In the Beginning, There Was Man: Cosmic Dust

Stickied Info

My betas are: @Snowfire, @Icipall, @Ruirk, and @Chief18753. They will occasionally be announcing when moratoriums and voting times are over. You can also consider their words to be Word of QM if they say "Torr said..."

  • Join us on Discord! I'm almost always on, since I'm usually on my computer when I'm home or at work.
    • Discord is basically a different form of Skype/Google Hangouts/Slack/IRC. It's free, and can be used via web or downloadable application.
  • Come say hi to everyone on my discord server: Planet Earth!
  • Omakes over 750 words will net you bonuses.
  • The better written it is, the better bonus you get.
  • Bonuses will usually be applied to a category that the omake deals with.
    • NOTE: The bonus lasts 1 turn unless otherwise stated.
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I'm going try to update today when I get home from work, but probably won't have any luck since my fiance wants to do more dress shopping. We'll see. If not tonight, then the update will definitely be out tomorrow at some point.
Empire Creation 3 - Government Sub-type & Racial Traits
Government Selected:
[x] Democracy

Select Humanity's government sub-type:

Direct Democracy

Everyone has a vote! If you are a registered citizen, you have exactly one ballot to cast on each issue that comes to the government's attention, be it the making of a new law, appointing government officials, or foreign policy.

Stratified Democracy
Citizens are ranked based on what Strata they belong to, generally determined by a mixture of the individuals occupation and their level of service to the nation. However, it is important to note that an individual's Strata is not a ranking in a hierarchy, but serves to denote their specialization and expertise. Thus, a citizen's Strata determines the issues they are able to vote on. The more specialized the issue is, the more specific the Strata that are called to vote.

Citizens are randomly selected through a lottery to serve a limited term as governmental representatives, or to make decisions in specific areas of governance (ie. Scientific spending, environmental policy, etc.). The logic behind the Demarchy process originates from the idea that "power corrupts," and so no individual has the ability to seize power, only have it thrust upon them.

Liberal Republic
The citizenry votes for representatives that then form the decision-making body of the government. While the people have some sway over where their representative's vote will land, the representatives are largely free to pursue their own agendas during the course of their tenure.

Theocratic Republic
Be you synthetic or organic, we are all equal in the eyes of the divine, and thus, It's Voice is channeled through each of us. O' citizen of the Holy Republic, it is your duty to appoint thy speakers so they may lead us closer to harmony. So that they may lead us to take the stars of this New Eden, as is our right.
(Humanity receives the Spiritual aspect for free)

Military Republic
Citizenship is bestowed only through military service, and while leaders are elected freely, only Citizens can vote or run for office. Robert A. Heinlein would be proud!
(Humanity receives the Militant aspect for free)


Government sub-types voting options: (Reproduced at the bottom for convenience)

[ ] Direct Democracy
[ ] Stratified Democracy
[ ] Demarchy
[ ] Liberal Republic
[ ] Theocratic Republic
[ ] Military Republic
[ ] Write In

Select Humanity's defining cultural Aspects:

You may select any number of Aspects with a combined value of up to 5. The value of an Aspect is indicated in parenthesis behind its name: "Example (1)". Certain Aspects have a negative value because they will provide your Faction with a net negative modifier. Certain Aspects are mutually exclusive with others. You do not have to use all your points: unused Aspect points will be used for ???

Xenophobic (1) Mutually exclusive with Xenophilic
It's not that Humans dislike aliens...they just don't trust them. Human fleets have been preparing for the inevitable alien invasion since before First Contact, most facilities are 100% off-limits to aliens to prevent possible spying, and trade is heavily restricted to protect Human business interests. Good fences make good neighbors, right?

Xenophilic (1) Mutually exclusive with Xenophobic
Humans are famous for being one of the most welcoming races in the galaxy. Alien styles dominate the fashion industry, alien art is in high demand, and Humans will happily cue up to try the latest exotic cuisine (provided it isn't outright toxic to them). Humans sometimes seem more fond of aliens than they are of other Humans!

Curious (1)
A popular joke goes that if you put a big box in front of a Human and wrote "Danger! Do not open!" on the side, it would be open before you finished writing. Humans want to know everything. Every system must be explored, every anomaly cataloged and tracked. The universe is a puzzle, and they're going to solve it if it kills them...which it just might.

