful than what she could expect from Chaos.

And there.

She stopped, looking to the four one last time, feeling the warp around her writhe with their argument. Idly, she wished she could have grabbed her husband's spear or her daughter's staff, but they were at the feet of Slaanesh, and the Chaos god would not take kindly to her taking what they had already claimed as theirs.

In the end, she had no other choice.

She turned and ran like she never had in her life.

She heard the squawk of alarm behind her as someone noticed her flight, but she had no energy to waste on anything but pushing herself to her limits, instinct leading her along favorable currents and past snarly storms, all the while using her quickly dwindling essence to snare the armies of Chaos behind herself.

Isha could hear the shouts behind her, the four fighting each other as much as they were chasing her, which was the main thing keeping her ahead of their combined fury. It seemed they hadn't realized where she was running, or even they would have forgone their arguments to stop her, giving her a flutter of hope -

"Got you~"

Isha screamed as a keeper of secrets swept in front of her, pleased to have cut her off for its master, and instincts had her flinging more brambles in its direction. Unlike its lesser kin, it wasn't killed, but it was hindered, giving her a chance to sweep past it and count her seconds until she was in place, even as she felt the four close in around her, a noose that would damn her to oblivion -

And then she was out of time. She looked to the armies around her, their masters to a one with murder and worse promised in their gazes for the sheer gall of defying them. Despite her fear, a smile flickered across her lips, some comfort in knowing she had one last trick up her sleeve.

She took a breath.

Reached into herself, pulling on all her remaining reserves.

And shoved nearly all of it into creating a jungle of pain and death, her dim core essence obscured among everything else.

Knowing she had but a few moments, she immediately focused everything she has left on her task, because this was the point where she succeeded or she died, and either way she wouldn't need all this essence, so there was no sense in preserving it anymore. Thought became reality, strands of sugars and molecules and warp stuff weaving into complex chains and then into diversified structures, and within moments she was looking at her own face on a material body she hadn't worn since she was young and the gods were still allowed among their people.

The four were tearing her jungle apart, sensing her on the cusp of victory, and she poured what she had left into herself even as she calculated just where and how quickly to throw it to cover the remaining distance in both the warp and the materium. If anything went wrong, she'd still hopefully be in the right system, her very presence announcing itself loudly enough that He could hardly miss it. Though whether He'd be able to get to her before They did if she landed on the wrong world...

The odds were still better than anything here, so she breathed the last of herself into her new body and cast it out into the materium, momentarily seeing double as she both dispersed in the warp and woke up in mortal form for the first time in almost forever. The screams of the four followed her as she shot up into the shallows of the warp, the sudden shift in the very way she thought and felt distracting her even as the drag of atmosphere slow her down, bleeding both momentum and the vestiges of the warp off of her.

Her first full thought, and her last before impact, was that this was going to hurt.


Oh weavers, it hurt. Not the way it had before, but enough that moving was out of the question.

The air was so dry. Why was it dry? For some reason, she thought there should have been more water in it.

Had stars always been so bright? It had been so long…

She had to get up, had to make sure she was safe, but even digging her fingers into the grasses and ferns growing between them made her breathing shudder from the pain...

What was that noise? It sounded rather like footsteps…… yes, that sounded just… fine…

And, as a bonus, a segment of the TTS version I plan on writing alongside the main fic because I too enjoy the absurdities of my AU played up for laughs.

Isha: Sorry, but this is my stop. Better luck never!

[Hops off the edge of the warp, right past a 'No Trespassing' sign. Slaanesh is set to rush after, only to be held back by Khorne.]

Slaanesh: Let me go, she's getting away!

Khorne: Hold on a minute there, hotshot, you don't want to go that way.

Slaanesh: Why not? What's so special about that place?

Nurgle: That's where He lives.

Slaanesh: Who?

Tzeentch: The one being who has managed to solve all my riddles, fill Nurgle's house with soapy water and air fresheners, and beat Khorne in arm wrestling...

[Meanwhile, on Terra Earth, in the Imperial Palace]

Emperor: Ah, another victory of the hardy boys under our belts, and another bloc brought under our control. Without any further complications, we should be all done with cleaning up in a decade or so.

Malcador: Not to mention you finally cleaned out the last chaos cults on the planet, so they won't be able to interfere with the rest of the unification project.

Emperor: Oh yeah, that too. Man, the looks on their faces were hilarious when I popped in to sucker punch their leader… The only way this day could get better is if some Eldar hookers dropped in to crash the party right now.

[Isha crashes through the ceiling, leaving a massive crater in the floor and the rest of the party scrambling to get away. Malcador looks from the crater up to the hole in the ceiling and then back to the crater, while the Emperor slides down into it to check on the newcomer.]

Malcador: ...the only way this day could get better is if a mountain of complete STCs got unearthed just now.

[Beat while nothing happens.]

Malcador:, worth a shot.

Emperor: Mal, you might want to see this.

Malcador: What? Does she need a medic or something?

[Screen shifts down into the crater, where Isha is lying face down in a small field of grasses and shrubs that definitely weren't there earlier, with the Emperor kneeling next to her.]

Emperor: No, I'm fairly certain she is the medic.

Isha: ...ow…
So I got reminded that it's not a terrible idea to drop the first chapter or three or new projects to gauge interest. So here we go, the first part of my 'Isha Flees to Terra' project I've been puttering around with for like half a year now:
Huh, looks pretty interesting. I'm not sure how this lines up with the official timeline; about when is she going to end up, and what is Emps doing at the time?
Huh, looks pretty interesting. I'm not sure how this lines up with the official timeline; about when is she going to end up, and what is Emps doing at the time?

Emps is still in the process of unifying the Earth, and it's a few years before the Primarch Project will be completed, abet whether he's started that yet when she's arrived is up in the air. Basically one of my concerns with this was how leery Emps would be to trust her to start off with, so I wanted to give enough time for her to earn the goodwill necessary for trust on more important things that she's uniquely qualified to help with once it's time eg the Astartes and the Primarchs. It's one of my (many many) differences from the SB and AH 'Isha Flees to the Emperor' threads.