Flashy (1) Mutually exclusive with Frugal
Live on the edge! Humans push the boundaries of development and never settle for second best. They have gained popularity as cultural and technological trendsetters, and their military has some of the most advanced equipment in the galaxy. Unfortunately, this has led to a lack of interested in colony missions: dirt farming is for drones!

Frugal (1) Mutually exclusive with Flashy
Humans don't believe in wasting anything. If it still works, they're still using it, and if you can fix it it's not broken. This attitude serves their colonists well, and Human goods are prized for their reliability. Unfortunately, this extends to their military as well: Human soldiers often have to fight with gear that's several years out of date.

Traders (1)
As the ancient Human proverb goes, greed is good! Humans are blessed with an abundance of the entrepreneurial spirit. According to rumor, they can turn a profit on just about anything, and will brave any wilderness so long as there's money involved. Unfortunately, they're also rumored to be pathetically easy to bribe...

Paranoid (1)
Humans prepare for the worst as a rule. Every world they control is a veritable fortress, every station is riddled with security checkpoints, and even civilians vessels are armed in case of attack. Though some call such caution and rampant spending wasteful, Humans just scoff. It's not paranoia if they really are out to get you!

Blunt (1) Mutually exclusive with Cultured
If orbital bombardment isn't solving your problem, you obviously aren't using big enough guns. Humans can be counted on to always take the most direct solution and have little patience for fripperies like 'design aesthetics'. There is a simple sort of wisdom to their culture...not that they give a shit.

Cultured (1) Mutually exclusive with Blunt
Humans are the height of artistic and social refinement. Their discourses on philosophy and academics are pure poetry, and even their warships are practically works of art. Their weapons are designed specifically around the psychology of their foes to inspire maximum intimidation...though some would say just being a gun is scary enough.

Weird (1) *
The Human race is the greatest proof that space madness exists. They just seem to do all their thinking sideways. Humans will try battle tactics and technologies no other race would be insane enough to even consider, but their society is chaotic and they have trouble understanding how aliens think. What's so great about gravitas, anyway?

Conservative (1)
Humans take great steps to avoid change or risk. Their predictability makes them quite likable: there's no surprises to be found here. Repetition has turned their society into a well-oiled machine, but they aren't great expanders. Why leave home to go to an unsettled planet? What's wrong with the one you already have?

Ugly (-1)
Every race has its own standard of beauty, and somehow Humans manage to fall short on all of them. They smell, have too many fingers, hair growing literally everywhere, their skin is squashy and oily, it's disgusting! Nothing against them personally, they're great people, but just...yuck.

Attractive (1)
Humans, am I right? Those eyes, those elegant hands, the way they manage to look strong and graceful at the same time...and don't even get me started on that hair! It's so amazing, can you actually believe a lot of Humans shave it? I don't care what species you are, Humans are biological works of art.

Manifest Destiny (1)
The galaxy is Humanity's oyster, and they're ready to go looking for pearls. They fearlessly charge into unknown systems like they own the place...which they will the second their scouts report anything of value. The early bird gets the worm: if you really wanted that planet, you'd have made sure your colony ship got there first.

Ruthless (1)
Humans are bastards. There is no tactic too low, no weapon too horrible, no crime too heinous for them not to at least consider using it to achieve their goals. Fortunately, they are just as malicious toward one another as they are toward others. Naturally, this attitude hasn't exactly made them friends in the galactic community.

Militant (1) Mutually exclusive with Pacifistic
Humans are warriors. They have a rigid code that is as exploitable as their diplomats, but should you cross them, offend their pride and honor, may whatever deity you believe in have mercy, for humanity will not. Remember that it is generally best to let the sleeping dragon be.

Pacifistic (1) Mutually exclusive with Millitant
This galaxy is made of love and peace! Humans are the nicest race you could hope to meet. They're friendly, they like to help out others, and they're always fun to talk to. They'd never even consider resorting to violence unless all avenues of discussion have completely failed, though they'll happily fight in self-defense.

Psionically Barren (-1) Mutually exclusive with Psionically Fertile, Locks Universal Psionics technology **
Psionics are incredibly uncommon in Humans and their synths: most human psionics are born with fatal birth defects or other extreme health problems while psionically active synths generally have a compromised chassis or a limited ability to affect the physical world. The one-in-a-billion individuals with viable psionic potential are far too valuable as research subjects to ever waste as mere soldiers. Psionic warriors will forever be out of Humanity's reach.

Psionically Fertile (3) Mutually exclusive with Psionically Barren **
Humans take to psionics like ducks to water. Defects from genes that determine psionics are incredibly rare and synthetics with psionic capabilities are practically a dime a dozen. Every combat squad has at least one psionic on hand, and the power is common enough that those who possess it are frequently employed in the civilian sector as well.

Slippery (1)
You can't trust a Human, that's what they say. They're sneaky characters almost by default, though good luck ever proving it. You'll never see one coming, and they always go for the cheap shot as their opening move. They always know where the exits are and have a nasty habit of sneaking away just before the hammer comes down.

Spiritual (1)
Humans are a deeply superstitious people in their own way, and are bound together by their shared beliefs. Their spiritual traditions fortify them in dark times and give them new ways to overcome their personal differences. Of course to an outsider these beliefs can seem quite nonsensical, and the feeling is often mutual.

Vindictive (-1)

Humans, whether organic or synth, just cannot let go. When they feel slighted, they would pursue whoever they deem guilty to the literal edge of the universe if they could so they can deliver their righteous punishment.

Duty's Burden (1)
Humanity does not believe that an individual's duty, be it public work, military service, or casting their vote, is trivial. Mankind always ensures that the duty they take on is debated, vetted, and reasoned through, because once you take on duty, it defines you, and thus, those who treat duties trivially will find that themselves shunned, their every action scrutinized, and their words discarded.

Adaptive (1)
When it comes to adapting to extreme environments or a new technology, humans have always been quick on the uptake. It was just this adaptability that allowed humans to survive the many hostile biomes of their homeworld and make it into the stars. No matter what situation you put a human in, their ability to adjust will no doubt allow them to come out on top. So whether it be in the field of warfare or the sciences, humanity will always be ready to meet change.

Problem Solvers (1)
Humans will believe a lot of things, but one idea they never, ever take on faith, common wisdom, or even common sense is "it can't be done". Vital equipment failing? Jury-rig the crap out of it; you can buy time to buy more time. Crash landed? Cannibalize everything non-vital; you can build a thriving little farm with a little ingenuity. "Can't be done" is a challenge to be defeated-- and humans frequently win.

Write In ***

*: Weird will not turn you into a joke faction. To give an idea of what it looks like in practice, the Elcor and Hanar from Mass Effect, or the Shiplords from Practice War all have the Weird Aspect.
**: The benefits and penalties of Psionically Barren and Psionically Fertile will not apply until after Psionics Theory is researched.
***: While players may specify the value of their write in, they may not use it to request specific bonuses. Custom Aspects may not include genetic engineering, cloning, cybernetics, AI, etc, as all of these are technologies that must be researched in-game.

As always, the flavor text should not be taken at face value. It's there to give hypothetical examples of how an Aspect MIGHT work and for me to pretend to be funny, not to literally describe how things will start if you take these Aspects. For example, many of the flavor texts assume you are already part of the galactic community, when you most definitely are not. Do not overthink them.

Also, please note that psionics were NOT a part of the home universe and will need to be discovered in New Eden.

This is the final and likely most important part of Faction creation. Aspects, once chosen, will become core parts of your culture that will be almost impossible to get rid of. They will not only modify your Traits but will basically determine who Humanity is. They will determine how your backstory played out, whether your government is benevolent or oppressive, what sorts of characters are likely to appear later on, what combat tactics will be available for use, even what your ships might look like. Choose carefully.

Due to the complexities of adding up all your options, voting will be by plan and there will be a 6 hour moratorium. It is highly recommended that you use it.

One of my betas (@Snowfire @Ruirk @Icipall or @Chief18753) will be ending the moratorium if I don't do it myself. Not sure when I'll close votes yet since this is pretty important. I'll probably leave it open over the weekend and into Monday or Tuesday.

Government sub-types voting options:

[ ] Direct Democracy
[ ] Stratified Democracy
[ ] Demarchy
[ ] Liberal Republic
[ ] Theocratic Republic
[ ] Military Republic
[ ] Write In

Racial traits voting options (combined value may not exceed 5):

[ ] Xenophobic (1) Mutually exclusive with Xenophilic
[ ] Xenophilic (1) Mutually exclusive with Xenophobic
[ ] Curious (1)
[ ] Traders (1)
[ ] Paranoid (1)
[ ] Blunt (1) Mutually exclusive with Cultured
[ ] Cultured (1) Mutually exclusive with Blunt
[ ] Weird (1)
[ ] Conservative (1)
[ ] Ugly (-1)
[ ] Attractive (1)
[ ] Ruthless (1)
[ ] Militant (1) Mutually exclusive with Pacifistic
[ ] Pacifistic (1) Mutually exclusive with Militant
[ ] Psionically Barren (-1) Mutually exclusive with Psionically Fertile
[ ] Psionically Fertile (3) Mutually exclusive with Psionically Barren
[ ] Slippery (1)
[ ] Spiritual (1)
[ ] Vindictive (-1)
[ ] Duty's Burden (1)
[ ] Adaptive (1)
[ ] Problem Solvers (1)
[ ] Write In (?)
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[] Plan Democratic
[ ] Stratified Democracy
[] Manifest Destiny
[ ] Cultured (1) Mutually exclusive with Blunt
[ ] Psionically Fertile
(3) Mutually exclusive with Psionically Barren

There we go :D
in 6 hours this is what i'll vote for (The gov can be debated for me :p)
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[] Plan Cult of Novelty
-[ ] Theocratic Republic
-[ ] Curious (1)
-[ ] Weird (1)
-[ ] Psionically Fertile (3) Mutually exclusive with Psionically Barren

Leaning something like this
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[] Plan Democratic
[ ] Stratified Democracy
[] Manifest Destiny
[ ] Cultured (1) Mutually exclusive with Blunt
[ ] Militant (1) Mutually exclusive with Pacifistic
[ ] Psionically Fertile
(1) Mutually exclusive with Psionically Barren

There we go :D
in 6 hours this is what i'll vote for (The gov can be debated for me :p)

[] Plan Cult of Novelty
-[ ] Theocratic Republic
-[ ] Curious (1)
-[ ] Weird (1)
-[ ] Psionically Fertile (1) Mutually exclusive with Psionically Barren
-[ ] Traders (1)
-[ ] Attractive (1)

Leaning something like this
Guys, I updated numbers for psionically fertile. It's actually supposed to be a 3, not a 1. My apologies.
[x] Plan: Peace through Power
-[x] Military Republic
-[x] Curious
-[x] Paranoid
-[x] Psionically Fertile
-[x] Slippery
-[x] Manifest Destiny
Just remember that this doesn't count as a vote. Moratorium is till in effect.
will our synthetic children also be psionic if we choose psinically Fertile or just we fleshlings?
Yes, synths can be psionic as well.
Psionically Fertile (3) Mutually exclusive with Psionically Barren **
Humans take to psionics like ducks to water. Defects from genes that determine psionics are incredibly rare and synthetics with psionic capabilities are practically a dime a dozen. Every combat squad has at least one psionic on hand, and the power is common enough that those who possess it are frequently employed in the civilian sector as well.
Is the following a valid trait?

Vindictive (-1)
Humans, whether organic or synth, just cannot let go. When they feel slighted, they would pursue whoever they deem guilty to the literal edge of the universe if they could so they can deliver their righteous punishment.
[] Plan Weird Humans
[ ] Stratified Democracy

-[ ] Curious (1)
-[ ] Weird (1)
-[ ] Psionically Fertile (3) Mutually exclusive with Psionically Barren
[ ] Plan Stratocracy

[ ] Military Republic
[ ] Manifest Destiny (1)
[ ] Ruthless
[ ] Psionically Fertile
(3) Mutually exclusive with Psionically Barren
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[] Plan Just because It's the End doesn't mean we have to be Crude about it.
-[ ] Stratified Democracy
-[ ] Curious
-[ ] Cultured
-[ ] Xenophilic
-[ ] Vindictive
-[ ] Psionically Fertile

Vote for the fancy hats and benevolent snobbery. Who needs guns when you've mastered the art of the cutting rebuke?

We save the guns for when they do something totally uncouth
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On one hand, that sweet Theocratic Democracy, on the other- Stratified Democracy actually sounds like an interesting take on technocracy and SV does so love its technocracy.
[] Plan Shaped like a Friend
-[ ] Stratified Democracy
-[ ] Psionically Fertile (3) Mutually exclusive with Psionically Barren
-[ ] Attractive (1)
-[ ] Xenophilic (1) Mutually exclusive with Xenophobic
[X] plan: Nice guys finish first!
-[X]Stratified Democracy
-[X] Curious
-[X] manifest destiny

This is the adventures of Humainity as they explore as of yet unclaimed and undiscovered worlds and people!

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